Package daikon.inv

Class Invariant

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Invariant()  
      protected Invariant​(PptSlice ppt)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      InvariantStatus add_sample​(ValueTuple vt, int count)
      Adds the specified sample to the invariant and returns the result.
      static Class<? extends Invariant> asInvClass​(Object x)  
      void checkRep()
      Throws an exception if this object is invalid.
      void clear_falsified()
      Clear the falsified flag.
      Invariant clone()
      Do nothing special, Overridden to remove exception from declaration.
      Invariant clone_and_permute​(int[] permutation)
      Clones the invariant and then permutes it as specified.
      protected abstract double computeConfidence()
      This method computes the confidence that this invariant occurred by chance.
      static double conf_is_ge​(double x, double goal)
      Return Invariant.CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED if x≥goal.
      static double confidence_and​(double c1, double c2)
      Return the "and" of the given confidences.
      static double confidence_and​(double c1, double c2, double c3)
      Return the "and" of the given confidences.
      static double confidence_or​(double c1, double c2)
      Return the "or" of the given confidences.
      @Nullable Invariant createGuardedInvariant​(boolean install)
      This procedure guards one invariant and returns the resulting guarded invariant (implication), without placing it in any slice and without modifying the original invariant.
      @Nullable Invariant createGuardingPredicate​(boolean install)
      Create a guarding predicate for a given invariant.
      abstract boolean enabled()
      Returns whether or not this class of invariants is currently enabled.
      boolean enoughSamples()
      Returns true if the invariant has enough samples to have its computed constants well-formed.
      void falsify()
      Marks the invariant as falsified.
      static @Nullable Invariant find​(Class<? extends Invariant> invclass, PptSlice ppt)
      Look up a previously instantiated Invariant.
      String format()
      Returns a high-level printed representation of the invariant, for user output.
      String format_classname()
      Returns the class name of the invariant, for use in debugging output.
      String format_too_few_samples​(OutputFormat format, @Nullable String attempt)
      Returns standard "too few samples for to have interesting invariant" for the requested format.
      String format_unimplemented​(OutputFormat format)
      Returns standard "format needs to be implemented" for the given requested format.
      abstract String format_using​(OutputFormat format)
      Return a printed representation of this invariant, in the given format.
      static String formatFuzzy​(String method, VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, OutputFormat format)
      Used throughout Java family formatting of invariants.
      VarComparability get_comparability()
      Returns a single VarComparability that describes the set of variables used by this invariant.
      @Nullable NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions()
      Returns the set of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant.
      double getConfidence()
      Given that this invariant has been true for all values seen so far, this method returns the confidence that that situation has occurred by chance alone.
      List<VarInfo> getGuardingList()
      Return a list of all the variables that must be non-null in order for this invariant to be evaluated.
      static List<VarInfo> getGuardingList​(VarInfo[] varInfos)
      Returns the union of calling VarInfo.getGuardingList on each element of the argument.
      boolean hasUninterestingConstant()
      An invariant that includes an uninteresting constant (say, "size(x[]) < 237") is likely to be an artifact of the way the program was tested, rather than a statement that would in fact hold over all possible executions.
      @Nullable Invariant instantiate​(PptSlice slice)
      Instantiates this invariant over the specified slice.
      protected abstract Invariant instantiate_dyn​(PptSlice slice)
      Instantiates (creates) an invariant of the same class on the specified slice.
      boolean instantiate_ok​(VarInfo[] vis)
      Returns true if it makes sense to instantiate this invariant over the specified variables.
      boolean is_false()
      Returns whether or not this invariant has been falsified.
      boolean is_ni_suppressed()
      Returns whether or not this invariant is ni-suppressed.
      boolean isActive()
      Returns whether or not the invariant is currently active.
      boolean isAllPrestate()
      Returns true if this invariant is only over prestate variables.
      boolean isEqualityComparison()
      Returns true if this is an equality comparison.
      boolean isExact()
      Subclasses should override.
      boolean isExclusiveFormula​(Invariant other)
      Returns true iff the two invariants represent mutually exclusive mathematical formulas -- that is, if one of them is true, then the other must be false.
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObvious()
      Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically (i.e., the decls files) or dynamically (after checking data).
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically()
      Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined dynamically (after checking data, based on other invariants that were inferred).
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically​(VarInfo[] vis)
      Return non-null if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined dynamically (after checking data) -- for the given varInfos rather than the varInfos of this.
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically_SomeInEquality()
