001package daikon.test.inv;
003import static daikon.inv.Invariant.asInvClass;
004import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
005import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
006import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
007import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
008import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
010import daikon.*;
011import daikon.config.Configuration;
012import daikon.inv.*;
013import daikon.inv.binary.*;
014import daikon.inv.ternary.threeScalar.ThreeScalar;
015import daikon.inv.unary.*;
016import java.io.BufferedReader;
017import java.io.BufferedWriter;
018import java.io.File;
019import java.io.FileInputStream;
020import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
021import java.io.IOException;
022import java.io.InputStreamReader;
023import java.io.LineNumberReader;
024import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
025import java.lang.reflect.Field;
026import java.lang.reflect.Method;
027import java.nio.file.Files;
028import java.util.ArrayList;
029import java.util.Arrays;
030import java.util.List;
031import java.util.StringTokenizer;
032import junit.framework.*;
033import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
034import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
035import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.BinaryName;
036import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
037import org.junit.Test;
038import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
041 * This is a tester for the results of adding or checking an sample to an invariant. It can test
042 * practically any invariant in the Daikon system given the appropriate commands. The test are
043 * configured from the {@code InvariantTest.commands} file and errors that occur are written to the
044 * InvariantTest.diffs file. For conveince a partcailly complete file InvariantTest.input can be
045 * used to generate a complete commands file. To generate InvariantTest.commands from
046 * InvariantTest.input run this class's main method with option "--generate_goals".
047 *
048 * <p>Each test case starts with a line containing the full name of the invariant then a second line
049 * containing the types of the arguments to the invariant's check and add method (excluding the
050 * count argument). After the test case's header any number of command lines may be included in a
051 * command file. Finally, after all command lines, the key work "end" must appear on its own line.
052 *
053 * <p>Each command line is starts with a command: "add:" or "check:". Following the command comes
054 * the arguments to be checked or added to the invariant. These arguments should be in the same
055 * format as in a dtrace file. Next comes the InvariantStatus that is expected to be returned by the
056 * check or add command on checking or adding the arguments. Finally, the expected format of the
057 * Invariant after checking or adding the arguments is included. (The format of the invariant is
058 * given by "Invariant.format_using(OutputFormat.DAIKON)")
059 *
060 * <p>A full example test case is as follows:
061 *
062 * <pre>
063 * daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.PairwiseIntEqual
064 * int_array int_array
065 * add: [ 1 2 3 ]; [1 2 3 ]; no_change; a[] == b[] (elementwise)
066 * add: [ 10 -1 6 ]; [10 -1 6 ]; no_change; a[] == b[] (elementwise)
067 * add: [ -3 -3 -9 ]; [-3 6 -9 ]; falsified; a[] == b[] (elementwise)
068 * end
069 * </pre>
070 *
071 * Alternatively, this class can be used to generate a test case when given command lines that do
072 * not include expected InvariantStatus or invariant format. The proper input to generate the test
073 * above would be:
074 *
075 * <pre>
076 * daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.PairwiseIntEqual
077 * int_array int_array
078 * add: [ 1 2 3 ]; [1 2 3 ]
079 * add: [ 10 -1 6 ]; [10 -1 6 ]
080 * add: [ -3 -3 -9 ]; [-3 6 -9 ]
081 * end
082 * </pre>
083 *
084 * To run a test case the method runTest should be used. To generate a test case the method
085 * generateTest should be used.
086 *
087 * <p>Note: no test case should contain the character ';' in any way other than to divide arguments
088 * with in a command line.
089 */
090@SuppressWarnings("nullness") // test code
091public class InvariantAddAndCheckTester {
093  /** Indicates a string that when it starts a line signifies that the line is a comment. */
094  public static final String COMMENT_STARTER_STRING = "#";
096  /** A list containing all of the test formats. */
097  public static final List<String> TEST_FORMAT_LIST = getTestFormatList();
099  /** Allows for the configuring of Daikon options. */
100  static Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance();
102  private static final String commandsFileName = "daikon/test/inv/InvariantTest.commands";
103  private static final String diffFileName = "daikon/test/inv/InvariantTest.diffs";
105  private static final String lineSep = Global.lineSep;
107  /**
108   * This function produces the format list for intialization of the static format list variable.
