001// ***** This file is automatically generated from Numeric.java.jpp
003package daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar;
005import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
006import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
007import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
008import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.ClassGetName;
009import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
010import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
011import static daikon.inv.Invariant.asInvClass;
013import daikon.*;
014import daikon.Quantify.QuantFlags;
015import daikon.derive.binary.*;
016import daikon.inv.*;
017import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.*;
018import daikon.inv.binary.twoString.*;
019import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.*;
020import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.*;
021import daikon.suppress.*;
022import java.util.*;
023import org.plumelib.util.UtilPlume;
024import typequals.prototype.qual.NonPrototype;
025import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
028 * Baseclass for binary numeric invariants.
029 *
030 * Each specific invariant is implemented in a subclass (typically, in this file). The subclass must
031 * provide the methods instantiate(), check(), and format(). Symmetric functions should define
032 * is_symmetric() to return true.
033 */
034public abstract class NumericInt extends TwoScalar {
036  static final long serialVersionUID = 20060609L;
038  protected NumericInt(PptSlice ppt, boolean swap) {
039    super(ppt);
040    this.swap = swap;
041  }
043  protected NumericInt(boolean swap) {
044    super();
045    this.swap = swap;
046  }
048  @Override
049  public boolean instantiate_ok(VarInfo[] vis) {
051    ProglangType type1 = vis[0].file_rep_type;
052    ProglangType type2 = vis[1].file_rep_type;
053    if (!type1.isIntegral() || !type2.isIntegral()) {
054      return false;
055    }
057    return true;
058  }
060  @Pure
061  @Override
062  public boolean isExact() {
063    return true;
064  }
066  @Override
067  public String repr(@GuardSatisfied NumericInt this) {
068    return getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + format()
069      + (swap ? " [swapped]" : " [unswapped]");
070  }
072  /**
073   * Returns a string in the specified format that describes the invariant.
074   *
075   * The generic format string is obtained from the subclass specific get_format_str(). Instances of
076   * %varN% are replaced by the variable name in the specified format.
077   */
078  @SideEffectFree
079  @Override
080  public String format_using(@GuardSatisfied NumericInt this, OutputFormat format) {
082    if (ppt == null) {
083      return String.format("proto ppt [class %s] format %s", getClass(),
084                           get_format_str(format));
085    }
086    String fmt_str = get_format_str(format);
088    String v1 = var1().name_using(format);
089    String v2 = var2().name_using(format);
091    // Note that we do not use String.replaceAll here, because that's
092    // inseparable from the regex library, and we don't want to have to
093    // escape v1 with something like
094    // v1.replaceAll("([\\$\\\\])", "\\\\$1")
095    fmt_str = fmt_str.replace("%var1%", v1);
096    fmt_str = fmt_str.replace("%var2%", v2);
098    // if (false && (format == OutputFormat.DAIKON)) {
099    //   fmt_str = "[" + getClass() + "]" + fmt_str + " ("
100    //          + var1().get_value_info() + ", " + var2().get_value_info() +  ")";
101    // }
102    return fmt_str;
103  }
105  /** Calls the function specific equal check and returns the correct status. */
107  @Override
108  public InvariantStatus check_modified(long x, long y, int count) {
110    try {
111      if (eq_check(x, y)) {
112        return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
113      } else {
114        return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
115      }
116    } catch (Exception e) {
117      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
118    }
119  }
121  /**
122   * Checks to see if 'x[a] op y[b]' where 'x[] op y[]' and 'a == b'. Doesn't catch the case where
123   * a = b+1.
