001// ***** This file is automatically generated from LinearTernaryCore.java.jpp
003package daikon.inv.ternary.threeScalar;
005import daikon.*;
006import daikon.inv.*;
007import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.*;
008import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.*;
009import java.io.Serializable;
010import java.util.*;
011import java.util.logging.Level;
012import java.util.logging.Logger;
013import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
014import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
015import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
016import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
017import org.plumelib.util.ArraysPlume;
018import org.plumelib.util.MathPlume;
019import typequals.prototype.qual.NonPrototype;
020import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
023 * The LinearTernaryCore class is acts as the backend for the invariant (ax + by + cz + d = 0) by
024 * processing samples and computing coefficients. The resulting coefficients a, b, c, and d are
025 * mutually relatively prime, and the coefficient a is always p.
026 */
028// Originally, LinearTernaryCore code was not dealing with degenerate
029// linear ternary invariants correct, namely when the plane
030// (ax+by+cz+d=0) is parallel to one of the axes, so one of the
031// coefficients was 0.  In this case, the invariant can be described
032// by a binary invariant (eliminate the 0 coefficient variable).
033// LinearTernaryCore's inability to deal with this degenerate form was
034// (and still is) masked by the suppression of a linear ternary
035// invariant via a binary invariant and a constant (the code threw an
036// exception when seeing this case and falsifies the invariant).  As
037// more samples are processed, the ternary invariant may "evolve" from
038// a degenerate form to a full ternary invariant.  The
039// linearintervention method deals with the degenerate form and the
040// planarintervention focuses on the full ternary invariant.
042@SuppressWarnings({"nullness", // ***** TEMPORARY:  def_points is confused (is packed initially with non-nulls at beginning, but is not all non-nulls; and later may not be packed); needs review/refactoring/rewriting
043    "UnnecessaryParentheses"  // generated code, parens are sometimes necessary
044    })
045public final class LinearTernaryCoreFloat implements Serializable, Cloneable {
046  static final long serialVersionUID = 20030822L;
048  /** Debug tracer. */
049  static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.inv.ternary.threeScalar.LinearTernaryCoreFloat");
051  // ax + by + cz + d = 0; first argument is x, second is y, third is z
052  // Although the coefficients are guaranteed to be integers, we use doubles to
053  // store the values because regression tests have shown that a long is
054  // not sufficient
055  public double a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
056  public double min_a, max_a, min_b, max_b, min_c, max_c, min_d, max_d;
057  public double separation = 0;
059  // coefficients for the invariant in 3D space
060  public double[] coefficients = new double[4];
062  // The values of the flags determine indicate whether a line exists
063  // with the current samples (NO_LINE) and which variables are
064  // constant (constant variables indicate that the 'plane' is
065  // parallel to that axis).  For example, XY_CONSTANT means that the
066  // so far, the x and y values have all been constant and only z has
067  // been varying so so the plane is actually a line.
068  // NO_CONSTANT_VARIABLES indicates that the values have not been
069  // constant but do for a plane between variables.
073  // The flag indicates whether a line exists in the 3D space instead
074  // of a plane If the flag value is not NO_LINE, then a line does
075  // currently exist among the values seen and the flag specifies
076  // which variables are constant to make the invariant a line rather
077  // than a plane.  The value NO_LINE indicates either that not enough
078  // values have been seen to make any decision or that a plane
079  // exists.
080  public Flag line_flag = Flag.NO_LINE;
082  // Inner class to store points in for more convenient access.
083  public static class Point implements Serializable, Cloneable {
084    static final long serialVersionUID = 20050923L;
086    public double x;
087    public double y;
088    public double z;
089    public Point() {
090      this(0, 0, 0);
091    }
092    public Point(double x, double y, double z) {
093      this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z;
094    }
095    @Pure
096    public boolean equals(double x, double y, double z) {
097      return (this.x == x) && (this.y == y) && (this.z == z);
098    }
099    @SideEffectFree
100    @Override
101    protected Point clone(@GuardSatisfied Point this) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
102      return (Point) super.clone();
103    }
104    @SideEffectFree
105    @Override
106    public String toString(@GuardSatisfied Point this) {
107      return "(" + x + ", " + y + " ," + z + ")";
108    }
109  }
111  // Points that define the plane.  The first three are normally the
112  // current definition.  The next is a new point for consideration.
113  // However, any slot may be set to null at any time, and points may be
114  // duplicated at any time.
115  // (The invariant appears to be a bit stronger than that, since there are
116  // places that dereference the array unconditionally, assuming that its
117  // elements are non-null.  This should be clarified/refactored.)
118  public @Nullable Point[] def_points = new Point[MINTRIPLES];
120  public Invariant wrapper;
122  // The number of distinct values (not samples) seen.
123  public int values_seen = 0;
125  static final int MINTRIPLES = 5;
127  public LinearTernaryCoreFloat(Invariant wrapper) {
128    this.wrapper = wrapper;
129  }
131  @SideEffectFree
132  @Override
133  public LinearTernaryCoreFloat clone(@GuardSatisfied LinearTernaryCoreFloat this) {
134    try {
135      LinearTernaryCoreFloat result = (LinearTernaryCoreFloat) super.clone();
136      result.def_points = new Point[MINTRIPLES];
137      for (int i = 0; i < MINTRIPLES; i++) {
138        Point p = def_points[i];
139        if (p != null) {
140          result.def_points[i] = p.clone();
141        }
142      }
143      return result;
144    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
145      throw new Error(); // can't happen
146    }
147  }
149  /**
150   * Reorganize our already-seen state as if the variables had shifted order underneath us
151   * (rearrangement given by the permutation).
152   */
153  public void permute(int[] permutation) {
154    assert permutation.length == 3;
155    assert ArraysPlume.fnIsPermutation(permutation);
156    // Fix a, b, c
157    double[] clever = new double[] { a, b, c };
158    double[] pclever = new double[3];
159    pclever[permutation[0]] = clever[0];
160    pclever[permutation[1]] = clever[1];
161    pclever[permutation[2]] = clever[2];
162    if (isActive()) {
163      // Seen enough values, so permuting a, b, c is useful
164      if ( a == 0 || b == 0 || c == 0) {
165        throw new Error("Active LTs never have 0 coefficients");
166        // // Can't handle this form once rotated.  But if we've seen
167        // // enough values, yet a, b or c is zero, then this is covered by
168        // // a LinearBinary or a constant, so let me just destroy myself.
