001package daikon.tools.compare;
003import static daikon.tools.nullness.NullnessUtil.*;
004import static java.util.logging.Level.FINE;
005import static java.util.logging.Level.INFO;
007import daikon.Daikon;
008import daikon.FileIO;
009import daikon.Global;
010import daikon.PptMap;
011import daikon.PptTopLevel;
012import daikon.VarInfo;
013import daikon.config.Configuration;
014import daikon.inv.EqualityComparison;
015import daikon.inv.GuardingImplication;
016import daikon.inv.Implication;
017import daikon.inv.Invariant;
018import daikon.inv.OutputFormat;
019import daikon.inv.unary.OneOf;
020import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.LowerBound;
021import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.LowerBoundFloat;
022import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.OneOfFloat;
023import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.UpperBound;
024import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.UpperBoundFloat;
025import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.EltLowerBound;
026import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.EltLowerBoundFloat;
027import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.EltUpperBound;
028import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.EltUpperBoundFloat;
029import daikon.inv.unary.string.OneOfString;
030import daikon.simplify.InvariantLemma;
031import daikon.simplify.Lemma;
032import daikon.simplify.LemmaStack;
033import daikon.simplify.SimplifyError;
034import gnu.getopt.*;
035import java.io.File;
036import java.io.FileInputStream;
037import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
038import java.io.IOException;
039import java.io.InputStream;
040import java.io.LineNumberReader;
041import java.util.ArrayList;
042import java.util.Collection;
043import java.util.Collections;
044import java.util.HashSet;
045import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
046import java.util.List;
047import java.util.Map;
048import java.util.Set;
049import java.util.TreeSet;
050import java.util.logging.Logger;
051import org.checkerframework.checker.mustcall.qual.Owning;
052import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull;
053import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.KeyFor;
054import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
055import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
056import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
057import org.plumelib.util.FilesPlume;
058import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
061 * This is a standalone program that compares the invariants from two versions of (and/or runs of) a
062 * program, and determines using Simplify whether the invariants from one logically imply the
063 * invariants from the other. These are referred to below as the "test" and "application"
064 * invariants, and the conditions that are checked is that the each test precondition (ENTER point
065 * invariant) must be implied some combination of application preconditions, and that each
066 * application postcondition (EXIT point invariant) must be implied by some combination of test
067 * postconditions and application preconditions.
068 */
069public class LogicalCompare {
070  private LogicalCompare() {
071    throw new Error("do not instantiate");
072  }
074  public static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.tools.compare.LogicalCompare");
076  // Options corresponding to command-line flags
077  private static boolean opt_proofs = false;
078  private static boolean opt_show_count = false;
079  private static boolean opt_show_formulas = false;
080  private static boolean opt_show_valid = false;
081  private static boolean opt_post_after_pre = true;
082  private static boolean opt_timing = false;
083  private static boolean opt_show_sets = false;
084  private static boolean opt_minimize_classes = false;
086  // TODO: both of these fields should be instance fields and the main
087  // method should create an instance.
