Package daikon

Class DiscReasonMap

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public static void initialize()
      • put

        public static void put​(Invariant inv,
                               DiscardInfo disc_info)
        Adds disc_info to DiscReasonMap's internal data structure, unless a reason already exists for inv, in which case the old reason is kept and disc_info is discarded.

        Requires: inv != null ∧ disc_info != null ∧ disc_info.shouldDiscard()

      • returnMatches_from_ppt

        public static List<DiscardInforeturnMatches_from_ppt​(InvariantInfo invInfo)
        Requires: vars is given in the form "var1,var2,var3" in ascending alphabetical order with no spaces ∧ invInfo.ppt() != null.
        a List of all DiscardInfos di such that ∧ the di is for an Invariant from discPpt whose class and vars match the params passed into the method call. If the user wishes for any of the 3 params to be a wildcard, they can pass that/those param(s) in as null.
      • debugVarMap

        public static void debugVarMap​(String ppt)
        Prints out all vars from ppt that have DiscardInfo's in the Set.toString() format.