001// ***** This file is automatically generated from SubSequence.java.jpp
003package daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence;
005import daikon.*;
006import daikon.derive.*;
007import daikon.derive.binary.*;
008import daikon.derive.ternary.*;
009import daikon.inv.*;
010import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.*;
011import daikon.suppress.*;
012import java.util.*;
013import java.util.logging.Level;
014import java.util.logging.Logger;
015import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
016import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
017import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
018import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
019import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
020import org.plumelib.util.ArraysPlume;
021import org.plumelib.util.IPair;
022import org.plumelib.util.UtilPlume;
023import typequals.prototype.qual.NonPrototype;
024import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
027 * Represents two sequences of long values where one sequence is a subsequence of the
028 * other. Prints as {@code x[] is a subsequence of y[]}.
029 */
031public class SuperSequence extends TwoSequence {
032  // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
033  // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
034  // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
035  static final long serialVersionUID = 20031024L;
037  private static final Logger debug =
038    Logger.getLogger("daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SubSequence");
040  // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
041  // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
042  /** Boolean. True iff SubSequence invariants should be considered. */
043  public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = false;
045  protected SuperSequence(PptSlice ppt) {
046    super(ppt);
047  }
049  protected @Prototype SuperSequence() {
050    super();
051  }
053  private static @Prototype SuperSequence proto = new @Prototype SuperSequence();
055  /** Returns the prototype invariant for SuperSequence */
056  public static @Prototype SuperSequence get_proto() {
057    return proto;
058  }
060  /** returns whether or not this invariant is enabled */
061  @Override
062  public boolean enabled() {
063    return dkconfig_enabled;
064  }
066  /** instantiates the invariant on the specified slice */
067  @Override
068  protected SuperSequence instantiate_dyn(@Prototype SuperSequence this, PptSlice slice) {
069    return new SuperSequence(slice);
070  }
072  @Override
073  protected Invariant resurrect_done_swapped() {
074    return new SubSequence(ppt);
075  }
077  @SideEffectFree
078  @Override
079  public String format_using(@GuardSatisfied SuperSequence this, OutputFormat format) {
080    if (format == OutputFormat.DAIKON) {
081      return format_daikon();
082    }
083    if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
084      return format_simplify();
085    }
086    if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
087      return format_csharp_contract();
088    }
089    if (format.isJavaFamily()) {
090      return format_unimplemented(format);
091    }
093    return format_unimplemented(format);
094  }
096  public String format_daikon(@GuardSatisfied SuperSequence this) {
097    String v1 = var2().name();
098    String v2 = var1().name();
099    return v1 + " is a subsequence of " + v2;
100  }
102  public String format_csharp_contract(@GuardSatisfied SuperSequence this) {
103    String v1 = var2().csharp_collection_string();
104    String v2 = var1().csharp_collection_string();
105    return v1 + ".IsSubsequence(" + v2 + ")";
106  }
108  public String format_simplify(@GuardSatisfied SuperSequence this) {
109    if (Invariant.dkconfig_simplify_define_predicates) {
110      return format_simplify_defined();
111    } else {
112      return format_simplify_explicit();
113    }
114  }
116  private String format_simplify_defined(@GuardSatisfied SuperSequence this) {
117    String[] sub_name = var2().simplifyNameAndBounds();
118    String[] super_name = var1().simplifyNameAndBounds();
120    if (sub_name == null || super_name == null) {
121        return String.format("%s.format_simplify_defined(%s): sub_name=%s, super_name=%s, for %s",
122                             getClass().getSimpleName(), this,
123                             Arrays.toString(sub_name), Arrays.toString(super_name), format());
124    }
126    return "(subsequence "
127      + sub_name[0] + " " + sub_name[1] + " " + sub_name[2] + " "
128      + super_name[0] + " " + super_name[1] + " " + super_name[2] + ")";
129  }
131  // This is apparently broken somehow, though from the logs it's not
132  // clear how. -- smcc
133  private String format_simplify_explicit(@GuardSatisfied SuperSequence this) {
134    return "format_simplify disabled";
136    /* Since this doesn't work (since at least april 2003)
137       and it uses quant in complex ways,
138       its just commented out (jhp 8/3/2006)
140    // (exists k s.t. (forall i, j; (i bounds & j bounds & (i = j + k)) ==> ...))