089  /** key = ppt name */
090  private static @MonotonicNonNull Map<String, List<Lemma>> extra_assumptions;
092  private static @Owning @MonotonicNonNull LemmaStack lemmas;
094  /** The usage message for this program. */
095  private static String usage =
096      StringsPlume.joinLines(
097          "Usage: java daikon.tools.compare.LogicalCompare [options ...]",
098          "           WEAK-INVS STRONG-INVS [ENTER-PPT [EXIT-PPT]]",
099          "  -h, --" + Daikon.help_SWITCH,
100          "      Display this usage message",
101          "  --config-file FILE",
102          "      Read configuration option file",
103          "  --config_option OPTION=VALUE",
104          "      Set individual configuration option",
105          "  --" + Daikon.debugAll_SWITCH,
106          "      Turns on all debug flags (voluminous output)",
107          "  --" + Daikon.debug_SWITCH + " logger",
108          "      Turns on the specified debug logger",
109          "  --proofs",
110          "      Show minimal sufficient conditions for valid invariants",
111          "  --show-count",
112          "      Print count of invariants checked",
113          "  --show-formulas",
114          "      Print Simplify representation of invariants",
115          "  --show-valid",
116          "      Show invariants that are verified as well as those that fail",
117          "  --show-sets",
118          "      Show, not test, all the invariants that would be considered",
119          "  --post-after-pre-failure",
120          "      Check postcondition match even if preconditions fail",
121          "  --no-post-after-pre-failure",
122          "      Don't check postcondition match if preconditions fail",
123          "  --timing",
124          "      Show time required to check invariants",
125          "  --filters [bBoOmjpis]",
126          "      Control which invariants are removed from consideration",
127          "  --assume FILE",
128          "      Read extra assumptions from FILE");
130  // Filter options
131  // b        discard uninteresting-constant bounds
132  // B        discard all bounds
133  // o        discard uninteresting-constant one-ofs
134  // O        discard all one-ofs
135  // m        discard invariants with only missing samples
136  // j        discard statistically unjustified invariants
137  // p        discard invariants over pass-by-value parameters
138  // i        discard implication pre-conditions
139  // s        discard suppressed invariants
141  private static boolean[] filters = new boolean[128];
143  private static List<Invariant> filterInvariants(List<Invariant> invs, boolean isPost) {
144    List<Invariant> new_invs = new ArrayList<>();
145    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
146      Invariant guarded_inv = inv;
147      //       System.err.println("Examining " + inv.format());
148      if (inv instanceof GuardingImplication) {
149        inv = ((Implication) inv).consequent();
150      }
151      if (inv instanceof LowerBound
152          || inv instanceof UpperBound
153          || inv instanceof EltLowerBound
154          || inv instanceof EltUpperBound
155          || inv instanceof LowerBoundFloat
156          || inv instanceof UpperBoundFloat
157          || inv instanceof EltLowerBoundFloat
158          || inv instanceof EltUpperBoundFloat) {
159        if (filters['b'] && inv.hasUninterestingConstant()) {
160          continue;
161        }
162        if (filters['B']) {
163          continue;
164        }
165      }
166      if (inv instanceof OneOf || inv instanceof OneOfString || inv instanceof OneOfFloat) {
167        if (filters['o'] && inv.hasUninterestingConstant()) {
168          continue;
169        }
170        if (filters['O']) {
171          continue;
172        }
173      }
174      // test used to be "(filters['m'] && inv.ppt.num_mod_samples() == 0)"
175      if (filters['m'] && inv.ppt.num_samples() == 0) {
176        continue;
177      }
178      if (filters['j'] && !inv.justified()) {
179        continue;
180      }
181      if (filters['p'] && isPost && shouldDiscardInvariant(inv)) {
182        continue;
183      }
184      if (filters['i'] && !isPost && inv instanceof Implication) {
185        continue;
186      }
187      String simp = inv.format_using(OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY);
188      if (simp.indexOf("format_simplify") != -1
189          || simp.indexOf("OutputFormat:Simplify") != -1
190          || simp.indexOf("Simplify not implemented") != -1) {
191        // Noisy, since we should be able to handle most invariants now
192        System.out.println("Bad Simplify formatting:%n  " + inv.format() + "%n  " + simp);
193        continue;
194      }
195      if (inv.format_using(OutputFormat.DAIKON).indexOf("warning: too few samples") != -1) {
196        continue;
197      }
198      if (inv.isGuardingPredicate) {
199        continue;
200      }
201      //       System.err.println("Keeping   " + inv.format());
202      new_invs.add(guarded_inv);
203    }
204    return new_invs;
205  }
207  // This is a modified version of the method with the same name from
208  // the DerivedParameterFilter, with an exception for invariants
209  // indicating that variables are unchanged (except that that
210  // exception is currently turned off)
211  private static boolean shouldDiscardInvariant(Invariant inv) {
212    for (int i = 0; i < inv.ppt.var_infos.length; i++) {
213      VarInfo vi = inv.ppt.var_infos[i];
214      // ppt has to be a PptSlice, not a PptTopLevel
215      if (vi.isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()) {
216        // Exception: let invariants like "orig(arg) == arg" through.
