001package daikon;
003import static daikon.FileIO.ParentRelation;
004import static daikon.PptRelation.PptRelationType;
005import static daikon.tools.nullness.NullnessUtil.castNonNullDeep;
007import daikon.derive.Derivation;
008import daikon.derive.binary.BinaryDerivation;
009import daikon.derive.binary.BinaryDerivationFactory;
010import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceFloatIntersectionFactory;
011import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceFloatSubscriptFactory;
012import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceFloatUnionFactory;
013import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceScalarIntersectionFactory;
014import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceScalarSubscriptFactory;
015import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceScalarUnionFactory;
016import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceStringIntersectionFactory;
017import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceStringSubscriptFactory;
018import daikon.derive.binary.SequenceStringUnionFactory;
019import daikon.derive.binary.SequencesConcatFactory;
020import daikon.derive.binary.SequencesJoinFactory;
021import daikon.derive.binary.SequencesPredicateFactory;
022import daikon.derive.ternary.SequenceFloatArbitrarySubsequenceFactory;
023import daikon.derive.ternary.SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequenceFactory;
024import daikon.derive.ternary.SequenceStringArbitrarySubsequenceFactory;
025import daikon.derive.ternary.TernaryDerivation;
026import daikon.derive.ternary.TernaryDerivationFactory;
027import daikon.derive.unary.SequenceInitialFactory;
028import daikon.derive.unary.SequenceInitialFactoryFloat;
029import daikon.derive.unary.SequenceLengthFactory;
030import daikon.derive.unary.SequenceMinMaxSumFactory;
031import daikon.derive.unary.StringLengthFactory;
032import daikon.derive.unary.UnaryDerivation;
033import daikon.derive.unary.UnaryDerivationFactory;
034import daikon.inv.DiscardCode;
035import daikon.inv.DiscardInfo;
036import daikon.inv.Equality;
037import daikon.inv.Implication;
038import daikon.inv.Invariant;
039import daikon.inv.InvariantStatus;
040import daikon.inv.OutputFormat;
041import daikon.inv.ValueSet;
042import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.FloatEqual;
043import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.IntEqual;
044import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.IntGreaterEqual;
045import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.IntGreaterThan;
046import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.IntLessEqual;
047import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.IntLessThan;
048import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SeqSeqFloatEqual;
049import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SeqSeqIntEqual;
050import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SeqSeqStringEqual;
051import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SubSequence;
052import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SubSequenceFloat;
053import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SubSet;
054import daikon.inv.binary.twoSequence.SubSetFloat;
055import daikon.inv.binary.twoString.StringEqual;
056import daikon.inv.filter.InvariantFilters;
057import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.LowerBound;
058import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.LowerBoundFloat;
059import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.NonZero;
060import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.UpperBound;
061import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.UpperBoundFloat;
062import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.OneOfFloatSequence;
063import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.OneOfSequence;
064import daikon.inv.unary.stringsequence.OneOfStringSequence;
065import daikon.simplify.InvariantLemma;
066import daikon.simplify.Lemma;
067import daikon.simplify.LemmaStack;
068import daikon.simplify.SessionManager;
069import daikon.simplify.SimplifyError;
070import daikon.split.PptSplitter;
071import daikon.split.Splitter;
072import daikon.split.SplitterList;
073import daikon.split.misc.ReturnTrueSplitter;
074import daikon.suppress.NIS;
075import daikon.suppress.NISuppressionSet;
076import java.io.IOException;
077import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
078import java.text.DecimalFormat;
079import java.text.NumberFormat;
080import java.util.ArrayList;
081import java.util.Arrays;
082import java.util.BitSet;
083import java.util.Collection;
084import java.util.Collections;
085import java.util.Comparator;
086import java.util.EnumSet;
087import java.util.HashMap;
088import java.util.Iterator;
089import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
090import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
091import java.util.List;
092import java.util.Map;
093import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
094import java.util.Set;
095import java.util.StringJoiner;
096import java.util.TreeMap;
097import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
098import java.util.logging.Level;
099import java.util.logging.Logger;
100import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.Initialized;
101import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnderInitialization;
102import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnknownInitialization;
103import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
104import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
105import org.checkerframework.checker.mustcall.qual.Owning;
106import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull;
107import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
108import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.KeyFor;
109import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
110import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
111import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
112import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
113import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
114import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
115import org.plumelib.reflection.ReflectionPlume;
116import org.plumelib.util.CollectionsPlume;
117import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
118import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
121 * All information about a single program point. A Ppt may also represent just part of the data: see
122 * PptConditional.
123 *
124 * <p>PptTopLevel doesn't do any direct computation, instead deferring that to its views that are
125 * slices and that actually contain the invariants.
126 *
127 * <p>The data layout is as follows:
128 *
129 * <ul>
130 *   <li>A PptMap is a collection of PptTopLevel objects.
131 *   <li>A PptTopLevel contains PptSlice objects, one for each set of variables at the program
132 *       point. For instance, if a PptTopLevel has variables a, b, and c, then it has three
133 *       PptSlice1 objects (one for a; one for b; and one for c), three PptSlice2 objects (one for
134 *       a,b; one for a,c; and one for b,c), and one PptSlice3 object (for a,b,c).
135 *   <li>A PptSlice object contains invariants. When a sample (a tuple of variable values) is fed to
136 *       a PptTopLevel, it in turn feeds it to all the slices, which feed it to all the invariants,
137 *       which act on it appropriately.
138 * </ul>
139 */
140public class PptTopLevel extends Ppt {
141  // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
142  // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
143  // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
144  static final long serialVersionUID = 20071129L;
146  // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
147  // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
148  /**
149   * Boolean. If true, create implications for all pairwise combinations of conditions, and all
150   * pairwise combinations of exit points. If false, create implications for only the first two
151   * conditions, and create implications only if there are exactly two exit points.
152   */
153  public static boolean dkconfig_pairwise_implications = false;
155  /**
156   * Remove invariants at lower program points when a matching invariant is created at a higher
157   * program point. For experimental purposes only.
158   */
159  public static boolean dkconfig_remove_merged_invs = false;
161  /**
162   * Boolean. Needed by the NIS.falsified method when keeping stats to figure out how many falsified
163   * invariants are antecedents. Only the first pass of processing with the sample is counted toward
164   * the stats.
165   */
166  public static boolean first_pass_with_sample = true;
168  /** Ppt attributes (specified in decl records) */
169  public enum PptFlags {
170    STATIC,
171    ENTER,
172    EXIT,
173    PRIVATE,
174    RETURN
175  };
177  /** Attributes of this ppt. */
178  public EnumSet<PptFlags> flags = EnumSet.noneOf(PptFlags.class);
180  /**
181   * Possible types of program points. POINT is a generic, non-program language point. It is the
182   * default and can be used when the others are not appropriate.
