001// ***** This file is automatically generated from LinearBinaryCore.java.jpp
003package daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar;
005import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
006import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
007import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
008import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
009import daikon.*;
010import daikon.inv.*;
011import java.io.Serializable;
012import java.util.*;
013import java.util.logging.Level;
014import java.util.logging.Logger;
015import org.plumelib.util.MathPlume;
017public final class LinearBinaryCoreFloat implements Serializable, Cloneable {
018  // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
019  // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
020  // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
021  static final long serialVersionUID = 20030822L;
023  /** Debug tracer. */
024  public static final Logger debug =
025    Logger.getLogger("daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.LinearBinaryCoreFloat");
027  /** This invariant represents ax + by + c = 0; the first argument is x, second is y. */
028  public double a = 0, b = 0, c = 0;
030  public double min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y;
031  public double min_a, max_a, min_b, max_b, min_c, max_c;
033  public Invariant wrapper;
035  // The number of distinct values (not samples) observed.
036  public int values_seen = 0;
038  // We delay computation of a, b and c until we have seen several pairs so
039  // that we can compute a, b and c based on a far-separated pair.  We reduce
040  // the likelihood of roundoff error by getting 4 points, then choosing
041  // the two that are furthest apart in order to compute a, b and c.
042  static final int MINPAIRS = 4;
044  public double[] x_cache = new double[MINPAIRS];
045  public double[] y_cache = new double[MINPAIRS];
047  @SuppressWarnings("fields.uninitialized") // delayed initialization
048  public LinearBinaryCoreFloat(Invariant wrapper) {
049    this.wrapper = wrapper;
050  }
052  @SideEffectFree
053  @Override
054  public LinearBinaryCoreFloat clone(@GuardSatisfied LinearBinaryCoreFloat this) {
055    try {
056      LinearBinaryCoreFloat result = (LinearBinaryCoreFloat) super.clone();
057      if (x_cache != null) {
058        result.x_cache = x_cache.clone();
059      }
060      if (y_cache != null) {
061        result.y_cache = y_cache.clone();
062      }
063      return result;
064    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
065      throw new Error(); // can't happen
066    }
067  }
069// There is no more need for swap because the equation is in standard form.
070  public void swap() {
071    // was a swap
072    if (values_seen < MINPAIRS) {
073    } else {
074      if (a == 0) {
075        // can't swap horizontal line into vertical, but if a was 0,
076        // then we might as well falsify ourselves because this is just
077        // a constant
078        values_seen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
079        a = 0;
080        b = 0;
081        c = 0;
082      } else {
083    // since the equation is already in standard form, just guarantee that the x coefficient is positive
085        if (b < 0) {
086          a = -b;
087          b = -a;
088          c = -c;
089        }
090      }
091    }
093    // swap the value caches
094    double[] tmp = x_cache;
095    x_cache = y_cache;
096    y_cache = tmp;
098    // swap min_x/min_y and max_x/max_y
099    double tmp_val = max_x;
100    max_x = max_y;
101    max_y = tmp_val;
102    tmp_val = min_x;
103    min_x = min_y;
104    min_y = tmp_val;
105 }
107  /**
108   * Returns whether or not the invariant is currently active. We become active after MINPAIRS
109   * values have been seen and a line calculated. Before that, a and b are uninitialized.
110   */
111  @Pure
112  public boolean isActive() {
113    return values_seen >= MINPAIRS;
114  }
116  /**
117   * LinearBinary can't be flowed because it keeps samples to build the line. These sample can't be
118   * flowed from ppt to ppt (since they probably didn't occur at the lower ppt).
119   */
120  @Pure
121  public boolean isFlowable() {
122    return false;
123  }
125  // Note that this method is relatively inconsistent with respect to
126  // differing ordering of the points.  It will always give exactly the
127  // same answer with points that are delivered in the same order, but
128  // it can calculate different a/b and change whether or not it even
129  // finds a line with a different order.  Current code always guarantees
130  // that the points arrive in the same order (I think).
131  public InvariantStatus add_modified(double x, double y, int count) {
132    if (values_seen < MINPAIRS) {
133      if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
134        debug.fine("min point: " + wrapper.ppt.name() + ": " + x + ", " + y);
135      }
136      // We delay computation of a and b until we have seen several pairs
137      // so that we can compute a and b based on a far-separated pair.  If
138      // the points in a pair are nearby, then roundoff errors in the
139      // computation of the slope can be non-negligible.