      Return true if this invariant and some equality combinations of its member variables are dynamically obvious.
      protected @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically_SomeInEqualityHelper​(VarInfo[] vis, VarInfo[] assigned, int position)
      Recurse through vis (an array of leaders) and generate the cartesian product of their equality sets; in other words, every combination of one element from each equality set.
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically()
      Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically from the decls files.
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically​(VarInfo[] vis)
      Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically -- for the given varInfos rather than the varInfos of this.
      boolean isObviousStatically_AllInEquality()
      Return true if this invariant and all equality combinations of its member variables are necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically (i.e., the decls files).
      @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically_SomeInEquality()
      Return true if this invariant and some equality combinations of its member variables are statically obvious.
      protected @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically_SomeInEqualityHelper​(VarInfo[] vis, VarInfo[] assigned, int position)
      Recurse through vis and generate the cartesian product of ...
      boolean isReflexive()
      Return true if more than one of the variables in the invariant are the same variable.
      abstract boolean isSameFormula​(Invariant other)
      Returns true iff the two invariants represent the same mathematical formula.
      boolean isSameInvariant​(Invariant inv2)
      Returns true iff the argument is the "same" invariant as this.
      boolean isValidEscExpression()
      Returns a conjuction of mapping the same function of our expresssions's VarInfos, in general.
      boolean isValidExpression​(OutputFormat format)
      Returns true if this Invariant can be properly formatted for the given output format.
      boolean isWorthPrinting()  
      boolean justified()
      A wrapper around getConfidence() or getConfidence().
      boolean log​(String format, @Nullable Object... args)
      Logs a description of the invariant and the specified msg via the logger as described in daikon.Debug#log(Logger, Class, Ppt, VarInfo[], String).
      void log​(Logger log, String msg)
      Logs a description of the invariant and the specified msg via the logger as described in daikon.Debug#log(Logger, Class, Ppt, VarInfo[], String).
      static boolean logDetail()
      Returns true if detailed logging is on.
      static boolean logOn()
      Returns whether or not logging is on.
      boolean match​(Invariant inv)
      Returns whether or not two invariants are of the same type.
      @Nullable Invariant merge​(List<Invariant> invs, PptSlice parent_ppt)
      Merge the invariants in invs to form a new invariant.
      boolean mergeFormulasOk()
      Returns whether or not it is possible to merge invariants of the same class but with different formulas when combining invariants from lower ppts to build invariants at upper program points.
      Invariant permute​(int[] permutation)
      Permutes the invariant as specified.
      static double prob_and​(double p1, double p2)
      Return the "and" of the given probabilities.
      static double prob_and​(double p1, double p2, double p3)
      Return the "and" of the given probabilities.
      static double prob_is_ge​(double x, double goal)
      Return Invariant.PROBABILITY_JUSTIFIED if x≥goal.
      static double prob_or​(double p1, double p2)
      Return the "or" of the given probabilities.
      void repCheck()
      Check the rep invariants of this.
      String repr()
      For printing invariants, there are two interfaces: repr gives a low-level representation (repr_prob() also prints the confidence), and format() gives a high-level representation for user output.
      String repr_prob()
      For printing invariants, there are two interfaces: repr() gives a low-level representation (repr_prob also prints the confidence), and format() gives a high-level representation for user output.
      Invariant resurrect​(PptSlice new_ppt, int[] permutation)
      Take a falsified invariant and resurrect it in a new PptSlice.
      protected abstract Invariant resurrect_done​(int[] permutation)
      Called on the new invariant just before resurrect() returns it to allow subclasses to fix any information they might have cached from the old Ppt and VarInfos.
      static String simplify_format_double​(double d)
      Convert a floating point value into the weird Modula-3-like floating point format that the Simplify tool requires.
      static String simplify_format_long​(long l)
      Conver a long integer value into a format that Simplify can use.
      static String simplify_format_string​(String s)
      Convert a string value into the weird |-quoted format that the Simplify tool requires.
      boolean state_match​(Object state)
      Returns whether or not the invariant matches the specified state.
      String toString()  
      static String toString​(Invariant[] invs)
      Return a string representation of the given invariants.
      Invariant transfer​(PptSlice new_ppt, int[] permutation)
      Make a copy of this invariant and transfer it into a new PptSlice.
      boolean usesVar​(VarInfo vi)
      Return true if this invariant uses the given variable.
      boolean usesVar​(String name)
      Return true if this invariant uses the given variable.
      boolean usesVarDerived​(String name)
      Return true if this invariant uses the given variable or any variable derived from it.
      abstract boolean valid_types​(VarInfo[] vis)
      Returns whether or not the invariant is valid over the basic types in vis.
      String varNames()
      Return a string representation of the variable names.
    • Field Detail

