Package daikon

Class VarInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public final class VarInfo
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable, Serializable
    Represents information about a particular variable for a program point. This object doesn't hold the value of the variable at a particular step of the program point, but can get the value it holds when given a ValueTuple using the getValue() method. VarInfo also includes info about the variable's name, its declared type, its file representation type, its internal type, and its comparability.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • dkconfig_declared_type_comparability

        public static boolean dkconfig_declared_type_comparability
        If true, then variables are only considered comparable if they are declared with the same type. For example, java.util.List is not comparable to java.util.ArrayList and float is not comparable to double. This may miss valid invariants, but significant time can be saved and many variables with different declared types are not comparable (e.g., java.util.Date and java.util.ArrayList).
      • dkconfig_constant_fields_simplify

        public static boolean dkconfig_constant_fields_simplify
        If true, the treat static constants (such as MapQuick.GeoPoint.FACTOR) as fields within an object rather than as a single name. Not correct, but used to obtain compatibility with VarInfoName.
      • type

        public ProglangType type
        Type as declared in the target program. This is seldom used within Daikon as these types vary with program language and the like. It's here more for information than anything else.
      • file_rep_type

        public ProglangType file_rep_type
        Type as written in the data trace file -- i.e., it is the source variable type mapped into the set of basic types recognized by Daikon. In particular, it includes boolean and hashcode (pointer). This is the type that is normally used when determining if an invariant is applicable to a variable. For example, the less-than invariant is not applicable to booleans or hashcodes, but is applicable to integers (of various sizes) and floats. (In the variable name, "rep" stands for "representation".)
      • rep_type

        public ProglangType rep_type
        Type as internally stored by Daikon. It contains less information than file_rep_type (for example, boolean and hashcode are both stored as integers). (In the variable name, "rep" stands for "representation".)
        See Also:
      • varinfo_index

        public int varinfo_index
        The index in lists of VarInfo objects.
      • value_index

        public int value_index
        The index in a ValueTuple (more generally, in a list of values). It can differ from varinfo_index due to constants (and possibly other factors). It is -1 iff is_static_constant or not yet set.
      • is_static_constant

        public boolean is_static_constant
        is_static_constant == (value_index == -1);
        is_static_constant == (static_constant_value != null).
      • derived

        public @MonotonicNonNull Derivation derived
        Whether and how derived. Null if this is not derived.
      • enclosing_var

        public @Nullable VarInfo enclosing_var
        For documentation, see get_enclosing_var(). Null if no variable encloses this one -- that is, this is not a field of another variable, nor a "method call" like tostring or class.
      • arr_dims

        public int arr_dims
        Number of array dimensions (0 or 1).
      • function_args

        public @MonotonicNonNull List<VarInfo> function_args
        The arguments that were used to create this function application. Null if this variable is not a function application.
      • relative_name

        public @Nullable String relative_name
        The relative name of this variable with respect to its enclosing variable. Field name for fields, method name for instance methods.
      • canBeMissing

        public boolean canBeMissing
        True if a missing/nonsensical value was ever observed for this variable. This starts out false and is set dynamically, while reading the trace file.
      • equalitySet

        public Equality equalitySet
        Which equality group this belongs to. Replaces equal_to. Never null after this is put inside equalitySet.
      • postState

        public @Nullable VarInfo postState
        non-null if this is an orig() variable.

        Do not test equality! Only use its .name slot.

    • Method Detail

      • name

        public @Interned String name​(@GuardSatisfied VarInfo this)
        returns the interned name of the variable
      • str_name

        public @Interned String str_name()
        Returns the original name of the variable from the program point declaration.
      • missingOutOfBounds

        public boolean missingOutOfBounds()
        Returns whether or not we have encountered to date any missing values due to array indices being out of bounds. This can happen with both subscripts and subsequences. Note that this becomes true as we are running, it cannot be set in advance without a first pass.

        This is used as we are processing data to destroy any invariants that use this variable.