169        // values_seen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
170        // a = b = c = d = 0;
171        // if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
172        //   debug.fine ("  Ternary invariant destroyed because a, b, or c = 0");
173        // }
174        // return;
175      } else {
176        // double d = -1.0 / pclever[2];
177        a = pclever[0];
178        b = pclever[1];
179        c = pclever[2];
181        // we still need to guarantee a positive x coefficient
182        if (a < 0) {
183          a = -a;
184          b = -b;
185          c = -c;
186          d = -d;
187        }
188      }
189    }
191    // Fix caches
192    {
193      double[] temp = new double[3];
194      for (int i = 0; i < MINTRIPLES; i++) {
195        Point p = def_points[i];
196        if (p == null) {
197          continue;
198        }
199        wrapper.log("orig def_points[%s] = %s", i, p);
200        temp[permutation[0]] = p.x;
201        temp[permutation[1]] = p.y;
202        temp[permutation[2]] = p.z;
203        p.x = temp[0];
204        p.y = temp[1];
205        p.z = temp[2];
206        wrapper.log("permuted def_points[%s] = %s", i, p);
207      }
208    }
209    // Assert that caches sync with a,b,c?
210    // This would be a good sanity check, but it would be nontrivial
211    // because we don't keep track of when a, b, and c are really
212    // valid for all the of the points we've cached. If we were
213    // falsified and then resurrected, we might have samples that
214    // didn't fit even before the permutation. -smcc
215  }
217  /**
218   * Returns whether or not the invariant is currently active. We become active after MINTRIPLES
219   * values have been seen and a line is not calculated. In addition, the coefficients (a, b, c)
220   * must all be non-zero, else the invariant would be described by a LinearBinary or constant
221   * invariant. Before that, a, b, and c are uninitialized.
222   */
223  // this is the check used throughout the file as a shortcut because
224  // the invariant must have seen enough samples and not be a line for all the
225  // other calculations and comparisons done to be sensible, meaning that
226  // a full linear ternary invariant exists, not a degenerate one
227  @Pure
228  public boolean isActive(@GuardSatisfied LinearTernaryCoreFloat this) {
229    return line_flag == Flag.NO_LINE && values_seen >= MINTRIPLES && a != 0 && b != 0 && c != 0;
230  }
232  /**
233   * Sets up the invariant from a LinearBinary invariant and a constant value for the third
234   * variable. Points are taken from the LinearBinary cache and its min_x/y and max_x/y points and
235   * combined with the constant value.
236   *
237   * @return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE if the invariant is valid, InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED if one
238   * of the points invalidated the LinearTernary invariant
239   */
240  public InvariantStatus setup(LinearBinaryFloat lb, VarInfo con_var,
241                                double con_val) {
243    if (Debug.logOn()) {
244      wrapper.log("setup from lb %s con var %s con_val %s",
245                   lb, con_var, con_val);
246    }
248    int con_index = con_var.varinfo_index;
249    int lb_v1_index = lb.ppt.var_infos[0].varinfo_index;
250    int lb_v2_index = lb.ppt.var_infos[1].varinfo_index;
252    double[] con_vals = new double [lb.core.values_seen + 2];
253    double[] lb1_vals = new double [lb.core.values_seen + 2];
254    double[] lb2_vals = new double [lb.core.values_seen + 2];
256    int mi = lb.core.values_seen;
257    for (int i = 0; i < mi; i++) {
258      con_vals[i] = con_val;
259      lb1_vals[i] = lb.core.x_cache[i];
260      lb2_vals[i] = lb.core.y_cache[i];
261    }
262    if (lb.isActive()) {
263      con_vals[mi] = con_val;
264      lb1_vals[mi] = lb.core.min_x;
265      lb2_vals[mi] = lb.core.min_y;
266      con_vals[mi + 1] = con_val;
267      lb1_vals[mi + 1] = lb.core.max_x;
268      lb2_vals[mi + 1] = lb.core.max_y;
269      mi += 2;
270    }
272    InvariantStatus sts = InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
274    for (int i = 0; i < mi; i++ ) {
275      if (con_index < lb_v1_index) {
276        sts = add_modified(con_vals[i], lb1_vals[i], lb2_vals[i], 1);
278      } else if (con_index < lb_v2_index) {
279        sts = add_modified(lb1_vals[i], con_vals[i], lb2_vals[i], 1);
281      } else {
282        sts = add_modified(lb1_vals[i], lb2_vals[i], con_vals[i], 1);
284      }
285      if (sts != InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE) {
286        break;
287      }
288    }
290    if (sts != InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE) {
291      System.out.println("lb.core.values_seen=" + lb.core.values_seen);
292      for (int i = 0; i < mi; i++ ) {
293        System.out.printf("LTCore: vals %s %s %s%n", con_vals[i], lb1_vals[i],
294                           lb2_vals[i]);
295      }
296      System.out.println("in inv " + wrapper.format() + " " + wrapper.ppt);
297      assert sts == InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
298    }
300    return sts;
301  }
303  /**
304   * Sets up the invariant from a OneOf and two constants. Points are taken from the OneOf cache
305   * and the constant values.