      • debug

        public static final Logger debug
        General debug tracer.
      • debugPrint

        public static final Logger debugPrint
        Debug tracer for printing invariants.
      • debugFlow

        public static final Logger debugFlow
        Debug tracer for invariant flow.
      • dkconfig_confidence_limit

        public static double dkconfig_confidence_limit
        Floating-point number between 0 and 1. Invariants are displayed only if the confidence that the invariant did not occur by chance is greater than this. (May also be set via the --conf_limit command-line option to Daikon; refer to manual.)
      • dkconfig_simplify_define_predicates

        public static boolean dkconfig_simplify_define_predicates
        A boolean value. If true, Daikon's Simplify output (printed when the --format simplify flag is enabled, and used internally by --suppress_redundant) will include new predicates representing some complex relationships in invariants, such as lexical ordering among sequences. If false, some complex relationships will appear in the output as complex quantified formulas, while others will not appear at all. When enabled, Simplify may be able to make more inferences, allowing --suppress_redundant to suppress more redundant invariants, but Simplify may also run more slowly.
      • dkconfig_fuzzy_ratio

        public static double dkconfig_fuzzy_ratio
        Floating-point number between 0 and 0.1, representing the maximum relative difference between two floats for fuzzy comparisons. Larger values will result in floats that are relatively farther apart being treated as equal. A value of 0 essentially disables fuzzy comparisons. Specifically, if abs(1 - f1/f2) is less than or equal to this value, then the two doubles (f1 and f2) will be treated as equal by Daikon.
      • invariantEnabledDefault

        public static boolean invariantEnabledDefault
        The default for dkconfig_enabled in each subclass of Invariant.
      • ppt

        public PptSlice ppt
        The program point for this invariant; includes values, number of samples, VarInfos, etc. Can be null for a "prototype" invariant.
      • falsified

        protected boolean falsified
        True exactly if the invariant has been falsified: it is guaranteed never to hold (and should be either in the process of being destroyed or about to be destroyed). This should never be set directly; instead, call destroy().

        public static final double CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED
        The probability that this could have happened by chance alone.
        1 = could never have happened by chance; that is, we are fully confident that this invariant is a real invariant
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double PROBABILITY_JUSTIFIED
        The probability that this could have happened by chance alone.
        0 = could never have happened by chance; that is, we are fully confident that this invariant is a real invariant
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • min_mod_non_missing_samples

        public static final int min_mod_non_missing_samples
        At least this many samples are required, or else we don't report any invariant at all. (Except that OneOf invariants are treated differently.)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • conf_is_ge

        public static final double conf_is_ge​(double x,
                                              double goal)
        Return Invariant.CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED if x≥goal. Return Invariant.CONFIDENCE_UNJUSTIFIED if x≤1. For intermediate inputs, the result gives confidence that grades between the two extremes. See the discussion of gradual vs. sudden confidence transitions.
        x - the greater value
        goal - the lesser value
        CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED if x≥goal, Invariant.CONFIDENCE_UNJUSTIFIED if x≤1, other values otherwise
      • prob_is_ge

        public static final double prob_is_ge​(double x,
                                              double goal)
        Return Invariant.PROBABILITY_JUSTIFIED if x≥goal. Return Invariant.PROBABILITY_UNJUSTIFIED if x≤1. For intermediate inputs, the result gives probability that grades between the two extremes. See the discussion of gradual vs. sudden probability transitions.
        x - the greater value
        goal - the lesser value
        if x≥goal: invariant.PROBABILITY_JUSTIFIED; if x≤1: Invariant.PROBABILITY_UNJUSTIFIED; otherwise: other values
      • confidence_and

        public static final double confidence_and​(double c1,
                                                  double c2)
        Return the "and" of the given confidences. This is the confidence that multiple conditions (whose confidences are given) are all satisfied.
        c1 - the confidence of the first condition
        c2 - the confidence of the second condition
        the "and" of the two condidences
      • confidence_and

        public static final double confidence_and​(double c1,
                                                  double c2,
                                                  double c3)
        Return the "and" of the given confidences. This is the confidence that multiple conditions (whose confidences are given) are all satisfied.
        c1 - the confidence of the first condition
        c2 - the confidence of the second condition
        c3 - the confidence of the third condition
        the "and" of the two condidences
      • confidence_or

        public static final double confidence_or​(double c1,
                                                 double c2)
        Return the "or" of the given confidences. This is the confidence that at least one of multiple conditions (whose confidences are given) is satisfied.
        c1 - the confidence of the first condition
        c2 - the confidence of the second condition
        the "or" of the two condidences
      • prob_and

