001package daikon.inv;
003import daikon.Debug;
004import daikon.Global;
005import daikon.PptSlice;
006import daikon.PptTopLevel;
007import daikon.Quantify.QuantFlags;
008import daikon.ValueTuple;
009import daikon.VarComparability;
010import daikon.VarInfo;
011import java.util.ArrayList;
012import java.util.Collection;
013import java.util.Collections;
014import java.util.Iterator;
015import java.util.List;
016import java.util.Set;
017import java.util.TreeSet;
018import java.util.logging.Level;
019import java.util.logging.Logger;
020import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnknownInitialization;
021import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
022import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
023import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
024import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
025import typequals.prototype.qual.NonPrototype;
026import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
028// Note that this Invariant is used in a *very* different way from
029// the same-named one in V2.  In V2, this is just for printing.  In V3,
030// this does all the canonicalizing, etc.
032// This is a Java (not Javadoc) comment because the Daikon user manual
033// reproduces the Javadoc but doesn't need all these implementation
034// details.
036// During checking, Equality keeps track of variables that are
037// comparable and equal, so we only need to instantiate (other)
038// invariants for one member of each Equal set, the leader.
040// During postProcessing, each instance of Equality instantiates into
041// displaying several EqualityComparison invariants ("x == y", "x ==
042// z").  Equality invariants have leaders, which are the canonical
043// forms of their variables.  In the previous example, x is the
044// leader.  Equality invariants sort their variables by index ordering
045// during checking.  During printing, however, equality invariants may
046// "pivot" -- that is, switch leaders if the current leader wouldn't
047// be printed because it was not an interesting variable.  Notice that
048// when pivoting, all the other invariants based on this.leader also
049// need to be pivoted.
052 * Keeps track of sets of variables that are equal. Other invariants are instantiated for only one
053 * member of the Equality set, the leader. If variables {@code x}, {@code y}, and {@code z} are
054 * members of the Equality set and {@code x} is chosen as the leader, then the Equality will
055 * internally convert into binary comparison invariants that print as {@code x == y} and {@code x ==
056 * z}.
057 */
058public final /*(at)Interned*/ class Equality extends Invariant {
059  // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
060  // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
061  // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
062  static final long serialVersionUID = 20021231L;
064  public static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.inv.Equality");
066  public static final Logger debugPostProcess = Logger.getLogger("daikon.inv.Equality.postProcess");
068  /** How many samples this has seen. */
069  private int numSamples;
071  public void setSamples(int sample_cnt) {
072    numSamples = sample_cnt;
073  }
075  public int numSamples(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
076    return numSamples;
077  }
079  /**
080   * The Set of VarInfos that this represents equality for. Can change over time as this invariant
081   * weakens. Sorted by index until pivoting.
082   */
083  private TreeSet<VarInfo> vars;
085  /** Returns the number of variables in the set. */
086  @Pure
087  public int size(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
088    return vars.size();
089  }
091  /** Returns the variables in their index order. Unmodifiable. */
092  public Set<VarInfo> getVars() {
093    return Collections.unmodifiableSet(vars);
094  }
096  /**
097   * Creates a new Equality invariant.
098   *
099   * @param variables variables that are equivalent, with the canonical one first
100   * @param ppt the program point
101   */
102  @SuppressWarnings("initialization.field.write.initialized") // weakness of FBC type system
103  public Equality(Collection<VarInfo> variables, PptSlice ppt) {
104    super(ppt);
105    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
106      debug.fine("Creating at " + ppt.parent.name() + " vars: ");
107    }
109    numSamples = 0;
110    vars = new TreeSet<VarInfo>(VarInfo.IndexComparator.theInstance);
111    vars.addAll(variables);
112    VarInfo leader = leader();
114    // ensure well-formedness and set equality slots
115    assert variables.size() > 0;
116    assert vars.size() == variables.size();
118    for (VarInfo vi : variables) {
119      if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
120        debug.fine("  " + vi.name() + " [" + vi.comparability + "]");
121      }
122      assert vi.ppt == leader.ppt;
123      assert vi.comparableNWay(leader);
124      assert VarComparability.comparable(leader, vi)
125          : "not comparable " + leader.name() + " " + vi.name() + " at ppt " + ppt.parent.name();
126      assert vi.rep_type.isArray() == leader.rep_type.isArray();
127      vi.equalitySet = this;
128    }
129  }
131  ////////////////////////
132  // Accessors
134  private @Nullable VarInfo leaderCache = null;
136  /**
137   * Return the canonical VarInfo of this. Note that the leader never changes.