217        if (inv.isEqualityComparison()) {
218          EqualityComparison comp = (EqualityComparison) inv;
219          VarInfo var1 = comp.var1();
220          VarInfo var2 = comp.var2();
221          boolean vars_are_same =
222              var1.prestate_name().equals(var2.name()) || var2.prestate_name().equals(var1.name());
223          if (vars_are_same) {
224            return false;
225          }
226        }
227        //         if (inv instanceof OneOf || inv instanceof OneOfString ||
228        //             inv instanceof OneOfString)
229        //           return false;
230        //         System.err.println("Because of " + vi.name.name() + ", discarding "
231        //                            + inv.format());
232        return true;
233      }
234    }
235    return false;
236  }
238  // Translate a vector of Invariants into a vector of Lemmas, without
239  // changing the invariants.
240  private static List<Lemma> translateStraight(List<Invariant> invs) {
241    List<Lemma> lems = new ArrayList<>();
242    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
243      lems.add(new InvariantLemma(inv));
244    }
245    return lems;
246  }
248  // Translate a vector of Invariants into a vector of Lemmas,
249  // discarding any invariants that represent only facts about a
250  // routine's prestate.
251  private static List<Lemma> translateRemovePre(List<Invariant> invs) {
252    List<Lemma> lems = new ArrayList<>();
253    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
254      if (!inv.isAllPrestate()) {
255        lems.add(new InvariantLemma(inv));
256      }
257    }
258    return lems;
259  }
261  // Translate a vector of Invariants into a vector of Lemmas, adding
262  // orig(...) to each variable so that the invariant will be true
263  // about the precondition of a routine when it is examined in the
264  // poststate context.
265  // The arguments are invariants at the entry point, where no orig(...) variables exist.
266  private static List<Lemma> translateAddOrig(List<Invariant> invs) {
267    List<Lemma> lems = new ArrayList<>();
268    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
269      lems.add(InvariantLemma.makeLemmaAddOrig(inv));
270    }
271    return lems;
272  }
274  //   // Print a vector of invariants and their Simplify translations, for
275  //   // debugging purposes.
276  //   private static void printInvariants(List<Invariant> invs) {
277  //     for (Invariant inv : invs) {
278  //       System.out.println("   " + inv.format());
279  //       System.out.println("(BG_PUSH "
280  //                          + inv.format_using(OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) +")");
281  //     }
282  //   }
284  private static String shortName(Class<?> c) {
285    String name = c.getName();
286    return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
287  }
289  @RequiresNonNull("lemmas")
290  private static int checkConsequences(List<Lemma> assumptions, List<Lemma> consequences) {
291    Set<String> assumption_formulas = new HashSet<>();
292    for (Lemma lem : assumptions) {
293      assumption_formulas.add(lem.formula);
294    }
296    int invalidCount = 0;
297    for (Lemma inv : consequences) {
298      char result;
299      boolean identical = false;
300      if (assumption_formulas.contains(inv.formula)) {
301        result = 'T';
302        identical = true;
303      } else {
304        result = lemmas.checkLemma(inv);
305      }
307      if (opt_minimize_classes) {
308        if (result == 'T' && !identical) {
309          List<Set<Class<? extends Invariant>>> sets = lemmas.minimizeClasses(inv.formula);
310          for (Set<Class<? extends Invariant>> classes : sets) {
311            @SuppressWarnings(
312                "nullness") // application invariant: context; might be able to rewrite types to
313            // make consequences a List<InvariantLemma>"
314            @NonNull Class<? extends Invariant> inv_class = inv.invClass();
315            System.out.print(shortName(inv_class) + ":");
316            if (classes.contains(inv_class)) {
317              System.out.print(" " + shortName(inv_class));
318              classes.remove(inv_class);
319            }
320            for (Class<? extends Invariant> c : classes) {
321              System.out.print(" " + shortName(c));
322            }
323            System.out.println();
324          }
325          System.out.println(inv.summarize());
326          System.out.println();
327        }
328        if (true) {
329          continue;
330        }
331      }
333      if (result == 'T') {
334        if (opt_proofs) {