306   *
307   * @return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE if the invariant is valid, or InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED if
308   * one of the points invalidated the LinearTernary invariant
309   */
311  public InvariantStatus setup(OneOfFloat oo, VarInfo v1, double con1,
312                                VarInfo v2, double con2) {
314    int oo_index = oo.ppt.var_infos[0].varinfo_index;
315    int con1_index = v1.varinfo_index;
316    int con2_index = v2.varinfo_index;
318    InvariantStatus sts = InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
319    for (int i = 0; i < oo.num_elts(); i++ ) {
320      if (oo_index < con1_index) {
321        sts = add_modified(((Double)oo.elt(i)).doubleValue(), con1, con2, 1);
322      } else if (oo_index < con2_index) {
323        sts = add_modified(con1, ((Double)oo.elt(i)).doubleValue(), con2, 1);
324      } else {
325        sts = add_modified(con1, con2, ((Double)oo.elt(i)).doubleValue(), 1);
326      }
327      if (sts != InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE) {
328        break;
329      }
330    }
332    if (Debug.logOn()) {
333      wrapper.log("setup from OneOf %s v1=%s v2=%s status = %s",
334                   oo, con1, con2, sts);
335    }
337    return sts;
338  }
340  /**
341   * Looks for points that define a plane (ax + by + cz + d = 0). Collects MINTRIPLE points before
342   * attempting to define a line through the points. Once the equation for the line is found, each
343   * subsequent point is compared to it. If the point does not match, recalculates the maximally
344   * separated points and attempts to fit the points to the new line. If the points do not fit the
345   * line, attempts to define the plane (to hopefully get at least some spread between the points,
346   * so that small errors don't get magnified). Once the equation for the plane is found, each
347   * subsequent point is compared to it. If the point does not match the point is examined to see if
348   * it would is maximally separated when compared to the points originally used to define the
349   * plane. If it is, it is used to recalcalulate the coefficients (a, b, c). If those
350   * coefficients are relatively close to the original coefficients (within the ratio defined by
351   * Global.fuzzy) then the new coefficients are used.
352   *
353   * @see org.plumelib.util.FuzzyFloat
354   */
355  public InvariantStatus add_modified(double x, double y, double z, int count) {
357    if (Debug.logDetail()) {
358      wrapper.log("Adding point, x=%s y=%s z=%s to invariant", x, y, z);
359    }
361    if (values_seen < MINTRIPLES) {
362      // We delay computation of a and b until we have seen several triples
363      // so that we can compute a and b based on a far-separated triple.  If
364      // the points in a triple are nearby, then roundoff errors in the
365      // computation of the slope can be non-negligible.
367      // skip points we've already seen
368      for (int i = 0; i < values_seen; i++) {
369        if (def_points[i].equals(x, y, z)) {
370          return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
371        }
372      }
374      def_points[values_seen] = new Point(x, y, z);
375      wrapper.log("Add: (%s, %s, %s)", x, y, z);
376      values_seen++;
377      wrapper.log("Values seen: %s", values_seen);
379      // check to see if we've seen enough values to create the equation
380      if (values_seen == MINTRIPLES) {
382        // Try to fit the points to a line first.
383        // The points may form a degenerate linear ternary invariants
384        // especially if one of the variable is constant
385        linearIntervention(def_points);
387        // if line can not be formed, try to form a plane
388        if (line_flag == Flag.NO_LINE) {
389          InvariantStatus stat = planarIntervention(def_points);
390          return stat;
391        } else {
393          // points fit in a line
394          return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
395        }
396      } else {
398        // still haven't seen enough values
399        return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
400      }
401    } else {
403      // at this point either a line or a plane must have been formed
405      // if line already broken, fit to plane equation
406      if (line_flag == Flag.NO_LINE) {
407        // If the new value doesn't fit the equation
408        if (!Global.fuzzy.eq(-d, a * x + b * y + c * z)) {
410          // Try to find small changes that will fit better.
411          if (!try_new_equation(x, y, z)) {
412            if (Invariant.logOn() || debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
413              wrapper.log(debug, "destroying  (" + wrapper.format()
414                           + ") where x=" + x + " y=" + y + " z=" + z
415                           + " a=" + a + " b=" + b + " c=" + c
416                           + " values_seen=" + values_seen);
417            }
418            // jiggling the values did not work
419            return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
420          }
421        } else {
423          // point fits the current plane equation
424          return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
425        }
426      } else {
428        // try to fit to the current line
429        if (!try_points_linear((x), (y), (z))) {
430          // put the crucial point in, so that it can be tested against the new line
431          def_points[MINTRIPLES - 1] = new Point(x, y, z);
433          // try to fit the points onto a line again (not sure if this
434          // is really necessary, maybe the fuzzy equals really does
435          // make a difference)
436          linearIntervention(def_points);
437        }
439        // new point has broken the line, try to fit to a plane
440        if (line_flag == Flag.NO_LINE) {
441          InvariantStatus stat = planarIntervention(def_points);
442          return stat;
443        } else {
445          // fuzzy equals does make a difference
446          return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
447        }
449      }
451    }
452    // should never get here because values_seen is either < or >= MINTRIPLES
453    // return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
454    throw new Error("at end of add_modified");
455  }
457  /**
458   * Attempts to fit the points in def_point to a plane and calculates the coefficients (a, b, c, d)
459   * if possible.
460   *
461   * @param def_point array of points. Must have at least 3 elements.
462   *
463   * @return the status of the invariant
464   *     (whether the plane fitting was successful)
465   */
466  private InvariantStatus planarIntervention(@Nullable Point[] def_point) {
468    // make a copy of the array so that the points don't get clobbered
469    // because we need to check all the points in def_points against the
470    // coefficients calculated
472    @Nullable Point[] dummy = new @Nullable Point[def_point.length];
473    for (int i = 0; i < def_point.length; i++) {
474      dummy[i] = def_point[i];
475    }
477    // Find the three points with the maximum separation
478    maxsep_triples(dummy);
479    // Now, first 3 values of dummy are the maximum-separated 3 points.
481    // Null points only show up in the cross-checker, not the regression
482    // tests, as of 5/25/2010.
483    // Sometimes the points are still null.
484    if (dummy[0] == null) {
485      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
486    }
488    // Calculate the coefficients of the equation (a, b, c, d).
489    // Requires that the first 3 elements of dummy must be non-null.
490    double[] coef = calc_tri_linear(dummy);
492    a = coef[0];
493    b = coef[1];
494    c = coef[2];
495    d = coef[3];
497    wrapper.log("Calculated tri linear coeff: (%s), b (%s), c(%s), and d(%s)",
498                 a, b, c, d);
499    // If one of these coefficients is zero (except for d), this
500    // should be a LinearBinary, not a LinearTernary, term.  (It
501    // might not show up as LinearBinary because there might not
502    // have been enough samples; but a random varying third
503    // variable can create enough samples.)  Also, throw out the
504    // invariant if any of the coefficients would be not-a-number.
