Package daikon.inv

Class InvDef

  • public class InvDef
    extends Object
    Class that defines an invariant so that it can be searched for as part of suppression.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InvDef

        public InvDef​(VarInfo v1,
                      Class<? extends Invariant> cls)
        Create a new InvDef with one variable.
        v1 - the variable
        cls - the class of the invariant to be defined
      • InvDef

        public InvDef​(VarInfo v1,
                      Class<? extends Invariant> cls,
                      @Nullable Object state)
        Create a new InvDef with one variable and the given state
        v1 - the variable
        cls - the class of the invariant to be defined
        state - the state of the invariant
    • Method Detail

      • find

        public @Nullable Invariant find()
        Looks for this invariant (in this ppt). Returns the invariant if it finds it, null otherwise.