109   */
110  static List<String> getTestFormatList() {
111    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
113    // Add test formats - hard coded in
114    result.add("daikon");
115    result.add("java");
116    result.add("esc");
117    result.add("jml");
118    result.add("dbc");
119    result.add("simplify");
121    return result;
122  }
124  /** This function is the actual function performed when this class is run through JUnit. */
125  @Test
126  public void testFormats() {
128    // Don't care about comparability info because we are only
129    // creating variables for the purpose of being compared (thus they
130    // should all be comparable)
131    Daikon.ignore_comparability = true;
133    // run the actual test
135    if (!execute()) {
136      fail(
137          "At least one test failed."
138              + " Inspect java/daikon/test/InvariantAddAndCheckTest.diffs for error report.");
139    }
140  }
142  /**
143   * Returns the next non-comment, non-whitespace line of the input buffer.
144   *
145   * @param input the input buffer
146   * @return the next non-comment, non-whitespace line of the input buffer or null if the end of the
147   *     buffer is reached before such a line can be found
148   */
149  static @Nullable String getNextRealLine(BufferedReader input) {
150    String currentLine = "";
152    try {
153      while (currentLine != null) {
154        currentLine = input.readLine();
155        if (currentLine != null && !isComment(currentLine) && !isWhitespace(currentLine)) {
156          return currentLine;
157        }
158      }
159    } catch (IOException e) {
160      throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
161    }
162    return null;
163  }
165  /**
166   * This function performs the testing for a particular format indicated by the format string. It
167   * subsequently sets up appropriate input and output streams for the format test, performs the
168   * test, and the compares the test results to the goals. If the goals differ from the actual
169   * results the test fails.
170   *
171   * @return false if any tests fail
172   */
173  private static boolean execute() {
174    String output;
175    try (LineNumberReader commandReader = getCommands()) {
176      output = performTest(commandReader);
177    } catch (IOException e) {
178      throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
179    }
181    if (output == null) { // no errors
182      return true;
183    } else {
184      BufferedWriter diffsOutput = getDiffsOutputWriter();
185      try {
186        diffsOutput.write(output, 0, output.length());
187        diffsOutput.close();
188      } catch (IOException e) {
189        throw new RuntimeException("Could not output generated diffs");
190      }
191      return false;
192    }
193  }
195  /**
196   * This function performs an individual formatting test after the input and output streams have
197   * been created.
198   *
199   * @param commands the input that decides which tests to perform
200   * @return a String holding the error messages for any failed tests, or null if no tests are
201   *     failed
202   */
203  private static @Nullable String performTest(LineNumberReader commands) {
204    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
205    //  List invariantTestCases = new ArrayList();
206    boolean noTestFailed = true;
208    while (true) {
209      // Create a new test case
210      //  FormatTestCase currentCase = FormatTestCase.readFromFile(commands, generateGoals);
212      // if (currentCase == null)
213      //  break;
214      //  else {
215      //  invariantTestCases.add(currentCase);
216      String results = AddAndCheckTestCase.runTest(commands);
217      if (results == null) {
218        break;
219      }
220      if (!(results.length() == 0)) {
221        //  output.print(currentCase.getDiffString());
222        output.append(results);
223        noTestFailed = false;
224      }
225    }
226    if (noTestFailed) {
227      return null;
228    } else {
229      return output.toString();
230    }
231  }
233  /**
234   * Returns a reader for the {@code InvariantTest.commands} resource.
235   *
236   * @return a reader for the {@code InvariantTest.commands} resource
237   */
238  private static LineNumberReader getCommands() {
239    // Calculate input file locations
240    //   URL inputFileLocation =
241    //      ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getSystemResource("InvariantTest.commands");
243    //     if (inputFileLocation == null)
244    //       fail("Input file for invariant format tests missing." +
245    //            " (Should be in InvariantTest.commands" +
246    //            " and it must be within the classpath)");
248    //  String inputFile = inputFileLocation.getFile();
249    //    System.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
250    LineNumberReader commands;
251    try {
252      commands =
253          new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(commandsFileName), UTF_8));
254    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
255      fail(
256          "Unexpected FileNotFoundException (very strange since the URL of the file was found"
257              + " earlier)");
258      throw new Error("Unreachable control flow");
259    }
260    return commands;
261  }
263  private static BufferedWriter getDiffsOutputWriter() {
264    try {
265      return Files.newBufferedWriter(new File(diffFileName).toPath(), UTF_8);
266    } catch (IOException e) {
267      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot write output into " + diffFileName);
268    }
269  }
271  /**
272   * Determines whether a line is a comment or not.
