Package daikon.inv

Class InvariantInfo

  • public class InvariantInfo
    extends Object
    Container class for holding all info needed to describe an Invariant. If any field is null, that field is a wildcard, so one instance of InvariantInfo may describe multiple Invariants in that way.
    • Method Detail

      • var_permutations

        public @Nullable List<Stringvar_permutations()
        Returns a list of Strings of all permutations of the vars, or null if vars == null.

        e.g., if vars is "var1,var2,var3", this method will return ["var1,var2,var3", "var1,var3,var2", "var2,var1,var3"... etc.]

        a list of Strings of all permutations of the vars, or null if vars == null