138   *
139   * @return the canonical VarInfo of this
140   */
141  @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // set cache field
142  @Pure
143  public VarInfo leader(@GuardSatisfied @UnknownInitialization(Equality.class) Equality this) {
144    if (leaderCache == null) {
145      leaderCache = vars.iterator().next();
146    }
147    return leaderCache;
148  }
150  public boolean hasNonCanonicalVariable() {
151    throw new Error("Illegal operation on Equality invariant");
152  }
154  /**
155   * Always return JUSTIFIED because we aggregate EqualityComparison invariants that are all
156   * justified to the confidence_limit threshold.
157   */
158  @Override
159  public double computeConfidence() {
160    return Invariant.CONFIDENCE_JUSTIFIED;
161  }
163  ////////////////////////
164  // Printing
166  // The format methods aren't called, because for output, we
167  // convert to normal two-way IntEqual type invariants.  However,
168  // they can be called if desired.
170  @Override
171  public String repr(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
172    return "Equality: size="
173        + size()
174        + " leader: "
175        + leader().name()
176        + " with "
177        + format_daikon()
178        + " samples: "
179        + numSamples();
180  }
182  @SideEffectFree
183  @Override
184  public String format_using(@GuardSatisfied Equality this, OutputFormat format) {
186    if (format.isJavaFamily()) {
187      return format_java_family(format);
188    }
190    if (format == OutputFormat.DAIKON) {
191      return format_daikon();
192    }
193    if (format == OutputFormat.ESCJAVA) {
194      return format_esc();
195    }
196    // Commented out by MDE 7/27/2003.  I can't figure out whether
197    // to just change JAVA_IDENTIFIER to IDENTIFIER, or whether other
198    // changes are also necessary.
199    // if (format == OutputFormat.JAVA_IDENTIFIER) {
200    //   return format_java();
201    // }
202    if (format == OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) {
203      return format_simplify();
204    }
205    return format_unimplemented(format);
206  }
208  public String format_daikon(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
209    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
210    boolean start = true;
211    for (VarInfo var : vars) {
212      if (!start) {
213        result.append(" == ");
214      } else {
215        start = false;
216      }
217      result.append(var.name());
218      result.append("[" + var.varinfo_index + "]");
219      // result.append("[" + var.comparability + "]");
220      if (var == leader()) result.append("L");
221    }
222    return result.toString();
223  }
225  public String format_java() {
226    VarInfo leader = leader();
227    String leaderName = leader.name();
228    List<String> clauses = new ArrayList<>();
229    for (VarInfo var : vars) {
230      if (leader == var) {
231        continue;
232      }
233      clauses.add(String.format("(%s == %s)", leaderName, var.name()));
234    }
235    return String.join(" && ", clauses);
236  }
238  public String format_esc(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
239    String result = "";
241    List<VarInfo> valid_equiv = new ArrayList<>();
242    List<VarInfo> invalid_equiv = new ArrayList<>();
244    List<VarInfo> equal_vars = new ArrayList<>();
246    for (VarInfo other : vars) {
247      if (other.isDerivedSequenceMinMaxSum()) {
248        break;
249      }
250      if (other.isValidEscExpression()) {
251        valid_equiv.add(other);
252      } else {
253        invalid_equiv.add(other);
254      }
255    }
256    // Choose a leader, preferring the valid variables.