124   */
125  public @Nullable DiscardInfo is_subscript(VarInfo[] vis) {
127    VarInfo v1 = var1(vis);
128    VarInfo v2 = var2(vis);
130    // Make sure each var is a sequence subscript
131    if (!v1.isDerived() || !(v1.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubscript)) {
132      return null;
133    }
134    if (!v2.isDerived() || !(v2.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubscript)) {
135      return null;
136    }
138    @NonNull SequenceScalarSubscript der1 = (SequenceScalarSubscript) v1.derived;
139    @NonNull SequenceScalarSubscript der2 = (SequenceScalarSubscript) v2.derived;
141    // Make sure the shifts match
142    if (der1.index_shift != der2.index_shift) {
143      return null;
144    }
146    // Look for this invariant over a sequence
147    String cstr = getClass().getName();
148    cstr = cstr.replaceFirst("Numeric", "PairwiseNumeric");
149    cstr = cstr.replaceFirst("twoScalar", "twoSequence");
150    cstr = cstr.replaceFirst("twoFloat", "twoSequence");
151    Class<? extends Invariant> pairwise_class;
152    try {
153      @SuppressWarnings("signature") // string manipulation; application invariants
154      @ClassGetName String cstr_cgn = cstr;
155      pairwise_class = asInvClass(Class.forName(cstr_cgn));
156    } catch (Exception e) {
157      throw new Error("can't create class for " + cstr, e);
158    }
159    Invariant inv = find(pairwise_class, der1.seqvar(), der2.seqvar());
160    if (inv == null) {
161      return null;
162    }
164    // Look to see if the subscripts are equal
165    Invariant subinv = find(IntEqual.class, der1.sclvar(), der2.sclvar());
166    if (subinv == null) {
167      return null;
168    }
170    return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious, "Implied by "
171                           + inv.format() + " and " + subinv.format());
172  }
174  @Pure
175  @Override
176  public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically(VarInfo[] vis) {
178    DiscardInfo super_result = super.isObviousDynamically(vis);
179    if (super_result != null) {
180      return super_result;
181    }
183      // any relation across subscripts is made obvious by the same
184      // relation across the original sequence if the subscripts are equal
185      DiscardInfo result = is_subscript(vis);
186      if (result != null) {
187        return result;
188      }
190    // Check for invariant specific obvious checks.  The obvious_checks
191    // method returns an array of arrays of antecedents.  If all of the
192    // antecedents in an array are true, then the invariant is obvoius.
193    InvDef[][] obvious_arr = obvious_checks(vis);
194    obvious_loop:
195    for (int i = 0; i < obvious_arr.length; i++) {
196      InvDef[] antecedents = obvious_arr[i];
197      StringBuilder why = null;
198      for (int j = 0; j < antecedents.length; j++) {
199        Invariant inv = antecedents[j].find();
200        if (inv == null) {
201          continue obvious_loop;
202        }
203        if (why == null) {
204          why = new StringBuilder(inv.format());
205        } else {
206          why.append(" and ");
207          why.append(inv.format());
208        }
209      }
210      return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious, "Implied by " + why);
211    }
213    return null;
214  }
216  /**
217   * Return a format string for the specified output format. Each instance of %varN% will be
218   * replaced by the correct name for varN.
219   */
220  public abstract String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied NumericInt this, OutputFormat format);
222  /** Returns true if x and y don't invalidate the invariant. */
223  public abstract boolean eq_check(long x, long y);
225  /**
226   * Returns an array of arrays of antecedents. If all of the antecedents in any array are true,
227   * then the invariant is obvious.