183   */
184  public enum PptType {
185    POINT,
186    CLASS,
187    OBJECT,
188    ENTER,
189    EXIT,
190    SUBEXIT
191  }
193  /** Type of this program point. */
194  public PptType type;
196  /** Number of invariants after equality set processing for the last sample. */
197  public int instantiated_inv_cnt = 0;
199  /** Number of slices after equality set processing for the last sample. */
200  public int instantiated_slice_cnt = 0;
202  /** Main debug tracer. */
203  public static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel");
205  /** Debug tracer for instantiated slices. */
206  public static final Logger debugInstantiate = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.instantiate");
208  /** Debug tracer for timing merges. */
209  public static final Logger debugTimeMerge = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.time_merge");
211  /** Debug tracer for equalTo checks. */
212  public static final Logger debugEqualTo = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.equal");
214  /** Debug tracer for addImplications. */
215  public static final Logger debugAddImplications =
216      Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.addImplications");
218  /** Debug tracer for adding and processing conditional ppts. */
219  public static final Logger debugConditional = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.conditional");
221  /** Debug tracer for data flow. */
222  public static final Logger debugFlow = Logger.getLogger("daikon.flow.flow");
224  /** Debug tracer for up-merging equality sets. */
225  public static final Logger debugMerge = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.merge");
227  /** Debug tracer for NIS suppression statistics. */
228  public static final Logger debugNISStats = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptTopLevel.NISStats");
230  // public static final SimpleLog debug_varinfo = new SimpleLog(false);
232  // These used to appear in Ppt, were moved down to PptToplevel
233  public final String name;
234  public final PptName ppt_name;
236  @Pure
237  @Override
238  public String name(@GuardSatisfied @UnknownInitialization(PptTopLevel.class) PptTopLevel this) {
239    return name;
240  }
242  /** Permutation to swap the order of variables in a binary invariant. */
243  private static int[] permute_swap = new int[] {1, 0};
245  /**
246   * List of constant variables. Null unless
247   * DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization is set.
248   */
249  public @MonotonicNonNull DynamicConstants constants = null;
251  // Invariant:  num_declvars == num_tracevars + num_orig_vars
252  public int num_declvars; // number of variables in the declaration
253  public int num_tracevars; // number of variables in the trace file
254  public int num_orig_vars; // number of _orig vars
255  public int num_static_constant_vars; // these don't appear in the trace file
257  private int values_num_samples;
259  /** Keep track of which variables are valid (not missing) on each sample. */
260  ModBitTracker mbtracker;
262  /** Keep track of values we have seen for each variable. */
263  ValueSet[] value_sets;
265  /**
266   * All the Views (that is, slices) on this are stored as values in the HashMap. Indexed by a
267   * Arrays.asList array list of Integers holding varinfo_index values.
268   *
269   * <p>For a client to access this private variable, it should use {@link #viewsAsCollection},
270   * {@link #views_iterable}, or {@link #views_iterator}.
271   */
272  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
273  private Map<List<Integer>, PptSlice> views;
275  /** List of all of the splitters for this ppt. */
276  // Not List because List doesn't support the trimToSize() method.
277  public @MonotonicNonNull ArrayList<PptSplitter> splitters = null;
279  /**
280   * Iterator for all of the conditional ppts. Returns each PptConditional from each entry in
281   * splitters.
282   */
283  public class CondIterator implements java.util.Iterator<PptConditional> {
285    int splitter_index = 0;
286    int ppts_index = 0;
288    @Override
289    @SuppressWarnings(
290        "flowexpr.parse.error") // Checker Framework bug: splitters is a field in this class
291    @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "splitters")
292    public boolean hasNext(@GuardSatisfied CondIterator this) {
293      if (splitters == null) {
294        return false;
295      }
296      if (splitter_index >= splitters.size()) {
297        return false;
298      }
299      return true;
300    }
302    @Override
303    public PptConditional next(@GuardSatisfied CondIterator this) {
305      if (!hasNext()) {
306        throw new NoSuchElementException();
307      }
309      PptSplitter ppt_split = splitters.get(splitter_index);
310      PptConditional ppt = (PptConditional) ppt_split.ppts[ppts_index];
312      if (ppts_index < (ppt_split.ppts.length - 1)) {
313        ppts_index++;
314      } else {
315        splitter_index++;
316        ppts_index = 0;
317      }
318      return ppt;
319    }
321    @Override
322    public void remove(@GuardSatisfied CondIterator this) {
323      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove unsupported in CondIterator");
324    }
325  }
327  /**
328   * returns an iterator over all of the PptConditionals at this ppt
329   *
330   * @see #cond_iterable()
331   */
332  public CondIterator cond_iterator() {
333    return new CondIterator();
334  }
336  /**
337   * returns an iterable over all of the PptConditionals at this ppt
338   *
339   * @see #cond_iterator()
340   */
341  public Iterable<PptConditional> cond_iterable() {
342    return CollectionsPlume.iteratorToIterable(new CondIterator());
343  }
345  /**
346   * Returns whether or not this ppt has any splitters.
347   *
348   * @return whether or not this ppt has any splitters
349   */
350  @SuppressWarnings("contracts.conditional.postcondition") // Checker Framework bug: "splitters"
351  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "splitters")
352  public boolean has_splitters() {
353    return (splitters != null) && (splitters.size() > 0);
354  }
356  /** All children relations in the variable/ppt hierarchy. */
357  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
358  public List<PptRelation> children = new ArrayList<>();
360  /** All parent relations in the variable/ppt hierarchy. */
361  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
362  public List<PptRelation> parents = new ArrayList<>();
364  /**
365   * List of parent relations in the variable/ppt hierarchy as specified in the declaration record.
366   * These are used to build the detailed parents/children lists of PptRelation above.
367   */
368  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
369  public List<ParentRelation> parent_relations;
371  /**
372   * Flag that indicates whether or not invariants have been merged from all of this ppts children
373   * to form the invariants here. Necessary because a ppt can have multiple parents and otherwise
374   * we'd needlessly merge multiple times.
375   */
376  public boolean invariants_merged = false;
378  // True while we're inside an invocation of mergeInvs() on this PPT.
379  // Used to prevent calling mergeInvs() recursively on a child in such
380  // a way as to cause an infinite loop, even if there is a loop in the
381  // PPT hierarchy.