505    if ( a == 0|| b == 0 || c == 0
506        || Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(b) || Double.isNaN(c)) {
508      wrapper.log("problematic coefficient: invariant falsified");
509      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
510    }
512    // Check all values against a, b, and c.
513    if (!wrapper.is_false()) {
514      for (int i = 0; i < values_seen; i++) {
516        // Global.fuzzy.eq works by comparing ratios between numbers,
517        // so comparing the sum of everything to 0 won't work.
518        //  wrapper.log("point: " + def_point[i].x + " "
519        //  + def_point[i].y + " " + def_point[i].z);
520        //  wrapper.log("compare: " + -c * def_point[i].z);
521        //  wrapper.log( "to: " + (a*def_point[i].x
522        //  + b*def_point[i].y + d));
524        wrapper.log("Trying at index %s: 0 != %s*%s+%s*%s+%s*%s+%s",
525                     i, a, def_point[i].x,
526                        b, def_point[i].y,
527                        c, def_point[i].z,
528                        d);
530        if (!Global.fuzzy.eq(-d, a * def_point[i].x + b * def_point[i].y + c * def_point[i].z)) {
532          if (Debug.logOn() || debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
533            wrapper.log(debug, "Destroying at index " + i + ": 0 != "
534                         + a + "*" + def_point[i].x
535                         + "+" + b + "*" + def_point[i].y + "+" + c
536                         + "*" + def_point[i].z
537                         + "+" + d);
538          }
540          return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
541        }
542      }
543      if (Debug.logOn()) {
544        wrapper.log("equation = %s*x %s*y %s*z = %s", a, b, c, -d);
545      }
547      // Discard the points not used to define the coefficients.
548      for (int ii = 3; ii < MINTRIPLES; ii++) {
549        def_point[ii] = null;
550      }
551    }
553    // if it passes all the checks, then no change to the Invariant
554    return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
555  }
557  /**
558   * Attempts to fit the points in def_point to a line and calculates the corresponding line
559   * classification (line_flag) and coefficients (coefficients[]) if possible. If not (points in
560   * def_point form a plane) resets line_flag to Flag.NO_LINE and coefficients[] elements to -999.
561   *
562   * @param def_point array of points. Must have at least 2 elements.
563   *
564   */
565  private void linearIntervention(@Nullable Point[] def_point) {
567    // find the max separation points
568    Point[] maxsep_doubles = maxsep_doubles(def_point);
570    // maxsep_doubles[0] could be null when enough points have a NaN
571    if (maxsep_doubles == null) {
572      // line_flag == Flag.NO_LINE so the invariant
573      // will try to fit a plane to the points and fail
574      return;
575    } else {
576      // find the equation (coefficients now stored in coefficients[])
577      calc_bi_linear(maxsep_doubles[0], maxsep_doubles[1]);
579      // This seems to imply that all elements of def_points are non-null.
580      // Is that true?
581      // check the other points against the coefficients
582      for (int i = 0; i < def_point.length; i++) {
583        // try to fit the current point to the current line
584        boolean ok = try_points_linear((def_point[i].x), (def_point[i].y), (def_point[i].z));
586        if (!ok) {
587          line_flag = Flag.NO_LINE;
588          break;
589        }
590      }
591    }
593  }
595  /**
596   * Attempts to fit the new point (x,y,z) onto the current line (indicated by line_flag and
597   * coefficients[]). Method should only be called if the current points define a line (line_flag is
598   * not Flag.NO_LINE)
599   *
600   * @param x x component of the point
601   * @param x y component of the point
602   * @param x z component of the point
603   */
604  private boolean try_points_linear(double x, double y, double z) {
606    switch(line_flag) {
607    case XY_CONSTANT:
608      return Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[0], x) && Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[1], y);
610    case XZ_CONSTANT:
611      return Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[0], x) && Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[1], z);
613    case YZ_CONSTANT:
614      return Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[0], y) && Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[1], z);
616    case X_CONSTANT:
617      return Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[0], x) && Global.fuzzy.eq(z, coefficients[1] * y + coefficients[2]);
619    case Y_CONSTANT:
620      return Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[0], y) && Global.fuzzy.eq(z, coefficients[1] * x + coefficients[2]);
622    case Z_CONSTANT:
623      return Global.fuzzy.eq(coefficients[0], z) && Global.fuzzy.eq(y, coefficients[1] * x + coefficients[2]);
626      return Global.fuzzy.eq(y, coefficients[0] * x + coefficients[1]) && Global.fuzzy.eq(z, coefficients[2] * x + coefficients[3]);
628    // error if the code gets here because that means, we are trying to fit the points to a linear
629    // when the points already form a plane
630    default:
631      throw new RuntimeException("try_points_linear called when points already form a plane (line_flag = NO_LINE)");
632    }
633  }
635  /**
636   * Returns the two points that have the maximum separation in pa.
637   *
638   * @param pa array of points. Must have at least 2 elements. Can be any length and can contain
639   *      nulls (which will be ignored).
640   * @return a 2-element array containing the most-separated elements. Returns null if no pair of
641   *      elements is NaN-free.
642   */
643  private Point @Nullable [] maxsep_doubles(@Nullable Point[] pa) {
645    Point p1 = null;
646    Point p2 = null;
648    // max_separation is the separation metric for the most separated
649    // pair of points.  We use the sum of the separations as the
650    // metric.
651    double max_separation = Double.MIN_VALUE;
653    for (int i = 0; i < pa.length - 1; i++) {
654      for (int j = i + 1; j < pa.length; j++) {
655        double separation = separation(pa[i], pa[j]);
656        if (separation > max_separation) {
657          max_separation = separation;
658          p1 = pa[i];
659          p2 = pa[j];
660        }
661      }
662    }
664    // This can happen if enough values are NaN.
665    // if (p1 == null) {
666    //   throw new IllegalArgumentException(Arrays.toString(pa));
667    // }
669    if (Debug.logDetail()) {
670      wrapper.log("maxsep_doubles = %s %s", p1, p2);
671    }
672    if (p1 == null) {
673      return null;
674    }
675    return new Point[] { p1, p2 };
676  }
678  /**
679   * Calculates the coefficients for the line in 3D
680   * and sets the coefficients[] by side effect.