228   */
229  public InvDef[][] obvious_checks(VarInfo[] vis) {
230    return new InvDef[][] {};
231  }
233  public static List<@Prototype Invariant> get_proto_all() {
235    List<@Prototype Invariant> result = new ArrayList<>();
237      result.add(Divides.get_proto(false));
238      result.add(Divides.get_proto(true));
239      result.add(Square.get_proto(false));
240      result.add(Square.get_proto(true));
242      result.add(BitwiseComplement.get_proto());
243      result.add(BitwiseSubset.get_proto(false));
244      result.add(BitwiseSubset.get_proto(true));
246      result.add(ZeroTrack.get_proto(false));
247      result.add(ZeroTrack.get_proto(true));
249      result.add(BitwiseAndZero.get_proto());
250      result.add(ShiftZero.get_proto(false));
251      result.add(ShiftZero.get_proto(true));
253    // System.out.printf("%s get proto: %s%n", NumericInt.class, result);
254    return result;
255  }
257  // suppressor definitions, used by many of the classes below
258  protected static NISuppressor
260      var1_eq_0       = new NISuppressor(0, RangeInt.EqualZero.class),
261      var2_eq_0       = new NISuppressor(1, RangeInt.EqualZero.class),
262      var1_ge_0       = new NISuppressor(0, RangeInt.GreaterEqualZero.class),
263      var2_ge_0       = new NISuppressor(1, RangeInt.GreaterEqualZero.class),
264      var1_eq_1       = new NISuppressor(0, RangeInt.EqualOne.class),
265      var2_eq_1       = new NISuppressor(1, RangeInt.EqualOne.class),
266      var1_eq_minus_1 = new NISuppressor(0, RangeInt.EqualMinusOne.class),
267      var2_eq_minus_1 = new NISuppressor(1, RangeInt.EqualMinusOne.class),
268      var1_ne_0       = new NISuppressor(0, NonZero.class),
269      var2_ne_0       = new NISuppressor(1, NonZero.class),
270      var1_le_var2    = new NISuppressor(0, 1, IntLessEqual.class),
272    var1_eq_var2    = new NISuppressor(0, 1, IntEqual.class),
273    var2_eq_var1    = new NISuppressor(0, 1, IntEqual.class);
275    protected static NISuppressor var2_valid_shift =
276      new NISuppressor(1, RangeInt.Bound0_63.class);
278  //
279  // Int and Float Numeric Invariants
280  //
282  /**
283   * Represents the divides without remainder invariant between two long scalars.
284   * Prints as {@code x % y == 0}.
285   */
286  public static class Divides extends NumericInt {
287    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
288    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
289    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
290    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040113L;
292    protected Divides(PptSlice ppt, boolean swap) {
293      super(ppt, swap);
294    }
296    protected Divides(boolean swap) {
297      super(swap);
298    }
300    private static @Prototype Divides proto = new @Prototype Divides(false);
301    private static @Prototype Divides proto_swap = new @Prototype Divides(true);
303    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
304    public static @Prototype NumericInt get_proto(boolean swap) {
305      if (swap) {
306        return proto_swap;
307      } else {
308        return proto;
309      }
310    }
312    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
313    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
314    /** Boolean. True iff divides invariants should be considered. */
315    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = Invariant.invariantEnabledDefault;
317    @Override
318    public boolean enabled() {
319      return dkconfig_enabled;
320    }
322    @Override
323    protected Divides instantiate_dyn(@Prototype Divides this, PptSlice slice) {
324      return new Divides(slice, swap);
325    }
327    @Override
328    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied Divides this, OutputFormat format) {
329      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
330        return "(EQ 0 (MOD %var1% %var2%))";
331      } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
332        return "%var1% % %var2% == 0";
333      } else {
334        return "%var1% % %var2% == 0";
335      }
336    }
338    @Override
339    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
340      return (0 == (x % y));
341    }
343    /** Returns a list of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant. */
344    @Pure
345    @Override
346    public NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions() {
347      if (swap) {
348        return suppressions_swap;
349      } else {
350        return suppressions;
351      }
352    }
354    /** definition of this invariant (the suppressee) (unswapped) */
355    private static NISuppressee suppressee = new NISuppressee(Divides.class, false);
357    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions =
358      new NISuppressionSet(
359          new NISuppression[] {
361            // These suppressions are only valid on scalars because the length
362            // of var1 and var2 must also be the same and there is no suppressor
363            // for that.
365            // var2 == 1 ==> var1 % var2 == 0
366            new NISuppression(var2_eq_1, suppressee),
368            // var2 == -1 ==> var1 % var2 == 0
369            new NISuppression(var2_eq_minus_1, suppressee),
371            // (var1 == 0) ^ (var2 != 0) ==> var1 % var2 == 0
372            new NISuppression(var1_eq_0, var2_ne_0, suppressee),
374            // (var1 == var2) ^ (var2 != 0) ==> var1 % var2 == 0
375            new NISuppression(var1_eq_var2, var2_ne_0, suppressee),
377            // (var2 == var1) ^ (var1 != 0) ==> var2 % var1 == 0
378            new NISuppression(var2_eq_var1, var1_ne_0, suppressee),
380          });
381    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions_swap = suppressions.swap();
383    /**
384     * Returns non-null if this invariant is obvious from an existing, non-falsified linear binary
385     * invariant in the same slice as this invariant. This invariant of the form "x % y == 0" is
386     * falsified if a linear binary invariant is found of the form "a*y - 1*x + 0 == 0"
387     *
388     * @return non-null value iff this invariant is obvious from other invariants in the same slice
389     */
390    @Pure
391    @Override
392    public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically(VarInfo[] vis) {
393      // First call super type's method, and if it returns non-null, then
394      // this invariant is already known to be obvious, so just return
395      // whatever reason the super type returned.