382  public boolean in_merge = false;
384  /**
385   * Flag that indicates whether or not invariants that are duplicated at the parent have been
386   * removed..
387   */
388  public boolean invariants_removed = false;
390  /** Contains invariants that represent a "joining" of two others: implications, and, or, etc. */
391  @SuppressWarnings({
392    "nullness:assignment", // field won't be used until object is initialized
393    "nullness:argument" // field won't be used until object is initialized
394  })
395  public PptSlice0 joiner_view = new PptSlice0(this);
397  /** Holds Equality invariants. Never null after invariants are instantiated. */
398  // Is set by Daikon.setupEquality (and a few other methods).  Remains null if
399  // Daikon.using_DaikonSimple==true or Daikon.use_equality_optimization==false.
400  public @MonotonicNonNull PptSliceEquality equality_view;
402  // The redundant_invs* variables are filled in by method
403  // mark_implied_via_simplify.
404  /** Redundant invariants, except for Equality invariants. */
405  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
406  public Set<Invariant> redundant_invs = new LinkedHashSet<>(0);
408  /** The canonical VarInfo for the equality. */
409  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
410  public Set<VarInfo> redundant_invs_equality = new LinkedHashSet<>(0);
412  @SuppressWarnings("fields.uninitialized") // todo: initialization and helper methods
413  public PptTopLevel(
414      String name,
415      PptType type,
416      List<ParentRelation> parents,
417      EnumSet<PptFlags> flags,
418      VarInfo[] var_infos) {
419    super(var_infos);
421    this.name = name;
422    if (!name.contains(":::")) {
423      name += ":::" + type;
424    }
425    this.ppt_name = new PptName(name);
426    this.flags = flags;
427    this.type = type;
428    this.parent_relations = parents;
429    init_vars();
430  }
432  /** Restore/Create interns when reading serialized object. */
433  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
434    in.defaultReadObject();
435    if (name != null) {
436      try {
437        ReflectionPlume.setFinalField(this, "name", name.intern());
438      } catch (Exception e) {
439        throw new Error("unexpected error setting name", e);
440      }
441    }
442  }
444  // Used by DaikonSimple, InvMap, and tests.  Violates invariants.
445  @SuppressWarnings(
446      "nullness:fields.uninitialized") // violates invariants; also uses helper function
447  public PptTopLevel(String name, VarInfo[] var_infos) {
448    super(var_infos);
449    this.name = name;
450    ppt_name = new PptName(name);
451    init_vars();
452  }
454  @RequiresNonNull("var_infos")
455  @EnsuresNonNull({"mbtracker", "views", "value_sets"})
456  private void init_vars(@UnderInitialization(Ppt.class) PptTopLevel this) {
458    // debug_varinfo.log("initializing var_infos %s", Arrays.toString(var_infos));
459    // debug_varinfo.tb();
461    int val_idx = 0;
462    num_static_constant_vars = 0;
463    for (int i = 0; i < var_infos.length; i++) {
464      VarInfo vi = var_infos[i];
465      vi.varinfo_index = i;
466      if (vi.is_static_constant) {
467        vi.value_index = -1;
468        num_static_constant_vars++;
469      } else {
470        vi.value_index = val_idx;
471        val_idx++;
472      }
473    }
474    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
475      assert (vi.value_index == -1) || !vi.is_static_constant;
476    }
478    views = new LinkedHashMap<>();
480    num_declvars = var_infos.length;
481    num_tracevars = val_idx;
482    num_orig_vars = 0;
483    assert num_static_constant_vars == num_declvars - num_tracevars;
484    assert num_tracevars == var_infos.length - num_static_constant_vars;
485    mbtracker = new ModBitTracker(num_tracevars);
486    /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ ValueSet[] new_value_sets = new ValueSet[num_tracevars];
487    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
488      int value_index = vi.value_index;
489      if (value_index == -1) {
490        continue;
491      }
492      assert new_value_sets[value_index] == null;
493      new_value_sets[value_index] = ValueSet.factory(vi);
494    }
495    for (ValueSet vs : new_value_sets) {
496      assert vs != null;
497    }
498    new_value_sets = castNonNullDeep(new_value_sets); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
499    value_sets = new_value_sets;
501    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
502      // TODO: This should not be necessary, since initialization is now complete
503      @SuppressWarnings({"nullness:assignment"}) // initialization is now complete
504      @Initialized PptTopLevel initializedThis = this;
505      vi.ppt = initializedThis;
506    }
508    // Fix variable pointers so that they refer to the variables
509    // in this program point (they may have been cloned from a diff
510    // program point)
511    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
512      vi.update_after_moving_to_new_ppt();
513    }
515    // Relate the variables to one another
516    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
517      vi.relate_var();
518    }
519  }
521  // Appears to be used only in the memory monitor.
522  public int num_array_vars() {
523    int num_arrays = 0;
524    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
525      if (vi.rep_type.isArray()) {
526        num_arrays++;
527      }
528    }
529    return num_arrays;
530  }
532  /** Iterate through each variable at this ppt. */
533  public Iterator<VarInfo> var_info_iterator() {
534    return Arrays.<VarInfo>asList(var_infos).iterator();
535  }
537  /** Returns the full name of the ppt. */
538  @SideEffectFree
539  @Override
540  public String toString(@GuardSatisfied PptTopLevel this) {
541    return name();
542  }
544  /** Trim the collections used here, in hopes of saving space. */
545  @Override
546  public void trimToSize() {
547    super.trimToSize();
548    if (splitters != null) {
549      splitters.trimToSize();
550    }
551  }
553  /** The number of samples processed by this program point so far. */
554  public int num_samples() {
555    return values_num_samples;
556  }
558  /** Return the number of samples where vi1 is present (not missing) */
559  public int num_samples(VarInfo vi1) {
560    if (vi1.is_static_constant) {
561      return mbtracker.num_samples();
562    }
563    BitSet b1 = mbtracker.get(vi1.value_index);
564    int num_slice_samples = b1.cardinality();
565    return num_slice_samples;
566  }
568  /** Return the number of samples where vi1 and vi2 are both present (not missing). */
569  public int num_samples(VarInfo vi1, VarInfo vi2) {
570    if (vi1.is_static_constant) {
571      return num_samples(vi2);
572    }
573    if (vi2.is_static_constant) {
574      return num_samples(vi1);
575    }
576    BitSet b1 = mbtracker.get(vi1.value_index);
577    BitSet b2 = mbtracker.get(vi2.value_index);
578    int num_slice_samples = CollectionsPlume.intersectionCardinality(b1, b2);
579    return num_slice_samples;
580  }
582  /** Return the number of samples where vi1, vi2, and vi3 are all present (not missing). */
583  public int num_samples(VarInfo vi1, VarInfo vi2, VarInfo vi3) {
584    if (vi1.is_static_constant) {
585      return num_samples(vi2, vi3);
586    }
587    if (vi2.is_static_constant) {
588      return num_samples(vi1, vi3);
589    }
590    if (vi3.is_static_constant) {
591      return num_samples(vi1, vi2);
592    }
593    BitSet b1 = mbtracker.get(vi1.value_index);
594    BitSet b2 = mbtracker.get(vi2.value_index);
595    BitSet b3 = mbtracker.get(vi3.value_index);
596    int num_slice_samples = CollectionsPlume.intersectionCardinality(b1, b2, b3);
597    return num_slice_samples;
598  }
600  /** The number of distinct values that have been seen. */
601  public int num_values(VarInfo vi1) {
602    if (vi1.is_static_constant) {
603      return 1;
604    }
605    ValueSet vs1 = value_sets[vi1.value_index];
606    return vs1.size();
607  }
609  /**
610   * An upper bound on the number of distinct pairs of values that have been seen. Note that there
611   * can't be more pairs of values than there are samples. This matters when there are very few
612   * samples due to one of the variables being missing.