142    QuantifyReturn qret = QuantHelper.quantify(new VarInfoName[]
143                                { var2().name, var1().name} );
144    assert qret.bound_vars.size() == 2;
145    assert qret.root_primes.length == 2;
147    // These variables are, in order: Example element, free Index
148    // variable, Lower bound, Upper bound, Span
149    String aE, aI, aL, aH, aS; // a = subsequence
150    String bE, bI, bL, bH, bS; // b = supersequence
151    {
152      VarInfoName[] boundv;
154      boundv = qret.bound_vars.get(0);
155      aE = qret.root_primes[0].simplify_name();
156      aI = boundv[0].simplify_name();
157      aL = boundv[1].simplify_name();
158      aH = boundv[2].simplify_name();
159      aS = "(+ (- " + aH + " " + aL + ") 1)";
161      boundv = qret.bound_vars.get(1);
162      bE = qret.root_primes[1].simplify_name();
163      bI = boundv[0].simplify_name();
164      bL = boundv[1].simplify_name();
165      bH = boundv[2].simplify_name();
166      bS = "(+ (- " + bH + " " + bL + ") 1)";
167    }
169    // This invariant would not have been given data if a value was
170    // missing - for example, if a slice had a negative length.  We
171    // must predicate this invariant on the values being sensible.
173    String sensible = "(AND (>= " + aS + " 0) (>= " + bS + " 0))";
175    // This invariant would have been falsified if the subsequence A
176    // length was ever zero.  Also, this invariant would have been
177    // falsified if the subsequence A was ever longer than the
178    // supersequence B.
180    String length_stmt = "(AND (NEQ " + aS + " 0) (>= " + bS + " " + aS + "))";
182    // Subsequence means that there exists an offset in supersequence
183    // B, where (1) the offset is non-negative, (2) the offset doesn't
184    // cause the matching to push past the end of B, and (3) for all
185    // indices less than the span of subsequence A, (4) the elements
186    // starting from A_low and B_low+offset are equal.
188    String index = "|__index|";
189    String shift = "|__shift|";
190    String subseq_stmt =
191      "(EXISTS (" + shift + ") (AND "
192      + "(<= 0 " + shift + ") "                          // 1
193      + "(<= (+ " + shift + " " + aS + ") " + bS + ") "  // 2
194      + "(FORALL (" + index + ") (IMPLIES (AND (<= 0 " + index + ") (< " + index + " " + aS + ")) " // 3
195      + "(EQ "
196      + aE.replace(aI, "(+ " + aL + " " + index + ")") + " "
197      + bE.replace(bI, "(+ (+ " + bL + " " + index + ") " + shift + ")") + ")))))";
199    // So, when this in sensible, we know that both the length and
200    // subseq statements hold.
202    String result = "(IMPLIES " + sensible + " (AND " + length_stmt + " " + subseq_stmt + "))";
203    return result;
204    */
205  }
207  @Override
208  public InvariantStatus check_modified(long[] a1, long[] a2,
209                                        int count) {
210    if ((a1 == null) || (a2 == null)) {
211      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
212    }
214      int result = ArraysPlume.indexOf(a1, a2);
216    if (result == -1) {
217      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
218    } else {
219      return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
220    }
221  }
223  @Override
224  public InvariantStatus add_modified(long[] a1, long[] a2,
225                                      int count) {
226    InvariantStatus is = check_modified(a1, a2, count);
227    if ((is == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED) && Debug.logOn()) {
228      log("%s destroyed by %s %s",
229           format(), Debug.toString(a1),
230           Debug.toString(a2));
231    }
232    return is;
233  }
235  @Override
236  protected double computeConfidence() {
237    return Invariant.CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED;
238  }
240  /** Returns a DiscardInfo, or null if the Invariant is not an obvious subsequence.
