001package daikon.test;
003import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
005import daikon.tools.jtb.*;
006import java.io.IOException;
007import java.io.InputStream;
008import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
009import java.util.ArrayList;
010import java.util.List;
011import jtb.*;
012import jtb.syntaxtree.*;
013import jtb.visitor.*;
014import junit.framework.*;
015import org.junit.Test;
016import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
018public final class TestClassOrInterfaceTypeDecorateVisitor {
020  public static class UngenerifiedTypeCollector extends DepthFirstVisitor {
021    // These two lists have the same length.
022    List<ClassOrInterfaceType> generifieds = new ArrayList<>();
023    List<ClassOrInterfaceType> ungenerifieds = new ArrayList<>();
025    @Override
026    public void visit(ClassOrInterfaceType n) {
027      generifieds.add(n);
028      ungenerifieds.add(n.unGenerifiedVersionOfThis);
029    }
031    /**
032     * A printed representation of the results.
033     *
034     * @return a printed representation of the results
035     */
036    public String collectionResults() {
037      StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
038      b.append("Collection results:");
039      b.append(System.lineSeparator());
040      for (int i = 0; i < generifieds.size(); i++) {
041        MethodDeclaration m =
042            (MethodDeclaration) Ast.getParent(MethodDeclaration.class, generifieds.get(i));
043        if (m != null) {
044          b.append("Method: ");
045          m.f0.accept(new TreeFormatter());
046          b.append(Ast.format(m.f0));
047          m.f1.accept(new TreeFormatter());
048          b.append(Ast.format(m.f1));
049          m.f2.accept(new TreeFormatter());
050          b.append(Ast.format(m.f2));
051          b.append(System.lineSeparator());
052        }
053        generifieds.get(i).accept(new TreeFormatter());
054        b.append("  " + Ast.format(generifieds.get(i)));
055        b.append("  -->");
056        ungenerifieds.get(i).accept(new TreeFormatter());
057        b.append("  " + Ast.format(ungenerifieds.get(i)));
058        b.append(System.lineSeparator());
059      }
060      return b.toString();
061    }
062  }
064  @Test
065  public void testTheVisitor() {
067    CompilationUnit compilationUnit;
069    // Parse the file "GenericTestClass.java" (under same dir as this class)
070    try (InputStream sourceIn = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("GenericTestClass.java")) {
071      if (sourceIn == null) {
072        throw new Error("Couldn't find file GenericTestClass.java");
073      }
074      JavaParser parser = new JavaParser(sourceIn);
076      try {
077        compilationUnit = parser.CompilationUnit();
078      } catch (ParseException e) {
079        throw new Error(e);
080      }
081    } catch (IOException e) {
082      throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
083    }
085    UngenerifiedTypeCollector ungenerifiedCollector = new UngenerifiedTypeCollector();
086    compilationUnit.accept(new ClassOrInterfaceTypeDecorateVisitor());
087    compilationUnit.accept(ungenerifiedCollector);
089    /*
090     for (int ii = 0; ii < result.length(); ii++) {
091      if (result.charAt(ii) !=  expected.charAt(ii)) {
092        System.out.printf("diff at offset %d: '%c' - '%c'%n", ii,
093                           result.charAt(ii), expected.charAt(ii));
094        System.out.printf("last:%n%s%n%s%n", result.substring (ii-50, ii+2),
095                           expected.substring (ii-50, ii+2));
096        break;
097      }
098    }
099    */
101    String result = ungenerifiedCollector.collectionResults().trim();
102    String[] result_arr = StringsPlume.splitLines(result);
104    // FilesPlume.writeFile(new File("expected.txt"), expected);
105    // FilesPlume.writeFile(new File("result.txt"), result);
107    assertEquals(expectedAnswerLines.length, result_arr.length);
108    for (int ii = 0; ii < expectedAnswerLines.length; ii++) {
109      assertEquals(expectedAnswerLines[ii], result_arr[ii]);
110    }
111    /*
112    assertEquals(expectedAnswerBuffer.toString().trim(), ungenerifiedCollector.collectionResults().trim());
113      */
114  }
116  /** The expected results, as a collection of lines. */
117  private static String[] expectedAnswerLines =
118      new String[] {
119        "Collection results:",
120        "  String  -->  String",
121        "  java.lang.Object  -->  java.lang.Object",
122        "Method: Listfoo1()",
123        "  List  -->  List",
124        "Method: List<String>foo2()",
125        "  List<String>  -->  List",
126        "Method: Ufoo3()",
127        "  U  -->  Object",
128        "Method: <D extends Comparable >List<String>foo4()",
129        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
130        "Method: <D extends Comparable >List<String>foo4()",
131        "  List<String>  -->  List",
132        "Method: <E extends java.lang.Object >List<U>foo5()",
133        "  java.lang.Object  -->  java.lang.Object",
134        "Method: <E extends java.lang.Object >List<U>foo5()",
135        "  List<U>  -->  List",
136        "Method: <F >List<String>foo55()",
137        "  List<String>  -->  List",
138        "Method: Listfoo6(List x)",