613   */
614  public int num_values(VarInfo vi1, VarInfo vi2) {
615    return Math.min(num_samples(vi1, vi2), num_values(vi1) * num_values(vi2));
616  }
618  /**
619   * An upper bound on the number of distinct values over vi1, vi2, and vi3 that have been seen.
620   * Note that there can't be more pairs of values than there are samples. This matters when there
621   * are very few samples due to one of the variables being missing.
622   */
623  public int num_values(VarInfo vi1, VarInfo vi2, VarInfo vi3) {
624    return Math.min(
625        num_samples(vi1, vi2, vi3), num_values(vi1) * num_values(vi2) * num_values(vi3));
626  }
628  // Get the actual views from the HashMap
629  Collection<PptSlice> viewsAsCollection() {
630    return views.values();
631  }
633  // Quick access to the number of views, since the views variable is private
634  public int numViews() {
635    return views.size();
636  }
638  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
639  /// Adding variables
640  ///
642  /**
643   * Appends the elements of vis to the var_infos array of this ppt. Method is not private so that
644   * FileIO can access it; should not be called by other classes.
645   *
646   * @param vis must not contain static constant VarInfos
647   */
648  void addVarInfos(VarInfo[] vis) {
649    if (vis.length == 0) {
650      return;
651    }
652    int old_length = var_infos.length;
653    /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ VarInfo[] new_var_infos = new VarInfo[var_infos.length + vis.length];
654    assert mbtracker.num_samples() == 0;
655    mbtracker = new ModBitTracker(mbtracker.num_vars() + vis.length);
656    System.arraycopy(var_infos, 0, new_var_infos, 0, old_length);
657    System.arraycopy(vis, 0, new_var_infos, old_length, vis.length);
658    new_var_infos = castNonNullDeep(new_var_infos); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
659    for (int i = old_length; i < new_var_infos.length; i++) {
660      VarInfo vi = new_var_infos[i];
661      vi.varinfo_index = i;
662      vi.value_index = i - num_static_constant_vars;
663      vi.ppt = this;
664    }
665    var_infos = castNonNullDeep(new_var_infos);
666    int old_vs_length = value_sets.length;
667    /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ ValueSet[] new_value_sets = new ValueSet[old_vs_length + vis.length];
668    System.arraycopy(value_sets, 0, new_value_sets, 0, old_vs_length);
669    for (int i = 0; i < vis.length; i++) {
670      new_value_sets[old_vs_length + i] = ValueSet.factory(vis[i]);
671    }
672    new_value_sets = castNonNullDeep(new_value_sets); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
673    value_sets = new_value_sets;
675    // Relate the variables to one another
676    for (VarInfo vi : vis) {
677      vi.relate_var();
678    }
679  }
681  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
682  /// Derived variables
683  ///
685  // This is here because I think it doesn't make sense to derive except
686  // from a PptTopLevel (and possibly a PptConditional?).  Perhaps move it
687  // to another class later.
689  public static boolean worthDerivingFrom(VarInfo vi) {
691    // This prevents derivation from ever occurring on
692    // derived variables.  Ought to put this under the
693    // control of the individual Derivation objects.
695    // System.out.println("worthDerivingFrom(" + vi.name + "): "
696    //                    + "derivedDepth=" + vi.derivedDepth()
697    //                    + ", isCanonical=" + vi.isCanonical()
698    //                    + ", canBeMissing=" + vi.canBeMissing);
699    return (vi.derivedDepth() < 2);
701    // Should add this (back) in:
702    // && !vi.always_missing()
703    // && !vi.always_equal_to_null();
705    // Testing for being canonical is going to be a touch tricky when we
706    // integrate derivation and inference, because when something becomes
707    // non-canonical we'll have to go back and derive from it, etc.  It's
708    // almost as if that is a new variable appearing.  But it did appear in
709    // the list until it was found to be equal to another and removed from
710    // the list!  I need to decide whether the time savings of not
711    // processing the non-canonical variables are worth the time and
712    // complexity of making variables non-canonical and possibly canonical
713    // again.
715  }
717  // To verify that these are all the factories of interest, do
718  // cd ~/research/invariants/daikon/derive; search -i -n 'extends.*derivationfactory'
720  transient UnaryDerivationFactory[] unaryDerivations =
721      new UnaryDerivationFactory[] {
722        new StringLengthFactory(),
723        new SequenceLengthFactory(),
724        new SequenceInitialFactory(),
725        new SequenceMinMaxSumFactory(),
726        new SequenceInitialFactoryFloat(),
727      };
729  transient BinaryDerivationFactory[] binaryDerivations =
730      new BinaryDerivationFactory[] {
731        // subscript
732        new SequenceScalarSubscriptFactory(),
733        new SequenceFloatSubscriptFactory(),
734        new SequenceStringSubscriptFactory(),
735        // intersection
736        new SequenceScalarIntersectionFactory(),
737        new SequenceFloatIntersectionFactory(),
738        new SequenceStringIntersectionFactory(),
739        // union
740        new SequenceScalarUnionFactory(),
741        new SequenceFloatUnionFactory(),
742        new SequenceStringUnionFactory(),
743        // other
744        new SequencesConcatFactory(),
745        new SequencesJoinFactory(),
746        new SequencesPredicateFactory(),
747      };
749  transient TernaryDerivationFactory[] ternaryDerivations =
750      new TernaryDerivationFactory[] {
751        new SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequenceFactory(),
752        new SequenceStringArbitrarySubsequenceFactory(),
753        new SequenceFloatArbitrarySubsequenceFactory(),
754      };
756  /**
757   * This routine creates derivations for one "pass"; that is, it adds some set of derived
758   * variables, according to the functions that are passed in. All the results involve at least one
759   * VarInfo object at an index i such that vi_index_min &le; i &lt; vi_index_limit (and possibly
760   * other VarInfos outside that range).