241@return a DiscardInfo, or null if the Invariant is not an obvious subsequence  */
242  @Pure
243  public static @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousSubSequence(Invariant inv, VarInfo subvar, VarInfo supervar) {
244    IPair<DiscardCode,String> pcds = isObviousSubSequence(subvar, supervar);
245    if (pcds == null) {
246      return null;
247    } else {
248      return new DiscardInfo(inv, pcds.first, pcds.second);
249    }
250  }
252  /**
253   * Returns a IPair of a DiscardCode and a discardReason string, or null if the Invariant is not an
254   * obvious subsequence.
255   * @return a IPair of a DiscardCode and a discardReason string, or null if the Invariant is not an
256   *   obvious subsequence
257   */
258  @Pure
259  public static @Nullable IPair<DiscardCode,String> isObviousSubSequence(VarInfo subvar, VarInfo supervar) {
260    // Must typecheck since this could be called with non-sequence variables in
261    // some methods.
262    ProglangType rep1 = subvar.rep_type;
263    ProglangType rep2 = supervar.rep_type;
264    if (!(((rep1 == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)
265           && (rep2 == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY))
266          || ((rep1 == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY)
267           && (rep2 == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY))
268          || ((rep1 == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY)
269           && (rep2 == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY))
270          )) {
271      return null;
272    }
274    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
275      debug.fine("isObviousSubSequence "
276                  + subvar.name() + " in " + supervar.name());
277    }
279    // Standard discard reason/string
280    DiscardCode discardCode = DiscardCode.obvious;
281    String discardString = subvar.name()+" obvious subset/subsequence of "+supervar.name();
283    // For unions and intersections, it probably doesn't make sense to
284    // do subsequence or subset detection.  This is mainly to prevent
285    // invariants of the form (x subset of union(x, y)) but this means
286    // we also miss those of the form (z subset of union(x,y)) which
287    // might be useful.  Subsequence, however, seems totally useless
288    // on unions and intersections.
289    if (supervar.derived instanceof  SequenceScalarIntersection
290        || supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarUnion
291        || subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarIntersection
292        || subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarUnion) {
293      discardCode = DiscardCode.obvious;
294      discardString = "Invariants involving subsets/subsequences of unions/intersections are suppressed";
295      debug.fine("  returning true because of union or intersection");
296      return IPair.<DiscardCode,String>of(discardCode, discardString);
297    }
299    if (subvar.derived instanceof SequencesPredicate) {
300      // It's not useful that predicate(x[], b[]) is a subsequence or subset
301      // of x[]
302      SequencesPredicate derived = (SequencesPredicate) subvar.derived;
303      if (derived.var1().equals(supervar)) {
304        discardCode = DiscardCode.obvious;
305        discardString = subvar.name()+" is derived from "+supervar.name();
306        debug.fine("  returning true because of predicate slicing");
307        return IPair.of(discardCode, discardString + " [pred slicing]");
308      }
309    }
311    VarInfo subvar_super = subvar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
312    if (subvar_super == null) {
313      // If it's not a union, intersection or a subsequence, it's not obvious
314      debug.fine("  returning false because subvar_super == null");
315      return null;
316    }
318    if (subvar_super == supervar) {
319      // System.out.println("SubSequence.isObviousDerived(" + subvar.name() + ", " + supervar.name + ") = true");
320      // System.out.println("  details: subvar_super=" + subvar_super.name + "; supervar_super=" + supervar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf() == null ? "null" : supervar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf().name);
321      discardCode = DiscardCode.obvious;
322      discardString = subvar.name()+"=="+supervar.name();
323      debug.fine("  returning true because subvar_super == supervar");
324      return IPair.of(discardCode,
325                     discardString + " [subvar_super == supervar]");
326    }
328    // a[i+a..j+b] cmp a[i+c..j+d]
329    VarInfo supervar_super = supervar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
330    // we know subvar_super != null due to check above
331    if (subvar_super == supervar_super) {
332      // both sequences are derived from the same supersequence
333      if ((subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
334           || subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)
335          && (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
336           || supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)) {
337        // In "A[i..j] subseq B[k..l]": i=sub_left_var, j=sub_right_var,
338        //  k=super_left_var, l=super_right_var.