        See Also:
      • checkRep

        public void checkRep()
        Throws an exception if this object is malformed. Requires that the VarInfo has been installed into a program point (the ppt field is set).
        RuntimeException - if representation invariant on this is broken
      • checkRepNoPpt

        public void checkRepNoPpt()
        Throws an exception if this object is malformed.

        Does not require the ppt field to be set; can be called on VarInfos that have not been installed into a program point.

        RuntimeException - if representation invariant on this is broken
      • relate_var

        public void relate_var()
        Finishes defining the variable by relating it to other variables. This cannot be done when creating the variable because the other variables it is related to, may not yet exist. Variables are related to their enclosing variables (for fields, arrays, and functions) and to their parent variables in the PptHierarchy. RuntimeExceptions are thrown if any related variables do not exist.
      • setup_derived_function

        public void setup_derived_function​(String name,
                                           VarInfo... bases)
        Setup information normally specified in the declaration record for derived variables where the new variable is the result of applying a function to the other variables. Much of the information is inferred from (arbitrarily) the first argument to the function.

        The parent_ppt field is set if each VarInfo in the derivation has the same parent. The parent_variable field is set if there is a parent_ppt and one or more of the bases has a non-default parent variable. The parent variable name is formed as function_name(arg1,arg2,...) where arg1, arg2, etc are the parent variable names of each of the arguments.

      • setup_derived_base

        public void setup_derived_base​(VarInfo base,
                                       @Nullable VarInfo... others)
        Setup information normally specified in the declaration record for derived variables where one of the variables is the base of the derivation. In general this information is inferred from the base variable of the derived variables. Note that parent_ppt is set if each VarInfo in the derivation has the same parent, but parent_variable is not set. This has to be set based on the particular derivation.
      • origVarInfo

        public static VarInfo origVarInfo​(VarInfo vi)
        Create the prestate, or "orig()", version of the variable. Note that the returned value is not completely initialized. The caller is still responsible for setting some fields of it, such as enclosing_var.
      • arrayclone_simple

        public static VarInfo[] arrayclone_simple​(VarInfo[] a_old)
        Given an array of VarInfo objects, return an array of clones, where references to the originals have been modified into references to the new ones (so that the new set is self-consistent). The originals should not be modified by this operation.
      • trimToSize

        public void trimToSize()
        Trims the collections used by this VarInfo.
      • toString

        public String toString​(@GuardSatisfied VarInfo this)
        Returns the name of the variable.
        toString in class Object
        See Also:
      • repr

        public String repr​(@UnknownSignedness VarInfo this)
        Returns a complete string description of the variable.
        a complete string description of the variable
      • isStaticConstant

        public boolean isStaticConstant()
        Returns whether or not this variable is a static constant.
      • constantValue

        public Object constantValue()
        Returns the static constant value of this variable. The variable must be a static constant. The result is non-null.
      • isPrestate

        public boolean isPrestate()
        Returns true if this is an "orig()" variable.
      • isPrestateDerived

        public boolean isPrestateDerived()
        Returns true if this variable is derived from prestate variables.
      • isDerived

        public boolean isDerived()
        Returns true if this variable is a derived variable.
      • derivedDepth

        public int derivedDepth()
        returns the depth of derivation
      • derivees

        public List<Derivationderivees​(@UnknownSignedness VarInfo this)
        Return all derived variables that build off this one.
        all derived variables that build off this one
      • get_all_constituent_vars

        public List<VarInfoget_all_constituent_vars()
        Returns a list of all of the basic (non-derived) variables that are used to make up this variable. If this variable is not derived, it is just this variable. Otherwise it is all of the the bases of this derivation.
      • get_all_simple_names

        public List<Stringget_all_simple_names()
        Returns a list of all of the simple names that make up this variable. this includes each field and function name in the variable. If this variable is derived it includes the simple names from each of its bases. For example, 'this.item.a' would return a list with 'this', 'item', and 'a' and 'this.theArray[i]' would return 'this', 'theArray' and 'i'.
      • isClosure

        public boolean isClosure()
      • isDerivedParam

        public boolean isDerivedParam()
        Returns true if this is a param according to aux info, or this is a front end derivation such that one of its bases is a param. To figure this out, what we do is get all the param variables at this's program point. Then we search in this's name to see if the name contains any of the variables. We have to do this because we only have name info, and we assume that x and x.a are related from the names alone.