396      DiscardInfo di = super.isObviousDynamically(vis);
397      if (di != null) {
398        return di;
399      }
401      VarInfo var1 = vis[0];
402      VarInfo var2 = vis[1];
404      // ensure that var1.varinfo_index <= var2.varinfo_index
405      if (var1.varinfo_index > var2.varinfo_index) {
406        var1 = vis[1];
407        var2 = vis[0];
408      }
410      // Find slice corresponding to these two variables.
411      // Ideally, this should always just be ppt if all
412      // falsified invariants have been removed.
413      PptSlice2 ppt2 = ppt.parent.findSlice(var1,var2);
415      // If no slice is found , no invariants exist to make this one obvious.
416      if (ppt2 == null) {
417        return null;
418      }
420      // For each invariant, check to see if it's a linear binary
421      // invariant of the form "a*y - 1*x + 0 == 0" and if so,
422      // you know this invariant of the form "x % y == 0" is obvious.
423      for(Invariant inv : ppt2.invs) {
425        if (inv instanceof LinearBinary) {
426          LinearBinary linv = (LinearBinary) inv;
428          // General form for linear binary: a*x + b*y + c == 0,
429          // but a and b can be switched with respect to vis, and either
430          // one may be negative, so instead check:
431          //  - c == 0
432          //  - a*b < 0   (a and b have different signs)
433          //  - |a| == 1 or |b| == 1, so one will divide the other
434          //     While this means that both x % y == 0 and y % x == 0,
435          //     only one of these invariants will still be true at this
436          //     time, and only that one will be falsified by this test.
437          if (!linv.is_false()
438              && Global.fuzzy.eq(linv.core.c, 0)
439              && linv.core.b * linv.core.a < 0
440              && (Global.fuzzy.eq(linv.core.a * linv.core.a, 1)
441                  || Global.fuzzy.eq(linv.core.b * linv.core.b, 1))) {
442            return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious,
443                                   "Linear binary invariant implies divides");
444          }
445        }
446      }
448      return null;
449    }
451  }
453  /**
454   * Represents the square invariant between two long scalars.
455   * Prints as {@code x = y**2}.
456   */
457  public static class Square extends NumericInt {
458    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
459    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
460    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
461    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040113L;
463    protected Square(PptSlice ppt, boolean swap) {
464      super(ppt, swap);
465    }
467    protected Square(boolean swap) {
468      super(swap);
469    }
471    private static @Prototype Square proto = new @Prototype Square(false);
472    private static @Prototype Square proto_swap = new @Prototype Square(true);
474    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
475    public static @Prototype Square get_proto(boolean swap) {
476      if (swap) {
477        return proto_swap;
478      } else {
479        return proto;
480      }
481    }
483    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
484    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
485    /** Boolean. True iff square invariants should be considered. */
486    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = Invariant.invariantEnabledDefault;
488    @Override
489    public boolean enabled() {
490      return dkconfig_enabled;
491    }
492    @Override
493    protected Square instantiate_dyn(@Prototype Square this, PptSlice slice) {
494      return new Square(slice, swap);
495    }
497    @Override
498    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied Square this, OutputFormat format) {
499      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
500        return "(EQ %var1% (* %var2% %var2))";
501      } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
502        return "%var1% == %var2%*%var2%";
503      } else if (format.isJavaFamily()) {
505        return "%var1% == %var2%*%var2%";
506      } else {
507        return "%var1% == %var2%**2";
508      }
509    }
511    /** Check to see if x == y squared. */
512    @Override
513    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
514      return (x == y*y);
515    }
517    // Note there are no NI Suppressions for Square.  Two obvious
518    // suppressions are:
519    //
520    //      (var2 == 1) ^ (var1 == 1)  ==> var1 = var2*var2
521    //      (var2 == 0) ^ (var1 == 0)  ==> var1 = var2*var2
522    //
523    // But all of the antecedents would be constants, so we would
524    // never need to create this slice, so there is no reason to create
525    // these.