273   *
274   * @param line the line in question
275   * @return true if the line is a comment (that is, not to be interpretted as a command); false
276   *     otherwise
277   */
278  @Pure
279  static boolean isComment(String line) {
280    return line.startsWith(COMMENT_STARTER_STRING);
281  }
283  /**
284   * Determines whether a given line is made only of whitespcae.
285   *
286   * @param line the line in question
287   * @return true if the line is made up only of whitespace, false otherwise
288   */
289  @Pure
290  static boolean isWhitespace(String line) {
291    for (int x = 0; x < line.length(); x++) {
292      if (!Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(x))) {
293        return false;
294      }
295    }
296    return true;
297  }
299  private static class AddAndCheckTestCase {
301    /** The Invariant object to be tested. */
302    private static Invariant invariantToTest;
304    /**
305     * The types of the arguments to invariantToTest's check and add commands (not including the
306     * count argument).
307     */
308    private static ProglangType[] types;
310    /** invariantToTest's addModified method. */
311    private static Method addModified;
313    /** invariantToTest's checkModified method. */
314    private static Method checkModified;
316    /** invariantToTest's format_using method. */
317    private static Method outputProducer;
319    /** Contains error messages if any test commands fail. */
320    private static StringBuilder results;
322    /** The token that divides the different arguments to a test command. */
323    private static final String argDivider = ";";
325    /**
326     * Returns a string containing error messages for any failed cases. Returns the empty string if
327     * there are no failed cases. Returns null if commands is empty (there are no more test cases
328     * and the end of the file has been reached).
329     *
330     * @return a string containing error messages for any failed cases
331     */
332    public static @Nullable String runTest(LineNumberReader commands) {
333      boolean endOfFile = initFields(commands, false);
334      if (endOfFile) {
335        return null;
336      }
337      while (true) {
338        String commandLine = getNextRealLine(commands);
339        int lineNumber = commands.getLineNumber();
340        if (InvariantAddAndCheckTester.isComment(commandLine)) {
341          continue;
342        } else if (isTestTerminator(commandLine)) {
343          break;
344        } else if (isAddCommand(commandLine) || isCheckCommand(commandLine)) {
345          executeCheckOrAddCommand(commandLine, lineNumber);
346        } else if (isCompareCommand(commandLine)) {
347        } else {
348          throw new RuntimeException("unrecognized command");
349        }
350      }
351      return results.toString();
352    }
354    /**
355     * Returns a String containing the proper add and check commands for this input lines of this
356     * test case.
357     *
358     * @return a String containing the proper add and check commands for this input lines of this
359     *     test case
360     */
361    @SuppressWarnings("UnusedMethod")
362    public static @Nullable String generateTest(LineNumberReader commands) {
363      boolean endOfFile = initFields(commands, true);
364      if (endOfFile) {
365        return null;
366      }
367      while (true) {
368        String commandLine = getNextLine(commands).trim();
369        int lineNumber = commands.getLineNumber();
370        if (InvariantAddAndCheckTester.isComment(commandLine)) {
371          results.append(commandLine + lineSep);
372        } else if (isTestTerminator(commandLine)) {
373          results.append(commandLine + lineSep + lineSep);
374          break;
375        } else if (isAddCommand(commandLine) || isCheckCommand(commandLine)) {
376          generateCheckOrAddCommand(commandLine, lineNumber);
377        } else if (isCompareCommand(commandLine)) {
378          // generateCompareCommand(commandLine);
379        } else {
380          throw new RuntimeException("unrecognized command");
381        }
382      }
383      return results.toString();
384    }
386    /**
387     * Initializes the fields of this class based on the first two lines of a case which include the
388     * class name and parameter types.