        public static final double prob_and​(double p1,
                                            double p2)
        Return the "and" of the given probabilities. This is the probability that multiple conditions (whose probabilities are given) are all satisfied.
        p1 - the probability of the first condition
        p2 - the probability of the second condition
        the "and" of the two condidences
      • prob_and

        public static final double prob_and​(double p1,
                                            double p2,
                                            double p3)
        Return the "and" of the given probabilities. This is the probability that multiple conditions (whose probabilities are given) are all satisfied.
        p1 - the probability of the first condition
        p2 - the probability of the second condition
        p3 - the probability of the third condition
        the "and" of the two condidences
      • prob_or

        public static final double prob_or​(double p1,
                                           double p2)
        Return the "or" of the given probabilities. This is the probability that at least one of multiple conditions (whose probabilities are given) is satisfied.
        p1 - the probability of the first condition
        p2 - the probability of the second condition
        the "or" of the two condidences
      • enoughSamples

        public boolean enoughSamples​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this)
        Returns true if the invariant has enough samples to have its computed constants well-formed. Is overridden in classes like LinearBinary/Ternary and Upper/LowerBound.
        true if the invariant has enough samples to have its computed constants well-formed
      • justified

        public final boolean justified​( Invariant this)
        A wrapper around getConfidence() or getConfidence().
        true if this invariant's confidence is greater than the global confidence limit
      • getConfidence

        public final double getConfidence​( Invariant this)
        Given that this invariant has been true for all values seen so far, this method returns the confidence that that situation has occurred by chance alone.

        Returns the probability that the observed data did not happen by chance alone. The result is a value between 0 and 1 inclusive. 0 means that this invariant could never have occurred by chance alone; we are fully confident that its truth is no coincidence. 1 means that the invariant is certainly a happenstance, so the truth of the invariant is not relevant and it should not be reported. Values between 0 and 1 give differing confidences in the invariant. The method may also return CONFIDENCE_NEVER, meaning the invariant has been falsified.

        An invariant is printed only if its probability of not occurring by chance alone is large enough (by default, greater than .99; see Daikon's --conf_limit command-line option.

        As an example, consider the invariant "x!=0". If only one value, 22, has been seen for x, then the conclusion "x!=0" is not justified. But if there have been 1,000,000 values, and none of them were 0, then we may be confident that the property "x!=0" is not a coincidence.

        This method is a wrapper around computeConfidence(), which does the actual work.

        Consider the invariant is 'x is even', which has a 50% chance of being true by chance for each sample. Then a reasonable body for computeConfidence() would be

        return 1 - Math.pow(.5, ppt.num_samples());
        If 5 values had been seen, then this implementation would return 31/32, which is the likelihood that all 5 values seen so far were even not purely by chance.
        confidence of this invariant
        See Also:
      • computeConfidence

        protected abstract double computeConfidence​( Invariant this)
        This method computes the confidence that this invariant occurred by chance. Clients should call getConfidence() instead.

        This method need not check the value of field "falsified", as the caller does that.

        confidence of this invariant
        See Also:
      • isExact

        public boolean isExact​( Invariant this)
        Subclasses should override. An exact invariant indicates that given all but one variable value, the last one can be computed. (I think that's correct, anyway.) Examples are IntComparison (when only equality is possible), LinearBinary, FunctionUnary. OneOf is treated differently, as an interface. The result of this method does not depend on whether the invariant is justified, destroyed, etc.
        true if any variable value can be computed from all the others
      • falsify

        public void falsify​( Invariant this)
        Marks the invariant as falsified. Should always be called rather than just setting the flag so that we can track when this happens.
      • clear_falsified

        public void clear_falsified​( Invariant this)
        Clear the falsified flag.
      • is_false

        public boolean is_false​( Invariant this)
        Returns whether or not this invariant has been falsified.
        true if this invariant has been falsified
      • clone

        public Invariant clone​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this)
        Do nothing special, Overridden to remove exception from declaration.
        clone in class Object
      • transfer

        public Invariant transfer​( Invariant this,
                                  PptSlice new_ppt,
                                  int[] permutation)
        Make a copy of this invariant and transfer it into a new PptSlice.
        new_ppt - must have the same arity and types
        permutation - gives the varinfo array index mapping in the new ppt
        a copy of the invariant, on a different slice
      • clone_and_permute

        public Invariant clone_and_permute​( Invariant this,
                                           int[] permutation)
        Clones the invariant and then permutes it as specified. Normally used to make child invariant match the variable order of the parent when merging invariants bottom up.
      • resurrect

        public Invariant resurrect​( Invariant this,
                                   PptSlice new_ppt,
                                   int[] permutation)
        Take a falsified invariant and resurrect it in a new PptSlice.
        new_ppt - must have the same arity and types
        permutation - gives the varinfo array index mapping
        the resurrected invariant, in a new PptSlice
      • get_comparability