335          if (identical) {
336            System.out.println("Identical");
337          } else {
338            List<Lemma> assume = lemmas.minimizeProof(inv);
339            System.out.println();
340            for (Lemma lem : assume) {
341              System.out.println(lem.summarize());
342            }
343            System.out.println("----------------------------------");
344            System.out.println(inv.summarize());
345            if (opt_show_formulas) {
346              System.out.println();
347              for (Lemma lem : assume) {
348                System.out.println("    " + lem.formula);
349              }
350              System.out.println("    ------------------------------------------");
351              System.out.println("    " + inv.formula);
352            }
353          }
354        } else if (opt_show_valid) {
355          System.out.print("Valid: ");
356          System.out.println(inv.summary);
357          if (opt_show_formulas) {
358            System.out.println("    " + inv.formula);
359          }
360        }
361      } else if (result == 'F') {
362        invalidCount++;
363        if (opt_proofs) {
364          System.out.println();
365        }
366        System.out.print("Invalid: ");
367        System.out.println(inv.summary);
368        if (opt_show_formulas) {
369          System.out.println("    " + inv.formula);
370        }
371      } else {
372        assert result == '?';
373        if (opt_proofs) {
374          System.out.println();
375        }
376        System.out.print("Timeout: ");
377        System.out.println(inv.summary);
378        if (opt_show_formulas) {
379          System.out.println("    " + inv.formula);
380        }
381      }
382    }
383    return invalidCount;
384  }
386  // Check that each of the invariants in CONSEQUENCES follows from
387  // zero or more of the invariants in ASSUMPTIONS. Returns the number
388  // of invariants that can't be proven to follow.
389  @RequiresNonNull("lemmas")
390  private static int evaluateImplications(List<Lemma> assumptions, List<Lemma> consequences)
391      throws SimplifyError {
392    int mark = lemmas.markLevel();
393    lemmas.pushOrdering();
394    lemmas.pushLemmas(assumptions);
395    if (lemmas.checkForContradiction() == 'T') {
396      if (opt_post_after_pre) {
397        // Shouldn't be reached anymore
398        lemmas.removeContradiction();
399        System.out.println("Warning: had to remove contradiction(s)");
400      } else {
401        System.out.println("Contradictory assumptions:");
402        List<Lemma> min = lemmas.minimizeContradiction();
403        LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, min);
404        throw new Error("Aborting");
405      }
406    }
408    int invalidCount = checkConsequences(assumptions, consequences);
410    lemmas.popToMark(mark);
411    return invalidCount;
412  }
414  @RequiresNonNull("lemmas")
415  private static int evaluateImplicationsCarefully(
416      List<Lemma> safeAssumptions, List<Lemma> unsafeAssumptions, List<Lemma> consequences)
417      throws SimplifyError {
418    int mark = lemmas.markLevel();
419    List<Lemma> assumptions = new ArrayList<>();
420    lemmas.pushOrdering();
421    lemmas.pushLemmas(safeAssumptions);
422    if (lemmas.checkForContradiction() == 'T') {
423      System.out.println("Contradictory assumptions:");
424      List<Lemma> min = lemmas.minimizeContradiction();
425      LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, min);
426      throw new Error("Aborting");
427    }
428    assumptions.addAll(safeAssumptions);
430    int j = unsafeAssumptions.size();
431    for (int i = 0; i < unsafeAssumptions.size(); i++) {
432      List<Lemma> unsafe = unsafeAssumptions.subList(i, j);
433      boolean safe = false;
434      while (!safe && unsafe.size() > 0) {
435        int innerMark = lemmas.markLevel();
436        lemmas.pushLemmas(new ArrayList<Lemma>(unsafe));
437        if (lemmas.checkForContradiction() == 'T') {
438          lemmas.popToMark(innerMark);
439          j = i + unsafe.size();
440          unsafe = unsafe.subList(0, unsafe.size() / 2);
441        } else {
442          safe = true;
443          i += unsafe.size() - 1;
444          assumptions.addAll(unsafe);
445        }
446      }
447      if (!safe) {
448        assert unsafe.size() == 0;
449        j = unsafeAssumptions.size();
450      }
451    }
453    int invalidCount = checkConsequences(assumptions, consequences);
455    lemmas.popToMark(mark);
456    return invalidCount;
457  }
459  // Initialize the theorem prover. Whichever mode we're in, we should
460  // only do this once per program run.