389     *
390     * @return true is end of file is reached
391     */
392    private static boolean initFields(LineNumberReader commands, boolean generatingCommands) {
394      results = new StringBuilder();
396      @SuppressWarnings("signature") // user input, should be checked
397      @BinaryName String className = getNextRealLine(commands);
399      // End of file reached
400      if (className == null) {
401        return true;
402      }
404      // Load the class from file
405      Class<? extends Invariant> classToTest = asInvClass(getClass(className));
407      try {
408        @SuppressWarnings("UnusedVariable")
409        Field ignore = classToTest.getField("dkconfig_enabled"); // Enable if needs to be done
410        InvariantAddAndCheckTester.config.apply(className + ".enabled", "true");
411      } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // Otherwise do nothing
412      }
414      if (generatingCommands) {
415        results.append(className + lineSep);
416      }
418      // Instantiate variables to be used as the names in the
419      // invariants, variables are labeled a,b,c and so on as they
420      // appear
421      String typeString = getNextRealLine(commands);
423      types = getTypes(typeString);
425      VarInfo[] vars = getVarInfos(classToTest, types);
426      PptSlice sl = createSlice(vars, daikon.test.Common.makePptTopLevel("Test:::OBJECT", vars));
428      // Create an actual instance of the class
429      invariantToTest = instantiateClass(classToTest, sl);
431      addModified = getAddModified(invariantToTest.getClass());
432      checkModified = getCheckModified(invariantToTest.getClass());
433      outputProducer = getOutputProducer(invariantToTest.getClass());
435      assertEquals(types.length, getArity(invariantToTest.getClass()));
437      if (generatingCommands) {
438        results.append(typeString + lineSep);
439      }
440      return false;
441    }
443    /**
444     * Given a line from a command file, generates and executes the appropriate check or add
445     * command, and checks the results against the goal. If the results and goal do not match, a
446     * message is added to the results string buffer.
447     */
448    private static void executeCheckOrAddCommand(String command, int lineNumber) {
450      // remove the command
451      String args = command.substring(command.indexOf(":") + 1);
453      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(args, argDivider);
454      if (tokens.countTokens() != types.length + 2) {
455        throw new RuntimeException(
456            "Number of arguments to add command on line "
457                + lineNumber
458                + " is: "
459                + tokens.countTokens()
460                + " but should be: "
461                + (types.length + 2));
462      }
463      Object[] params = getParams(tokens);
464      InvariantStatus goalStatus = parseStatus(tokens.nextToken().trim());
465      tokens.nextToken(); // executed for side effect
466      assertFalse(tokens.hasMoreTokens());
467      InvariantStatus resultStatus;
468      try {
469        if (isCheckCommand(command)) {
470          resultStatus = getCheckStatus(params);
471        } else {
472          resultStatus = getAddStatus(params);
473        }
474      } catch (Exception e) {
475        throw new Error(
476            String.format(
477                "Problem with \"%s\" on line %d of %s", command, lineNumber, commandsFileName),
478            e);
479      }
480      if (resultStatus != goalStatus) {
481        results.append(
482            "Error on line "
483                + lineNumber
484                + ":"
485                + lineSep
486                + "Expected  InvariantStatus: "
487                + goalStatus
488                + lineSep
489                + "Found InvariantStatus: "
490                + resultStatus
491                + lineSep);
492      }
493    }
495    /** Given a line from an input file, generates appropriate check or add command. */
496    private static void generateCheckOrAddCommand(String command, int lineNumber) {
497      // remove the command
498      String args = command.substring(command.indexOf(":") + 1);
500      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(args, argDivider);
501      if (tokens.countTokens() != types.length) {
502        throw new RuntimeException(
503            "Number of arguments to generate an add command on line: "
504                + lineNumber
505                + " is: "
506                + tokens.countTokens()
507                + " but should be: "
508                + types.length);
509      }
510      Object[] params = getParams(tokens);
511      assertFalse(tokens.hasMoreTokens());
512      InvariantStatus goalStatus;
513      if (isCheckCommand(command)) {
514        goalStatus = getCheckStatus(params);
515      } else {
516        goalStatus = getAddStatus(params);
517      }
518      String invariantFormat = getInvariantFormat();
519      results.append(
520          command
521              + argDivider
522              + " "
523              + goalStatus.toString()
524              + argDivider
525              + " "
526              + invariantFormat
527              + lineSep);
528    }
530    /**
531     * Returns an array of the arguments to be passed into check_modified or add_modified produced
532     * from tokens.