141      for (int i = 0; i < values_seen; i++) {
142        if ((x_cache[i] == x) && (y_cache[i] == y)) {
143          return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
144        }
145      }
146      x_cache[values_seen] = x;
147      y_cache[values_seen] = y;
148      values_seen++;
149      if (values_seen == MINPAIRS) {
150        // Find the most separated pair.
151        int[] sep_indices = maxsep_indices();
152        int max_i = sep_indices[0];
153        int max_j = sep_indices[1];
155        // Set a, b and c based on that pair
156        if (max_i == -1) {
157          values_seen--;
158          wrapper.log("falsified, max_i = -1");
159          return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
160        }
161        // remember the min and max pairs
162        if (x_cache[max_i] < x_cache[max_j]) {
163          // swap max_i and max_j
164          int tmp = max_i;
165          max_i = max_j;
166          max_j = tmp;
167        }
168        min_x = x_cache[max_i];
169        min_y = y_cache[max_i];
170        max_x = x_cache[max_j];
171        max_y = y_cache[max_j];
173        // calculate a, b and c for this pair and remember them as min/max a,b,c
174        if (set_bi_linear(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED) {
175          values_seen--;
176          wrapper.log("falsified, no set_bi_linear");
177          return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
178        }
179        min_a = a;
180        max_a = a;
181        min_b = b;
182        max_b = b;
183        min_c = c;
184        max_c = c;
185        if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
186            debug.fine(
187                wrapper.ppt.name() + ": Initial a (" + a + ") and b (" + b + ") and c (" + c + ")");
188        }
190        // Check all values against a, b, and c.
191        if (Global.fuzzy.eq(a, 0)) {
192          wrapper.log("falsified, a == 0");
193          values_seen--;
194          return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
195        }
197        for (int i = 0; i < MINPAIRS; i++) {
198          // if the point is close enough in either x or y it is close enough
199          // The double check is used because lines with different slopes may
200          // indicate an unreasonably high x or y diff when the actual point
201          // is very close.  It would probably be better to calculate the
202          // actual distance from the line, but it would be unclear what to
203          // compare this to (average or X and Y?).  This seems like a
204          // reasonable compromise.
205          if (!Global.fuzzy.eq(-b * y_cache[i],  a * x_cache[i] + c)
206              && !Global.fuzzy.eq(x_cache[i], (-b * y_cache[i] - c) / a)) {
207            if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
208              debug.fine(
209                  "Suppressing LinearBinaryCoreFloat ("
210                  + wrapper.format()
211                  + ") at index "
212                  + i
213                  + ": "
214                  + y_cache[i]
215                  + " != "
216                  + a
217                  + "*"
218                  + x_cache[i]
219                  + "+"
220                  + b);
221              debug.fine("    ");
222            }
223            values_seen--;
224            wrapper.log("falsified, point in cache doesn't match");
225            return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
226          }
227        }
228      }
229    } else {
230      // Check the new value against a and b. (See previous explanation for double
231      // EQUAL check.)
232      if (!Global.fuzzy.eq(y, (-c - a * x)/b) && !Global.fuzzy.eq(x, (-c - b * y)/ a)) {
233        // see if this new point is off one end or the other
234        if (x < min_x) {
235          min_x = x;
236          min_y = y;
237        } else if (x > max_x) {
238          max_x = x;
239          max_y = y;
240        }
242        double delta_x = max_x - min_x;
243        // should be fixed in the future to permit vertical lines
244        if (Global.fuzzy.eq(delta_x, 0)) {
245          return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
246        }
248        // calculate a new a, b, c possibly using a new end point
250        double[] res = new double[3];
251        boolean ok = find_bi_linear(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, res);
252        double new_a = 0;
253        double new_b = 0;
254        double new_c = 0;
255        if (ok) {
256          new_a = res[0];
257          new_b = res[1];
258          new_c = res[2];
259        }
261        // if the a or b is a new min/max remember it.
