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“Using Daikon to automatically estimate the number of executed instructions” by Diego Garbervetsky, Universidad De Buenos Aires (Argentina). Feb. 2005.
We present a proof of concept that combines static and dynamic analysis in order to obtain symbolic expression that over-approximates the number of times an statement is executed in object oriented languages like Java. The tool leverages existing dynamic analysis tools like Daikon, but guides it (via program instrumentation) in order to obtain linear invariants that, after some transformations, are useful to generate the symbolic expressions. We show how this tool can be used to over-estimate memory consumption in Java applications.
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BibTeX entry:
@techreport{Garbervetsky2005, author = {Diego Garbervetsky}, title = {Using Daikon to automatically estimate the number of executed instructions}, institution = {Universidad De Buenos Aires}, address = {Argentina}, month = feb, year = {2005} }