761   */
762  private Derivation[] derive(int vi_index_min, int vi_index_limit) {
763    boolean debug_bin_possible = false;
765    UnaryDerivationFactory[] unary = unaryDerivations;
766    BinaryDerivationFactory[] binary = binaryDerivations;
767    TernaryDerivationFactory[] ternary = ternaryDerivations;
769    // optimize track logging, otherwise it really takes a lot of time
770    if (Debug.logOn()) {
771      for (int di = 0; di < binary.length; di++) {
772        BinaryDerivationFactory d = binary[di];
773        if (Debug.class_match(d.getClass())) debug_bin_possible = true;
774      }
775    }
777    if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
778      Global.debugDerive.fine("Deriving one pass for ppt " + this.name);
779      Global.debugDerive.fine(
780          "vi_index_min="
781              + vi_index_min
782              + ", vi_index_limit="
783              + vi_index_limit
784              + ", unary.length="
785              + unary.length
786              + ", binary.length="
787              + binary.length
788              + ", ternary.length="
789              + ternary.length);
790    }
792    Collection<Derivation> result = new ArrayList<Derivation>();
794    Daikon.progress = "Creating derived variables for: " + ppt_name.toString() + " (unary)";
795    for (int i = vi_index_min; i < vi_index_limit; i++) {
796      VarInfo vi = var_infos[i];
797      if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
798        Global.debugDerive.fine("Unary: trying to derive from " + vi.name());
799      }
800      if (!worthDerivingFrom(vi)) {
801        if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
802          Global.debugDerive.fine("Unary: not worth deriving from " + vi.name());
803        }
804        continue;
805      }
806      for (int di = 0; di < unary.length; di++) {
807        UnaryDerivationFactory udf = unary[di];
808        UnaryDerivation[] uderivs = udf.instantiate(vi);
809        if (uderivs != null) {
810          for (int udi = 0; udi < uderivs.length; udi++) {
811            UnaryDerivation uderiv = uderivs[udi];
812            // System.out.printf("processing uderiv %s %s%n", uderiv,
813            //                   uderiv.getVarInfo());
814            if (!FileIO.var_included(uderiv.getVarInfo().name())) {
815              continue;
816            }
817            result.add(uderiv);
818          }
819        }
820      }
821    }
823    // I want to get all pairs of variables such that at least one of the
824    // variables is under consideration, but I want to generate each such
825    // pair only once.  This probably isn't the most efficient technique,
826    // but it's probably adequate and is not excessively complicated or
827    // excessively slow.
828    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < var_infos.length; i1++) {
829      VarInfo vi1 = var_infos[i1];
830      if (!worthDerivingFrom(vi1)) {
831        if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
832          Global.debugDerive.fine("Binary first VarInfo: not worth deriving from " + vi1.name());
833        }
834        continue;
835      }
836      // This guarantees that at least one of the variables is under
837      // consideration.
838      // target1 indicates whether the first variable is under consideration.
839      boolean target1 = (i1 >= vi_index_min) && (i1 < vi_index_limit);
840      int i2_min, i2_limit;
841      if (target1) {
842        i2_min = i1 + 1;
843        i2_limit = var_infos.length;
844      } else {
845        i2_min = Math.max(i1 + 1, vi_index_min);
846        i2_limit = vi_index_limit;
847      }
848      // if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
849      //   Global.debugDerive.fine ("i1=" + i1
850      //                      + ", i2_min=" + i2_min
851      //                      + ", i2_limit=" + i2_limit);
852      Daikon.progress =
853          "Creating derived variables for: "
854              + ppt_name.toString()
855              + " (binary, "
856              + vi1.name()
857              + ")";
858      for (int i2 = i2_min; i2 < i2_limit; i2++) {
859        VarInfo vi2 = var_infos[i2];
860        if (!worthDerivingFrom(vi2)) {
861          if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
862            Global.debugDerive.fine(
863                "Binary: not worth deriving from (" + vi1.name() + "," + vi2.name() + ")");
864          }
865          continue;
866        }
867        for (int di = 0; di < binary.length; di++) {
868          BinaryDerivationFactory d = binary[di];
869          if (debug_bin_possible && Debug.logOn()) {
870            Debug.log(d.getClass(), vi1.ppt, Debug.vis(vi1, vi2), "Trying Binary Derivation ");
871          }
872          BinaryDerivation[] bderivs = d.instantiate(vi1, vi2);
873          if (bderivs != null) {
874            for (int bdi = 0; bdi < bderivs.length; bdi++) {
875              BinaryDerivation bderiv = bderivs[bdi];
876              if (!FileIO.var_included(bderiv.getVarInfo().name())) {
877                continue;
878              }
879              result.add(bderiv);
880              if (Debug.logOn()) {
881                Debug.log(
882                    d.getClass(),
883                    vi1.ppt,
884                    Debug.vis(vi1, vi2),
885                    "Created Binary Derivation " + bderiv.getVarInfo().name());
886              }
887            }
888          }
889        }
890      }
891    }
893    // Ternary derivations follow the same pattern, one level deeper.
894    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < var_infos.length; i1++) {
895      VarInfo vi1 = var_infos[i1];
896      if (vi1.isDerived()) {
897        if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
898          Global.debugDerive.fine("Ternary first VarInfo: not worth deriving from " + vi1.name());
899        }
900        continue;
901      }
902      // This guarantees that at least one of the variables is under
903      // consideration.
904      // target1 indicates whether the first variable is under consideration.