        Effects: Sets isDerivedParamCached and derivedParamCached to values the first time this method is called. Subsequent calls use these cached values.

      • getDerivedParam

        public @Nullable VarInfo getDerivedParam()
        Return a VarInfo that has two properties: this is a derivation of it, and it is a parameter variable. If this is a parameter, then this is returned. For example, "this" is always a parameter. The return value of getDerivedParam for "this.a" (which is not a parameter) is "this".

        Effects: Sets isDerivedParamCached and derivedParamCached to values the first time this method is called. Subsequent calls use these cached values.

        null if the above condition doesn't hold
      • isDerivedParamAndUninteresting

        public boolean isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()
        Returns true if a given VarInfo is a parameter or derived from one in such a way that changes to it wouldn't be visible to the method's caller. There are 3 such cases:
        • The variable is a pass-by-value parameter "p".
        • The variable is of the form "p.prop" where "prop" is an immutable property of an object, like its type, or (for a Java array) its size.
        • The variable is of the form "p.prop", and "p" has been modified to point to a different object. We assume "p" has been modified if we don't have an invariant "orig(p) == p".
        In any case, the variable must have a postState VarInfoName, and equality invariants need to have already been computed.
      • getModified

        public int getModified​(ValueTuple vt)
        Convenience methods that return information from the ValueTuple.
      • getValue

        public @Interned Object getValue​(ValueTuple vt)
        Get the value of this variable from a particular sample (ValueTuple).
        vt - the ValueTuple from which to extract the value
      • getIndexValue

        public int getIndexValue​(ValueTuple vt)
        Return the value of this long variable (as an integer)
      • getIntValue

        public long getIntValue​(ValueTuple vt)
        Return the value of this long variable (as a long)
      • isCanonical

        public boolean isCanonical​(@UnknownSignedness VarInfo this)
        Whether this VarInfo is the leader of its equality set.
        true if this VarInfo is the leader of its equality set
      • canonicalRep

        public VarInfo canonicalRep()
        Canonical representative that's equal to this variable.
      • is_reference

        public boolean is_reference()
        Return true if this is a pointer or reference to another object.
      • isDerivedSequenceMember

        public @Nullable VarInfo isDerivedSequenceMember()
        Returns the VarInfo for the sequence from which this was derived, or null if this wasn't derived from a sequence. Only works for scalars.
      • isDerivedSubSequenceOf

        public @Nullable VarInfo isDerivedSubSequenceOf()
        Return the original sequence variable from which this derived sequence was derived. Only works for sequences.
      • sequenceSize

        public @Nullable VarInfo sequenceSize()
        Returns the variable (if any) that represents the size of this sequence.
      • isIndex

        public boolean isIndex()
        Returns true if the type in the original program is integer. Should perhaps check Daikon.check_program_types and behave differently depending on that.
      • is_array

        public boolean is_array()
        Returns true if this variable is an array.
        true if this variable is an array
      • isValidEscExpression

        public boolean isValidEscExpression()
        Returns false if this variable expression is not legal ESC syntax, except for any necessary quantifications (subscripting). We err on the side of returning true, for now.
        false if this variable expression is not legal ESC syntax, except for any necessary quantifications (subscripting)
      • isPointer