681   *
682   * @param p0 first point on the line
683   * @param p1 second point on the line
684   */
685  //
686  //  the line can fall under 3 categories
687  //
688  //  1. parallel to an axis which means that 2 of the following is true
689  //  x = A
690  //  y = B
691  //  z = C
692  //
693  //  and the two that are true form a line in the 3rd dimension (the one that's
694  //  not constant)
695  //
696  //  2. parallel to the plane of an axis, which means that one of the following
697  //  is true
698  //  x = A
699  //  y = B
700  //  z = C
701  //
702  //  and the line is just a line in the non-constacoefficientble plane projected
703  //  onto the third dimension
704  //  and the equation for that line is:
705  //  x = A [suppose that x is the constant one]
706  //  y = Bz + C
707  //
708  //
709  //  3. none of the above and the equation of the line is just:
710  //  y = Ax + B
711  //  z = Cx + D
712  //
713  //  Note that A, B, C, and D are coefficients that are stored in coefficients[]
715  private void calc_bi_linear(Point p0, Point p1) {
717    if ((p0.x == p1.x) && (p0.y == p1.y) && (p0.z != p1.z)) {
718      // x and y have constant values
719      // line is defined by x = A, y = B
720      line_flag = Flag.XY_CONSTANT;
721      coefficients[0] = p0.x;
722      coefficients[1] = p0.y;
723      coefficients[2] = 0;
724      coefficients[3] = 0;
725      return;
726    }
727    if ((p0.x == p1.x) && (p0.z == p1.z) && (p0.y != p1.y)) {
728      // x and z have constant values
729      // line is defined by x = A, z = C
730      line_flag = Flag.XZ_CONSTANT;
731      coefficients[0] = p0.x;
732      coefficients[1] = p0.z;
733      coefficients[2] = 0;
734      coefficients[3] = 0;
735      return;
736    }
737    if ((p0.y == p1.y) && (p0.z == p1.z) && (p0.x != p1.x)) {
738      // y and z have constant values
739      // line is defined by y = B, z = C
740      line_flag = Flag.YZ_CONSTANT;
741      coefficients[0] = p0.y;
742      coefficients[1] = p0.z;
743      coefficients[2] = 0;
744      coefficients[3] = 0;
745      return;
746    }
747    if ((p0.x == p1.x) && (p0.y != p1.y) && (p0.z != p1.z)) {
748      // x has a constant value
749      // plane (degenerate) is defined by x = A, z = By + C
750      line_flag = Flag.X_CONSTANT;
751      coefficients[0] = p0.x;
752      coefficients[1] = (p1.z - p0.z)/(p1.y - p0.y);
753      coefficients[2] = (p0.z * p1.y - p0.y * p1.z)/(p1.y - p0.y);
754      coefficients[3] = 0;
755      return;
756    }
757    if ((p0.y == p1.y) && (p0.x != p1.x) && (p0.z != p1.z)) {
758      // y has a constant value
759      // plane (degenerate) is defined by y = B, z = Ax + C
760      line_flag = Flag.Y_CONSTANT;
761      coefficients[0] = p0.y;
762      coefficients[1] = (p1.z - p0.z)/(p1.x - p0.x);
763      coefficients[2] = (p0.z * p1.x - p0.x * p1.z)/(p1.x - p0.x);
764      coefficients[3] = 0;
765      return;
766    }
767    if ((p0.z == p1.z) && (p0.x != p1.x) && (p0.y != p1.y)) {
768      // z has a constant value
769      // plane (degenerate) is defined by z = C, y = Ax + B
770      line_flag = Flag.Z_CONSTANT;
771      coefficients[0] = p0.z;
772      coefficients[1] = (p1.y - p0.y)/(p1.x - p0.x);
773      coefficients[2] = (p0.y * p1.x - p0.x * p1.y)/(p1.x - p0.x);
774      coefficients[3] = 0;
775      return;
776    }
777    if ((p0.x != p1.x) && (p0.y != p1.y) && (p0.z != p1.z)) {
778      // no variables have a constant value
779      // plane (degenerate) is defined by y = Ax + B, z = Cx + D
780      line_flag = Flag.NO_CONSTANT_VARIABLES;
781      coefficients[0] = (p1.y - p0.y)/(p1.x - p0.x);
782      coefficients[1] = (p0.y * p1.x - p0.x * p1.y)/(p1.x - p0.x);
783      coefficients[2] = (p1.z - p0.z)/(p1.x - p0.x);
784      coefficients[3] = (p0.z * p1.x - p0.x * p1.z)/(p1.x - p0.x);
785    }
786  }
788  /**
789   *  Calculates new coefficients that for the new point. Uses the
790   *  new coefficients if they are relatively close to to the previous
791   *  ones. Kills off the invariant if they are not.
792   *
793   *  @return true if the new equation worked, false otherwise
794   */
795  public boolean try_new_equation(double x, double y, double z) {
797    // Calculate max separation using this point and the existing 3 points.
798    def_points[3] = new Point(x, y, z);
799    double sep = maxsep_triples(def_points);
801    // If this point increased the separation, recalculate a, b, and c.
802    if (sep > separation) {
803      separation = sep;
804      double[] coef;
805      try {
806        // Requires that the first 3 elements of def_points must be non-null.
807        coef = calc_tri_linear(def_points);
808        if (Debug.logDetail()) {
809          wrapper.log("Calc new plane with points %s %s %s %s",
810                       def_points[0], def_points[1], def_points[2], def_points[3]);
811        }
812      } catch (Exception e) {
813        return false;
814      }
816      // if the a, b, or c is a new min/max remember it.