905      boolean target1 = (i1 >= vi_index_min) && (i1 < vi_index_limit);
906      int i2_min, i2_limit;
907      if (target1) {
908        i2_min = i1 + 1;
909        i2_limit = var_infos.length;
910      } else {
911        i2_min = Math.max(i1 + 1, vi_index_min);
912        i2_limit = vi_index_limit;
913      }
914      // if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
915      //   Global.debugDerive.fine ("i1=" + i1
916      //                      + ", i2_min=" + i2_min
917      //                      + ", i2_limit=" + i2_limit);
918      Daikon.progress =
919          "Creating derived variables for: "
920              + ppt_name.toString()
921              + " (ternary, "
922              + vi1.name()
923              + ")";
924      for (int i2 = i2_min; i2 < i2_limit; i2++) {
925        VarInfo vi2 = var_infos[i2];
926        if (vi2.isDerived()
927            || !TernaryDerivationFactory.checkType(vi1, vi2)
928            || !TernaryDerivationFactory.checkComparability(vi1, vi2)) {
929          if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
930            Global.debugDerive.fine(
931                "Ternary 2nd: not worth deriving from (" + vi1.name() + "," + vi2.name() + ")");
932          }
933          continue;
934        }
935        boolean target2 = (i2 >= vi_index_min) && (i2 < vi_index_limit);
936        int i3_min, i3_limit;
937        if (target1 || target2) {
938          i3_min = i2 + 1;
939          i3_limit = var_infos.length;
940        } else {
941          i3_min = Math.max(i2 + 1, vi_index_min);
942          i3_limit = vi_index_limit;
943        }
944        for (int i3 = i3_min; i3 < i3_limit; i3++) {
945          VarInfo vi3 = var_infos[i3];
946          if (vi3.isDerived()) {
947            if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
948              Global.debugDerive.fine(
949                  "Ternary 3rd: not worth deriving from ("
950                      + vi1.name()
951                      + ","
952                      + vi2.name()
953                      + ")"
954                      + vi3.name()
955                      + ")");
956            }
957            continue;
958          }
959          for (int di = 0; di < ternary.length; di++) {
960            TernaryDerivationFactory d = ternary[di];
961            TernaryDerivation[] tderivs = d.instantiate(vi1, vi2, vi3);
962            if (tderivs != null) {
963              for (int tdi = 0; tdi < tderivs.length; tdi++) {
964                TernaryDerivation tderiv = tderivs[tdi];
965                if (!FileIO.var_included(tderiv.getVarInfo().name())) {
966                  continue;
967                }
968                result.add(tderiv);
969              }
970            } else {
971              if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
972                Global.debugDerive.fine(
973                    "Ternary instantiated but not used: "
974                        + vi1.name()
975                        + " "
976                        + vi2.name()
977                        + " "
978                        + vi3.name()
979                        + " ");
980              }
981            }
982          }
983        }
984      }
985    }
987    if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
988      Global.debugDerive.fine(
989          "Number of derived variables at program point " + this.name + ": " + result.size());
990      String derived_vars = "Derived:";
991      for (Iterator<Derivation> itor = result.iterator(); itor.hasNext(); ) {
992        derived_vars += " " + itor.next().getVarInfo().name();
993      }
994      Global.debugDerive.fine(derived_vars);
995    }
996    Derivation[] result_array = result.toArray(new Derivation[result.size()]);
997    return result_array;
998  }
1000  /**
1001   * Add the sample to the equality sets, dynamic constants, and invariants at this program point.
1002   * This version is specific to the bottom up processing mechanism.
1003   *
1004   * <p>This routine also instantiates slices/invariants on the first call for the ppt.
1005   *
1006   * @param vt the set of values for this to see
1007   * @param count the number of samples that vt represents
1008   * @return the set of all invariants weakened or falsified by this sample
1009   */
1010  @RequiresNonNull({
1011    "daikon.suppress.NIS.suppressor_map",
1012    "daikon.suppress.NIS.suppressor_map_suppression_count",
1013    "daikon.suppress.NIS.all_suppressions",
1014    "daikon.suppress.NIS.suppressor_proto_invs"
1015  })
1016  public @Nullable Set<Invariant> add_bottom_up(ValueTuple vt, int count) {
1017    // Doable, but commented out for efficiency
1018    // repCheck();
1020    // Debug print some (program specific) variables
1021    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1022      System.out.println("Processing samples at " + name());
1023      if (vt.size() > 0) {
1024        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
1025        for (int i = 0; i < vt.size(); i++) {
1026          VarInfo vi = var_infos[i];
1027          if (!vi.name().startsWith("xx")) {
1028            continue;
1029          }
1030          out.append(String.format("%s %b %s ", vi.name(), vt.isMissing(i), vt.getValue(vi)));
1031        }
1032        System.out.printf("%s vals: %s%n", name(), out);
1033      }
1034    }
1036    assert vt.size() == var_infos.length - num_static_constant_vars : name;
1038    // stop early if there are no vars
1039    if (var_infos.length == 0) {
1040      assert vt.size() == 0;
1041      return null;
1042    }
1044    // If there are conditional program points, add the sample there instead
1045    if (has_splitters()) {
1046      assert splitters != null; // guaranteed by call to has_splitters
1047      for (PptSplitter ppt_split : splitters) {
1048        ppt_split.add_bottom_up(vt, count);
1049      }
1050      if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) {
1051        return null;
1052      }
1053    }
1055    // If we are not using the hierarchy and this is a numbered exit, also
1056    // apply these values to the combined exit
1057    if (!Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) {
1058      // System.out.println ("ppt_name = " + ppt_name);
1059      if (!(this instanceof PptConditional) && ppt_name.isNumberedExitPoint()) {
1060        PptTopLevel parent = Daikon.all_ppts.get(ppt_name.makeExit());
1061        if (parent != null) {
1062          // System.out.println ("parent is " + parent.name());
1063          parent.get_missingOutOfBounds(this, vt);
1064          parent.add_bottom_up(vt, count);
1065        }
1066      }
1067    }
1069    if (debugNISStats.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1070      NIS.clear_stats();
1071    }
1073    // Set of invariants weakened by this sample
1074    Set<Invariant> weakened_invs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
1076    // Instantiate slices and invariants if this is the first sample
1077    if (values_num_samples == 0) {
1078      debugFlow.fine("  Instantiating views for the first time");
1079      if (!DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization) {
1080        instantiate_views_and_invariants();
1081      }
1082    }
1084    // Add the samples to all of the equality sets, breaking sets as required
1085    if (Daikon.use_equality_optimization) {
1086      assert equality_view != null
1087          : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: non-null if use_equality_optimization==true";
1088      weakened_invs.addAll(equality_view.add(vt, count));
1089    }
1091    // Add samples to constants, adding new invariants as required
1092    if (DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization) {