139        "  List  -->  List",
140        "Method: Listfoo6(List x)",
141        "  List  -->  List",
142        "Method: Listfoo7(List<A> x)",
143        "  List  -->  List",
144        "Method: Listfoo7(List<A> x)",
145        "  List<A>  -->  List",
146        "Method: Listfoo8(A x)",
147        "  List  -->  List",
148        "Method: Listfoo8(A x)",
149        "  A  -->  Object",
150        "Method: Listfoo9(B x)",
151        "  List  -->  List",
152        "Method: Listfoo9(B x)",
153        "  B  -->  String",
154        "Method: Listfoo10(C x)",
155        "  List  -->  List",
156        "Method: Listfoo10(C x)",
157        "  C  -->  java.lang.Object",
158        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo11(G x, C y)",
159        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
160        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo11(G x, C y)",
161        "  List<U>  -->  List",
162        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo11(G x, C y)",
163        "  G  -->  Comparable",
164        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo11(G x, C y)",
165        "  C  -->  java.lang.Object",
166        "Method: <C extends Comparable >List<U>foo115(C x, B y)",
167        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
168        "Method: <C extends Comparable >List<U>foo115(C x, B y)",
169        "  List<U>  -->  List",
170        "Method: <C extends Comparable >List<U>foo115(C x, B y)",
171        "  C  -->  Comparable",
172        "Method: <C extends Comparable >List<U>foo115(C x, B y)",
173        "  B  -->  String",
174        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo12(A x, List<B> y)",
175        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
176        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo12(A x, List<B> y)",
177        "  List<String>  -->  List",
178        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo12(A x, List<B> y)",
179        "  A  -->  Object",
180        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo12(A x, List<B> y)",
181        "  List<B>  -->  List",
182        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo13(A x, List<U> y)",
183        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
184        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo13(A x, List<U> y)",
185        "  List<String>  -->  List",
186        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo13(A x, List<U> y)",
187        "  A  -->  Object",
188        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<String>foo13(A x, List<U> y)",
189        "  List<U>  -->  List",
190        "Method: <H extends java.lang.Object >List<String>foo14(H x)",
191        "  java.lang.Object  -->  java.lang.Object",
192        "Method: <H extends java.lang.Object >List<String>foo14(H x)",
193        "  List<String>  -->  List",
194        "Method: <H extends java.lang.Object >List<String>foo14(H x)",
195        "  H  -->  java.lang.Object",
196        "Method: <H extends java.lang.Object >List<U>foo15(B x)",
197        "  java.lang.Object  -->  java.lang.Object",
198        "Method: <H extends java.lang.Object >List<U>foo15(B x)",
199        "  List<U>  -->  List",
200        "Method: <H extends java.lang.Object >List<U>foo15(B x)",
201        "  B  -->  String",
202        "Method: <I >List<String>foo16(I x)",
203        "  List<String>  -->  List",
204        "Method: <I >List<String>foo16(I x)",
205        "  I  -->  Object",
206        "Method: <I >List<String>foo17(I[] x)",
207        "  List<String>  -->  List",
208        "Method: <I >List<String>foo17(I[] x)",
209        "  I  -->  Object",
210        "Method: <I >List<String>foo18(I[][] x)",
211        "  List<String>  -->  List",
212        "Method: <I >List<String>foo18(I[][] x)",
213        "  I  -->  Object",
214        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo19(G[] x, C[] y)",
215        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
216        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo19(G[] x, C[] y)",
217        "  List<U>  -->  List",
218        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo19(G[] x, C[] y)",
219        "  G  -->  Comparable",
220        "Method: <G extends Comparable >List<U>foo19(G[] x, C[] y)",
221        "  C  -->  java.lang.Object",
222        "Method: // Ugh! But this is legal.//",
223        "/* */",
224        "List[]foo20(Comparable[][] x[], Object[] y[])[]",
225        "  // Ugh! But this is legal.//",
226        "/* */",
227        "List  -->  // Ugh! But this is legal.//",
228        "/* */",
229        "List",
230        "Method: // Ugh! But this is legal.//",
231        "/* */",
232        "List[]foo20(Comparable[][] x[], Object[] y[])[]",
233        "  Comparable  -->  Comparable",
234        "Method: // Ugh! But this is legal.//",
235        "/* */",
236        "List[]foo20(Comparable[][] x[], Object[] y[])[]",
237        "  Object  -->  Object",
238        // This is illegal in Java 6.
239        // "  Map  -->  Map",
240        // "  U.Entry  -->  Map.Entry",
241        // "Method: voidfoo1(V x)",
242        // "  V  -->  Map.Entry",
243        // "Method: voidfoo2(U.Entry x)",
244        // "  U.Entry  -->  Map.Entry",
245      };