339        VarInfo sub_left_var = null, sub_right_var = null,
340          super_left_var = null, super_right_var = null;
341        // I'm careful not to access foo_shift unless foo_var has been set
342        // to a non-null value, but Java is too stupid to recognize that.
343        int sub_left_shift = 42, sub_right_shift = 69, super_left_shift = 1492,
344          super_right_shift = 1776;
345        if (subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
346          SequenceScalarSubsequence sub = (SequenceScalarSubsequence)subvar.derived;
347          if (sub.from_start) {
348            sub_right_var = sub.sclvar();
349            sub_right_shift = sub.index_shift;
350          } else {
351            sub_left_var = sub.sclvar();
352            sub_left_shift = sub.index_shift;
353          }
354        } else if (subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
355          SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence sub = (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)subvar.derived;
356          sub_left_var = sub.startvar();
357          sub_left_shift = (sub.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
358          sub_right_var = sub.endvar();
359          sub_right_shift = (sub.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
360        } else {
361          throw new Error();
362        }
363        if (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
364          SequenceScalarSubsequence super_ = (SequenceScalarSubsequence)supervar.derived;
365          if (super_.from_start) {
366            super_right_var = super_.sclvar();
367            super_right_shift = super_.index_shift;
368          } else {
369            super_left_var = super_.sclvar();
370            super_left_shift = super_.index_shift;
371          }
372        } else if (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
373          SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence super_ = (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)supervar.derived;
374          super_left_var = super_.startvar();
375          super_left_shift = (super_.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
376          super_right_var = super_.endvar();
377          super_right_shift = (super_.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
378        } else {
379          throw new Error();
380        }
381        boolean left_included = false, right_included = false;
382        if (super_left_var == null) {
383          left_included = true;
384        }
385        if (super_left_var == sub_left_var) {
386          if (super_left_shift < sub_left_shift) left_included = true;
387        }
388        if (super_right_var == null) {
389          right_included = true;
390        }
391        if (super_right_var == sub_right_var) {
392          if (super_right_shift > sub_right_shift) right_included = true;
393        }
394        if (left_included && right_included) {
395          discardCode = DiscardCode.obvious;
396          discardString = subvar.name()+" obvious subset/subsequence of "+supervar.name();
397          return IPair.of(discardCode, discardString + " [obvious]")
399        }
400      } else if ((subvar.derived instanceof SequenceStringSubsequence)
401                 && (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceStringSubsequence)) {
402        // Copied from (an old version) just above
403        // XXX I think this code is dead; why isn't it just produced
404        // from the above by macro expansion? -smcc
405        SequenceStringSubsequence sss1 = (SequenceStringSubsequence) subvar.derived;
406        SequenceStringSubsequence sss2 = (SequenceStringSubsequence) supervar.derived;
407        VarInfo index1 = sss1.sclvar();
408        int shift1 = sss1.index_shift;
409        boolean start1 = sss1.from_start;
410        VarInfo index2 = sss2.sclvar();
411        int shift2 = sss2.index_shift;
412        boolean start2 = sss2.from_start;
413        if (index1 == index2) {
414          if (start1 == true && start2 == true) {
415            if (shift1 <= shift2) {
416              return IPair.of(discardCode, discardString + " [shift1]");
417            }
418          } else if (start1 == false && start2 == false) {
419            if (shift1 >= shift2) {
420              return IPair.of(discardCode, discardString + " [shift2]");
421            }
422          }
423        }
424      } else {
425        throw new Error("how can this happen? " + subvar.name()
426                        + " " + (subvar.derived == null
427                               ? "(not derived)"
428                               : subvar.derived.getClass())
429                        + " " + supervar.name()
430                        + " " + (supervar.derived == null
431                                 ? "(not derived)"
432                                 : supervar.derived.getClass()));
433      }
434    }
436    return null;
437  }
439  // Look up a previously instantiated SubSequence relationship.