817      if (coef[0] < min_a) min_a = coef[0];
818      if (coef[0] > max_a) max_a = coef[0];
819      if (coef[1] < min_b) min_b = coef[1];
820      if (coef[1] > max_b) max_b = coef[1];
821      if (coef[2] < min_c) min_c = coef[2];
822      if (coef[2] > max_c) max_c = coef[2];
823      if (coef[3] < min_d) min_d = coef[3];
824      if (coef[3] > max_d) max_d = coef[3];
826      // Pick a new a, b, and c as the average of their endpoints
827      a = (min_a + max_a) / 2;
828      b = (min_b + max_b) / 2;
829      c = (min_c + max_c) / 2;
830      d = (min_d + max_d) / 2;
831      if (Invariant.logOn() || debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
832        wrapper.log(debug, wrapper.ppt.name() + ": Trying new a (" + a
833                     + "), b (" + b + "), c (" + c + "), and d (" + d + ")");
834      }
835      wrapper.log("min max: Trying new a (%s), b (%s), c (%s), and d (%s)",
836                   a, b, c, d);
837      // if the new coefficients are 'equal' to their min and max and
838      // this point fits, then this new equation is good enough both
839      // for existing points and the new point.
840      if (Global.fuzzy.eq(a, min_a) && Global.fuzzy.eq(a, max_a)
841          && Global.fuzzy.eq(b, min_b) && Global.fuzzy.eq(b, max_b)
842          && Global.fuzzy.eq(c, min_c) && Global.fuzzy.eq(c, max_c)
843          && Global.fuzzy.eq(d, min_d) && Global.fuzzy.eq(d, max_d)
844          && Global.fuzzy.eq(-d, a * x + b * y + c * z)) {
845        if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
846          debug.fine(wrapper.ppt.name() + ": New a (" + a + ") and b ("
847                      + b + ") and c (" + c + ")");
848        }
849        return true;
850      } else {
851        return false;
852      }
853    } else { // this point doesn't increase the separation
855      return false;
856    }
857  }
859  /**
860   * Calculates the separation between p1 and p2.
861   *
862   * @param p1 first point
863   * @param p2 second point
864   *
865   * @return the distance between p1 and p2, or 0 if either point is null, or NaN if either point
866   * contains a NaN
867   */
868  double separation(Point p1, Point p2) {
870      // Potential problem:  This may return 0, for two reasons.  First, x1-x2
871      // might be zero due to underflow, even if x1!=x2.  Second, squaring a
872      // small x1-x2 might result in 0, even if x1-x2!=0.
874    // make sure both points are specified
875    if ((p1 == null) || (p2 == null)) {
876      return 0;
877    }
879    double xsep = (p1.x - p2.x);
880    double ysep = (p1.y - p2.y);
881    double zsep = (p1.z - p2.z);
882    return Math.sqrt(xsep * xsep + ysep * ysep + zsep * zsep);
883  }
885  /**
886   * Calculates the three points that have the maximum separation in pa and places them as the first
887   * three elements of pa.
888   *
889   * @param pa array of points. Must have at least 3 elements. Can be any length and can contain
890   *     nulls (which will be ignored). Is side-effected so that the first three elements contain
891   *     the points with the maximum total separation; this may introduce duplicates into the array.
892   *     The first three elements are null if no triple of elements is NaN-free.
893   * @return the maximum separation found
894   */
895  double maxsep_triples(@Nullable Point[] pa) {
897    // cache values for the (square of the) distance between each pair of
898    // points, to avoid duplicating work
899    double[][] separations = new double[pa.length][pa.length];
900    for (int i = 0; i < pa.length - 1; i++) {
901      for (int j = i + 1; j < pa.length; j++) {
902        separations[i][j] = separation(pa[i], pa[j]);
903      }
904    }
906    Point p1 = null;
907    Point p2 = null;
908    Point p3 = null;
910    // max_separation is the separation metric for the most separated
911    // triple of points.  We use the sum of the separations as the
912    // metric.  (The metric "min of the three separations" does not work
913    // because it doesn't choose a unique set of points, making the
914    // result dependent on the order in which the points are seen; more
915    // seriously, it may choose a collinear set of points even when a
916    // non-collinear set exists.)
917    double max_separation = Double.MIN_VALUE;
919    for (int i = 0; i < pa.length - 2; i++) {
920      for (int j = i + 1; j < pa.length - 1; j++) {
921        double sep_i_j = separations[i][j];
922        for (int k = j + 1; k < pa.length; k++) {
924          // using the sum of separations is valid, as long as
925          // separation is the actual distance between points and not
926          // the square of the distance
927          double separation = sep_i_j + separations[i][k] + separations[j][k];
928          if (separation > max_separation) {
929            max_separation = separation;
930            p1 = pa[i];
931            p2 = pa[j];
932            p3 = pa[k];
933          }
934        }
935      }
936    }
938    pa[0] = p1;
939    pa[1] = p2;
940    pa[2] = p3;
942    if (Debug.logDetail()) {
943      wrapper.log("maxsep_triples = %s %s %s", pa[0], pa[1], pa[2]);
944    }
945    return max_separation;
946  }
948  // Given ((x0,y0,z0),(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2), calculate a, b, c and d
949  // such that ax + by + cz + d = 0.
950  // a, b, c and d are mutually prime, integers and a is positive.
951  //
952  // A visual explanation of the math can be found in:
953  // http://www.efm.leeds.ac.uk/CIVE/CIVE2599/cive2599-summary-overheads-full.pdf
954  //
955  // The standard form of a plane can be calculated using a vector
956  // normal "n" <n1, n2, n3> to the plane and a vector from the origin
957  // to the plane "r" e.g. <x0, y0, z0>.
958  //
959  // The vector normal to the plane can be calculated by doing the cross product
960  // of two line segments on the plane (<point2 - point0> and <point1 - point0>)
961  //
962  // Given the normal vector and a point on the plane, the standard form
963  // of the plane is:
964  // n1*x + n2*y + n3*z = p where p is the dot product of r and n
965  //
966  //
968  /**
969   * Calculates the coefficients (a, b, c) and constant (d) for the equation ax + by + cz + d = 0
970   * using the first three points in points.
971   *
972   * @param points array of points to use to calculate the coefficents. Only the first three points
973   *     (all of which must be non-null) are used.
974   *
975   * @return a four element array where a is the first element, b the second, c the third, and d is
976   * the fourth. All elements are mutually prime, integers and a is positive.
977   */
978  // TODO: should just pass in the first three elements rather than passing
979  // in the point array.