461  @EnsuresNonNull("lemmas")
462  private static void startProver() {
463    lemmas = new LemmaStack();
464  }
466  // Comparare the invariants for enter and exit points between two
467  // methods (usually two sets of invariants for methods of the same
468  // name).
469  // For historical reasons, one set of invariants is called the app
470  // invariants (from running the app in practice) and the other set of
471  // invariants is called the test invariants (from running the app on its
472  // test suite).
473  @RequiresNonNull({"extra_assumptions", "lemmas"})
474  private static void comparePpts(
475      PptTopLevel app_enter_ppt,
476      PptTopLevel test_enter_ppt,
477      PptTopLevel app_exit_ppt,
478      PptTopLevel test_exit_ppt) {
479    LemmaStack.clearInts();
481    //     app_enter_ppt.guardInvariants();
482    //     test_enter_ppt.guardInvariants();
483    //     app_exit_ppt.guardInvariants();
484    //     test_exit_ppt.guardInvariants();
486    List<Invariant> a_pre = app_enter_ppt.invariants_vector();
487    List<Invariant> t_pre = test_enter_ppt.invariants_vector();
488    List<Invariant> a_post = app_exit_ppt.invariants_vector();
489    List<Invariant> t_post = test_exit_ppt.invariants_vector();
491    if (opt_timing) {
492      System.out.println("Starting timer");
493    }
494    long processing_time_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
496    a_pre = filterInvariants(a_pre, false);
497    t_pre = filterInvariants(t_pre, false);
498    a_post = filterInvariants(a_post, true);
499    t_post = filterInvariants(t_post, true);
501    if (opt_show_sets) {
502      System.out.println("Background assumptions:");
503      LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, Lemma.lemmasList());
504      System.out.println("");
506      List<Lemma> v = new ArrayList<>();
507      v.addAll(translateAddOrig(a_pre));
508      System.out.println("Weak preconditions (Apre):");
509      LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, v);
510      System.out.println("");
512      v = new ArrayList<Lemma>();
513      v.addAll(translateAddOrig(t_pre));
514      System.out.println("Strong preconditions (Tpre):");
515      LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, v);
516      System.out.println("");
518      v = new ArrayList<Lemma>();
519      v.addAll(translateRemovePre(t_post));
520      System.out.println("Strong postconditions (Tpost):");
521      LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, v);
522      System.out.println("");
524      v = new ArrayList<Lemma>();
525      v.addAll(translateRemovePre(a_post));
526      System.out.println("Weak postconditions (Apost):");
527      LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.out, v);
528      return;
529    }
531    if (opt_show_count) {
532      System.out.println("Strong preconditions consist of " + t_pre.size() + " invariants.");
533    }
534    List<Lemma> pre_assumptions = new ArrayList<>();
535    pre_assumptions.addAll(translateStraight(a_pre));
536    List<Lemma> pre_conclusions = new ArrayList<>();
537    pre_conclusions.addAll(translateStraight(t_pre));
538    Collections.sort(pre_conclusions);
540    System.out.println("Testing preconditions:");
541    int bad_pre = evaluateImplications(pre_assumptions, pre_conclusions);
542    int num_checked = pre_conclusions.size();
543    if (bad_pre > 0 && !opt_post_after_pre) {
544      System.out.println("Precondition failure, skipping postconditions");
545      return;
546    }
548    System.out.println("Testing postconditions:");
550    List<Lemma> post_assumptions_safe = new ArrayList<>();
551    List<Lemma> post_assumptions_unsafe = new ArrayList<>();
552    List<Lemma> post_conclusions = new ArrayList<>();
554    post_assumptions_unsafe.addAll(translateAddOrig(a_pre));
555    post_assumptions_safe.addAll(translateStraight(t_post));