440  public static @Nullable SuperSequence find(PptSlice ppt) {
441    assert ppt.arity() == 2;
442    for (Invariant inv : ppt.invs) {
443      if (inv instanceof SuperSequence) {
444        return (SuperSequence) inv;
445      }
446    }
447    return null;
448  }
450  @Pure
451  @Override
452  public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically(VarInfo[] vis) {
454    VarInfo subvar = var2(vis);
455    VarInfo supervar = var1(vis);
457    // check for x[i..j] subsequence of x[]
458    VarInfo subvar_super = subvar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
459    if (subvar_super == supervar) {
460      debug.fine("  returning true because subvar_super == supervar");
461      return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious,
462                    "x[i..j] subsequence of x[] is obvious");
463    }
465    DiscardInfo di = SuperSequence.isObviousSubSequence(this, subvar, supervar);
466    if (di != null) {
467      return di;
468    }
470    // JHP: This is not a valid obvious check, since it doesn't imply that
471    // the invariant is true.
472    if (!subvar.aux.hasOrder()
473        || !supervar.aux.hasOrder()) {
474      // Doesn't make sense to consider subsequence if order doens't matter
475      return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious,
476                    "Order doesn't matter, so subsequence is meaningless");
477    }
479    return super.isObviousStatically(vis);
480  }
482  // Two ways to go about this:
483  //   * look at all subseq relationships, see if one is over a variable of
484  //     interest
485  //   * look at all variables derived from the
487  // (Seems overkill to check for other transitive relationships.
488  // Eventually that is probably the right thing, however.)
489  @Pure
490  @Override
491  public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically(VarInfo[] vis) {
493    // System.out.println("checking isObviousImplied for: " + format());
494    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
495      debug.fine("isObviousDynamically: checking " + vis[0].name() + " in " + vis[1].name());
496    }
498    DiscardInfo super_result = super.isObviousDynamically(vis);
499    if (super_result != null) {
500      return super_result;
501    }
503    VarInfo subvar = var2(vis);
504    VarInfo supervar = var1(vis);
506    // JHP: The next check is an un-interesting check, not
507    // an obvious check.  We need to figure out how to resolve this.
509    // Uninteresting if this is of the form x[0..i] subsequence
510    // x[0..j].  Not necessarily obvious.
511    VarInfo subvar_super = subvar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
512    VarInfo supervar_super = supervar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
513    if (subvar_super != null && subvar_super == supervar_super) {
514      debug.fine("  returning true because subvar_super == supervar_super");
515      return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious,
516                    "x[0..i] subsequence of x[0..j] is uninteresting");
517    }
519    if (isObviousSubSequenceDynamically(this, subvar, supervar)) {
520      return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious, subvar.name()
521                             + " is an obvious subsequence of "
522                             + supervar.name());
523    }
524    return null;
525  }
527  /**
528   * Returns true if the two original variables are related in a way that makes subsequence or
529   * subset detection not informative.
530   */
531  public static boolean isObviousSubSequenceDynamically(Invariant inv,
532                            VarInfo subvar, VarInfo supervar) {
534    VarInfo [] vis = {subvar, supervar};
536    ProglangType rep1 = subvar.rep_type;
537    ProglangType rep2 = supervar.rep_type;
538    if (!(((rep1 == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)
539           && (rep2 == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY))
540          || ((rep1 == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY)
541           && (rep2 == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY))
542          || ((rep1 == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY)
543           && (rep2 == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY))
544          )) {
545            return false;
546          }
548    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
549      debug.fine("Checking isObviousSubSequenceDynamically "
550                   + subvar.name() + " in " + supervar.name());
551    }
553    DiscardInfo di = isObviousSubSequence(inv, subvar, supervar);
554    if (di != null) {
555      inv.log("ObvSubSeq- true from isObviousSubSequence: %s", di.discardString());
556      return true;
557    }
558    debug.fine("  not isObviousSubSequence(statically)");
560    PptTopLevel ppt_parent = subvar.ppt;
562    // If the elements of supervar are always the same (EltOneOf),
563    // we aren't going to learn anything new from this invariant,
564    // since each sequence should have an EltOneOf over it.