527  }
529  /**
530   * Represents the zero tracks invariant between
531   * two long scalars; that is, when {@code x} is zero,
532   * {@code y} is also zero.
533   * Prints as {@code x = 0 => y = 0}.
534   */
535  public static class ZeroTrack extends NumericInt {
536    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
537    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
538    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
539    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040313L;
541    protected ZeroTrack(PptSlice ppt, boolean swap) {
542      super(ppt, swap);
543    }
545    protected @Prototype ZeroTrack(boolean swap) {
546      super(swap);
547    }
549    private static @Prototype ZeroTrack proto = new @Prototype ZeroTrack(false);
550    private static @Prototype ZeroTrack proto_swap = new @Prototype ZeroTrack(true);
552    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
553    public static @Prototype ZeroTrack get_proto(boolean swap) {
554      if (swap) {
555        return proto_swap;
556      } else {
557        return proto;
558      }
559    }
561    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
562    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
563    /** Boolean. True iff zero-track invariants should be considered. */
564    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = false;
566    @Override
567    public boolean enabled() {
568      return dkconfig_enabled;
569    }
571    @Override
572    protected ZeroTrack instantiate_dyn(@Prototype ZeroTrack this, PptSlice slice) {
573      return new ZeroTrack(slice, swap);
574    }
576    @Override
577    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied ZeroTrack this, OutputFormat format) {
578      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
579        return "(IMPLIES (EQ %var1% 0) (EQ %var2% 0))";
580      } else if (format.isJavaFamily() || format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
581        return "(!(%var1% == 0)) || (%var2% == 0)";
582      } else {
583        return "(%var1% == 0) ==> (%var2% == 0)";
584      }
585    }
587    @Override
588    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
589      if (x == 0) {
590        return y == 0;
591      } else {
592        return true;
593      }
594    }
596    /** Returns a list of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant. */
597    @Pure
598    @Override
599    public NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions() {
600      if (swap) {
601        return suppressions_swap;
602      } else {
603        return suppressions;
604      }
605    }
607    /** definition of this invariant (the suppressee) (unswapped) */
608    private static NISuppressee suppressee = new NISuppressee(ZeroTrack.class, false);
610    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions =
611      new NISuppressionSet(
612          new NISuppression[] {
613            // (var1 == var2) ==> (var1=0 ==> var2=0)
614            new NISuppression(var1_eq_var2, suppressee),
615            // (var1 != 0)    ==> (var1=0 ==> var2=0)
616            new NISuppression(var1_ne_0, suppressee),
617            // (var2 == 0) ==> (var1=0 ==> var2=0)
618            new NISuppression(var2_eq_0, suppressee),
619          });
620    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions_swap = suppressions.swap();
622  }
624  /**
625   * Represents the bitwise complement invariant between two long scalars.
626   * Prints as {@code x = ~y}.
627   */
628  public static class BitwiseComplement extends NumericInt {
629    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
630    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
631    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
632    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040113L;
634    protected BitwiseComplement(PptSlice ppt) {
635      super(ppt, false);
636    }
638    protected @Prototype BitwiseComplement() {
639      super(false);
640    }
642    private static @Prototype BitwiseComplement proto = new @Prototype BitwiseComplement();
644    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
645    public static @Prototype BitwiseComplement get_proto() {
646      return proto;
647    }
649    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
650    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
651    /** Boolean. True iff bitwise complement invariants should be considered. */
652    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = false;
654    @Override
655    public boolean enabled() {
656      return dkconfig_enabled;
657    }
659    @Override
660    protected BitwiseComplement instantiate_dyn(@Prototype BitwiseComplement this, PptSlice slice) {
661      return new BitwiseComplement(slice);
662    }
664    @Pure
665    @Override
666    public boolean is_symmetric() {
667      return true;
668    }
670    @Override
671    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied BitwiseComplement this, OutputFormat format) {
672      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
673        return "(EQ %var1% (~ %var2%))";
674      } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
675        return "%var1% == ~%var2%";
676      } else {
677        return "%var1% == ~%var2%";
678      }
679    }
681    /** Check to see if x == ~y . */
682    @Override
683    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
684      return (x == ~y);
685    }
686  }
688  /**
689   * Represents the bitwise subset invariant between two long scalars; that is, the bits of
690   * {@code y} are a subset of the bits of {@code x}.
