001package daikon.tools.jtb;
003import java.util.Collections;
004import java.util.HashMap;
005import java.util.HashSet;
006import java.util.List;
007import java.util.Set;
008import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.UsesObjectEquals;
009import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
010import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
011import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
012import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
013import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
016 * Utility class to parse annotations generated with the Annotate program using the {@code
017 * --wrap_xml} flag.
018 *
019 * <p>An example of the String representation of an annotation, as output with the {@code
020 * --wrap_xml} flag, is:
021 *
022 * <pre>{@code
023 * <INVINFO>
024 * <INV> this.topOfStack <= this.theArray.length-1 </INV>
025 * <ENTER>
026 * <DAIKON>  this.topOfStack <= size(this.theArray[])-1  </DAIKON>
027 * <DAIKONCLASS>class daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.IntLessEqual</DAIKONCLASS>
028 * <METHOD>  isEmpty()  </METHOD>
029 * </INVINFO>
030 * }</pre>
031 *
032 * The above string should actually span only one line.
033 *
034 * <p>To be well-formed, an annotation should be enclosed in {@code <INVINFO>} tags, contain
035 *
036 * <pre>{@code
037 * <DAIKON> and
038 * <METHOD>
039 * }</pre>
040 *
041 * tags, and exactly one of
042 *
043 * <pre>{@code
044 * <ENTER>,
045 * <EXIT>,
046 * <OBJECT>, or
047 * <CLASS>.
048 * }</pre>
049 *
050 * Obviously, the tool Annotate outputs well-formed annotations, so the user shouldn't have to worry
051 * too much about well-formedness.
052 *
053 * <p>Two annotations are equal iff their fields "daikonRep", "method" and "kind" are equal.
054 *
055 * <p>The factory method get(String annoString) returns an annotation that equals to the annotation
056 * represented by annoString. In particular, if the same String is given twice to get(String
057 * annoString), the method will return the same Annotation object.
058 */
059public class Annotation {
061  // Maps into all the Annotation objects created.
062  private static HashMap<Integer, Annotation> annotationsMap = new HashMap<>();
064  /** Daikon representation (as output by Daikon's default output format). */
065  private final String daikonRep;
067  /** The way this annotation would be printed by Daikon. */
068  public String daikonRep(@GuardSatisfied Annotation this) {
069    return daikonRep;
070  }
072  private final String method;
074  /** The method that this annotation refers to. */
075  public String method(@GuardSatisfied Annotation this) {
076    return method;
077  }
079  private final Kind kind;
081  /** The kind of this annotation. */
082  public Kind kind(@GuardSatisfied Annotation this) {
083    return kind;
084  }
086  private String invRep;
088  /**
089   * Representation of this annotation (the format depends on which output format was used to create
090   * the annotation in Daikon; it's one of JAVA, JML, ESC or DBC).
091   */
092  public String invRep() {
093    return invRep;
094  }
096  public String daikonClass;
098  /** The Daikon class name that this invariant represents an instance of. */
099  public String daikonClass() {
100    return daikonClass;
101  }
103  private Annotation(
104      Kind kind, String daikonRep, String method, String invRep, String daikonClass) {
105    this.kind = kind;
106    this.daikonRep = daikonRep;
107    this.method = method;
108    this.invRep = invRep;
109    this.daikonClass = daikonClass;
110  }
112  /** Parse a String and return the annotation that it represents. */
113  // [[ Note: Using an XML parser seems like too strong a hammer here,
114  // and the performance of string matching is not an obvious
115  // bottleneck. ]]
116  public static Annotation get(String annoString) throws Annotation.MalformedAnnotationException {
118    // check well-formedness
119    if (!(annoString.matches(".*<INVINFO>.*</INVINFO>.*")
120        && annoString.matches(".*<DAIKON>(.*)</DAIKON>.*")
121        && annoString.matches(".*<METHOD>(.*)</METHOD>.*"))) {
122      throw new Annotation.MalformedAnnotationException(annoString);
123    }
125    // figure out what kind of annotation it is
126    Kind k;
127    if (annoString.matches(".*<ENTER>.*")) {
128      k = Kind.enter;
129    } else if (annoString.matches(".*<EXIT>.*")) {
130      k = Kind.exit;
131    } else if (annoString.matches(".*<OBJECT>.*") || annoString.matches(".*<CLASS>.*")) {
132      k = Kind.objectInvariant;
133    } else {
134      throw new Annotation.MalformedAnnotationException(annoString);
135    }
137    String theDaikonRep = annoString.replaceFirst(".*<DAIKON>(.*)</DAIKON>.*", "$1").trim();
138    String theMethod = annoString.replaceFirst(".*<METHOD>(.*)</METHOD>.*", "$1").trim();
139    String theInvRep = annoString.replaceFirst(".*<INV>(.*)</INV>.*", "$1").trim();
140    String theDaikonClass =
141        annoString.replaceFirst(".*<DAIKONCLASS>(.*)</DAIKONCLASS>.*", "$1").trim();
143    Annotation anno = Annotation.get(k, theDaikonRep, theMethod, theInvRep, theDaikonClass);
145    return anno;
146  }
148  /**
149   * Thrown by method get(String annoString) if annoString doesn't represent a well-formed
150   * annotation.
151   */
152  public static class MalformedAnnotationException extends Exception {
153    static final long serialVersionUID = 20050923L;
155    public MalformedAnnotationException(String s) {
156      super(s);
157    }
158  }
160  /**
161   * XML representation. May be different from the String used to generate the input; only those
162   * tags that were parsed by the get() method will be output here.