556    String ppt_name = test_enter_ppt.ppt_name.name();
557    if (extra_assumptions.containsKey(ppt_name)) {
558      List<Lemma> assumptions = extra_assumptions.get(ppt_name);
559      post_assumptions_unsafe.addAll(assumptions);
560    }
562    post_conclusions.addAll(translateRemovePre(a_post));
563    Collections.sort(post_conclusions);
565    if (opt_show_count) {
566      System.out.println(
567          "Weak postconditions consist of " + post_conclusions.size() + " invariants.");
568    }
570    evaluateImplicationsCarefully(post_assumptions_safe, post_assumptions_unsafe, post_conclusions);
571    long time_elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - processing_time_start;
572    num_checked += post_conclusions.size();
573    if (opt_show_count) {
574      System.out.println("Checked " + num_checked + " invariants total");
575    }
576    if (opt_timing) {
577      System.out.println("Total time " + time_elapsed + "ms");
578    }
579  }
581  @RequiresNonNull("extra_assumptions")
582  private static void readExtraAssumptions(String filename) {
583    File file = new File(filename);
584    try (LineNumberReader reader = FilesPlume.newLineNumberFileReader(file)) {
585      String line;
586      String ppt_name = null;
587      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
588        line = line.trim();
589        if (line.equals("") || line.startsWith("#")) {
590          continue;
591        } else if (line.startsWith("PPT_NAME")) {
592          ppt_name = line.substring("PPT_NAME".length()).trim();
593          if (!extra_assumptions.containsKey(ppt_name)) {
594            extra_assumptions.put(ppt_name, new ArrayList<Lemma>());
595          }
596        } else if (line.startsWith("(")) {
597          if (ppt_name == null) {
598            System.err.println("Must specify PPT_NAME before giving a formula");
599            throw new Error();
600          }
601          String formula, comment;
602          // XXX This should really read a balanced Simplify
603          // expression, then look for a comment after that. But that
604          // would involve counting parens and vertical bars and
605          // backslashes, which I'm too lazy to do right now.
606          if (line.indexOf("#") != -1) {
607            formula = line.substring(0, line.indexOf("#"));
608            comment = line.substring(line.indexOf("#") + 1);
609          } else {
610            formula = line;
611            comment = "User-supplied assumption";
612          }
613          formula = formula.trim();
614          comment = comment.trim();
615          @SuppressWarnings(
616              "nullness") // map: on previous loop iteration, this key was added to map
617          @NonNull List<Lemma> assumption_vec = extra_assumptions.get(ppt_name);
618          assumption_vec.add(new Lemma(comment, formula));
619        } else {
620          System.err.println("Can't parse " + line + " in assumptions file");
621          System.err.println(
622              "Should be `PPT_NAME <ppt_name>' or a Simplify formula (starting with `(')");
623          throw new Error();
624        }
625      }
626    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
627      System.err.println("File not found: " + filename);
628      throw new Error();
629    } catch (IOException e) {
630      System.err.println("IO error reading " + filename);
631      throw new Error();
632    }
633  }
635  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SimplifyError {
636    try {
637      mainHelper(args);
638    } catch (Daikon.DaikonTerminationException e) {
639      Daikon.handleDaikonTerminationException(e);
640    }
641  }
643  /**
644   * This does the work of {@link #main(String[])}, but it never calls System.exit, so it is
645   * appropriate to be called progrmmatically.
