001package daikon.diff;
003import daikon.PptConditional;
004import daikon.PptTopLevel;
005import daikon.inv.Invariant;
006import daikon.inv.OutputFormat;
007import java.io.PrintStream;
008import java.util.HashMap;
009import java.util.HashSet;
010import java.util.StringTokenizer;
011import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
012import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
015 * MatchCountVisitor is a visitor that almost does the opposite of PrintDifferingInvariantsVisitor.
016 * MatchCount prints invariant pairs if they are the same, and only if they are a part of a
017 * conditional ppt. The visitor also accumulates some state during its traversal for statistics, and
018 * can report the match precision.
019 *
020 * @author Lee Lin
021 */
022public class MatchCountVisitor extends PrintAllVisitor {
024  // invariants found by the splitting
025  private HashSet<String> cnt = new HashSet<>();
026  // target set of invariants
027  private HashSet<String> targSet = new HashSet<>();
028  // invariants found matching
029  private HashSet<String> recall = new HashSet<>();
031  private HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> goodMap = new HashMap<>();
033  public MatchCountVisitor(PrintStream ps, boolean verbose, boolean printEmptyPpts) {
034    super(ps, verbose, printEmptyPpts);
035  }
037  // throw out Program points that are not Conditional,
038  // meaning they were NOT added from our splitters
039  @Override
040  public void visit(PptNode node) {
041    PptTopLevel ppt = node.getPpt1();
042    if (!(ppt instanceof PptConditional)) {
043      return;
044    } else {
045      super.visit(node);
046    }
047  }
049  @Override
050  public void visit(InvNode node) {
051    Invariant inv1 = node.getInv1();
052    Invariant inv2 = node.getInv2();
053    String key1 = "";
054    String key2 = "";
056    if (inv1 != null && inv1.justified() && !filterOut(inv1)) {
057      String thisPptName1 = inv1.ppt.name();
058      // System.out.println ("NAME1: " + thisPptName1);
059      // Contest.smallestRoom(II)I:::EXIT;condition="not(max <= num)"
060      String bucketKey = thisPptName1.substring(0, thisPptName1.lastIndexOf(";condition"));
061      key1 = bucketKey + "$" + inv1.format_using(OutputFormat.JAVA);
062      // checks for justification
063      if (shouldPrint(inv1, inv1)) { // [???]
064        cnt.add(key1);
065      }
066    }
068    if (inv2 != null && inv2.justified() && !filterOut(inv2)) {
069      String thisPptName2 = inv2.ppt.name();
070      String thisPptName2_substring = thisPptName2.substring(0, thisPptName2.lastIndexOf('('));
071      key2 = thisPptName2_substring + "$" + inv2.format_using(OutputFormat.JAVA);
072      targSet.add(key2);
073    }
075    if (shouldPrint(inv1, inv2)) {
076      // inv1 and inv2 should be the same, so it doesn't matter
077      // which one we choose when adding to recall -LL
078      recall.add(key1);
080      // System.out.println("K1: " + key1);
081      // System.out.println ("K2: " + key2);
083      String thisPptName1 = inv1.ppt.name();
084      // System.out.println ("NAME1: " + thisPptName1);
085      // Contest.smallestRoom(II)I:::EXIT;condition="not(max <= num)"
086      String bucketKey = thisPptName1.substring(0, thisPptName1.lastIndexOf(";condition"));
087      String predicate = extractPredicate(thisPptName1);
088      HashSet<String> bucket = goodMap.computeIfAbsent(bucketKey, __ -> new HashSet<String>());
089      bucket.add(predicate + " ==> " + inv1.format());
090    }
091  }
093  /** Grabs the splitting condition from a pptname. */
094  private String extractPredicate(String s) {
095    int cut = s.indexOf(";condition=");
096    return s.substring(cut + 12, s.lastIndexOf('"'));
097  }
099  /** Returns true if the pair of invariants should be printed. */
100  @EnsuresNonNullIf(
101      result = true,
102      expression = {"#1", "#2"})
103  protected static boolean shouldPrint(@Nullable Invariant inv1, @Nullable Invariant inv2) {
105    int rel = DetailedStatisticsVisitor.determineRelationship(inv1, inv2);
106    if (rel == DetailedStatisticsVisitor.REL_SAME_JUST1_JUST2) {
107      // determineRelationship returns REL_SAME_JUST1_JUST2 only if inv1 and inv2 are nonnull
108      assert inv1 != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: called determineRelationship()";
109      assert inv2 != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: called determineRelationship()";
111      // got rid of unjustified
112      //   rel == DetailedStatisticsVisitor.REL_SAME_UNJUST1_UNJUST2)
114      // Added to get rid of constants other than -1, 0, 1 in the
115      // invariant's format_java() string... this change was made to
116      // filter out targets that could never really be achived
117      // example:   num >= 10378
119      if (filterOut(inv1) || filterOut(inv2)) {
120        return false;
121      }
123      // now you have a match
125      return true;
126    }
128    return false;
129  }
131  /**
132   * Returns true iff any token of {@code inv.format_java()} contains a number other than -1, 0, 1
133   * or is null.
134   */
135  private static boolean filterOut(Invariant inv) {
136    assert inv != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): precondition";
137    String str = inv.format_using(OutputFormat.JAVA);
138    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, " ()");
139    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
140      String oneToken = st.nextToken();
141      try {
142        char firstChar = oneToken.charAt(0);
143        // remember identifiers can not begin with [0-9\-]
144        if (Character.isDigit(firstChar) || firstChar == '-') {
145          if (acceptableNumber(oneToken)) {
146            continue;
147          } else {
148            return true;
149          }
150        }
152      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
153        System.out.println(
154            "Should never get here... NumberFormatException in filterOut: " + oneToken);
155        continue;
156      }
157    }
158    return false;
159  }
161  public double calcRecall() {
162    System.out.println("Recall: " + recall.size() + " / " + targSet.size());
163    if (targSet.size() == 0) {
164      // avoids divide by zero
165      return -1;
166    }
167    return (double) recall.size() / targSet.size();
168  }
170  /**
171   * Returns true iff numLiteral represents a numeric literal string of integer or float that we
172   * believe will be useful for a splitting condition. Usually that includes -1, 0, 1, and any other
173   * numeric literal found in the source code.
174   */
175  private static boolean acceptableNumber(String numLiteral) {
177    // need to make sure that it is an integer vs. floating
178    // point number
180    // could be float, look for "."
181    if (numLiteral.indexOf(".") > -1) {
182      // float fnum = Float.parseFloat(numLiteral);
183      // for now, accept all floats (ignore return value of parseFloat)
184      return true;
185    }
186    // not float, must be int
187    else {
188      int num = Integer.parseInt(numLiteral);
190      // accept -1, 0, 1
191      return (num == -1 || num == 0 || num == 1);
192    }
193  }
195  public double calcPrecision() {
197    System.out.println("Prec: " + recall.size() + " / " + cnt.size());
198    if (cnt.size() == 0) {
199      // to avoid a divide by zero
200      return -1;
201    }
202    return (double) recall.size() / cnt.size();
203  }
205  /** Prints the results of the correct set in a human-readable format. */
206  public void printFinal() {
207    for (String ppt : goodMap.keySet()) {
208      System.out.println();
209      System.out.println("*****************" + ppt);
210      for (String s : goodMap.get(ppt)) {
211        System.out.println(s);
212      }
213    }
214  }