980  public double[] calc_tri_linear(@Nullable Point[] points) { // TODO: remove annotation after refactoring method
982    Point p0 = points[0];
983    Point p1 = points[1];
984    Point p2 = points[2];
986    // the following code is taken from the source page of
987    // http://jblanco_60.tripod.com/plane.html (the math behind the
988    // implementation is detailed above)
990    double px = p0.x;
991    double py = p0.y;
992    double pz = p0.z;
993    double qx = p1.x;
994    double qy = p1.y;
995    double qz = p1.z;
996    double rx = p2.x;
997    double ry = p2.y;
998    double rz = p2.z;
1000    // define the i, j, k components of the two line segments on the plane
1001    double a1 = (qx - px);
1002    double a2 = (qy - py);
1003    double a3 = (qz - pz);
1005    double b1 = (rx - px);
1006    double b2 = (ry - py);
1007    double b3 = (rz - pz);
1009    // calculate the i, j, k components of the cross product
1010    double i_var = (a2 * b3) - (b2 * a3);
1011    double j_var = -((a1 * b3) - (b1 * a3));
1012    double k_var = (a1 * b2) - (b1 * a2);
1014    // Calculate the value of the constant.  Note that given the format
1015    // of the point-normal form, we multiply by the negative of P(x,y,z)
1017    double Stand_const = ((i_var*(-px)) + (j_var*(-py)) + (k_var*(-pz)));
1019    // Put the coefficients in lowest terms by dividing by the gcd.
1020    // If the gcd is 1, no harm done -- divide by 1.
1021    // Type is double to ensure floating-point division.
1022    double myGCD = MathPlume.gcd(MathPlume.gcd(i_var, j_var) , MathPlume.gcd(k_var, Stand_const));
1023    double standard_i_var = i_var / myGCD;
1024    double standard_j_var = j_var / myGCD;
1025    double standard_k_var = k_var / myGCD;
1026    double standard_Stand_const = Stand_const / myGCD;
1028    if (wrapper != null) {
1029      wrapper.log("Preliminary: %s %s GCD: %s", i_var, j_var, MathPlume.gcd(i_var, j_var));
1030      wrapper.log("Preliminary: %s %s GCD: %s", k_var, Stand_const, MathPlume.gcd(k_var, Stand_const));
1031      wrapper.log("GCD: %s", myGCD);
1032    }
1034    // Ensure postive x coefficient by negating if "x" term is negative.
1035    if (i_var < 0) {
1036      standard_i_var = - standard_i_var;
1037      standard_j_var = - standard_j_var;
1038      standard_k_var = - standard_k_var;
1039      standard_Stand_const = - standard_Stand_const;
1040    }
1042    double[] coef = new double[] {standard_i_var,
1043                                  standard_j_var,
1044                                  standard_k_var, standard_Stand_const };
1046    return coef;
1047  }
1049  public boolean enoughSamples(@GuardSatisfied LinearTernaryCoreFloat this) {
1050    return isActive();
1051  }
1053  // If the values form a line,
1054  // we have no confidence that it's a plane.
1055  // The line is less interesting because the invariant
1056  // is already defined by a linear binary invariant.
1057  public double computeConfidence() {
1058    if (isActive()) {
1059      return Invariant.conf_is_ge(values_seen, MINTRIPLES);
1060    } else {
1061      return 0;
1062    }
1064  }
1066  public String repr(@GuardSatisfied LinearTernaryCoreFloat this) {
1067    return "LinearTernaryCoreFloat" + wrapper.varNames() + ": a=" + a
1068      + ",b=" + b
1069      + ",c=" + c
1070      + ",d=" + d
1071      + ",values_seen=" + values_seen;
1072  }
1074  public String point_repr(Point p) {
1075    if (p == null) {
1076      return "null";
1077    } else {
1078      return "<" + p.x + "," + p.y + "," + p.z + ">";
1079    }
1080  }
1082  public String cache_repr() {
1083    StringJoiner result = new StringJoiner("; ");
1084    for (int i = 0; i < MINTRIPLES; i++) {
1085      result.add(point_repr(def_points[i]));
1086    }
1087    return result.toString();
1088  }
1090  // In this class for convenience (avoid prefixing "LinearBinaryCore").
1091  static String formatTerm(double coeff, @Nullable String varname, boolean first) {
1092    return LinearBinaryCore.formatTerm(coeff, varname, first);
1093  }
1095  @SideEffectFree
1096  public String format_using(OutputFormat format,
1097                             String vix, String viy, String viz,
1098                             double a, double b, double c, double d) {
1100    if ((a == 0) && (b == 0) && (c == 0) && (d == 0)) {
1101      return wrapper.format_too_few_samples(format, null);
1102    }
1104    if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
1105      return format_simplify(vix, viy, viz, a, b, c, d);
1106    }
1108    if ((format.isJavaFamily())) {
1110        return
1111          // Add a 1 to each side of the equation because FuzzyFloat
1112          // doesn't treat 0 as 'fuzzy' when compared against another
1113          // number.
