001package daikon.inv.filter;
003import daikon.Daikon;
004import daikon.PrintInvariants;
005import daikon.VarInfo;
006import daikon.inv.GuardingImplication;
007import daikon.inv.Implication;
008import daikon.inv.Invariant;
009import daikon.inv.OutputFormat;
010import java.util.ArrayList;
011import java.util.Iterator;
012import java.util.List;
013import java.util.logging.Level;
014import java.util.logging.Logger;
015import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnknownInitialization;
016import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
017import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
019//  This class contains a collection of invariant filters, and allows other
020//  code to perform invariant filtering.  To filter invariants, do the
021//  following:
022//     o  Instantiate an InvariantFilters object.
023//     o  At any time, adjust the filters as necessary using the public methods.
024//     o  Call:  invariantFilters.shouldKeep( invariant );
026//  There are two main kinds of filters: property filters and variable
027//  filters.  Property filters attempt to eliminate irrelevant invariants,
028//  and are all turned on by default.  Variable filters only keep
029//  invariants which contain all or any of a set of variables (depending on
030//  variableFilterType).  There are no variable filters by default.  See
031//  the manual for more information on property and variable filters.
033public class InvariantFilters {
034  public static final int ANY_VARIABLE = 1;
035  public static final int ALL_VARIABLES = 2;
036  int variableFilterType = ANY_VARIABLE;
038  // propertyFilters is a map from filter description to filter object.  We
039  // need this mapping so that the GUI can easily tell InvariantFilters --
040  // by passing in a filter description -- which filter was de/selected.
041  // Use TreeMap to preserve order of filters (eg, so that
042  // ControlledInvariantFilter will always be last).
044  // annoyingly, this doesn't actually do what the original author
045  // intended.  TreeMap orders things based on the keys, which in this
046  // case is the description of the filter (a string).  What we'd
047  // actually like is to order them in order of something like
048  // [probability of eliminating an inv]/[expected running time]...in
049  // other words, based on a benefit to cost measurement.  hence, this
050  // will become a list (in particular a ArrayList).  This does increase
051  // the running time of lookups based on the descriptions from O(log
052  // n) to O(n), but that functionality isn't used a whole lot and
053  // there are only ~10 filters anyway.
055  List<InvariantFilter> propertyFilters = new ArrayList<>();
056  List<VariableFilter> variableFilters = new ArrayList<>();
058  public InvariantFilters() {
060    addPropertyFilter(new UnjustifiedFilter());
061    addPropertyFilter(new ParentFilter());
062    addPropertyFilter(new ObviousFilter());
064    // This set of filters is invoked when preparing invariants for processing
065    // by Simplify, but before Simplify actually runs this will just not
066    // filter anything, so no need to fear recursiveness here.
067    addPropertyFilter(new SimplifyFilter());
069    addPropertyFilter(new OnlyConstantVariablesFilter());
070    addPropertyFilter(new DerivedParameterFilter());
071    if (Daikon.output_format == OutputFormat.ESCJAVA) {
072      addPropertyFilter(new UnmodifiedVariableEqualityFilter());
073    }
075    // Filter out invariants that contain certain types of derived variables
076    // By default, all derived variales are accepted.
077    addPropertyFilter(new DerivedVariableFilter());
079    addPropertyFilter(new ReadonlyPrestateFilter());
081    addPropertyFilter(new DotNetStringFilter());
082  }
084  private static @MonotonicNonNull InvariantFilters default_filters = null;
086  public static InvariantFilters defaultFilters() {
087    if (default_filters == null) {
088      default_filters = new InvariantFilters();
089    }
090    return default_filters;
091  }
093  void addPropertyFilter(
094      @UnknownInitialization(InvariantFilters.class) InvariantFilters this,
095      InvariantFilter filter) {
096    propertyFilters.add(filter);
097  }
099  public @Nullable InvariantFilter shouldKeepVarFilters(Invariant invariant) {
100    // Logger df = PrintInvariants.debugFiltering;
101    if (variableFilters.size() != 0) {
102      if (variableFilterType == InvariantFilters.ANY_VARIABLE) {
103        boolean hasAnyVariable = false;
104        for (VariableFilter filter : variableFilters) {
105          if (!filter.shouldDiscard(invariant)) {
106            hasAnyVariable = true;
107          }
108        }
109        if (!hasAnyVariable) {
110          if (Invariant.logOn()) {
111            invariant.log("Failed ANY_VARIABLE filter");
112          }
113          return variableFilters.get(0);
114        }
115      } else if (variableFilterType == InvariantFilters.ALL_VARIABLES) {
116        for (VariableFilter filter : variableFilters) {
117          if (filter.shouldDiscard(invariant)) {
118            if (Invariant.logOn()) {
119              invariant.log("Failed ALL_VARIABLES filter %s", filter.getClass().getName());
120            }
121            return filter;
122          }
123        }
124      }
125    }
126    return null;
127  }
129  public @Nullable InvariantFilter shouldKeepPropFilters(Invariant invariant) {
130    Logger df = PrintInvariants.debugFiltering;
131    for (InvariantFilter filter : propertyFilters) {
132      if (Invariant.logDetail() || df.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
133        invariant.log(df, "applying " + filter.getClass().getName());
134      }
135      if (filter.shouldDiscard(invariant)) {
136        if (Invariant.logOn() || df.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
137          invariant.log(
138              df,
139              "failed "
140                  + filter.getClass().getName()
141                  // + " num_values = "
142                  // + ",num_unmod_missing_samples==" + invariant.ppt.num_mod_samples()
143                  + ": "
144                  + invariant.format());
145        }
146        return filter;
147      }
148    }
149    return null;
150  }
152  public @Nullable InvariantFilter shouldKeep(Invariant invariant) {
153    Logger df = PrintInvariants.debugFiltering;
155    if (Invariant.logOn() || df.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
156      invariant.log(df, "filtering");
157    }
159    if (invariant instanceof GuardingImplication) {
160      invariant = ((Implication) invariant).right;
161    }
163    // Do variable filters first since they eliminate more invariants.