262        if (new_a < min_a) min_a = new_a;
263        if (new_a > max_a) max_a = new_a;
264        if (new_b < min_b) min_b = new_b;
265        if (new_b > max_b) max_b = new_b;
266        if (new_c < min_c) min_c = new_c;
267        if (new_c > max_c)           max_c = new_c;
269        // pick a new a, b, c as the average of their endpoints
270        new_a = (min_a + max_a) / 2;
271        new_b = (min_b + max_b) / 2;
272        new_c = (min_c + max_c) / 2;
273        if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
274            debug.fine(wrapper.ppt.name() + ": Trying new a (" + new_a
275                         + ") and b (" + new_b + ")");
276        }
278        // if the new a, b, c are 'equal' to min/max a, b, c and
279        // this point fits, then this new equation is good enough both
280        // for existing points and the new point.
282        if (Global.fuzzy.eq(new_a, min_a)
283            && Global.fuzzy.eq(new_a, max_a)
284            && Global.fuzzy.eq(new_b, min_b)
285            && Global.fuzzy.eq(new_b, max_b)
286            && Global.fuzzy.eq(new_c, min_c)
287            && Global.fuzzy.eq(new_c, max_c)
288            && Global.fuzzy.eq(-new_b * y, new_a * x + new_c)) {
289          a = new_a;
290          b = new_b;
291          c = new_c;
292          if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
293            debug.fine(
294                wrapper.ppt.name() + ": New a (" + a + ") and b (" + b + ") and c (" + c + ")");
295          }
296        } else {
297          if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
298            debug.fine("Suppressing LinearBinaryCoreFloat ("
299                        + wrapper.format() + ") at new value: "
300                        + a + " * x + " + b + " * y + " + c + " != 0");
301//                        + y + " != " + a + "*" + x + "+" + b);
302          }
303          return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
304        }
305        //??? wrapper.destroyAndFlow();
306        //??? return;
307      }
308    }
309    return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
310  }
312  /**
313   * Returns a 2-element int array of the indices of the most separated pair of points between the
314   * points represented by x_array and y_array. Requires that x_array and y_array are the same
315   * length.
316   */
317  static int[] maxsep_point(double[] x_array, double[] y_array) {
318    // Find the most separated pair.
319    // Do I really need to check in two dimensions, or would one be enough?
321    assert x_array.length == y_array.length;
323    // indices of the most-separated pair of points
324    int max_i = -1;
325    int max_j = -1;
326    // (square of the) distance between the most separated pair
327    double max_separation = 0;
328    for (int i = 0; i < x_array.length - 1; i++) {
329      for (int j = i + 1; j < x_array.length; j++) {
330        // not long, lest we get wraparound
331        double xsep = x_array[i] - x_array[j];
332        double ysep = y_array[i] - y_array[j];
333        double separation = xsep * xsep + ysep * ysep;
335        // Roundoff error might result in 0.
336        // assert separation > 0;
338        if (separation > max_separation) {
339          max_separation = separation;
340          max_i = i;
341          max_j = j;
342        }
343      }
344    }
345    return new int[] {max_i, max_j};
346  }
347  /**
348   * Returns a 2-element int array of the indices of the most separated pair of points between the
349   * points within this.
350   */
351  int[] maxsep_indices() {
352    return maxsep_point(x_cache, y_cache);
353  }
355  //  /**
356  //   * Given ((x0,y0),(x1,y1)), finds a and b such that y = ax + b.
357  //   * Places a and b (if they exist) into result at indexes 0 and 1
358  //   * respectively.
359  //   * @return true if such an a and b exist.
360  //   */
361  /**
362   * Given ((x0,y0),(x1,y1)), finds a,b and c such that ax + by + c = 0. Places a, b and c (if they
363   * exist) into result at indexes 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
364   *
365   * @return true if such an a and b exist
366   */
367  private static boolean find_bi_linear(
368      double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, double[] result) {
369    if (x1 - x0 == 0) {         // not "x0 == x1", due to roundoff
370      // x being constant would have been discovered elsewhere (and this
371      // invariant would not have been instantiated).
372      return false;
373    }
374    if (y1 - y0 == 0) {         // not "y0 == y1", due to roundoff
375      // y being constant would have been discovered elsewhere (and this
376      // invariant would not have been instantiated).
377      return false;
378    }
380    double i_var = y1 - y0;
381    double j_var = x0 - x1;
382    double Stand_const = y0 * x1 - x0 * y1;
384    // Put the coefficients in lowest terms by dividing by the gcd.
385    // If the gcd is 1, no harm done -- divide by 1.
386    // Type is double to ensure floating-point division.