646   *
647   * @param args command-line arguments, like those of {@link #main}
648   */
649  public static void mainHelper(final String[] args)
650      throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SimplifyError {
651    LongOpt[] longopts =
652        new LongOpt[] {
653          new LongOpt("assume", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
654          new LongOpt("config_option", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
655          new LongOpt("config-file", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
656          new LongOpt(Daikon.debugAll_SWITCH, LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
657          new LongOpt(Daikon.debug_SWITCH, LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
658          new LongOpt("filters", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
659          new LongOpt("help", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
660          new LongOpt("minimize-classes", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
661          new LongOpt("no-post-after-pre-failure", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
662          new LongOpt("post-after-pre-failure", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
663          new LongOpt("proofs", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
664          new LongOpt("show-count", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
665          new LongOpt("show-formulas", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
666          new LongOpt("show-sets", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
667          new LongOpt("show-valid", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
668          new LongOpt("timing", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0),
669        };
671    Configuration.getInstance().apply("daikon.inv.Invariant.simplify_define_predicates=true");
672    Configuration.getInstance().apply("daikon.simplify.Session.simplify_max_iterations=2147483647");
674    extra_assumptions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
676    Getopt g = new Getopt("daikon.tools.compare.LogicalCompare", args, "h", longopts);
677    int c;
678    boolean user_filters = false;
679    while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) {
680      switch (c) {
681        case 0:
682          // got a long option
683          String option_name = longopts[g.getLongind()].getName();
684          if (Daikon.help_SWITCH.equals(option_name)) {
685            System.out.println(usage);
686            throw new Daikon.NormalTermination();
687          } else if (option_name.equals("config-file")) {
688            String config_file = Daikon.getOptarg(g);
689            try (InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(config_file)) {
690              Configuration.getInstance().apply(stream);
691            } catch (IOException e) {
692              throw new RuntimeException("Could not open config file " + config_file);
693            }
694          } else if (option_name.equals("config_option")) {
695            String item = Daikon.getOptarg(g);
696            Configuration.getInstance().apply(item);
697          } else if (Daikon.debugAll_SWITCH.equals(option_name)) {
698            Global.debugAll = true;
699          } else if (Daikon.debug_SWITCH.equals(option_name)) {
700            daikon.LogHelper.setLevel(Daikon.getOptarg(g), FINE);
701          } else if (option_name.equals("proofs")) {
702            opt_proofs = true;
703          } else if (option_name.equals("show-count")) {
704            opt_show_count = true;
705          } else if (option_name.equals("show-formulas")) {
706            opt_show_formulas = true;
707          } else if (option_name.equals("show-valid")) {
708            opt_show_valid = true;
709          } else if (option_name.equals("show-sets")) {
710            opt_show_sets = true;
711          } else if (option_name.equals("post-after-pre-failure")) {
712            opt_post_after_pre = true;
713          } else if (option_name.equals("no-post-after-pre-failure")) {
714            opt_post_after_pre = false;
715          } else if (option_name.equals("timing")) {
716            opt_timing = true;
717          } else if (option_name.equals("filters")) {
718            String f = Daikon.getOptarg(g);
719            for (int i = 0; i < f.length(); i++) {
720              filters[f.charAt(i)] = true;
721            }
722            user_filters = true;
723          } else if (option_name.equals("assume")) {
724            readExtraAssumptions(Daikon.getOptarg(g));
725          } else if (option_name.equals("minimize-classes")) {
726            opt_minimize_classes = true;
727          } else {
728            throw new Error();
729          }
730          break;
731        case 'h':
732          System.out.println(usage);
733          throw new Daikon.NormalTermination();
734        case '?':
735          // getopt() already printed an error
736          throw new Daikon.UserError("Bad argument");
737      }
738    }
740    if (!user_filters) {
741      filters['i'] = filters['j'] = filters['m'] = filters['p'] = true;
742    }
744    // Set up debug traces; note this comes after reading command line options.