565    if (false) {
566      PptSlice1 slice = ppt_parent.findSlice(supervar);
567      if (slice == null) {
568        System.out.println("No slice: parent =" + ppt_parent);
569      } else {
570        System.out.println("Slice var =" + slice.var_infos[0]);
571        for (Invariant superinv : slice.invs) {
572          System.out.println("Inv = " + superinv);
573          if (superinv instanceof EltOneOf) {
574            EltOneOf eltinv = (EltOneOf) superinv;
575            if (eltinv.num_elts() > 0) {
576              inv.log(" obvious because of %s", eltinv.format());
577              return true;
578            }
579          }
580        }
581      }
582    }
584    // Obvious if subvar is always just []
585    if (true) {
586      PptSlice1 slice = ppt_parent.findSlice(subvar);
587      if (slice != null) {
588        for (Invariant subinv : slice.invs) {
589          if (subinv instanceof OneOfSequence) {
590            OneOfSequence seqinv = (OneOfSequence) subinv;
591            if (seqinv.num_elts() == 1) {
592              Object elt = seqinv.elt();
593              if (elt instanceof long[] && ((long[]) elt).length == 0) {
594                Debug.log(debug, inv.getClass(), inv.ppt, vis,
595                                "ObvSubSeq- True from subvar being []");
596                return true;
597              }
598              if (elt instanceof double[] && ((double[]) elt).length == 0) {
599                inv.log("ObvSubSeq- True from subvar being []");
600                return true;
601              }
602            }
603          }
604        }
605      }
606    }
608    // Check for a[0..i] subseq a[0..j] but i < j.
609    VarInfo subvar_super = subvar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
610    VarInfo supervar_super = supervar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
612    if (subvar_super != null && subvar_super == supervar_super) {
613      // both sequences are derived from the same supersequence
614      if ((subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
615           || subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)
616          && (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
617           || supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)) {
618        VarInfo sub_left_var = null, sub_right_var = null,
619          super_left_var = null, super_right_var = null;
620        // I'm careful not to access foo_shift unless foo_var has been set
621        // to a non-null value, but Java is too stupid to recognize that.
622        int sub_left_shift = 42, sub_right_shift = 69, super_left_shift = 1492,
623          super_right_shift = 1776;
624        if (subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
625          SequenceScalarSubsequence sub = (SequenceScalarSubsequence)subvar.derived;
626          if (sub.from_start) {
627            sub_right_var = sub.sclvar();
628            sub_right_shift = sub.index_shift;
629          } else {
630            sub_left_var = sub.sclvar();
631            sub_left_shift = sub.index_shift;
632          }
633        } else if (subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
634          SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence sub = (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)subvar.derived;
635          sub_left_var = sub.startvar();
636          sub_left_shift = (sub.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
637          sub_right_var = sub.endvar();
638          sub_right_shift = (sub.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
639        } else {
640          throw new Error();
641        }
642        if (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
643          SequenceScalarSubsequence super_ = (SequenceScalarSubsequence)supervar.derived;
644          if (super_.from_start) {
645            super_right_var = super_.sclvar();
646            super_right_shift = super_.index_shift;
647          } else {
648            super_left_var = super_.sclvar();
649            super_left_shift = super_.index_shift;
650          }
651        } else if (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
652          SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence super_ = (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)supervar.derived;
653          super_left_var = super_.startvar();
654          super_left_shift = (super_.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
655          super_right_var = super_.endvar();
656          super_right_shift = (super_.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
657        } else {
658          throw new Error();
659        }
660        boolean left_included, right_included;
661        if (super_left_var == null) {
662          left_included = true;
663        } else if (sub_left_var == null) // we know super_left_var != null here
664          left_included = false;
665        else {
666          left_included =
667            VarInfo.compare_vars(super_left_var, super_left_shift,
668                                   sub_left_var, sub_left_shift,
669                                   true /* <= */);
670        }
671        if (super_right_var == null) {