533     *
534     * @return an array of the arguments to be passed into check_modified or add_modified produced
535     *     from tokens
536     */
537    private static Object[] getParams(StringTokenizer tokens) {
538      // add one for the "count" argument
539      Object[] params = new Object[types.length + 1];
540      for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
541        params[i] = types[i].parse_value(tokens.nextToken().trim(), null, null);
542      }
543      params[params.length - 1] = 1; // the "count" argument
544      return params;
545    }
547    /**
548     * Returns the InvariantStatus produced by invoking invariantToTest's add_modified method on the
549     * arguments represented by params.
550     *
551     * @return the InvariantStatus produced by invoking invariantToTest's add_modified method on the
552     *     arguments represented by params
553     */
554    private static InvariantStatus getAddStatus(Object[] params) {
555      try {
556        return (InvariantStatus) addModified.invoke(invariantToTest, params);
557      } catch (Exception e) {
558        throw new RuntimeException(
559            "getAddStatus: error invoking addModified("
560                + Arrays.toString(params)
561                + ") on "
562                + invariantToTest.getClass()
563                + "; commandsFileName="
564                + commandsFileName,
565            e);
566      }
567    }
569    /**
570     * Returns the InvariantStatus produced by invoking invariantToTest's check_modified method on
571     * the arguments represented by params.
572     *
573     * @return the InvariantStatus produced by invoking invariantToTest's check_modified method on
574     *     the arguments represented by params
575     */
576    private static InvariantStatus getCheckStatus(Object[] params) {
577      try {
578        return (InvariantStatus) checkModified.invoke(invariantToTest, params);
579      } catch (Exception e) {
580        throw new RuntimeException(" error in " + invariantToTest.getClass() + ": " + e);
581      }
582    }
584    /**
585     * Returns a String representation of the invariantToTest. This String is produced by invoking
586     * the invariant's format_using with method with the argument {@code OutputFormat.Daikon}.
587     *
588     * @return a String representation of the invariantToTest
589     */
590    private static String getInvariantFormat() {
591      try {
592        return (String) outputProducer.invoke(invariantToTest, new Object[] {OutputFormat.DAIKON});
593      } catch (Exception e) {
594        throw new RuntimeException(invariantToTest + " " + outputProducer);
595      }
596    }
598    /**
599     * Returns an InvariantStatus that the string status parses to.
600     *
601     * @param status the string representation of an InvariantStatus
602     * @return an InvariantStatus that the string status parses to
603     */
604    private static InvariantStatus parseStatus(String status) {
605      status = status.trim();
606      if (status.equals("no_change")) {
607        return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
608      } else if (status.equals("falsified")) {
609        return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
610      }
611      if (status.equals("weakened")) {
612        return InvariantStatus.WEAKENED;
613      } else {
614        throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized InvariantStatus: " + status);
615      }
616    }
618    /**
619     * This function returns the add_modified method from the class type provided.
620     *
621     * @param theClass the class in which to find the add_modified method
622     * @return the add_modified method if it exists, null otherwise
623     * @throws RuntimeException if check_modified does not exist
624     */
625    private static Method getAddModified(Class<? extends Invariant> theClass) {
626      Method[] methods = theClass.getMethods();
628      Method currentMethod;
629      for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
630        currentMethod = methods[i];
631        if (currentMethod.getName().lastIndexOf("add_modified") != -1) {
632          return currentMethod;
633        }
634      }
635      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find add_modified method");
636    }
638    /**
639     * This function returns the check_modified method from the class type provided.