387    double myGCD = MathPlume.gcd(MathPlume.gcd(i_var, j_var), Stand_const);
388    double standard_i_var = i_var / myGCD;
389    double standard_j_var = j_var / myGCD;
390    double standard_Stand_const = Stand_const / myGCD;
392    // Ensure postive x coefficient by negating if "x" term is negative.
393    if (i_var < 0) {
394      standard_i_var = -standard_i_var;
395      standard_j_var = -standard_j_var;
396      standard_Stand_const = -standard_Stand_const;
397    }
399    result[0] = standard_i_var;
400    result[1] = standard_j_var;
401    result[2] = standard_Stand_const;
403    return true;
404  }
406  /** Given ((x0,y0),(x1,y1)), set a, b and c such that ax + by + c = 0. */
407  private InvariantStatus set_bi_linear(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1) {
408    double[] AandBandC = new double[3];
409    if (!find_bi_linear(x0, x1, y0, y1, AandBandC)) {
410      if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
411        debug.fine("Suppressing LinearBinaryCoreFloat due to equal x values: (" + x0 + "," + y0 + "), (" + x1 + "," + y1 + ")");
412      }
413      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
414    }
415    a = AandBandC[0];
416    b = AandBandC[1];
417    c = AandBandC[2];
418    wrapper.log("x0=%s, x1=%s, y0=%s, y1=%s", x0, x1, y0, y1);
419    wrapper.log("a=%s, b=%s, c=%s", a, b, c);
420    return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
421  }
423  public boolean enoughSamples(@GuardSatisfied LinearBinaryCoreFloat this) {
424    return values_seen >= MINPAIRS;
425  }
427  public double computeConfidence() {
428    return Invariant.conf_is_ge(values_seen, MINPAIRS);
429  }
431  public String repr(@GuardSatisfied LinearBinaryCoreFloat this) {
432    return "LinearBinaryCoreFloat" + wrapper.varNames() + ": a=" + a
433      + ",b=" + b
434      + ",c=" + c
435      + ",values_seen=" + values_seen;
436  }
438  // Format one term of an equation.
439  // Variable "first" indicates whether this is the leading term
440  // Variable "varname" is the name of the variable; may be null
441  // for the constant term.
442  public static String formatTerm(double coeff, @Nullable String varname, boolean first) {
443    double ncoeff = coeff;
445    if (ncoeff == 0) {
446      return "";
447    }
448    String sign;
449    if (ncoeff < 0) {
450      if (first) {
451        sign = "- ";
452      } else {
453        sign = " - ";
454      }
455    } else if (first) {
456      sign = "";
457    } else {
458      sign = " + ";
459    }
461    //we want to ensure that the positive value is used because the sign has already been determined
462    String coeff_string =
463        (ncoeff == (int)ncoeff) ? "" + Math.abs((int)ncoeff) : "" + Math.abs(ncoeff);
464    if (varname == null) {
465      return sign + coeff_string;
466    }
467    if (ncoeff == 1 || ncoeff == -1) {
468      return sign + varname;
469    } else {
470      return sign + coeff_string + " * " + varname;
471    }
472  }
474  @SideEffectFree
475  public String format_using(
476      OutputFormat format, String vix, String viy, double u, double v, double w) {
478    // recall that a, b, c in the linear binary equation means ax + by + c = 0;
479    if (u == 0 && v == 0 && w == 0) {
480      return wrapper.format_too_few_samples(format, "0 * " + vix + "+ 0 * " + viy + " + 0 == 0");
481    }
483    if (format.isJavaFamily()) {
485        return "daikon.Quant.fuzzy.eq(0, "
486            + formatTerm(u, vix, true)
487            + formatTerm(v, viy, false)
488            + formatTerm(w, null, false)
489            + ")";
491    }
493    if ((format == OutputFormat.DAIKON)
494        || (format == OutputFormat.ESCJAVA)
495        || (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT)) {
496      String eq = " == ";
497      return formatTerm(u, vix, true)
498        + formatTerm(v, viy, false)
499        + formatTerm(w, null, false)
500        + eq
501        + "0";
502    }
504    if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
505      return format_simplify(vix, viy, u, v, w);
506    }
507    throw new Error("Unknown OutputFormat: " + format);
508  }
510  public static String format_simplify(String str_x, String str_y, double a, double b, double c) {
512      int ia = (int) a;
513      int ib = (int) b;
514      int ic = (int) c;
516      String str_a, str_b, str_c;