        public boolean isPointer()
        Return true if invariants about this quantity are really properties of a pointer, but derived variables can refer to properties of the thing pointed to. This distinction is important when making logical statements about the object, because in the presence of side effects, the pointed-to object can change even when the pointer doesn't. For instance, we might have "obj == orig(obj)", but "obj.color != orig(obj.color)". In such a case, isPointer() would be true of obj, and for some forms of output we'd need to translate "obj == orig(obj)" into something like "location(obj) == location(orig(obj))".
      • simplifyFixup

        public String simplifyFixup​(String str)
        A wrapper around VarInfoName.simplify_name() that also uses VarInfo information to guess whether "obj" should logically be treated as just the hash code of "obj", rather than the whole object.
      • compare_vars

        public static boolean compare_vars​(VarInfo vari,
                                           int vari_shift,
                                           VarInfo varj,
                                           int varj_shift,
                                           boolean test_lessequal)
        Given two variables I and J, indicate whether it is necessarily the case that i≤j or i≥j. The variables also each have a shift, so the test can really be something like (i+1)≤(j-1). The test is one of:
        • i + i_shift ≤ j + j_shift (if test_lessequal)
        • i + i_shift ≥ j + j_shift (if !test_lessequal)
        This is a dynamic check, and so must not be called while Daikon is inferencing.
      • otherStateEquivalent

        public @Nullable VarInfoName otherStateEquivalent​(boolean post)
        Return some variable in the other state (pre-state if this is post-state, or vice versa) that equals this one, or null if no equal variable exists.
      • isEqualTo

        public boolean isEqualTo​(VarInfo other)
        Check if two VarInfos are truly (non guarded) equal to each other right now.
      • simplify_expression

        public void simplify_expression()
        Change the name of this VarInfo by side effect into a more simplified form, which is easier to read on display. Don't call this during processing, as I think the system assumes that names don't change over time (?).
      • compatible

        public boolean compatible​(VarInfo var2)
        Two variables are "compatible" if their declared types are castable and their comparabilities are comparable. This is a reflexive relationship, because it calls ProglangType.comparableOrSuperclassEitherWay. However, it is not transitive because it might not hold for two children of a superclass, even though it would for each child and the superclass.
      • eltsCompatible

        public boolean eltsCompatible​(VarInfo sclvar)
        Return true if this sequence variable's element type is compatible with the scalar variable.
      • comparableByType

        public boolean comparableByType​(VarInfo var2)
        Without using comparability info, check that this is comparable to var2. This is a reflexive relationship, because it calls ProglangType.comparableOrSuperclassEitherWay. However, it is not transitive because it might not hold for two children of a superclass, even though it would for each child and the superclass. Does not check comparabilities.
      • comparableNWay

        public boolean comparableNWay​(VarInfo var2)
        Without using comparability info, check that this is comparable to var2. This is a reflexive and transitive relationship. Does not check comparabilities.
        var2 - the variable to test comparability with
        true if this is comparable to var2
      • indexCompatible

        public boolean indexCompatible​(VarInfo sclvar)
        Return true if this sequence's first index type is compatible with the scalar variable.
      • createGuardingPredicate

        public @Nullable Invariant createGuardingPredicate​(boolean install)
        Create a guarding predicate for this VarInfo, that is, an invariant that ensures that this object is available for access to variables that reference it, such as fields. (The invariant is placed in the appropriate slice.) Returns null if no guarding is needed.
      • getGuardingList

        public List<VarInfogetGuardingList()
        Finds a list of variables that must be guarded for this VarInfo to be guaranteed to not be missing. This list never includes "this", as it can never be null. The variables are returned in the order in which their guarding prefixes are supposed to print.

        For example, if this VarInfo is "a.b.c", then the guarding list consists of the variables "a" and "a.b". If "a" is null or "a.b" is null, then "a.b.c" is missing (does not exist).

