001// ***** This file is automatically generated from Member.java.jpp
003package daikon.inv.binary.sequenceScalar;
005import daikon.*;
006import daikon.derive.binary.*;
007import daikon.derive.ternary.*;
008import daikon.derive.unary.*;
009import daikon.inv.*;
010import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.*;
011import java.util.Arrays;
012import java.util.logging.Level;
013import java.util.logging.Logger;
014import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
015import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
016import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
017import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
018import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
019import org.plumelib.util.ArraysPlume;
020import org.plumelib.util.Intern;
021import org.plumelib.util.IPair;
022import typequals.prototype.qual.NonPrototype;
023import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
026 * Represents long scalars that are always members of a sequence of long values. Prints as
027 * {@code x in y[]} where {@code x} is a long scalar and {@code y[]} is a sequence
028 * of long.
029 */
030public final class Member extends SequenceScalar {
031  static final long serialVersionUID = 20031024L;
033  public static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.inv.binary.Member");
035  // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
036  // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
037  /** Boolean. True iff Member invariants should be considered. */
038  public static boolean dkconfig_enabled = Invariant.invariantEnabledDefault;
040  Member(PptSlice ppt) {
041    super(ppt);
042  }
044  @Prototype Member() {
045    super();
046  }
048  private static @Prototype Member proto = new @Prototype Member();
050  /** Returns the prototype invariant for Member. */
051  public static @Prototype Member get_proto() {
052    return proto;
053  }
055  @Override
056  public boolean enabled() {
057    return dkconfig_enabled;
058  }
060  @Override
061  protected Member instantiate_dyn(@Prototype PptSlice slice) {
062    return new Member(slice);
063  }
065  @Pure
066  @Override
067  public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousStatically(VarInfo[] vis) {
068    if (isObviousMember(sclvar(vis), seqvar(vis))) {
069      log("scalar is obvious member of");
070      return new DiscardInfo(
071          this,
072          DiscardCode.obvious,
073          sclvar().name() + " is an obvious member of " + seqvar().name());
074    }
075    return super.isObviousStatically(vis);
076  }
078  /** Check whether sclvar is a member of seqvar can be determined statically. */
079  @Pure
080  public static boolean isObviousMember(VarInfo sclvar, VarInfo seqvar) {
082    VarInfo sclvar_seq = sclvar.isDerivedSequenceMember();
084    if (sclvar_seq == null) {
085      // The scalar is not obviously (lexically) a member of any array.
086      return false;
087    }
088    // isObviousImplied: a[i] in a; max(a) in a
089    if (sclvar_seq == seqvar) {
090      // The scalar is a member of the same array.
091      return true;
092    }
093    // The scalar is a member of a different array than the sequence.
094    // But maybe the relationship is still obvious, so keep checking.
096    // isObviousImplied: when b==a[0..i]:  b[j] in a; max(b) in a
097    // If the scalar is a member of a subsequence of the sequence, then
098    // the scalar is a member of the full sequence.
099    // This is satisfied, for instance, when determining that
100    // max(B[0..I]) is an obvious member of B.
101    VarInfo sclseqsuper = sclvar_seq.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
102    if (sclseqsuper == seqvar) {
103      return true;
104    }
106    // We know the scalar was derived from some array, but not from the
107    // sequence variable.  If also not from what the sequence variable was
108    // derived from, we don't know anything about membership.
109    // Check:
110    //  * whether comparing B[I] to B[0..J]
111    //  * whether comparing min(B[0..I]) to B[0..J]
112    VarInfo seqvar_super = seqvar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
113    if ((seqvar_super != sclvar_seq) && (seqvar_super != sclseqsuper)) {
114      return false;
115    }
117    // If the scalar is a positional element of the sequence from which
118    // the sequence at hand was derived, then any relationship will be
119    // (mostly) obvious by comparing the length of the sequence to the
120    // index.  By contrast, if the scalar is max(...) or min(...), all bets
121    // are off.
122    if (seqvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
123        || seqvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
125      // Determine the left index/shift and right index/shift of the
126      // subsequence.  If the left VarInfo is null, the sequence starts
127      // at the beginning.  If the right VarInfo is null, the sequence stops
128      // at the end.