257    VarInfo leader;
258    if (valid_equiv.size() > 0) {
259      leader = valid_equiv.get(0);
260    } else {
261      assert invalid_equiv.size() > 0;
262      leader = invalid_equiv.get(0);
263    }
264    // Print the equality statements, stating expressible ones first.
265    equal_vars.clear();
266    equal_vars.addAll(valid_equiv);
267    equal_vars.addAll(invalid_equiv);
268    int numprinted = 0;
269    for (int j = 0; j < equal_vars.size(); j++) {
270      VarInfo other = equal_vars.get(j);
271      if (other == leader) {
272        continue;
273      }
274      if (leader.prestate_name().equals(other.name())) {
275        continue;
276      }
277      if (other.prestate_name().equals(leader.name())) {
278        continue;
279      }
280      if (numprinted > 0) {
281        result += Global.lineSep;
282      }
283      numprinted++;
284      if (j >= valid_equiv.size()) {
285        result =
286            result + "warning: method Equality.format_esc() needs to be implemented: " + format();
287      }
288      if (leader.rep_type.isArray()) {
289        String[] form = VarInfo.esc_quantify(leader, other);
290        result = result + form[0] + "( " + form[1] + " == " + form[2] + " )" + form[3];
291      } else {
292        result = result + leader.esc_name() + " == " + other.esc_name();
293      }
294    }
295    return result;
296  }
298  // When A and B are pointers, don't say (EQ A B); instead say (EQ
299  // (hash A) (hash B)).  If we said the former, Simplify would
300  // presume that A and B were always interchangeable, which is not
301  // the case when your programming language involves mutation.
302  private String format_elt(@GuardSatisfied Equality this, String simname) {
303    String result = simname;
304    if (leader().is_reference()) {
305      result = "(hash " + result + ")";
306    }
307    return result;
308  }
310  public String format_simplify(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
311    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("(AND");
312    VarInfo leader = leader();
313    String leaderName = leader.simplify_name();
314    if (leader.rep_type.isArray()) {
315      for (VarInfo var : vars) {
316        if (var == leader) {
317          continue;
318        }
319        String[] form = VarInfo.simplify_quantify(QuantFlags.element_wise(), leader, var);
320        String a = format_elt(form[1]);
321        String b = format_elt(form[2]);
322        result.append(" " + form[0] + "(EQ " + a + " " + b + ")" + form[3]);
323      }
324    } else {
325      for (VarInfo var : vars) {
326        if (var == leader) {
327          continue;
328        }
329        String a = format_elt(leaderName);
330        String b = format_elt(var.simplify_name());
331        result.append(" (EQ ");
332        result.append(a);
333        result.append(" ");
334        result.append(b);
335        result.append(")");
336      }
337    }
338    result.append(")");
339    return result.toString();
340  }
342  public String shortString() {
343    return format_daikon();
344  }
346  public String format_java_family(@GuardSatisfied Equality this, OutputFormat format) {
347    VarInfo leader = leader();
348    String leaderName = leader.name_using(format);
349    List<String> clauses = new ArrayList<>();
350    for (VarInfo var : vars) {
351      if (leader == var) {
352        continue;
353      }
354      if (leader.rep_type.isArray()) {
355        clauses.add(
356            String.format(
357                "(daikon.Quant.pairwiseEqual(%s, %s)", leaderName, var.name_using(format)));
358      } else {
359        if (leader.type.isFloat()) {
360          clauses.add("(" + Invariant.formatFuzzy("eq", leader, var, format) + ")");
361        } else {
362          if ((leaderName.indexOf("daikon.Quant.collectObject") != -1)
363              || (var.name_using(format).indexOf("daikon.Quant.collectObject") != -1)) {
364            clauses.add(
365                "(warning: it is meaningless to compare hashcodes for values "
366                    + "obtained through daikon.Quant.collect... methods.");
367          } else {
368            clauses.add(String.format("(%s == %s)", leaderName, var.name_using(format)));
369          }
370        }
371      }
372    }
373    return String.join(" && ", clauses);
374  }
376  @SideEffectFree
377  @Override
378  public String toString(@GuardSatisfied Equality this) {
379    return repr();
380  }
382  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
383  /// Processing of data
385  /**
386   * Return a List of VarInfos that do not fit into this set anymore.