672          right_included = true;
673        } else if (sub_right_var == null) // we know super_right_var != null here
674          right_included = false;
675        else {
676          right_included =
677            VarInfo.compare_vars(super_right_var, super_right_shift,
678                                   sub_right_var, sub_right_shift,
679                                   false /* >= */);
680        }
681//         System.out.println("Is " + subvar.name() + " contained in "
682//                            + supervar.name()
683//                            + "? left: " + left_included + ", right: "
684//                            + right_included);
685        if (left_included && right_included) {
686          inv.log("ObvSubSeq- True a[0..i] subseq a[0..j] and i < j");
687          return true;
688        }
689      } else if ((subvar.derived instanceof SequenceStringSubsequence)
690                 && (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceStringSubsequence)) {
691        // Copied from just above
692        SequenceStringSubsequence sss1 = (SequenceStringSubsequence) subvar.derived;
693        SequenceStringSubsequence sss2 = (SequenceStringSubsequence) supervar.derived;
694        VarInfo index1 = sss1.sclvar();
695        int shift1 = sss1.index_shift;
696        boolean start1 = sss1.from_start;
697        VarInfo index2 = sss2.sclvar();
698        int shift2 = sss2.index_shift;
699        boolean start2 = sss2.from_start;
700        if (start1 == start2) {
701          if (VarInfo.compare_vars(index1, shift1, index2, shift2, start1)) {
702            inv.log("True from comparing indices");
703            return true;
704          }
705        }
706      } else {
707        throw new Error("how can this happen? " + subvar.name()
708                        + " " + (subvar.derived == null
709                               ? "(not derived)"
710                               : subvar.derived.getClass())
711                        + " " + supervar.name()
712                        + " " + (supervar.derived == null
713                                 ? "(not derived)"
714                                 : supervar.derived.getClass()));
715      }
717    }
719    // Also need to check A[0..i] subseq A[0..j] via compare_vars.
721    // A subseq B[0..n] => A subseq B
723    List<Derivation> derivees = supervar.derivees();
724    // For each variable derived from supervar ("B")
725    for (Derivation der : derivees) {
726      // System.out.println("  ... der = " + der.getVarInfo().name() + " " + der);
727      if (der instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
728        // If that variable is "B[0..n]"
729        VarInfo supervar_part = der.getVarInfo();
730        // Get the canonical version; being equal to it is good enough.
731        if (supervar_part.get_equalitySet_leader() == subvar) {
732          Debug.log(debug, inv.getClass(), inv.ppt, vis,
733                "ObvSubSeq- True from canonical leader");
734          return true;
735        }
737        if (supervar_part.isCanonical()) {
738          if (subvar == supervar_part) {
739            System.err.println("Error: variables "
740                                + subvar.name()
741                                + " and "
742                                + supervar_part.name()
743                                + " are identical.  Canonical");
744            System.err.println(subvar.isCanonical());
745            System.err.println(supervar_part.isCanonical());
746            throw new Error();
747          }
749          // Check to see if there is a subsequence over the supervar
750          if (ppt_parent.is_subsequence(subvar, supervar_part)) {
751            if (Debug.logOn()) {
752              inv.log("ObvSubSeq- true from A subseq B[0..n] %s/%s",
753                       subvar.name(), supervar_part.name());
754            }
755            return true;
756          }
757        }
758      }
759    }
760    return false;
761  }
763  @Pure
764  @Override
765  public boolean isSameFormula(Invariant inv) {
766    assert inv instanceof SuperSequence;
767    return true;
768  }
770  /** returns the ni-suppressions for SubSequence */
771  @Pure
772  @Override
773  public NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions() {
774    return suppressions;
775  }
777  /** definition of this invariant (the suppressee) */
778  private static NISuppressee suppressee = new NISuppressee(SuperSequence.class, 2);
780  // suppressor definitions (used in suppressions below)
781  private static NISuppressor v1_eq_v2 = new NISuppressor(0, 1, SeqSeqIntEqual.class);
782  private static NISuppressor v1_pw_eq_v2 = new NISuppressor(0, 1, PairwiseIntEqual.class);
784  // sub/super sequence suppressions.  We have both SeqSeq and Pairwise
785  // as suppressions because each can be enabled separately.
786  private static NISuppressionSet suppressions =
787    new NISuppressionSet(
788        new NISuppression[] {
789          // a[] == b[] ==> a[] sub/superset b[]
790          new NISuppression(v1_eq_v2, suppressee),
791          // a[] == b[] ==> a[] sub/superset b[]
792          new NISuppression(v1_pw_eq_v2, suppressee),
793        });