517      if (ia == a && ib == b && ic == c) {
518        // integer
519        str_a = Invariant.simplify_format_long(ia);
520        str_b = Invariant.simplify_format_long(ib);
521        str_c = Invariant.simplify_format_long(ic);
522      } else {
523        // floating point; probably not very useful
524        str_a = Invariant.simplify_format_double(a);
525        str_b = Invariant.simplify_format_double(b);
526        str_c = Invariant.simplify_format_double(c);
527      }
529      // ax + by + c = 0
531      String str_ax = (a == 1.0) ? str_x : "(* " + str_a + " " + str_x + ")";
532      String str_by = (b == 1.0) ? str_y : "(* " + str_b + " " + str_y + ")";
533      String str_axby = "(+ " +  str_ax + " " + str_by + ")";
534      String str_axpc = (c == 0.0) ? str_axby : "(+ " + str_axby + " " + str_c + ")";
536      return "(EQ 0 " + str_axpc + ")";
537  }
539  @SideEffectFree
540  public String format_using(OutputFormat format, String xname, String yname) {
541    String result = format_using(format, xname, yname, a, b, c);
542    if (result != null) {
543      return result;
544    } else {
545      return wrapper.format_unimplemented(format);
546    }
547  }
549  // Format as "x = cy+d" instead of as "y = ax+b". [now that we print in standard format, is
550  // there a point to this method?
551  public String format_reversed_using(OutputFormat format, String xname, String yname) {
552    assert a == 1 || a == -1;
553    return format_using(format, yname, xname, b, a, c);
554  }
556  /**
557   * In general, we can't merge formulas, but we can merge invariants with too few samples to have
558   * formed a line with invariants with enough samples. And those will appear to have different
559   * formulas.
560   */
561  public boolean mergeFormulasOk() {
562    return true;
563  }
565  /**
566   * Merge the linear binary cores in cores to form a new core. Any core in the list that has seen
567   * enough points to define a line, must define the same line. Any cores that have not yet seen
568   * enough points, will have each of their points applied to that invariant. The merged core is
569   * returned. Null is returned if the cores don't describe the same line
570   *
571   * @param cores list of LinearBinary cores to merge. They should all be permuted to match the
572   *     variable order in ppt.
573   */
574  public @Nullable LinearBinaryCoreFloat merge(List<LinearBinaryCoreFloat> cores, Invariant wrapper) {
576    // Look for any active lines.  All must define the same line
577    LinearBinaryCoreFloat result = null;
578    for (LinearBinaryCoreFloat c : cores) {
579      if (!c.isActive()) {
580        continue;
581      }
582      if (result == null) {
583        result = c.clone();
584      } else {
585        if (!Global.fuzzy.eq(result.a, c.a)
586            || !Global.fuzzy.eq(result.b, c.b)
587            || !Global.fuzzy.eq(result.c, c.c)) {
588          return null;
589        }
590      }
591    }
593    // If no active lines were found, created an empty core
594    if (result == null) {
595      result = new LinearBinaryCoreFloat(wrapper);
596    } else {
597      result.wrapper = wrapper;
598    }
600    // Merge in any points from non-active cores
601    for (LinearBinaryCoreFloat c : cores) {
602      if (c.isActive()) {
603        continue;
604      }
605      for (int j = 0; j < c.values_seen; j++) {
606        if (result.add_modified(c.x_cache[j], c.y_cache[j], 1) == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED) {
607          //        if (wrapper.falsified)
608          return null;
609        }
610      }
611    }
613    return result;
614  }
616  @Pure
617  public boolean isSameFormula(LinearBinaryCoreFloat other) {
618    boolean thisMeaningless = values_seen < MINPAIRS;
619    boolean otherMeaningless = other.values_seen < MINPAIRS;
621    if (thisMeaningless && otherMeaningless) {
622      return true;
623    } else {
624      return (values_seen >= MINPAIRS)
625        && (other.values_seen >= MINPAIRS)
626        && (a == other.a)
627        && (b == other.b)
628        && (c == other.c);
629    }
630  }
632  @Pure
633  public boolean isExclusiveFormula(LinearBinaryCoreFloat other) {
634    if ((values_seen < MINPAIRS) || (other.values_seen < MINPAIRS)) {
635      return false;
636    }
638      return (-a / b == -other.a / other.b) && (-c / b != -other.c / other.b);
639  }