1093      if (constants == null) constants = new DynamicConstants(this);
1094      constants.add(vt, count);
1095    }
1097    instantiated_inv_cnt = invariant_cnt();
1098    instantiated_slice_cnt = views.size();
1100    if (debugInstantiate.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && values_num_samples == 0) {
1101      int slice1_cnt = 0;
1102      int slice2_cnt = 0;
1103      int slice3_cnt = 0;
1104      for (PptSlice slice : views_iterable()) {
1105        if (slice instanceof PptSlice1) slice1_cnt++;
1106        else if (slice instanceof PptSlice2) slice2_cnt++;
1107        else if (slice instanceof PptSlice3) slice3_cnt++;
1108      }
1109      System.out.println("ppt " + name());
1110      debugInstantiate.fine("slice1 (" + slice1_cnt + ") slices");
1111      for (PptSlice slice : views_iterable()) {
1112        if (slice instanceof PptSlice1) {
1113          debugInstantiate.fine(
1114              " : "
1115                  + slice.var_infos[0].name()
1116                  + ": "
1117                  + slice.var_infos[0].file_rep_type
1118                  + ": "
1119                  + slice.var_infos[0].rep_type
1120                  + ": "
1121                  + slice.var_infos[0].equalitySet.shortString());
1122        }
1123        if (false) {
1124          for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
1125            debugInstantiate.fine("-- invariant " + inv.format());
1126          }
1127        }
1128      }
1129      debugInstantiate.fine("slice2 (" + slice2_cnt + ") slices");
1130      for (PptSlice slice : views_iterable()) {
1131        if (slice instanceof PptSlice2) {
1132          debugInstantiate.fine(
1133              " : " + slice.var_infos[0].name() + " : " + slice.var_infos[1].name());
1134        }
1135      }
1136      debugInstantiate.fine("slice3 (" + slice3_cnt + ") slices");
1137      for (PptSlice slice : views_iterable()) {
1138        if (slice instanceof PptSlice3) {
1139          debugInstantiate.fine(
1140              " : "
1141                  + slice.var_infos[0].name()
1142                  + " : "
1143                  + slice.var_infos[1].name()
1144                  + " : "
1145                  + slice.var_infos[2].name());
1146        }
1147      }
1148    }
1150    values_num_samples += count;
1152    vt.checkRep(); // temporary, for debugging
1154    // Keep track of what variables are present on this sample
1155    mbtracker.add(vt, count);
1157    vt.checkRep(); // temporary, for debugging
1159    // Keep track of the distinct values seen
1160    for (int i = 0; i < vt.vals.length; i++) {
1161      if (!vt.isMissing(i)) {
1162        Object val = vt.vals[i];
1163        ValueSet vs = value_sets[i];
1164        if (val == null) { // temporary, for debugging
1165          System.out.printf("Null value at index %s in ValueTuple %s, ValueSet=%s%n", i, vt, vs);
1166        }
1167        vs.add(val);
1168      }
1169    }
1171    // Add the sample to each slice
1172    for (PptSlice slice : views_iterable()) {
1173      if (slice.invs.size() == 0) {
1174        continue;
1175      }
1176      weakened_invs.addAll(slice.add(vt, count));
1177    }
1179    // Create any newly unsuppressed invariants
1180    NIS.process_falsified_invs(this, vt);
1182    // NIS.newly_falsified is a list of invariants that are falsified by
1183    // the current sample when using the falsified method of processing
1184    // suppressions.  The newly falsified invariants are added back to
1185    // the slices so that they can be processed.  Thus, the falsified method
1186    // is used iteratively, since these newly falsified invariants may
1187    // unsuppress new invariants.  In the antecedents method, the problem
1188    // does not exist, because of the way that recursive suppressions are
1189    // ordered.  This loop should be executed at least once, regardless of
1190    // the algorithm for processing suppressions, hence the do loop.  For,
1191    // the antecedents method, the loop is executed only once because
1192    // the NIS.newly_falsified list will be empty.
1194    do {
1195      // Remove any falsified invariants.  Make a copy of the original slices
1196      // since NISuppressions will add new slices/invariants as others are
1197      // falsified.
1198      PptSlice[] slices = views.values().toArray(new @Nullable PptSlice[views.values().size()]);
1199      for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
1200        slices[i].remove_falsified();
1201      }
1203      // Apply the sample to any invariants created by non-instantiating
1204      // suppressions. This must happen before we remove slices without
1205      // invariants below.
1206      NIS.apply_samples(vt, count);
1207      first_pass_with_sample = false;
1208    } while (NIS.newly_falsified.size() != 0);
1210    first_pass_with_sample = true;
1212    // Remove slices from the list if all of their invariants have died.
1213    // (Removal requires use of old-style for loop and Iterator.)
1214    for (Iterator<PptSlice> itor = views_iterator(); itor.hasNext(); ) {
1215      PptSlice view = itor.next();
1216      if (view.invs.size() == 0) {
1217        itor.remove();
1218        if (Global.debugInfer.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1219          Global.debugInfer.fine("add(ValueTulple,int): slice died: " + name() + view.varNames());
1220        }
1221      }
1222    }
1224    if (debugNISStats.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1225      NIS.dump_stats(debugNISStats, this);
1226    }
1228    // At this point, no invariant should exist that is suppressed
1229    if (Debug.dkconfig_internal_check) {
1230      for (PptSlice slice : views_iterable()) {
1231        for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
1232          if (inv.is_ni_suppressed()) {
1233            NISuppressionSet ss = inv.get_ni_suppressions();
1234            assert ss != null; // guaranteed by call to is_ni_suppressed
1235            ss.suppressed(inv.ppt);
1236            System.out.printf(
1237                "suppressed: %s by suppression set %s in ppt %s", inv.format(), ss, slice);
1238            throw new Error();
1239          }
1240        }
1241      }
1242    }
1244    return weakened_invs;
1245  }
1247  /**
1248   * Adds a sample to each invariant in the list. Returns the list of weakened invariants. This
1249   * should only be called when the sample has already been added to the slice containing each
1250   * invariant. Otherwise the statistics kept in the slice will be incorrect.
1251   *
1252   * @param inv_list the invariants to add the sample to
1253   * @param vt the sample
1254   * @param count how many instances of the sample to add
1255   * @return the invariants that were weakened
1256   */
1257  public List<Invariant> inv_add(List<Invariant> inv_list, ValueTuple vt, int count) {
1259    // // Slices containing these invariants
1260    // Set<PptSlice> slices = new LinkedHashSet<>();
1262    // List of invariants weakened by this sample
1263    List<Invariant> weakened_invs = new ArrayList<>();
1265    // Loop through each invariant
1266    inv_loop:
1267    for (Invariant inv : inv_list) {
1268      if (Debug.logDetail()) {
1269        inv.log("Processing in inv_add");
1270      }
1272      // Skip falsified invariants (shouldn't happen)
1273      if (inv.is_false()) {
1274        continue;
1275      }
1277      // Skip any invariants with a missing variable
1278      for (int j = 0; j < inv.ppt.var_infos.length; j++) {
1279        if (inv.ppt.var_infos[j].isMissing(vt)) continue inv_loop;
1280      }
1282      // // Add the slice containing this invariant to the set of slices
1283      // slices.add(inv.ppt);
1285      // Get the values and add them to the invariant.