        public VarComparability get_comparability​( Invariant this)
        Returns a single VarComparability that describes the set of variables used by this invariant. Since all of the variables in an invariant must be comparable, this can usually be the comparability information for any variable. The exception is when one or more variables is always comparable (comparable to everything else). An always comparable VarComparability is returned only if all of the variables involved are always comparable. Otherwise the comparability information from one of the non always-comparable variables is returned.
        a VarComparability that describes any (and all) of this invariant's variables
      • merge

        public @Nullable Invariant merge​( Invariant this,
                                         List<Invariant> invs,
                                         PptSlice parent_ppt)
        Merge the invariants in invs to form a new invariant. This implementation merely returns a clone of the first invariant in the list. This is correct for simple invariants whose equation or statistics don't depend on the actual samples seen. It should be overriden for more complex invariants (eg, bound, oneof, linearbinary, etc).
        invs - list of invariants to merge. The invariants must all be of the same type and should come from the children of parent_ppt. They should also all be permuted to match the variable order in parent_ppt.
        parent_ppt - slice that will contain the new invariant
        the merged invariant or null if the invariants didn't represent the same invariant
      • permute

        public Invariant permute​( Invariant this,
                                 int[] permutation)
        Permutes the invariant as specified. Often creates a new invariant (with a different class).
        permutation - the permutation
        the permuted invariant
      • resurrect_done

        protected abstract Invariant resurrect_done​( Invariant this,
                                                    int[] permutation)
        Called on the new invariant just before resurrect() returns it to allow subclasses to fix any information they might have cached from the old Ppt and VarInfos.
        permutation - the permutation
        the permuted invariant
      • usesVar

        public boolean usesVar​( Invariant this,
                               VarInfo vi)
        Return true if this invariant uses the given variable.
      • usesVar

        public boolean usesVar​( Invariant this,
                               String name)
        Return true if this invariant uses the given variable.
      • usesVarDerived

        public boolean usesVarDerived​( Invariant this,
                                      String name)
        Return true if this invariant uses the given variable or any variable derived from it.
      • varNames

        public final String varNames​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this)
        Return a string representation of the variable names.
        a string representation of the variable names
      • repr

        public String repr​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this)
        For printing invariants, there are two interfaces: repr gives a low-level representation (repr_prob() also prints the confidence), and format() gives a high-level representation for user output.
        a string representation of this
      • repr_prob

        public String repr_prob​( Invariant this)
        For printing invariants, there are two interfaces: repr() gives a low-level representation (repr_prob also prints the confidence), and format() gives a high-level representation for user output.
        repr(), but with the confidence as well
      • format

        public String format​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this)
        Returns a high-level printed representation of the invariant, for user output. format produces normal output, while the repr() formatting routine produces low-level, detailed output for debugging, and repr_prob() also prints the confidence.
        a string representation of this
      • format_using

        public abstract String format_using​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this,
                                            OutputFormat format)
        Return a printed representation of this invariant, in the given format.
      • isValidEscExpression

        public boolean isValidEscExpression​( Invariant this)
        Returns a conjuction of mapping the same function of our expresssions's VarInfos, in general. Subclasses may override if they are able to handle generally-inexpressible properties in special-case ways.
        conjuction of mapping the same function of our expresssions's VarInfos
        See Also:
      • isValidExpression

        public boolean isValidExpression​( Invariant this,
                                         OutputFormat format)
        Returns true if this Invariant can be properly formatted for the given output format.
        format - the expected output format
        true if this Invariant can be properly formatted for the given output format
      • format_unimplemented

        public String format_unimplemented​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this,
                                           OutputFormat format)
        Returns standard "format needs to be implemented" for the given requested format. Made public so cores can call it.
        format - the requested output format
        standard "format needs to be implemented" for the given requested format
      • format_too_few_samples

        public String format_too_few_samples​(@GuardSatisfied Invariant this,
                                             OutputFormat format,
                                             @Nullable String attempt)
        Returns standard "too few samples for to have interesting invariant" for the requested format. For machine-readable formats, this is just "true". An optional string argument, if supplied, is a human-readable description of the invariant in its uninformative state, which will be added to the message.
        format - the requested output format
        standard "too few samples for to have interesting invariant" for the requested format
      • simplify_format_double

        public static String simplify_format_double​(double d)
        Convert a floating point value into the weird Modula-3-like floating point format that the Simplify tool requires.
        d - the number to print
        a printed representation of the number, for Simplify
      • simplify_format_long