163   */
164  public String xmlString() {
165    return "<INVINFO> "
166        + kind.xmlString()
167        + "<DAIKON>"
168        + daikonRep
169        + " </DAIKON> "
170        + "<METHOD> "
171        + method
172        + " </METHOD>"
173        + "<INV>"
174        + invRep
175        + "</INV>"
176        + " <DAIKONCLASS>"
177        + daikonClass
178        + " </DAIKONCLASS>"
179        + "</INVINFO>";
180  }
182  /**
183   * Find, parse and return all distinct annotations found in a String. The string {@code
184   * annoString} may contain none, one, or several annotations. Malformed annotations are ignored.
185   */
186  public static Annotation[] findAnnotations(String annoString) {
187    List<String> l = Collections.singletonList(annoString);
188    return findAnnotations(l);
189  }
191  /**
192   * Find, parse and return all distinct annotations found in a list of strings. Each string in
193   * {@code annoStrings} may contain none, one, or several annotations. Malformed annotations are
194   * ignored.
195   */
196  public static Annotation[] findAnnotations(List<String> annoStrings) {
198    if (annoStrings == null) {
199      return new Annotation[] {};
200    }
201    // Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(<INVINFO>.*</INVINFO>)");
202    Set<Annotation> annos = new HashSet<>();
203    for (String location : annoStrings) {
204      if (location == null || location.equals("")) {
205        continue;
206      }
207      String[] cutUp = location.split("<INVINFO>");
208      // Matcher m = p.matcher(location);
209      for (int splits = 0; splits < cutUp.length; splits++) {
210        // while (m.find()) {
211        try {
212          // String s = m.group(1);
213          String s = cutUp[splits];
214          Annotation anno = Annotation.get("<INVINFO>" + s);
215          // [[[ explain this! ]]]
216          annos.add(anno);
217        } catch (Exception e) {
218          // malformed annotation; just go to next iteration
219        }
220      }
221    }
222    return annos.toArray(new Annotation[] {});
223  }
225  // This class should really be an enum.
226  /**
227   * A class representing the kind of an annotation. An invariant is either {@code Kind.enter},
228   * {@code Kind.exit}, or {@code Kind.objectInvariant} For well-formed Annotations, the following
229   * holds:
230   *
231   * <pre>
232   *    a.kind == Kind.enter
233   * || a.kind == Kind.exit
234   * || a.kind == Kind.objectInvariant
235   * </pre>
236   */
237  @UsesObjectEquals
238  public static class Kind {
239    public final String name;
240    public final String xmlname;
242    private Kind(String name, String xmlname) {
243      this.name = name;
244      this.xmlname = xmlname;
245    }
247    @Pure
248    @Override
249    public int hashCode(@GuardSatisfied Kind this) {
250      return name.hashCode();
251    }
253    @SideEffectFree
254    @Override
255    public String toString(@GuardSatisfied Kind this) {
256      return name;
257    }
259    public String xmlString() {
260      return xmlname;
261    }
263    public static final Kind enter = new Kind("precondition ", "<ENTER>");
264    public static final Kind exit = new Kind("postcondition", "<EXIT>");
265    public static final Kind objectInvariant = new Kind("obj invariant", "<OBJECT>");
266  }
268  /** Easy-on-the-eye format. */
269  @SideEffectFree
270  @Override
271  public String toString(@GuardSatisfied Annotation this) {
272    return kind.toString() + " : " + daikonRep();
273  }
275  /** Two annotations are equal iff their fields "daikonRep", "method" and "kind" are equal. */
276  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "#1")
277  @Pure
278  @Override
279  public boolean equals(@GuardSatisfied Annotation this, @GuardSatisfied @Nullable Object o) {
280    if (o == null) {
281      return false;
282    }
283    if (!(o instanceof Annotation)) {
284      return false;
285    }
286    Annotation anno = (Annotation) o;
287    return (this.daikonRep().equals(anno.daikonRep())
288        && this.method().equals(anno.method())
289        && this.kind().equals(anno.kind()));
290  }
292  @Pure
293  @Override
294  public int hashCode(@GuardSatisfied Annotation this) {
295    return daikonRep.hashCode() + kind.hashCode() + method.hashCode();
296  }
298  /** Get the annotation with corresponding properties. */
299  public static Annotation get(
300      Kind kind, String daikonRep, String method, String invRep, String daikonClass)
301      throws Annotation.MalformedAnnotationException {
303    Annotation anno = new Annotation(kind, daikonRep, method, invRep, daikonClass);
304    Integer key = anno.hashCode();
305    if (annotationsMap.containsKey(key)) {
306      return annotationsMap.get(key);
307    } else {
308      annotationsMap.put(key, anno);
309      return anno;
310    }
311  }
313  // This is never used, and the "break" clause seems to be buggy, so
314  // that this returns at most one property.
315  // /**
316  //  * The annotations in {@code annas} of kind {@code kind}.
317  //  */
318  // public static Annotation[] getKind(Annotation[] annas, Kind kind) {
319  //   List<Annotation> retval = new ArrayList<>();
320  //   for (int i = 0; i < annas.length; i++) {
321  //     if (kind == annas[i].kind) {
322  //       retval.add(annas[i]);
323  //     }
324  //     break;
325  //   }
326  //   return retval.toArray(new Annotation[] {
327  //   });
328  // }