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7 Making a distribution (making a release)

This section provides the instructions for publishing a Daikon distribution, or making a release. If you only want to create the daikon.tar or daikon.tar.gz file in your own directory, then simply run make daikon.tar or make daikon.tar.gz.

Official releases have even version numbers (e.g., 4.6.4) and intermediate work has odd version numbers (e.g., 4.7.3). This means as you prepare for a release the current version number is probably odd. It will be updated as one of the steps in the release process. After making the distribution, one of the final steps is to increment the version number again to prepare for subsequent development. This system has the useful side effect of allowing the build and test process to be repeated to fix a problem without having to worry about updating or resetting the version number. Another advantage is to reinforce, to people who are working from the version control repository, that they are not using the released version, because the version numbers differ.

The Daikon distribution site is located at and is served from the UW CSE file system at /cse/web/research/plse/daikon. In order to be able to write to the distribution site, your CSE user id must be a member of the ‘plse_www’ Unix group.

For each of the major steps below, an approximate elapsed time is listed. These timings are up to date as of December 2015. They were measured on a quad x86-64 based machine at 3.4GHz with 16GB of memory ( Barring any difficulties, the entire process will take at least two hours — but could be much more depending on the number of different platforms on which you test the release.

Each of the steps below assumes that you are using the Bash shell.

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7.1 Directory layout requirements

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7.2 Distribution setup instructions

Get a fresh copy of your Bash shell (e.g., log out and log back in), then run the following bash commands. Note that your system may no longer have JDK 8 installed at /usr/lib/jvm-1.8.0. If you do not have a local copy, one can be found at /homes/gws/markro/jdk1.8.0_351. In any case, adjust environment variables below as necessary.

export DAIKONDIR=$inv/daikon
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

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7.3 Getting the latest version of dependencies

Update the Daikon source files to their most recent version.

set -o pipefail
(cd $DAIKONDIR && git pull && git log --branches --not --remotes && git status)
(cd $DAIKONDIR/../fjalar && git pull && git log --branches --not --remotes && git status)

Each of the two commands should print exactly these lines:

Already up-to-date.
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working directory clean

[Time: moments]

The Fjalar tool set (primarily, Kvasir) is built upon, or uses pieces from, two open source projects. The home page for the Valgrind instrumentation framework is The home page for the GNU Binutils (a collection of binary tools, of which Kvasir uses only readelf) is

File $DAIKONDIR/fjalar/valgrind/REVISION indicates the version of these tools that Kvasir uses. You can determine whether a newer version of these tools is available by comparing the REVISION file to and;O=D. If so, you should update the Fjalar source tree as soon as practical. For details, see the separate document “Merging newer versions of Valgrind into Fjalar”, which appears in the fjalar repository.

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7.4 The day before the release

Do these steps the day before the release, so that tests have time to complete overnight.

TODO: it would be good to build the staging release the day before, too, so that links can be fixed the day before the release or at least very early in the process.

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7.5 Steps for making the distribution

  1. Verify that Daikon passes its tests.

    All of the jobs at should pass (they should be green). Here is a list of them:

    If any of the jobs is not passing, then correct the problem and wait for the jobs to complete and pass. The delay to wait for this to happen is a reason that you should avoid making changes to Daikon on the release day. Instead, you should make changes the day before to permit the continuous integration jobs to run overnight.

  2. Do a very clean rebuild of everything.
    cd $DAIKONDIR && make very-clean clean-kvasir && make rebuild-everything

    [Time: 20 min]

  3. Once you have successfully reached this point, you are ready to make a release candidate and begin testing it. The following command will verify that doc/ is up-to-date and then list any uncommitted files.
    make check-repo

    The result of the command above should be:

    On branch master
    Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
    nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)

    If the command output lists any files, they need to be committed to the repository and pushed now. In that case, you will need to return to step 1 and wait for the CI jobs to complete.

    [Time: moments]

  4. Set the version number to an even number. You may:

    Note that if a new feature has been added, or if some change has made the current version incompatible from the previous release (such as a change in the dtrace file format or revised names for tool options), then you should manually edit the VERSION file to increment the minor version number and reset the revision number to zero.