        public static String simplify_format_long​(long l)
        Conver a long integer value into a format that Simplify can use. If the value is too big, we have to print it in a weird way, then tell Simplify about its properties specially.
        l - the number to print
        a printed representation of the number, for Simplify
      • simplify_format_string

        public static String simplify_format_string​(String s)
        Convert a string value into the weird |-quoted format that the Simplify tool requires. (Note that Simplify doesn't distinguish between variables, symbolic constants, and strings, so we prepend "_string_" to avoid collisions with variables and other symbols).
        s - the number to print
        a printed representation of the string, for Simplify
      • isSameFormula

        public abstract boolean isSameFormula​( Invariant this,
                                              Invariant other)
        Returns true iff the two invariants represent the same mathematical formula. Does not consider the context such as variable names, confidences, sample counts, value counts, or related quantities. As a rule of thumb, if two invariants format the same, this method returns true. Furthermore, in many cases, if an invariant does not involve computed constants (as "x>c" and "y=ax+b" do for constants a, b, and c), then this method vacuously returns true.
        other - the invariant to compare to this one
        true iff the two invariants represent the same mathematical formula. Does not consider
        RuntimeException - if other.getClass() != this.getClass()
      • mergeFormulasOk

        public boolean mergeFormulasOk​( Invariant this)
        Returns whether or not it is possible to merge invariants of the same class but with different formulas when combining invariants from lower ppts to build invariants at upper program points. Invariants that have this characteristic (eg, bound, oneof) should override this function. Note that invariants that can do this, normally need special merge code as well (to merge the different formulas into a single formula at the upper point.
        true if invariants with different formulas can be merged
      • isSameInvariant

        public boolean isSameInvariant​( Invariant this,
                                       Invariant inv2)
        Returns true iff the argument is the "same" invariant as this. Same, in this case, means a matching type, formula, and variable names.
        inv2 - the other invariant to compare to this one
        true iff the argument is the "same" invariant as this
      • isExclusiveFormula

        public boolean isExclusiveFormula​( Invariant this,
                                          Invariant other)
        Returns true iff the two invariants represent mutually exclusive mathematical formulas -- that is, if one of them is true, then the other must be false. This method does not consider the context such as variable names, confidences, sample counts, value counts, or related quantities.
        other - the other invariant to compare to this one
        true iff the two invariants represent mutually exclusive mathematical formulas
      • find

        public static @Nullable Invariant find​(Class<? extends Invariant> invclass,
                                               PptSlice ppt)
        Look up a previously instantiated Invariant.
        invclass - the class of the invariant to search for
        ppt - the program point in which to look for the invariant
        the invariant of class invclass, or null if none was found
      • get_ni_suppressions

        public @Nullable NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions​( Invariant this)
        Returns the set of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant. May return null instead of an empty set. Should be overridden by subclasses with non-instantiating suppressions.
        the set of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant
      • is_ni_suppressed

        public boolean is_ni_suppressed()
        Returns whether or not this invariant is ni-suppressed.
        true if this invariant is ni-suppressed
      • isWorthPrinting

        public boolean isWorthPrinting​( Invariant this)
      • isObviousStatically

        public final @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically​( Invariant this)
        Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically from the decls files. (An example is being from a certain derivation.) Intended to be overridden by subclasses.

        This method is final because children of Invariant should be extending isObviousStatically(VarInfo[]) because it is more general.

      • isObviousStatically

        public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically​( Invariant this,
                                                         VarInfo[] vis)
        Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically -- for the given varInfos rather than the varInfos of this. Conceptually, this means "is this invariant statically obvious if its VarInfos were switched with vis?" Intended to be overridden by subclasses. Should only do static checking.

        Precondition: vis.length == this.ppt.var_infos.length

        vis - the VarInfos this invariant is obvious over. The position and data type of the variables is the *same* as that of this.ppt.var_infos.
      • isObviousStatically_AllInEquality

        public boolean isObviousStatically_AllInEquality​( Invariant this)
        Return true if this invariant and all equality combinations of its member variables are necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically (i.e., the decls files). For example, a == b, and f(a) is obvious, but f(b) is not. In that case, this method on f(a) would return false. If f(b) is also obvious, then this method would return true.
      • isObviousStatically_SomeInEquality

        public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically_SomeInEquality​( Invariant this)
        Return true if this invariant and some equality combinations of its member variables are statically obvious. For example, if a == b, and f(a) is obvious, then so is f(b). We use the someInEquality (or least interesting) method during printing so we only print an invariant if all its variables are interesting, since a single, static, non interesting occurance means all the equality combinations aren't interesting.
        the VarInfo array that contains the VarInfos that showed this invariant to be obvious. The contains variables that are elementwise in the same equality set as this.ppt.var_infos. Can be null if no such assignment exists.
      • isObvious