164    InvariantFilter result = shouldKeepVarFilters(invariant);
165    if (result != null) {
166      return result;
167    }
169    //  Property filters.
170    invariant.log("Processing %s Prop filters", propertyFilters.size());
171    return shouldKeepPropFilters(invariant);
172  }
174  public Iterator<InvariantFilter> getPropertyFiltersIterator() {
175    return propertyFilters.iterator();
176  }
178  private InvariantFilter find(String description) {
179    InvariantFilter answer = null;
180    for (InvariantFilter filter : propertyFilters) {
181      if (filter.getDescription().equals(description)) {
182        answer = filter;
183      }
184    }
185    if (answer == null) {
186      throw new Error("Bad filter description: " + description);
187    }
188    return answer;
189  }
191  // Description must be a valid description of a filter
192  public boolean getFilterSetting(String description) {
193    return find(description).getSetting();
194  }
196  // Description must be a valid description of a filter
197  public void changeFilterSetting(String description, boolean turnOn) {
198    InvariantFilter filter = find(description);
199    if (turnOn) {
200      filter.turnOn();
201    } else {
202      filter.turnOff();
203    }
204  }
206  public void turnFiltersOn() {
207    for (InvariantFilter filter : propertyFilters) {
208      filter.turnOn();
209    }
210  }
212  public void turnFiltersOff() {
213    for (InvariantFilter filter : propertyFilters) {
214      filter.turnOff();
215    }
216  }
218  public void addVariableFilter(String variable) {
219    variableFilters.add(new VariableFilter(variable));
220  }
222  public boolean containsVariableFilter(String variable) {
223    for (VariableFilter vf : variableFilters) {
224      if (vf.getVariable().equals(variable)) {
225        return true;
226      }
227    }
228    return false;
229  }
231  public void removeVariableFilter(String variable) {
232    boolean foundOnce = false;
233    for (Iterator<VariableFilter> iter = variableFilters.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
234      VariableFilter vf = iter.next();
235      if (vf.getVariable().equals(variable)) {
236        iter.remove();
237        foundOnce = true;
238      }
239    }
240    if (foundOnce) {
241      return;
242    }
244    throw new Error(
245        "InvariantFilters.removeVariableFilter():  filter for variable '"
246            + variable
247            + "' not found");
248  }
250  // variableFilterType is either InvariantFilters.ANY_VARIABLE or InvariantFilters.ALL_VARIABLES
251  public void setVariableFilterType(int variableFilterType) {
252    this.variableFilterType = variableFilterType;
253  }
255  //  I wasn't sure where to put this method, but this class seems like the
256  //  best place.  Equality invariants only exist to make invariant output
257  //  more readable, so this shouldn't be in the main Daikon engine code.
258  //  Equality invariants aren't *directly* related to filtering, but their
259  //  existence allows us to filter out certain invariants containing
260  //  non-canonical variables ("x=y", "x=z", etc).  Also, I am hesitant to
261  //  put code dealing with the internal workings of invariants/daikon in
262  //  the GUI package.  Therefore, I put the method here rather than in
263  //  InvariantsGUI.java.
265  /**
266   * This function takes a list of invariants, finds the equality Comparison invariants (x==y,
267   * y==z), and deletes and replaces them with Equality invariants (x==y==z). The first variable in
268   * an Equality invariant is always the canonical variable of the group. The Equality invariants
269   * are inserted into the beginning. Equality invariants are useful when it comes to displaying
270   * invariants.
271   */
272  public static List<Invariant> addEqualityInvariants(List<Invariant> invariants) {
274    return invariants;
275  }
277  // For debugging (not very efficient)
278  static String reprVarInfoList(List<VarInfo> vis) {
279    String result = "";
280    for (int i = 0; i < vis.size(); i++) {
281      if (i != 0) {
282        result += " ";
283      }
284      VarInfo vi = vis.get(i);
285      result += vi.name();
286    }
287    return "[ " + result + " ]";
288  }