691   * Prints as {@code x = y | x}.
692   */
693  public static class BitwiseSubset extends NumericInt {
694    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
695    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
696    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
697    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040113L;
699    protected BitwiseSubset(PptSlice ppt, boolean swap) {
700      super(ppt, swap);
701    }
703    protected BitwiseSubset(boolean swap) {
704      super(swap);
705    }
707    private static @Prototype BitwiseSubset proto = new @Prototype BitwiseSubset(false);
708    private static @Prototype BitwiseSubset proto_swap = new @Prototype BitwiseSubset(true);
710    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
711    public static @Prototype BitwiseSubset get_proto(boolean swap) {
712      if (swap) {
713        return proto_swap;
714      } else {
715        return proto;
716      }
717    }
719    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
720    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
721    /** Boolean. True iff bitwise subset invariants should be considered. */
722    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = false;
724    @Override
725    public boolean enabled() {
726      return dkconfig_enabled;
727    }
729    @Override
730    public BitwiseSubset instantiate_dyn(@Prototype BitwiseSubset this, PptSlice slice) {
731      return new BitwiseSubset(slice, swap);
732    }
734    @Override
735    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied BitwiseSubset this, OutputFormat format) {
736      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
737        return "(EQ %var1% (|java-bitwise-or| %var2% %var1%))";
738      } else if (format == OutputFormat.DAIKON) {
739        return "%var2% is a bitwise subset of %var1%";
740      } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
741        return "%var1% == (%var2% | %var1%)";
742      } else {
743        return "%var1% == (%var2% | %var1%)";
744      }
745    }
747    @Override
748    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
749      return (x == (y | x));
750    }
752    /** Returns a list of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant. */
753    @Pure
754    @Override
755    public NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions() {
756      if (swap) {
757        return suppressions_swap;
758      } else {
759        return suppressions;
760      }
761    }
763    /** definition of this invariant (the suppressee) (unswapped) */
764    private static NISuppressee suppressee = new NISuppressee(BitwiseSubset.class, false);
766    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions =
767      new NISuppressionSet(
768          new NISuppression[] {
770                // (var2 == 0) ==> var1 = (var2 | var1)
771                new NISuppression(var2_eq_0, suppressee),
773                // (var1 == -1) ==> var1 = (var2 | var1)
774                new NISuppression(var1_eq_minus_1, suppressee),
776              // (var1 == var2) ==> var1 = (var2 | var1)
777              new NISuppression(var1_eq_var2, suppressee),
779      });
780    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions_swap = suppressions.swap();
781  }
783  /**
784   * Represents the BitwiseAnd == 0 invariant between two long scalars; that is, {@code x} and
785   * {@code y} have no bits in common.
786   * Prints as {@code x & y == 0}.