129      VarInfo seq_left_index = null;
130      VarInfo seq_right_index = null;
131      int seq_left_shift = 0, seq_right_shift = 0;
132      if (seqvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
133        // the sequence is B[0..J-1] or similar.  Get information about it.
134        SequenceScalarSubsequence seqsss = (SequenceScalarSubsequence) seqvar.derived;
135        if (seqsss.from_start) {
136          seq_right_index = seqsss.sclvar();
137          seq_right_shift = seqsss.index_shift;
138        } else {
139          seq_left_index = seqsss.sclvar();
140          seq_left_shift = seqsss.index_shift;
141        }
142      } else if (seqvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
143        // the sequence is B[I+1..J] or similar
144        SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence ssass = (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) seqvar.derived;
145        seq_left_index = ssass.startvar();
146        seq_left_shift = (ssass.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
147        seq_right_index = ssass.endvar();
148        seq_right_shift = (ssass.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
149      } else {
150        throw new Error();
151      }
153      // if the scalar is a a subscript (b[i])
154      if (sclvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubscript) {
156        SequenceScalarSubscript sclsss = (SequenceScalarSubscript) sclvar.derived;
157        VarInfo scl_index = sclsss.sclvar(); // "I" in "B[I]"
158        int scl_shift = sclsss.index_shift;
160        // determine if the scalar index is statically included in the
161        // left/right sequence
162        boolean left_included = false, right_included = false;
163        if (seq_left_index == null) {
164          left_included = true;
165        }
166        if (seq_left_index == scl_index) {
167          if (seq_left_shift <= scl_shift) {
168            left_included = true;
169          }
170        }
171        if (seq_right_index == null) {
172          right_included = true;
173        }
174        if (seq_right_index == scl_index) {
175          if (seq_right_shift >= scl_shift) {
176            right_included = true;
177          }
178        }
179        if (left_included && right_included) {
180          return true;
181        }
183      // else if the scalar is a specific positional element (eg, b[0])
184      } else if (sclvar.derived instanceof SequenceInitial) {
186        // isObviousImplied: B[0] in B[0..J]; also B[-1] in B[J..]
187        SequenceInitial sclse = (SequenceInitial) sclvar.derived;
188        int scl_index = sclse.index;
189        if (((scl_index == 0) && seq_left_index == null)
190            || ((scl_index == -1) && seq_right_index == null))
191          // It might not be true, because the array could be empty;
192          // but if the array isn't empty, then it's obvious.  The empty
193          // array case is ok, because the variable itself would be
194          // destroyed in that case.
195          return true;
197      // else if the scalar is min or max of a sequence
198      } else if ((sclvar.derived instanceof SequenceMin)
199                 || (sclvar.derived instanceof SequenceMax)) {
200        IPair<DiscardCode, String> di = SubSequence.isObviousSubSequence(sclvar_seq, seqvar);
201        return di != null;
202      }
203    }
205    return false;
206  }
208  @Override
209  public String repr(@GuardSatisfied Member this) {
210    return "Member" + varNames() + ": falsified=" + falsified;
211  }
213  @SideEffectFree
214  @Override
215  public String format_using(@GuardSatisfied Member this, OutputFormat format) {
217    if (format.isJavaFamily()) {
218      return format_java_family(format);
219    }
221    if (format == OutputFormat.DAIKON) {
222      return format_daikon();
223    } else if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
224      return format_simplify();
225    } else if (format == OutputFormat.ESCJAVA) {
226      return format_esc();
227    } else if (format == OutputFormat.CSHARPCONTRACT) {
228      return format_csharp_contract();
229    } else {
230      return format_unimplemented(format);
231    }
232  }
234  public String format_daikon(@GuardSatisfied Member this) {
235    String sclname = sclvar().name();
236    String seqname = seqvar().name();
237    return sclname + " in " + seqname;
238  }
240  public String format_java() {
241    return "( (daikon.inv.FormatJavaHelper.memberOf("
242      + sclvar().name()
243      + " , "
244      + seqvar().name()