745    daikon.LogHelper.setupLogs(Global.debugAll ? FINE : INFO);
747    int num_args = args.length - g.getOptind();
749    if (num_args < 2) {
750      throw new Daikon.UserError(
751          "Must have at least two non-option arguments" + Global.lineSep + usage);
752    }
754    String app_filename = args[g.getOptind() + 0];
755    String test_filename = args[g.getOptind() + 1];
757    PptMap app_ppts =
758        FileIO.read_serialized_pptmap(
759            new File(app_filename), true // use saved config
760            );
761    PptMap test_ppts =
762        FileIO.read_serialized_pptmap(
763            new File(test_filename), true // use saved config
764            );
765    if (num_args == 4 || num_args == 3) {
766      String enter_ppt_name = args[g.getOptind() + 2];
767      String exit_ppt_name;
768      if (num_args == 4) {
769        exit_ppt_name = args[g.getOptind() + 3];
770      } else {
771        exit_ppt_name = ""; // s/b nonexistent
772      }
773      startProver();
775      System.out.println(
776          "Comparing "
777              + enter_ppt_name
778              + " and "
779              + exit_ppt_name
780              + " in "
781              + app_filename
782              + " and "
783              + test_filename);
785      PptTopLevel app_enter_ppt = app_ppts.get(enter_ppt_name);
786      PptTopLevel test_enter_ppt = test_ppts.get(enter_ppt_name);
787      if (app_enter_ppt == null) {
788        throw new Daikon.UserError(
789            String.format("Ppt %s not found in %s", enter_ppt_name, app_filename));
790      }
791      if (test_enter_ppt == null) {
792        throw new Daikon.UserError(
793            String.format("Ppt %s not found in %s", enter_ppt_name, test_filename));
794      }
796      PptTopLevel app_exit_ppt = app_ppts.get(exit_ppt_name);
797      PptTopLevel test_exit_ppt = test_ppts.get(exit_ppt_name);
798      if (app_exit_ppt == null) {
799        app_exit_ppt = app_ppts.get(app_enter_ppt.ppt_name.makeExit());
800        if (app_exit_ppt == null) {
801          throw new Daikon.UserError(
802              String.format(
803                  "Neither ppt %s nor ppt %s found in %s",
804                  exit_ppt_name, app_enter_ppt.ppt_name.makeExit(), app_filename));
805        }
806      }
807      if (test_exit_ppt == null) {
808        test_exit_ppt = test_ppts.get(test_enter_ppt.ppt_name.makeExit());
809        if (test_exit_ppt == null) {
810          throw new Daikon.UserError(
811              String.format(
812                  "Neither ppt %s nor ppt %s found in %s",
813                  exit_ppt_name, test_enter_ppt.ppt_name.makeExit(), test_filename));
814        }
815      }
817      comparePpts(
818          app_enter_ppt, test_enter_ppt,
819          app_exit_ppt, test_exit_ppt);
820    } else if (num_args == 2) {
821      startProver();
823      Collection<@KeyFor("app_ppts.nameToPpt") String> app_ppt_names = app_ppts.nameStringSet();
824      Collection<@KeyFor("test_ppts.nameToPpt") String> test_ppt_names = test_ppts.nameStringSet();
825      // These are keys in both app_ppts and test_ppts.
826      Set<String> common_names = new TreeSet<>();
828      for (String name : app_ppt_names) {
829        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // map: iterating over keyset
830        @NonNull PptTopLevel app_ppt = app_ppts.get(name);
832        if (!app_ppt.ppt_name.isEnterPoint()) {
833          // an exit point, and we only want entries
834          continue;
835        }
836        if (app_ppt.num_samples() > 0) {
837          if (test_ppt_names.contains(name)
838              && castNonNull(test_ppts.get(name)).num_samples()
839                  > 0) { // correlated maps: test_ppts.get(name) is non-null because
840            // test_ppt_names.contains(name) is true
841            common_names.add(name);
842          } else {
843            System.out.println(name + " was used but not tested");
844          }
845        }
846      }
848      for (String name : common_names) {
849        System.out.println();
850        System.out.println("Looking at " + name);
851        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // map: iterating over subset of keySet
852        @NonNull PptTopLevel app_enter_ppt = app_ppts.get(name);
853        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // map: iterating over subset of keySet
854        @NonNull PptTopLevel test_enter_ppt = test_ppts.get(name);
855        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // map: exit should be in map if enter is
856        @NonNull PptTopLevel app_exit_ppt = app_ppts.get(app_enter_ppt.ppt_name.makeExit());
857        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // map: exit should be in map if enter is
858        @NonNull PptTopLevel test_exit_ppt = test_ppts.get(test_enter_ppt.ppt_name.makeExit());
860        assert app_exit_ppt != null;
861        assert test_exit_ppt != null;
862        comparePpts(
863            app_enter_ppt, test_enter_ppt,
864            app_exit_ppt, test_exit_ppt);
865      }
866    } else {
867      throw new Daikon.UserError("Too many arguments" + Global.lineSep + usage);
868    }
869  }