1114          "daikon.Quant.fuzzy.eq("
1115          + formatTerm(a, vix, true)
1116          + formatTerm(b, viy, (a == 0))
1117          + formatTerm(c, viz, (a == 0) && (b == 0))
1118          + formatTerm(d, null, (a == 0) && (b == 0) && (c == 0))
1119          + " + 1, 1)";
1121      }
1123    if ((format == OutputFormat.DAIKON)
1124        || (format == OutputFormat.ESCJAVA)
1125        || (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT)) {
1126        String eq = " == ";
1127        return formatTerm(a, vix, true)
1128          + formatTerm(b, viy, (a == 0))
1129          + formatTerm(c, viz, (a == 0) && (b == 0))
1130          + formatTerm(d, null, (a == 0) && (b == 0) && (c == 0))
1131          + eq + "0";
1132      }
1134    throw new Error("unrecognized output format " + format);
1135    // return null;
1136  }
1138  public static String format_simplify(String vix, String viy, String viz,
1139                                       double da, double db, double dc, double dd) {
1140    int ia = (int) da;
1141    int ib = (int) db;
1142    int ic = (int) dc;
1143    int id = (int) dd;
1145    String str_a, str_b, str_c, str_d;
1146    if (ia != da || ib != db || ic != dc || id != dd) {
1147      // floating point
1149      // Disabled for the moment, since mixing integers and floating
1150      // literals seems to give Simplify indigestion. For instance:
1151      // (BG_PUSH (<= w 3))
1152      // (BG_PUSH (EQ 0 (* w 2.0d0)))
1153      // (<= w 1)
1155      // str_a = Invariant.simplify_format_double(da);
1156      // str_b = Invariant.simplify_format_double(db);
1157      // str_c = Invariant.simplify_format_double(dc);
1158      // str_d = Invariant.simplify_format_double(dd);
1159      return "(AND)"; // really s/b format_unimplemented
1160    } else {
1161      // integer
1162      str_a = Invariant.simplify_format_long(ia);
1163      str_b = Invariant.simplify_format_long(ib);
1164      str_c = Invariant.simplify_format_long(ic);
1165      str_d = Invariant.simplify_format_long(id);
1166    }
1168    String str_z = viz;
1169    String str_x = vix;
1170    String str_y = viy;
1171    String str_ax = (da == 1.0) ? str_x : "(* " + str_a + " " + str_x + ")";
1172    String str_by = (db == 1.0) ? str_y : "(* " + str_b + " " + str_y + ")";
1173    String str_cz = (dc == 1.0) ? str_z : "(* " + str_c + " " + str_z + ")";
1174    String str_axPbyPcz = "(+ " + str_ax + " " + str_by + " " + str_cz + ")";
1175    String str_axPbyPczPd = (dd == 0.0) ? str_axPbyPcz :
1176      "(+ " + str_axPbyPcz + " " + str_d + ")";
1177    return "(EQ 0 " + str_axPbyPczPd + ")";
1178  }
1180  @SideEffectFree
1181  public String format_using(OutputFormat format,
1182                             String vix, String viy, String viz
1183                             ) {
1184    String result = format_using(format, vix, viy, viz, a, b, c, d);
1185    if (result != null) {
1186      return result;
1187    }
1189    return wrapper.format_unimplemented(format);
1190  }
1192  // // Format as "x = cy+d" instead of as "y = ax+b".
1193  // public String format_reversed(String x, String y) {
1194  //   assert a == 1 || a == -1;
1195  //   return format(y, x, a, -b/a);
1196  // }
1198  @Pure
1199  public boolean isSameFormula(LinearTernaryCoreFloat other) {
1201    // If both have yet to see enough values
1202    if (!isActive() && !other.isActive()) {
1204      // Same formula if all of the points match
1205      if (values_seen != other.values_seen) {
1206        return false;
1207      }
1208      // This and elsewhere seem to assume that values_seen < MINTRIPLES;
1209      // is that necessarily true?
1210      for (int ii = 0; ii < values_seen; ii++) {
1211        // used to use !=, but that test seems wrong
1212        if (!def_points[ii].equals(other.def_points[ii])) {
1213          return false;
1214        }
1215      }
1216      return true;
1217    } else {
1218      return ((values_seen >= MINTRIPLES)
1219              && (other.values_seen >= MINTRIPLES)
1220              && (a == other.a)
1221              && (b == other.b)
1222              && (c == other.c)
1223              && (d == other.d));
1224    }
1225  }
1227  @Pure
1228  public boolean isExclusiveFormula(LinearTernaryCoreFloat other) {
1229    if (!isActive()
1230        || !other.isActive()) {
1231      return false;
1232    }
1234    return ((a == other.a)
1235            && (b != other.b)
1236            && (c != other.c)
1237            && (d != other.d));
1238  }
1240  /**
1241   * In general, we can't merge formulas, but we can merge invariants with too few samples to have
1242   * formed a plane with invariants with enough samples. And those will appear to have different
1243   * formulas.
1244   */
1245  public boolean mergeFormulasOk() {
1246    return true;
1247  }
1249  /**
1250   * Merge the linear ternary cores in cores to form a new core. Any core in the list that has seen
1251   * enough points to define a plane, must define the same plane. Any cores that have not yet seen
1252   * enough points, will have each of their points applied to that invariant. The merged core is
1253   * returned. Null is returned if the cores don't describe the same plane
1254   *
1255   * @param cores list of LinearTernary cores to merge. They should all be permuted to match the
1256   *     variable order in ppt.
1257   */
1258  public @Nullable LinearTernaryCoreFloat merge(List<LinearTernaryCoreFloat> cores, Invariant wrapper) {
1260    // Look for any active planes.  All must define the same plane
1261    LinearTernaryCoreFloat first = null;
1262    for (LinearTernaryCoreFloat c : cores) {
1263      if (!c.isActive()) {
1264        continue;
1265      }
1266      if (first == null) {
1267        first = c.clone();
1268      } else {
1269        if (!Global.fuzzy.eq(first.a, c.a)
1270            || !Global.fuzzy.eq(first.b, c.b)
1271            || !Global.fuzzy.eq(first.c, c.c)
1272            || !Global.fuzzy.eq(first.d, c.d))
1273          return null;
1274      }
1275    }
1277    // If no active planes were found, created an empty core
1278    if (first == null) {
1279      first = new LinearTernaryCoreFloat(wrapper);
1280    } else {
1281      first.wrapper = wrapper;
1282    }
1284    // Merge in any points from non-active cores
1285    // Note that while null points can't show up in a core that is not active
1286    // because it hasn't seen enough values, they can show up if the core
1287    // is not active because it is a line.
1288    for (LinearTernaryCoreFloat c : cores) {
1289      if (c.isActive()) {
1290        continue;
1291      }
1292      for (int j = 0; j < c.values_seen; j++) {
1293        Point cp = c.def_points[j];
1294        if (cp == null) {
1295          continue;
1296        }
1297        if (Debug.logDetail()) {
1298          wrapper.log("Adding point %s from %s", cp, c.wrapper.ppt);
1299        }
1300        InvariantStatus stat = first.add_modified(cp.x, cp.y, cp.z, 1);
1301        if (stat == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED) {
1302          return null;
1303        }
1304        // if (wrapper.is_false())
1305        //  return null;
1306      }
1307    }
1309    return first;
1310  }