      • get_all_enclosing_vars

        public List<VarInfoget_all_enclosing_vars()
        Returns a list of all of the variables that enclose this one. If this is derived, this includes all of the enclosing variables of all of the bases.
      • find_object_ppt

        public @Nullable PptTopLevel find_object_ppt​(PptMap all_ppts)
        Looks for an OBJECT ppt that corresponds to the type of this variable. Returns null if such a point is not found.
        all_ppts - map of all program points
      • get_value_set

        public ValueSet get_value_set()
        Return the set of values that have been seen so far for this variable.
      • get_equalitySet_size

        public int get_equalitySet_size()
        Returns the number of elements in the variable's equality set. Returns 1 if the equality optimization is turned off.
      • get_equalitySet_vars

        public Set<VarInfoget_equalitySet_vars()
        Returns the vars_info in the variable's equality set. Returns a set with just itself if the equality optimization is turned off.
      • get_equalitySet_leader

        public VarInfo get_equalitySet_leader()
        Returns the leader in the variable's equality set. Returns itself if the equality optimization is turned off.
      • isParam

        public boolean isParam()
        Returns whether or not this variable is a parameter.
      • set_is_param

        public void set_is_param()
        Set this variable as a parameter.
      • set_is_param

        public void set_is_param​(boolean set)
        Set whether or not this variable is a parameter.
      • apply_subscript

        public String apply_subscript​(String subscript)
        Adds a subscript (or sequence) to an array variable. This should really just just substitute for '..', but the dots are currently removed for back compatability.
      • apply_subscript

        public static String apply_subscript​(String sequence,
                                             String subscript)
        Adds a subscript (or subsequence) to an array name. This should really just substitute for '..', but the dots are currently removed for back compatibility.
      • get_array_var

        public VarInfo get_array_var()
        For array variables, returns the variable that is a simple array. If this variable is a slice, it returns the array variable that is being sliced. If this variable is a simple array itself, returns this.
      • get_base_array

        public VarInfo get_base_array()
        Returns the VarInfo that represents the base array of this array. For example, if the array is a[].b.c, returns a[].
      • get_base_array_hashcode

        public @Nullable VarInfo get_base_array_hashcode()
        Returns the VarInfo that represents the hashcode of the base array of this array. For example, if the array is a[].b.c, returns a. Returns null if there is no such variable.
      • get_length

        public Quantify.Term get_length()
        Returns the length of this array. The array can be an array or a list. It cannot be a slice.
      • update_after_moving_to_new_ppt

        public void update_after_moving_to_new_ppt()
        Updates any references to other variables that should be within this ppt by looking them up within the ppt. Necessary if a variable is moved to a different program point or if cloned variable is placed in a new program point (such as is done when combined exits are created).
      • get_VarInfoName

        public VarInfoName get_VarInfoName()
        Temporary to let things compile now that name is private. Eventually this should be removed.
      • csharp_collection_string

        public String csharp_collection_string()
        If the variable is an array, returns a valid C# 'Select' statement representing the array. For example, this.Array[].field would become this.Array.Select(x ⇒ x.field)

        If the variable is not an array, csharp_name() is returned.

      • csharp_array_split

        public String[] csharp_array_split()
        Splits an array variable into the array and field portions. For example, if the variable this.Array[].field then
         result[0] = this.Array[]
         result[1] = field
        If the variable is not an array then
         result[0] = csharp_name()
         result[1] = ""
        (there is no splitting).
      • csharp_name

        public String csharp_name()
        Returns the name of this variable as a valid C# Code Contract.
      • csharp_name

        public String csharp_name​(@Nullable String index)
        Returns the name of this variable as a valid C# Code Contract.
        index - an an array index. Must be null for a non-array variable.
        the name of this variable as a valid C# Code Contract
      • java_name

        public String java_name()
        Returns the name in Java format. This is the same as JML.
      • dbc_name

        public String dbc_name()
        Returns the name in DBC format. This is the same as JML.
      • esc_name

        public String esc_name()
        Returns the name of this variable in ESC format.
      • esc_name

        public String esc_name​(@Nullable String index)
        Returns the name of this variable in ESC format. If an index is specified, it is used as an array index. It is an error to specify an index on a non-array variable.
      • jml_name

