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“Crisp: A debugging tool for Java programs” by Ophelia Chesley, Xiaoxia Ren, and Barbara G. Ryder. In ICSM 2005: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance, (Budapest, Hungary), Sep. 2005, pp. 401-410.
Crisp is a tool (i.e., an Eclipse plug-in) for constructing intermediate versions of a Java program that is being edited in an IDE such as Eclipse. After a long editing session, a programmer usually will run regression tests to make sure she has not invalidated previously checked functionality. If a test fails unexpectedly, Crisp uses input from Chianti, a tool for semantic change impact analysis [8], to allow the programmer to select parts of the edit that affected the failing test and to add them to the original program, creating an intermediate version guaranteed to compile. Then the programmer can re-execute the test in order to locate the exact reasons for the failure by concentrating on those affecting changes that were applied. Using Crisp, a programmer can iteratively select, apply, and undo individual (or sets of) affecting changes and, thus effectively find a small set of failure-inducing changes.
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BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{ChesleyRR2005, author = {Ophelia Chesley and Xiaoxia Ren and Barbara G. Ryder}, title = {Crisp: A debugging tool for {Java} programs}, booktitle = {ICSM 2005: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance}, pages = {401--410}, address = {Budapest, Hungary}, month = sep, year = {2005} }