387   *
388   * <p>Originally (8/14/2003), this did not check for the modified bits. It seems however, quite
389   * wrong to leave variables in the same equality set when one is missing and the other is not.
390   * It's possible we should go farther and break out of the equality set any variable that is
391   * missingOutOfBounds (JHP).
392   *
393   * @param vt the newly-observed sample
394   * @param count the number of times the sample is seen
395   * @return a List of VarInfos that do not fit into this set anymore
396   */
397  public List<VarInfo> add(ValueTuple vt, int count) {
398    // Need to handle specially if leader is missing.
399    VarInfo leader = leader();
400    Object leaderValue = leader.getValueOrNull(vt);
401    int leaderMod = leader.getModified(vt);
402    boolean leaderOutOfBounds = leader.missingOutOfBounds();
403    if (leader.isMissing(vt)) {
404    } else {
405      numSamples += count;
406    }
408    List<VarInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
409    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
410      debug.fine("Doing add at " + this.ppt.parent.name() + " for " + this);
411    }
412    for (Iterator<VarInfo> i = vars.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
413      VarInfo vi = i.next();
414      if (vi == leader) {
415        continue;
416      }
417      assert vi.comparableNWay(leader);
418      Object viValue = vi.getValueOrNull(vt);
419      int viMod = vi.getModified(vt);
420      // The following is possible because values are interned.  The
421      // test also takes into account missing values, since they are
422      // null.
423      if ((leaderValue == viValue)
424          && (leaderMod == viMod)
425          && !leaderOutOfBounds
426          && !vi.missingOutOfBounds()
427          // If the values are NaN, treat them as different.
428          && !((leaderValue instanceof Double) && ((Double) leaderValue).isNaN())) {
429        // The values are the same.
430        continue;
431      }
432      // The values differ.  Remove this from the equality set.
434      //       if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
435      //         debug.fine ("  vi name: " + vi.name.name());
436      //         debug.fine ("  vi value: " + viValue);
437      //         debug.fine ("  le value: " + leaderValue);
438      //       }
439      if (Debug.logOn()) {
440        Debug.log(
441            getClass(),
442            ppt.parent,
443            Debug.vis(vi),
444            "Var "
445                + vi.name()
446                + " ["
447                + viValue
448                + ","
449                + viMod
450                + "] split from leader "
451                + leader.name()
452                + " ["
453                + Debug.toString(leaderValue)
454                + ","
455                + leaderMod
456                + "]");
457      }
459      result.add(vi);
460      i.remove();
461    }
463    return result;
464  }
466  //  This method isn't going to be called, but it's declared abstract in Invariant.
467  @Override
468  protected Invariant resurrect_done(int[] permutation) {
469    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
470  }
472  //  This method isn't going to be called, but it's declared abstract in Invariant.
473  @Pure
474  @Override
475  public boolean isSameFormula(Invariant other) {
476    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
477        "Equality.isSameFormula(): this method should not be called");
478  }
480  /**
481   * Convert Equality invariants into normal IntEqual type for filtering, printing, etc. Add these
482   * to parent.
483   *
484   * <p>If the leader was changed to not be the first member of the group adds leader == leader
485   * invariant as well since that invariant is used in suppressions and obvious tests.