        public String jml_name()
        Returns the name of this variable in JML format.
      • jml_name

        public String jml_name​(@Nullable String index)
        Returns the name of this variable in JML format.
        index - an array index. Must be null for a non-array variable.
        the name of this variable in JML format
      • simplify_name

        public String simplify_name()
        Returns the name of this variable in simplify format.
      • simplify_name

        public String simplify_name​(@Nullable String index)
        Returns the name of this variable in simplify format. If an index is specified, it is used as an array index. It is an error to specify an index on a non-array variable.
      • prestate_name

        public @Interned String prestate_name()
        Return the name of this variable in its prestate (orig).
      • get_simplify_size_name

        public @Nullable String get_simplify_size_name()
        Returns the name of the size variable that correponds to this array variable in simplify format. Returns null if this variable is not an array or the size name can't be constructed for other reasons. Note that isArray seems to distinguish between actual arrays and other sequences (such as java.util.list). Simplify uses (it seems) the same length approach for both, so we don't check isArray().
      • includes_simple_name

        public boolean includes_simple_name​(String varname)
        Returns true if this variable contains a simple variable whose name is varname.
      • esc_quantify

        public static String[] esc_quantify​(VarInfo... vars)
        Quantifies over the specified array variables in ESC format. Returns an array with 2 more elements than the argument. Element 0 is the quantification, Element 1 is the indexed form of variable 1, Element 2 is the indexed form of variable 3, and Element 4 is syntax such as close parentheses.
      • esc_quantify

        public static String[] esc_quantify​(boolean elementwise,
                                            VarInfo... vars)
        Quantifies over the specified array variables in ESC format. Returns an array with 2 more elements than the argument. Element 0 is the quantification, Element 1 is the indexed form of variable 1, Element 2 is the indexed form of variable 3, and Element 4 is syntax such as close parentheses.
      • simplifyNameAndBounds

        public String @Nullable [] simplifyNameAndBounds()
        Returns a string array with 3 elements. The first element is the sequence, the second element is the lower bound, and the third element is the upper bound. Returns null if this is not a direct array or slice.
      • get_simplify_slice_bounds

        public String @Nullable [] get_simplify_slice_bounds()
        Returns the upper and lower bounds of the slice in simplify format. The implementation is somewhat different that simplifyNameAndBounds (I don't know why).
      • get_simplify_selectNth

        public String get_simplify_selectNth​(String simplify_index_name,
                                             boolean free,
                                             int index_off)
        Return a string in simplify format that will seclect the (index_base + index_off)-th element of the sequence specified by this variable.
        simplify_index_name - name of the index. If free is false, this must be a number or null (null implies an index of 0).
        free - true of simplify_index_name is variable name
        index_off - offset from the index
      • get_simplify_selectNth_lower

        public String get_simplify_selectNth_lower​(int index_off)
        Return a string in simplify format that will seclect the index_off element in a sequence that has a lower bound.
        index_off - offset from the index
      • get_simplify_free_index

        public static String get_simplify_free_index​(VarInfo... vars)
        Get a fresh variable name that doesn't appear in the given variable in simplify format.
      • get_simplify_free_indices

        public static String[] get_simplify_free_indices​(VarInfo... vars)
        Get a 2 fresh variable names that doesn't appear in the given variable in simplify format.
      • simplify_quantify

        public static String[] simplify_quantify​(EnumSet<Quantify.QuantFlags> flags,
                                                 VarInfo... vars)
        Quantifies over the specified array variables in Simplify format. Returns a string array that contains the quantification, indexed form of each variable, optionally the index itself, and the closer.

        If elementwise is true, include the additional contraint that the indices (there must be exactly two in this case) refer to corresponding positions. If adjacent is true, include the additional constraint that the second index be one more than the first. If distinct is true, include the constraint that the two indices are different. If includeIndex is true, return additional strings, after the roots but before the closer, with the names of the index variables.

