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“Macro and micro perspectives on strategic software quality assurance in resource constrained environments” by Tao Xie and David Notkin. In 4th International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-4), (Orlando, FL, USA), May 2002, pp. 66-70.
Software quality assurance (SQA) plays a key role in software development process. Software quality assurance methods include testing, inspection, formal method (program verification, model checking, etc.), static code analysis, and runtime verification, etc. A disciplined approach to meeting benefit, cost, schedule, and quality constraints is in need. In this paper, we propose two perspectives (macro and micro) on strategic software quality assurance in resource constrained environments. We present a survey and discuss a variety of research opportunities and challenges with these two perspectives. Finally we present our research work on test case prioritization based on boundary value coverage to tackle strategic SQA problems with these two perspectives.
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BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{XieN2002, author = {Tao Xie and David Notkin}, title = {Macro and micro perspectives on strategic software quality assurance in resource constrained environments}, booktitle = {4th International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-4)}, pages = {66--70}, address = {Orlando, FL, USA}, month = may, year = {2002} }