640     *
641     * @param theClass the class in which to find the check_modified method
642     * @return the check_modified method if it exists
643     * @throws RuntimeException if check_modified does not exist
644     */
645    private static Method getCheckModified(Class<? extends Invariant> theClass) {
646      Method[] methods = theClass.getMethods();
648      Method currentMethod;
649      for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
650        currentMethod = methods[i];
651        if (currentMethod.getName().lastIndexOf("check_modified") != -1) {
652          return currentMethod;
653        }
654      }
655      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find check_modified method");
656    }
658    /**
659     * Returns the method of invariant named by theClass that produces a String representation of
660     * the invariant.
661     *
662     * @return the method of invariant named by theClass that produces a String representation of
663     *     the invariant
664     */
665    private static Method getOutputProducer(Class<? extends Invariant> theClass) {
666      Method[] methods = theClass.getMethods();
668      Method currentMethod;
669      for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
670        currentMethod = methods[i];
672        // Method should be called format_using
673        if (currentMethod.getName().lastIndexOf("format_using") != -1) {
674          return currentMethod;
675        }
676      }
677      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find format_using method");
678    }
680    /**
681     * This function loads a class from file into the JVM given its fully-qualified name.
682     *
683     * @param classInfo the fully-qualified class name
684     * @return a Class object representing the class name if such a class is defined, otherwise null
685     */
686    private static Class<?> getClass(@BinaryName String classInfo) {
687      try {
688        return ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass(classInfo);
689      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
690        throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
691      }
692    }
694    /**
695     * This function is an alias for the {@link #getNextRealLine(BufferedReader) getNextRealLine}
696     * method.
697     */
698    static String getNextRealLine(BufferedReader buffer) {
699      return InvariantAddAndCheckTester.getNextRealLine(buffer);
700    }
702    @Pure
703    private static boolean isTestTerminator(String command) {
704      String commandTrimmed = command.trim();
705      return commandTrimmed.startsWith("end");
706    }
708    @Pure
709    private static boolean isAddCommand(String command) {
710      String commandTrimmed = command.trim();
711      return commandTrimmed.startsWith("add");
712    }
714    @Pure
715    private static boolean isCheckCommand(String command) {
716      String commandTrimmed = command.trim();
717      return commandTrimmed.startsWith("check");
718    }
720    @Pure
721    private static boolean isCompareCommand(String command) {
722      String commandTrimmed = command.trim();
723      return commandTrimmed.startsWith("compare");
724    }
726    /**
727     * This function creates an array of VarInfo objects that can represent a set of program
728     * language types provided by the caller. Their names carry no meaning except for the type.
729     *
730     * @param classToTest the invariant class for which the VarInfos must be determined
731     * @param types the types that the VarInfos must have
732     * @return an array of VarInfo objects that have the types corresponding to those in types
733     */
734    private static VarInfo[] getVarInfos(
735        Class<? extends Invariant> classToTest, ProglangType[] types) {
736      int numInfos = getArity(classToTest);
738      if (numInfos == -1) {
739        throw new RuntimeException("Class arity cannot be determined.");
740      }
742      VarInfo[] result = new VarInfo[numInfos];
744      for (int i = 0; i < numInfos; i++) {
745        result[i] = getVarInfo(types[i], i);
746      }
748      return result;
749    }
751    /**
752     * This function returns a VarInfo of the given type. The name is the ith letter of the
753     * alphabet. (Produces variables such that i=0 &rarr; name=a, i=1 &rarr; name=b, ...)
754     *
755     * @param type the desired type that the VarInfo will represent
756     * @param i a unique identifier that determines the name to be used
757     * @return a VarInfo object that described the type
758     */
759    private static VarInfo getVarInfo(ProglangType type, int i) {
760      assertNotNull(type);
762      String arrayModifier = "";
764      if (type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY
765          || type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY
766          || type == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY) { // Is it an array ?
767        arrayModifier = "[]";
768      }
770      // Create the new VarInfoName dependent on a couple factors:
771      // - If it is an array, attach [] to the name to make parse return
772      // the correct thing
773      // - The base part of the name will be "a" for the first var in an
774      // invariant, "b" for the second, and so on
775      // - The ProglangType will be specified in the parameters
776      // - The comparability will be none
777      @SuppressWarnings("interning")
778      @Interned VarInfo result =
779          new VarInfo(
780              new String(new char[] {(char) ('a' + i)}) + arrayModifier,
781              type,
782              type,
783              VarComparabilityNone.it,
784              VarInfoAux.getDefault());
785      return result;
786    }
788    /**
789     * This function determines the arity of a given invariant given its class.