      • complexity

        public int complexity()
        Returns a rough indication of the complexity of the variable. Higher numbers indicate more complexity.
      • is_assignable_var

        public boolean is_assignable_var()
        Returns true if this variable can be assigned to. Currently this is presumed true of all variable except the special variable for the type of a variable and the size of a sequence. It should include pure functions as well.
      • is_typeof

        public boolean is_typeof()
        Returns whether or not this variable represents the type of a variable (eg, a.getClass().getName()). Note that this will miss prestate variables such as 'orig(a.getClass().getName())'.
      • has_typeof

        public boolean has_typeof()
        Returns whether or not this variable represents the type of a variable (eg, a.getClass().getName()). This version finds prestate variables such as 'org(a.getClass().getName())'.
      • is_this

        public boolean is_this()
        Returns whether or not this variable is the 'this' variable.
      • isThis

        public boolean isThis()
        Returns whether or not this variable is the 'this' variable. True for both normal and prestate versions of the variable.
      • is_size

        public boolean is_size()
        Returns whether this is a size of an array or a prestate thereof.
      • is_field

        public boolean is_field()
        Returns wehther or not this variable is a field.
      • is_add

        public boolean is_add()
        Returns whether or not this variable has an integer offset (eg, a+2)
      • get_add_amount

        public int get_add_amount()
        Returns the integer offset if this variable is an addition such as a+2. Throws an exception of this variable is not an addition.
        See Also:
      • is_direct_array

        public boolean is_direct_array()
        Returns whether or not this variable is an actual array as opposed to an array that is created over fields/methods of an array. For example, 'a[]' is a direct array, but 'a[].b' is not.
      • is_direct_non_slice_array

        public boolean is_direct_non_slice_array()
        Returns whether or not this variable is an actual array as opposed to an array that is created over fields/methods of an array or a slice. For example, 'a[]' is a direct array, but 'a[].b' and 'a[i..]' are not.
      • has_same_parent

        public boolean has_same_parent​(VarInfo other)
        Returns whether or not two variables have the same enclosing variable. If either variable is not a field, returns false.
      • get_enclosing_var

        public @Nullable VarInfo get_enclosing_var()
        Returns the variable that encloses this one. For example if this variable is 'x.a.b', the enclosing variable is 'x.a'.
      • replace_this

        public String replace_this​(VarInfo arg)
        Replaces all instances of 'this' in the variable with the name of arg. Used to match up enter/exit variables with object variables.
      • make_subsequence

        public static VarInfo make_subsequence​(VarInfo seq,
                                               @Nullable VarInfo begin,
                                               int begin_shift,
                                               @Nullable VarInfo end,
                                               int end_shift)
        Creates a VarInfo that is a subsequence that begins at begin and ends at end with the specified shifts. The begin or the end can be null, but a non-zero shift is only allowed with non-null variables.
      • make_subscript

        public static VarInfo make_subscript​(VarInfo seq,
                                             @Nullable VarInfo index,
                                             int index_shift)
        Creates a VarInfo that is an index into a sequence. The type, file_rep_type, etc are taken from the element type of the sequence.
      • make_function

        public static VarInfo make_function​(String function_name,
                                            VarInfo... vars)
        Create a VarInfo that is a function over one or more other variables. The type, rep_type, etc. of the new function are taken from the first variable.
      • is_prestate_version

        public boolean is_prestate_version​(VarInfo vi)
        Returns true if vi is the prestate version of this. If this is a derived variable, vi must be the same derivation using prestate versions of each base variable.
      • isArray

        public boolean isArray()
        Returns true if this is an array or a slice.
      • isSlice

        public boolean isSlice()
        Returns true if this is a slice.
      • old_var_names

        public static String old_var_names​(String name)
        Converts a variable name or expression to the old style of names.
      • old_var_name

        public String old_var_name()
        Returns the old style variable name for this name.
      • var_check

        public void var_check()
        Rough check to ensure that the variable name and derivation match up.