        public final @Nullable DiscardInfo isObvious​( Invariant this)
        Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined statically (i.e., the decls files) or dynamically (after checking data). Intended not to be overriden, because sub-classes should override isObviousStatically or isObviousDynamically. Wherever possible, suppression, rather than this, should do the dynamic checking.
      • isObviousDynamically

        public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically​( Invariant this,
                                                          VarInfo[] vis)
        Return non-null if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined dynamically (after checking data) -- for the given varInfos rather than the varInfos of this. Conceptually, this means, "Is this invariant dynamically obvious if its VarInfos were switched with vis?" Intended to be overriden by subclasses so they can filter invariants after checking; the overriding method should first call "super.isObviousDynamically(vis)". Since this method is dynamic, it should only be called after all processing.
      • isReflexive

        public boolean isReflexive​( Invariant this)
        Return true if more than one of the variables in the invariant are the same variable. We create such invariants for the purpose of equality set processing, but they aren't intended for printing; there should be invariants with the same meaning but lower arity instead. For instance, we don't need "x = x + x" because we have "x = 0" instead.

        Actually, this isn't strictly true: we don't have an invariant "a[] is a palindrome" corresponding to "a[] is the reverse of a[]", for instance.

      • isObviousDynamically

        public final @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically​( Invariant this)
        Return true if this invariant is necessarily true from a fact that can be determined dynamically (after checking data, based on other invariants that were inferred). Since this method is dynamic, it should only be called after all processing.

        If a test does not look up other inferred invariants (that is, it relies only on information in the decls file), then it should be written as an isObviousStatically test, not an isObviousDynamically test.

        This method is final because subclasses should extend isObviousDynamically(VarInfo[]) since that method is more general.

      • isObviousDynamically_SomeInEquality

        public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically_SomeInEquality​( Invariant this)
        Return true if this invariant and some equality combinations of its member variables are dynamically obvious. For example, a == b, and f(a) is obvious, so is f(b). We use the someInEquality (or least interesting) method during printing so we only print an invariant if all its variables are interesting, since a single, dynamic, non interesting occurance means all the equality combinations aren't interesting.
        the VarInfo array that contains the VarInfos that showed this invariant to be obvious. The contains variables that are elementwise in the same equality set as this.ppt.var_infos. Can be null if no such assignment exists.
      • isObviousDynamically_SomeInEqualityHelper

        protected @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically_SomeInEqualityHelper​( Invariant this,
                                                                                  VarInfo[] vis,
                                                                                  VarInfo[] assigned,
                                                                                  int position)
        Recurse through vis (an array of leaders) and generate the cartesian product of their equality sets; in other words, every combination of one element from each equality set. For each such combination, test isObviousDynamically; if any test is true, then return that combination. The combinations are generated via recursive calls to this routine.
      • isAllPrestate

        public boolean isAllPrestate​( Invariant this)
        Returns true if this invariant is only over prestate variables.
        true if this invariant is only over prestate variables
      • hasUninterestingConstant

        public boolean hasUninterestingConstant​( Invariant this)
        An invariant that includes an uninteresting constant (say, "size(x[]) < 237") is likely to be an artifact of the way the program was tested, rather than a statement that would in fact hold over all possible executions.
      • match

        public boolean match​(Invariant inv)
        Returns whether or not two invariants are of the same type. To be of the same type, invariants must be of the same class. Some invariant classes represent multiple invariants (such as FunctionBinary). They must also be the same formula. Note that invariants with different formulas based on their samples (LinearBinary, Bounds, etc) will still match as long as the mergeFormulaOk() method returns true.
      • state_match

        public boolean state_match​( Invariant this,
                                   Object state)
        Returns whether or not the invariant matches the specified state. Must be overriden by subclasses that support this. Otherwise, it returns true only if the state is null.
      • createGuardingPredicate

        public @Nullable Invariant createGuardingPredicate​(boolean install)
        Create a guarding predicate for a given invariant. Returns null if no guarding is needed.
      • getGuardingList

        public List<VarInfogetGuardingList​( Invariant this)
        Return a list of all the variables that must be non-null in order for this invariant to be evaluated. For instance, it this invariant is "a.b.c > d.e" (where c and e are of integer type), then it doesn't make sense to evaluate the invariant unless "a" is non-null, "a.b" is non-null, and "d" is non-null. So, another way to write the invariant (in "guarded" form) would be "a != null && a.b != null && d != null && a.b.c > d.e".
      • getGuardingList