486   */
487  public void postProcess() {
488    if (this.numSamples() == 0) return; // All were missing or not present
489    PptTopLevel parent = this.ppt.parent;
490    VarInfo[] varArray = this.vars.toArray(new VarInfo[0]);
491    if (debugPostProcess.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
492      debugPostProcess.fine("Doing postProcess: " + this.format_daikon());
493      debugPostProcess.fine("  at: " + this.ppt.parent.name());
494    }
495    VarInfo leader = leader();
497    if (debugPostProcess.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
498      debugPostProcess.fine("  var1: " + leader.name());
499    }
500    for (int i = 0; i < varArray.length; i++) {
501      if (varArray[i] == leader) {
502        continue;
503      }
504      if (debugPostProcess.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
505        debugPostProcess.fine("  var2: " + varArray[i].name());
506      }
508      // Guard to prevent creating unnecessary Equality invariants related to
509      // purity method black boxing
510      if (leader.function_args != null
511          && varArray[i].function_args != null
512          && leader.function_args.size() > 1
513          && leader.function_args.size() == varArray[i].function_args.size()) {
514        boolean allEqual = true;
515        for (int j = 0; j < leader.function_args.size(); j++) {
516          if (!leader.function_args.get(j).isEqualTo(varArray[i].function_args.get(j))) {
517            allEqual = false;
518            break;
519          }
520        }
521        if (allEqual) {
522          continue;
523        }
524      }
526      parent.create_equality_inv(leader, varArray[i], numSamples());
527    }
528  }
530  /**
531   * Switch the leader of this invariant, if possible, to a more canonical VarInfo: a VarInfo that
532   * is not isDerived() is better than one that is; one that is not isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()
533   * is better than one that is; and other things being equal, choose the least complex name. Call
534   * this only after postProcess has been called. We do a pivot so that anything that's interesting
535   * to be printed gets printed and not filtered out. For example, if a == b and a is the leader,
536   * but not interesting, we still want to print f(b) as an invariant. Thus we pivot b to be the
537   * leader. Later on, each relevant PptSlice gets pivoted. But not here.
538   */
539  public void pivot() {
540    VarInfo newLeader = null;
541    for (VarInfo var : vars) {
542      // System.out.printf("  processing %s%n", var);
543      if (newLeader == null) {
544        newLeader = var;
545      } else if (newLeader.isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()
546          && !var.isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()) {
547        // System.out.printf("%s derived and uninteresting, %s is leader%n",
548        //                   newLeader, var);
549        newLeader = var;
550      } else if (var.isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()
551          && !newLeader.isDerivedParamAndUninteresting()) {
552        // do nothing
553      } else if (var.derivedDepth() < newLeader.derivedDepth()) {
554        // System.out.printf("%s greater depth, %s is leader%n",
555        //                    newLeader, var);
556        newLeader = var;
557      } else if (var.derivedDepth() > newLeader.derivedDepth()) {
558        // do nothing
559      }
560      // if we got here, this is the "all other things being equal" case
561      else if (var.complexity() < newLeader.complexity()) {
562        // System.out.printf("%s greater comlexity, %s is leader%n",
563        //                   newLeader, var);
564        newLeader = var;
565      }
566    }
567    // System.out.printf("%s complexity = %d, %s complexity = %d%n", leaderCache,
568    //                    leaderCache.complexity(), newLeader,
569    //                    newLeader.complexity());
570    leaderCache = newLeader;
571  }
573  @Override
574  public void repCheck() {
575    super.repCheck();
576    VarInfo leader = leader();
577    for (VarInfo var : vars) {
578      assert VarComparability.comparable(leader, var)
579          : "not comparable: " + leader.name() + " " + var.name() + " at ppt " + ppt.parent.name();
580    }
581  }
583  @Override
584  public boolean enabled(@Prototype Equality this) {
585    throw new Error("do not invoke " + getClass() + ".enabled()");
586  }
588  @Override
589  public boolean valid_types(@Prototype Equality this, VarInfo[] vis) {
590    throw new Error("do not invoke " + getClass() + ".valid_types()");
591  }
593  @Override
594  protected @NonPrototype Equality instantiate_dyn(@Prototype Equality this, PptSlice slice) {
595    throw new Error("do not invoke " + getClass() + ".instantiate_dyn()");
596  }