    Optionally, override the distribution date (default: today) by redefining the environment variable TODAY:

    export TODAY='November 1, 2013'

    Now, update the appropriate files with the date and version number of the release and commit these changes back to the repository:

    make update-run-google-java-format && make update-and-commit-version

    [Time: moments]

  5. It is important to build the release candidate from a clean enlistment. (TODO: In the future, perhaps do all release-related work on a branch. Otherwise, use of the below commands requires committing changes to master, and there might be many commits if there is trouble with the release.) This is to ensure we are testing only the files intended for release and that those files are the same as a user would receive with a clone of the repository. This needs to be done in a separate, new Bash command shell. The following commands get a fresh clone of Daikon, set some environment variables and then build everything to be distributed and copy it to the temporary staging area (
    # First, start a separate, new Bash command shell.  Don't kill your old one.
    rm -rf /tmp/$USER/stage-daikon
    mkdir -p /tmp/$USER/stage-daikon
    cd /tmp/$USER/stage-daikon
    git clone --filter=blob:none
    cd daikon
    export DAIKONDIR=`pwd`
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    make compile && make staging

    The final output of this command will be a list of files that were added/removed since the last release. If any of these differences is unexpected, then investigate. If any corrections are required, do so back in the main repository, commit the changes, and then repeat this step.

    [Time: 23 min]

  6. Next, check the staging website to see if it has any broken document links.
    make check-for-broken-doc-links

    Review checklink.log and make corrections as appropriate.

    Sometimes a website forbids robots, or artificially slows them. This can lead to link-checking failures. After you manually check a URL for correctness, you can add it to so that no warning is issued in the future.

    In some cases a "403 Forbidden" error is transient, due to the website being down. You can check such links by hand.

    If the URL is correct but cannot be checked (for example, because the website prohibits spiders or because the URL redirects to another URL but you prefer to keep the first URL in your document), then you may need to add lines to an appropriate part of file checklink-args.txt in

    In most cases (and for most 404 errors), you should fix the document with the incorrect link. Here is a workflow that may be used to deal with broken links:

    Note that you must fix problems in the original repository, not in the drop directories. This means:

    If checklink.log contains an error message of the form:

    List of broken links and other issues:
      Line: 185
      Code: 200 OK
     To do: Some of the links to this resource point to broken URI fragments
            (such as index.html#fragment).
    The following fragments need to be fixed:
            Requirements-for-compiling-Kvasir       Line: 185

    This is probably caused by the way makeinfo deals with chapter splits via indirect references through stub files. Two suppress-fragment entries in checklink-args.txt in are required. For the example above, these would be:


    but on two long lines without any \ line continuation characters.

    [Time: 8 min]

  7. Test the staged distribution on a 64-bit Rocky Linux machine. Since the machine you are using to build the release is probably such a machine, you may simply run the command below. Success is indicated by invariant output being written to the screen.
    make test-staged-dist

    [Time: 5 min]

  8. Test the distribution on Ubuntu and Mac OS machines.

    To use Azure Pipelines, navigate to and click “Run pipeline” then “Run”.

    If there is a problem, fix it and start over.

    [Time: 15 min, or longer if the CI service is busy running other jobs for the codespecs organization.]

  9. Once you have successfully reached this point, you have a valid release candidate and are ready to make the actual release. Caution: If somewhere above you made a change to correct a problem you should have restarted the release process.

    At this point we are done building and testing the release candidate and you should exit the Bash command shell created in step 5 and return to your original Bash shell.

  10. Update the website by deleting the current release and then making the staged version the (new) current release.
    make staging-to-www

    [Time: 1 min]

  11. Add a version label to the repository:
    DAIKONVERSION=`cat $DAIKONDIR/doc/VERSION | xargs echo -n`
    git push --tags
    cd fjalar
    git push --tags

    [Time: moments]

  12. At this point the distribution has been completed. Bump the version number to an odd value for continuing development.
    export -n TODAY
    make update-dist-version-file
    make update-doc-dist-date-and-version

    [Time: moments]

  13. Verify these changes by doing product builds (no need to clean first) and running a short verification test.
    make rebuild-everything quick-test

    Success is indicated by invariant output being written to the screen.

    [Time: 5 min]

  14. Commit changes back to the repository:
    git commit -a -m "Bump version number for ongoing development."
    git push
    cd fjalar
    git commit -a -m "Bump version number for ongoing development."
    git push

    [Time: moments]

  15. Send mail to the ‘daikon-announce’ mailing list. Use the suggested template below, replacing <version number> with the actual number of the release.
    <subject:>  Daikon version <version number> has been released
    Daikon version <version number> is available at:
    Please see the entry from the doc/ file that appears below for more details.
      <your name>
    <a copy of the current entry from the doc/ file, with
    paragraphs refilled (remove unnecessary line breaks that trim lines
    to 80 columns for the file but aren't desirable in email)>

    Note that if you use Microsoft Outlook 2010 or 2013 as your mailer, by default it will insert hard breaks in your outgoing message. See for a work around. You must quit and restart Outlook to activate the change.

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