245      + " ) == true ) ";
246  }
248  public String format_java_family(@GuardSatisfied Member this, OutputFormat format) {
249    String sclname = sclvar().name_using(format);
250    String seqname = seqvar().name_using(format);
251    return "daikon.Quant.memberOf(" + sclname + " , " + seqname + " )";
252  }
254  public String format_esc(@GuardSatisfied Member this) {
255    // "exists x in a..b : P(x)" gets written as "!(forall x in a..b : !P(x))"
256    String[] form = VarInfo.esc_quantify(seqvar(), sclvar());
257    return "!" + form[0] + "(" + form[1] + " != " + form[2] + ")" + form[3];
258  }
260  public String format_csharp_contract(@GuardSatisfied Member this) {
261    String sclname = sclvar().csharp_name();
262    String[] split = seqvar().csharp_array_split();
263    return "Contract.Exists(" + split[0] + ", x => x" + split[1] + ".Equals(" + sclname + "))";
264  }
266  public String format_simplify(@GuardSatisfied Member this) {
267    if (Invariant.dkconfig_simplify_define_predicates) {
268      String[] seq_name = seqvar().simplifyNameAndBounds();
269      String scalar_name = sclvar().simplify_name();
270      if (seq_name == null) {
271        return String.format(
272            "%s.format_simplify(%s): null seq_name for %s",
273            getClass().getSimpleName(), this, format());
274      }
275      return "(member "
276          + scalar_name
277          + " "
278          + seq_name[0]
279          + " "
280          + seq_name[1]
281          + " "
282          + seq_name[2]
283          + ")";
284    } else {
285      // "exists x in a..b : P(x)" gets written as
286      // "!(forall x in a..b : !P(x))"
287      String[] form = VarInfo.simplify_quantify(seqvar(), sclvar());
288      return "(NOT " + form[0] + "(NEQ " + form[1] + " " + form[2] + ")" + form[3] + ")";
289    }
290  }
292  @Override
293  public InvariantStatus check_modified(long @Interned [] a, long i, int count) {
294    if (a == null) {
295      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
296    } else if (ArraysPlume.indexOf(a, i) == -1) {
297      return InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED;
298    }
299    return InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
300  }
302  @Override
303  public InvariantStatus add_modified(long @Interned [] a, long i, int count) {
305    InvariantStatus is = check_modified(a, i, count);
306    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && (is == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED)) {
307      debug.fine(
308          "Member destroyed:  " + format() + " because " + i + " not in " + Arrays.toString(a));
309    }
310    return is;
311  }
313  @Override
314  protected double computeConfidence() {
315    return Invariant.CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED;
316  }
318  @Pure
319  @Override
320  public boolean isSameFormula(Invariant other) {
321    assert other instanceof Member;
322    return true;
323  }
325  /**
326   * Checks to see if this is obvious over the specified variables. Implements the following checks:
327   *
328   * <pre>
329   *   (0 &le; i &le; j) ^ (A[] == B[]) &rArr; A[i] in B[0..j]
330   *   (0 &le; i &le; j) ^ (A[] == B[]) &rArr; A[j] in B[i..]
331   *   (A subset B)                       &rArr; A[i] in B
332   * </pre>
333   */
334  @Pure
335  @Override
336  public @Nullable DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically(VarInfo[] vis) {
338    if (Debug.logOn()) {
339      Debug.log(getClass(), ppt.parent, vis, "is obvious check" + format());
340    }
342    DiscardInfo super_result = super.isObviousDynamically(vis);
343    if (super_result != null) {
344      return super_result;
345    }
347    // Check for subscript in subsequence
348    DiscardInfo di = subscript_in_subsequence(vis);
349    if (di != null) {
350      return di;
351    }
353    // Check for (A subset B) ==> (A[i] member B)
354    di = subset_in_subsequence(vis);
355    if (di != null) {
356      return di;
357    }
359    return null;
360  }
362  /**
363   * Checks to see if this is obvious over the specified variables. Implements the following check:
364   *
365   * <pre>
366   *   (A subset B) &rArr; (A[i] member B)
367   * </pre>
368   */
369  private @Nullable DiscardInfo subset_in_subsequence(VarInfo[] vis) {
371    VarInfo scl_var = sclvar(vis);
372    VarInfo seq_var = seqvar(vis);
374    if (Debug.logOn()) {
375      Debug.log(getClass(), ppt.parent, vis, "looking for subset in subseq");
376    }
378    // If the scalar is not a subscript of a seq there is nothing to check.