787   */
788  public static class BitwiseAndZero extends NumericInt {
789    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
790    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
791    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
792    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040313L;
794    protected BitwiseAndZero(PptSlice ppt) {
795      super(ppt, false);
796    }
798    protected @Prototype BitwiseAndZero() {
799      super(false);
800    }
802    private static @Prototype BitwiseAndZero proto = new @Prototype BitwiseAndZero();
804    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
805    public static @Prototype BitwiseAndZero get_proto() {
806      return proto;
807    }
809    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
810    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
811    /** Boolean. True iff BitwiseAndZero invariants should be considered. */
812    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = false;
814    @Override
815    public boolean enabled() {
816      return dkconfig_enabled;
817    }
819    @Override
820    public BitwiseAndZero instantiate_dyn(@Prototype BitwiseAndZero this, PptSlice slice) {
821      return new BitwiseAndZero(slice);
822    }
824    @Override
825    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied BitwiseAndZero this, OutputFormat format) {
826      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
827        return "(EQ (|java-&| %var1% %var2%) 0)";
828      } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
829        return "(%var1% & %var2%) == 0";
830      } else {
831        return "(%var1% & %var2%) == 0";
832      }
833    }
835    @Pure
836    @Override
837    public boolean is_symmetric() {
838      return true;
839    }
841    @Override
842    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
843      return (x & y) == 0;
844    }
846    /** Returns a list of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant. */
847    @Pure
848    @Override
849    public @Nullable NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions() {
850      return suppressions;
851    }
853    /** definition of this invariant (the suppressee) (unswapped) */
854    private static NISuppressee suppressee = new NISuppressee(BitwiseAndZero.class, 2);
856    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions =
857      new NISuppressionSet(
858          new NISuppression[] {
859            // (var1 == 0) ==> (var1 & var2) == 0
860            new NISuppression(var1_eq_0, suppressee),
862            // (var2 == 0) ==> (var1 & var2) == 0
863            new NISuppression(var2_eq_0, suppressee),
864          });
866  }
868  /**
869   * Represents the ShiftZero invariant between two long scalars; that is, {@code x}
870   * right-shifted by {@code y} is always zero.
871   * Prints as {@code x >> y = 0}.
872   */
873  public static class ShiftZero  extends NumericInt {
874    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
875    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
876    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
877    static final long serialVersionUID = 20040313L;
879    protected ShiftZero(PptSlice ppt, boolean swap) {
880      super(ppt, swap);
881    }
883    protected ShiftZero(boolean swap) {
884      super(swap);
885    }
887    private static @Prototype ShiftZero proto = new @Prototype ShiftZero(false);
888    private static @Prototype ShiftZero proto_swap = new @Prototype ShiftZero(true);
890    /** Returns the prototype invariant. */
891    public static @Prototype ShiftZero get_proto(boolean swap) {
892      if (swap) {
893        return proto_swap;
894      } else {
895        return proto;
896      }
897    }
899    // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
900    // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
901    /** Boolean. True iff ShiftZero invariants should be considered. */
902    public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = false;
904    @Override
905    public boolean enabled() {
906      return dkconfig_enabled;
907    }
909    @Override
910    protected ShiftZero instantiate_dyn(@Prototype ShiftZero this, PptSlice slice) {
911      return new ShiftZero(slice, swap);
912    }
914    @Override
915    public String get_format_str(@GuardSatisfied ShiftZero this, OutputFormat format) {
916      if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
917        return "(EQ (|java->>| %var1% %var2%) 0)";
918      } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
919        return "(%var1% >> %var2% == 0)";
920      } else {
921        return "(%var1% >> %var2% == 0)";
922      }
923    }
925    @Override
926    public boolean eq_check(long x, long y) {
927      if ((y < 0) || (y > 63)) {
928        throw new ArithmeticException("shift op (" + y + ") is out of range");
929      }
930      return (x >> y) == 0;
931    }
933    /** Returns a list of non-instantiating suppressions for this invariant. */
934    @Pure
935    @Override
936    public NISuppressionSet get_ni_suppressions() {
937      if (swap) {
938        return suppressions_swap;
939      } else {
940        return suppressions;
941      }
942    }
944    /** definition of this invariant (the suppressee) (unswapped) */
945    private static NISuppressee suppressee = new NISuppressee(ShiftZero.class, false);
947    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions =
948      new NISuppressionSet(
949          new NISuppression[] {
950              // (var1>=0) ^ (var1<=var2) ^ (0<=var2<=63) ==> (var1 >> var2) == 0
951              new NISuppression(var1_ge_0, var1_le_var2, var2_valid_shift,
952                                suppressee),
953          });
954    private static NISuppressionSet suppressions_swap = suppressions.swap();
955  }
958// Standard String invariants