790     *
791     * @param classToTest the invariant type in question
792     * @return the arity of the invariant if it can be determined, -1 otherwise
793     */
794    private static int getArity(Class<? extends Invariant> classToTest) {
795      if (UnaryInvariant.class.isAssignableFrom(classToTest)) {
796        return 1;
797      }
798      if (BinaryInvariant.class.isAssignableFrom(classToTest)) {
799        return 2;
800      }
801      if (ThreeScalar.class.isAssignableFrom(classToTest)) {
802        return 3;
803      }
805      return -1;
806    }
808    /**
809     * This function parses a format string -- a space separated list of types -- and determines the
810     * types of objects to be collected.
811     *
812     * @param typeNames the type string for an invariant
813     * @return an array of ProglangTypes representing the data in typeNames
814     */
815    private static ProglangType[] getTypes(String typeNames) {
816      StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(typeNames);
817      ProglangType[] result = new ProglangType[stok.countTokens()];
819      for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
820        String typeName = stok.nextToken();
822        // A way of doing the same thing as below in fewer lines of code
823        // Doesn't seem to work...
824        // result[i] = ProglangType.parse(typeName);
826        if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
827          result[i] = ProglangType.INT;
828        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("double")) {
829          result[i] = ProglangType.DOUBLE;
830        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("string")) {
831          result[i] = ProglangType.STRING;
832        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("int_array")) {
833          result[i] = ProglangType.INT_ARRAY;
834        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("double_array")) {
835          result[i] = ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY;
836        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("string_array")) {
837          result[i] = ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY;
838        } else {
839          return null;
840        }
842        assertNotNull(result[i]);
843      }
845      return result;
846    }
848    /**
849     * This function creates an appropriate PptSlice for a given set of VarInfos and a PptTopLevel.
850     *
851     * @param vars an array of VarInfo objects for which the slice is to be created
852     * @param ppt the PptTopLevel object representing the program point
853     * @return a new PptSlice object if the creation of one is possible, else throws a
854     *     RuntimeException
855     */
856    private static PptSlice createSlice(VarInfo[] vars, PptTopLevel ppt) {
857      if (vars.length == 1) {
858        assertNotNull(vars[0]);
859        return new PptSlice1(ppt, vars);
860      } else if (vars.length == 2) {
861        assertNotNull(vars[0]);
862        assertNotNull(vars[1]);
863        return new PptSlice2(ppt, vars);
864      } else if (vars.length == 3) {
865        assertNotNull(vars[0]);
866        assertNotNull(vars[1]);
867        assertNotNull(vars[2]);
868        return new PptSlice3(ppt, vars);
869      } else {
870        throw new RuntimeException(
871            "Improper vars passed to createSlice (length = " + vars.length + ")");
872      }
873    }
875    /**
876     * This function instantiates an invariant class by using the {@code <type>(PptSlice)}
877     * constructor.
878     *
879     * @param theClass the invariant class to be instantiated
880     * @param sl the PptSlice representing the variables about which an invariant is determined
881     * @return an instance of the class in theClass if one can be constructed, else throw a
882     *     RuntimeException
883     */
884    private static Invariant instantiateClass(Class<? extends Invariant> theClass, PptSlice sl) {
885      try {
886        Method get_proto = theClass.getMethod("get_proto", new Class<?>[] {});
887        Invariant proto = (@Prototype Invariant) get_proto.invoke(null, new Object[] {});
888        Invariant inv = proto.instantiate(sl);
889        return inv;
890      } catch (Exception e) {
891        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
892        throw new RuntimeException(
893            "Error while instantiating invariant " + theClass.getName() + ": " + e.toString());
894      }
895    }
897    private static String getNextLine(LineNumberReader input) {
898      try {
899        return input.readLine();
900      } catch (IOException e) {
901        throw new RuntimeException("Exception reading next line");
902      }
903    }
904  }