379    if (scl_var.derived == null) {
380      return null;
381    }
382    if (!(scl_var.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubscript)) {
383      return null;
384    }
385    SequenceScalarSubscript sssc = (SequenceScalarSubscript) scl_var.derived;
386    if (Debug.logOn()) {
387      Debug.log(
388          getClass(),
389          ppt.parent,
390          vis,
391          "Looking for " + sssc.seqvar().name() + " subset of " + seq_var.name());
392    }
394    // check to see if subscripts sequence is a subset of the sequence var
395    if (ppt.parent.is_subset(sssc.seqvar(), seq_var)) {
396      return new DiscardInfo(
397          this,
398          DiscardCode.obvious,
399          "("
400              + sssc.seqvar().name()
401              + " subset "
402              + seq_var.name()
403              + ") ==> "
404              + sssc.seqvar().name()
405              + "["
406              + sssc.sclvar().name()
407              + "] member "
408              + seq_var.name());
409    }
411    return null;
412  }
414  /**
415   * Checks to see if this is obvious over the specified variables. Implements the following checks:
416   *
417   * <pre>
418   *   (0 &le; i &le; j) ^ (a[] == b[]) &rArr; a[i] in b[0..j]
419   *   (0 &le; i &le; j) ^ (a[] == b[]) &rArr; a[j] in b[i..]
420   * </pre>
421   */
422  private @Nullable DiscardInfo subscript_in_subsequence(VarInfo[] vis) {
424    VarInfo scl_var = sclvar(vis);
425    VarInfo seq_var = seqvar(vis);
427    // Both variables must be derived
428    if ((scl_var.derived == null) || (seq_var.derived == null)) {
429      return null;
430    }
432    // If the scalar is not SequenceScalarSubscript, there is nothing to check.
433    if (!(scl_var.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubscript)) {
434      return null;
435    }
436    SequenceScalarSubscript sssc = (SequenceScalarSubscript) scl_var.derived;
438    // If the sequence is not SequenceScalarSubsequence, nothing to check
439    if (!(seq_var.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence)) {
440      return null;
441    }
442    SequenceScalarSubsequence ssss = (SequenceScalarSubsequence) seq_var.derived;
444    // Both variables must be derived from equal sequences
445    if (!ppt.parent.is_equal(sssc.seqvar(), ssss.seqvar())) {
446      return null;
447    }
449    // if a[i] in a[0..n], look for i <= n
450    if (ssss.from_start) {
451      if (Debug.logOn()) {
452        Debug.log(
453           getClass(),
454           ppt.parent,
455           vis,
456           "Looking for "
457               + sssc.sclvar().name()
458               + sssc.index_shift
459               + " <= "
460               + ssss.sclvar().name()
461               + ssss.index_shift);
462      }
463      if (ppt.parent.is_less_equal(
464          sssc.sclvar(), sssc.index_shift, ssss.sclvar(), ssss.index_shift)) {
465        return new DiscardInfo(
466           this,
467           DiscardCode.obvious,
468           "i <= n ==> a[i] in a[..n] for " + scl_var.name() + " and " + seq_var.name());
469      }
470    } else { // a[i] in a[n..], look for i >= n
471      if (Debug.logOn()) {
472        Debug.log(
473            getClass(),
474            ppt.parent,
475            vis,
476            "Looking for "
477                + ssss.sclvar().name()
478                + ssss.index_shift
479                + " <= "
480                + sssc.sclvar().name()
481                + sssc.index_shift);
482      }
483      if (ppt.parent.is_less_equal(
484          ssss.sclvar(), ssss.index_shift, sssc.sclvar(), sssc.index_shift))
485        return new DiscardInfo(
486           this,
487           DiscardCode.obvious,
488           "i >= n ==> a[i] in a[n..] for " + scl_var.name() + " and " + seq_var.name());
489    }
490    return null;
491  }