        public static List<VarInfogetGuardingList​(VarInfo[] varInfos)
        Returns the union of calling VarInfo.getGuardingList on each element of the argument.
        varInfos - an array of VarInfo
        the union of calling VarInfo.getGuardingList on each element of the argument
      • createGuardedInvariant

        public @Nullable Invariant createGuardedInvariant​(boolean install)
        This procedure guards one invariant and returns the resulting guarded invariant (implication), without placing it in any slice and without modifying the original invariant. Returns null if the invariant does not need to be guarded.
      • instantiate_dyn

        protected abstract Invariant instantiate_dyn​( Invariant this,
                                                     PptSlice slice)
        Instantiates (creates) an invariant of the same class on the specified slice. Must be overridden in each class. Must be used rather than clone() so that checks in instantiate(daikon.PptSlice) for reasonable invariants are done.

        The implementation of this method is almost always return new <em>InvName</em>(slice);

        the new invariant
      • enabled

        public abstract boolean enabled​( Invariant this)
        Returns whether or not this class of invariants is currently enabled.

        Its implementation is almost always return dkconfig_enabled;.

      • valid_types

        public abstract boolean valid_types​( Invariant this,
                                            VarInfo[] vis)
        Returns whether or not the invariant is valid over the basic types in vis. This only checks basic types (scalar, string, array, etc) and should match the basic superclasses of invariant (SingleFloat, SingleScalarSequence, ThreeScalar, etc). More complex checks that depend on variable details can be implemented in instantiate_ok().
        See Also:
      • instantiate_ok

        public boolean instantiate_ok​( Invariant this,
                                      VarInfo[] vis)
        Returns true if it makes sense to instantiate this invariant over the specified variables. Checks details beyond what is provided by valid_types(daikon.VarInfo[]). This should never be called without calling valid_types() first (implementations should be able to presume that valid_types() returns true).

        This method does not have to be overridden; the default implementation in Invariant returns true.

        See Also:
      • instantiate

        public @Nullable Invariant instantiate​( Invariant this,
                                               PptSlice slice)
        Instantiates this invariant over the specified slice. The slice must not be null and its variables must be valid for this type of invariant. Returns null if the invariant is not enabled or if the invariant is not reasonable over the specified variables. Otherwise returns the new invariant.
      • add_sample

        public InvariantStatus add_sample​( Invariant this,
                                          ValueTuple vt,
                                          int count)
        Adds the specified sample to the invariant and returns the result.
        vt - the sample to add to this invariant
        count - the number of occurrences of the sample to add to this invariant
        the result of adding the samples to this invariant
      • repCheck

        public void repCheck​( Invariant this)
        Check the rep invariants of this.
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive​( Invariant this)
        Returns whether or not the invariant is currently active. This is used to identify those invariants that require a certain number of points before they actually do computation (eg, LinearBinary)

        This is used during suppresion. Any invariant that is not active cannot suppress another invariant.

        true if this invariant is currently active
      • logOn

        public static boolean logOn()
        Returns whether or not logging is on.
        See Also:
      • log

        public void log​( Invariant this,
                        Logger log,
                        String msg)
        Logs a description of the invariant and the specified msg via the logger as described in daikon.Debug#log(Logger, Class, Ppt, VarInfo[], String).
        log - where to log the message
        msg - the message to log
      • log

        public boolean log​(@UnknownInitialization(Invariant.class) Invariant this,
                           String format,
                           @Nullable Object... args)
        Logs a description of the invariant and the specified msg via the logger as described in daikon.Debug#log(Logger, Class, Ppt, VarInfo[], String).
        format - a format string
        args - the argumnts to the format string
        whether or not it logged anything
      • toString

        public static String toString​(Invariant[] invs)
        Return a string representation of the given invariants.
        invs - the invariants to get a string representation of
        a string representation of the given invariants
      • formatFuzzy

        public static String formatFuzzy​(String method,
                                         VarInfo v1,
                                         VarInfo v2,
                                         OutputFormat format)
        Used throughout Java family formatting of invariants.


        "plume.FuzzyFloat.method(v1_name, v2_name)"

        Where v1_name and v2_name are the properly formatted varinfos v1 and v2, under the given format.

      • isEqualityComparison

        public boolean isEqualityComparison()
        Returns true if this is an equality comparison. That is, returns true if this Invariant satisfies the following conditions:
        • the Invariant is an EqualityComparison (its relationship is =, not <, ≤, >, or ≥).
        • the invariant is statistically satisfied (its confidence is above the limit)
        This does not consider PairwiseIntComparison to be an equality invariant.
      • checkRep

        public void checkRep()
        Throws an exception if this object is invalid.
        RuntimeException - if representation invariant on this is broken