1286      InvariantStatus result = inv.add_sample(vt, count);
1288      if (result == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED) {
1289        inv.falsify();
1290        weakened_invs.add(inv);
1291      } else if (result == InvariantStatus.WEAKENED) {
1292        weakened_invs.add(inv);
1293      }
1294    }
1296    return weakened_invs;
1297  }
1299  /**
1300   * Gets any missing out of bounds variables from the specified ppt and applies them to the
1301   * matching variable in this ppt if the variable is MISSING_NONSENSICAL. The goal is to set the
1302   * missing_array_bounds flag only if it was missing in ppt on THIS sample.
1303   *
1304   * <p>This could fail if missing_array_bounds was set on a previous sample and the
1305   * MISSING_NONSENSICAL flag is set for a different reason on this sample. This could happen with
1306   * an array in an object.
1307   *
1308   * <p>This implementation is also not particularly efficient and the variables must match exactly.
1309   *
1310   * <p>Missing out of bounds really needs to be implemented as a separate flag in the missing bits.
1311   * That would clear up all of this mess.
1312   */
1313  public void get_missingOutOfBounds(PptTopLevel ppt, ValueTuple vt) {
1315    for (int ii = 0; ii < ppt.var_infos.length; ii++) {
1316      if (ppt.var_infos[ii].missingOutOfBounds()) {
1317        int mod = vt.getModified(ppt.var_infos[ii]);
1318        if (this.var_infos[ii].derived == null) {
1319          System.out.printf(
1320              "ppt %s, ii %s, ppt.var_infos[ii] %s, this.var_infos[ii] %s%n",
1321              ppt, ii, ppt.var_infos[ii], this.var_infos[ii]);
1322        }
1323        assert this.var_infos[ii].derived != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
1324        if (mod == ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL) {
1325          this.var_infos[ii].derived.missing_array_bounds = true;
1326        }
1327      }
1328    }
1329  }
1331  /** Returns whether or not the specified variable is dynamically constant. */
1332  @SuppressWarnings("contracts.conditional.postcondition") // Checker Framework bug
1333  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "constants")
1334  @Pure
1335  public boolean is_constant(VarInfo v) {
1336    return (constants != null) && constants.is_constant(v);
1337  }
1339  /**
1340   * Returns whether or not the specified variable is currently dynamically constant, or was a
1341   * dynamic constant at the beginning of constant processing.
1342   */
1343  @SuppressWarnings("contracts.conditional.postcondition") // Checker Framework bug
1344  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "constants")
1345  @Pure
1346  public boolean is_prev_constant(VarInfo v) {
1347    return (constants != null) && constants.is_prev_constant(v);
1348  }
1350  /** Returns whether or not the specified variable has been missing for all samples seen so far. */
1351  @SuppressWarnings("contracts.conditional.postcondition") // Checker Framework bug
1352  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "constants")
1353  @Pure
1354  public boolean is_missing(VarInfo v) {
1355    return (constants != null) && constants.is_missing(v);
1356  }
1358  /**
1359   * returns whether the specified variable is currently missing OR was missing at the beginning of
1360   * constants processing.
1361   */
1362  @SuppressWarnings("contracts.conditional.postcondition") // Checker Framework bug
1363  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "constants")
1364  @Pure
1365  public boolean is_prev_missing(VarInfo v) {
1366    return (constants != null) && constants.is_prev_missing(v);
1367  }
1369  /** Returns the number of true invariants at this ppt. */
1370  public int invariant_cnt() {
1372    int inv_cnt = 0;
1374    for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1375      PptSlice slice = j.next();
1376      inv_cnt += slice.invs.size();
1377    }
1378    return inv_cnt;
1379  }
1381  /** Returns the number of slices that contain one or more constants. */
1382  public int const_slice_cnt() {
1384    int const_cnt = 0;
1386    for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1387      PptSlice slice = j.next();
1388      for (int i = 0; i < slice.arity(); i++) {
1389        if (is_constant(slice.var_infos[i])) {
1390          const_cnt++;
1391          break;
1392        }
1393      }
1394    }
1395    return const_cnt;
1396  }
1398  /** Returns the number of invariants that contain one or more constants. */
1399  public int const_inv_cnt() {
1401    int const_cnt = 0;
1403    for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1404      PptSlice slice = j.next();
1405      for (int i = 0; i < slice.arity(); i++) {
1406        if (is_constant(slice.var_infos[i])) {
1407          const_cnt += slice.invs.size();
1408          break;
1409        }
1410      }
1411    }
1412    return const_cnt;
1413  }
1415  static class Cnt {
1416    public int cnt = 0;
1417  }
1419  /** Debug print to the specified logger information about each invariant at this ppt. */
1420  @RequiresNonNull("daikon.suppress.NIS.suppressor_map")
1421  public void debug_invs(Logger log) {
1423    for (Iterator<PptSlice> i = views_iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1424      PptSlice slice = i.next();
1425      log.fine("Slice: " + slice);
1426      for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
1427        log.fine(
1428            "-- "
1429                + inv.format()
1430                + (NIS.is_suppressor(inv.getClass()) ? "[suppressor]" : "")
1431                + (inv.is_false() ? " [falsified]" : " "));
1432      }
1433    }
1434  }
1436  /**
1437   * Debug print to the specified logger information about each variable in this ppt. Currently only
1438   * prints integer and float information using the bound invariants.
1439   */
1440  public void debug_unary_info(Logger log) {
1442    for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1443      PptSlice slice = j.next();
1444      if (!(slice instanceof PptSlice1)) {
1445        continue;
1446      }
1447      LowerBound lb = null;
1448      LowerBoundFloat lbf = null;
1449      UpperBound ub = null;
1450      UpperBoundFloat ubf = null;
1451      for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
1452        if (inv instanceof LowerBound) lb = (LowerBound) inv;
1453        else if (inv instanceof LowerBoundFloat) lbf = (LowerBoundFloat) inv;
1454        else if (inv instanceof UpperBound) ub = (UpperBound) inv;
1455        else if (inv instanceof UpperBoundFloat) ubf = (UpperBoundFloat) inv;
1456      }
1457      if ((lb != null) && (ub != null)) {
1458        log.fine(lb.min() + " <= " + slice.var_infos[0].name() + " <= " + ub.max());
1459      } else if ((lbf != null) && (ubf != null)) {
1460        log.fine(lbf.min() + " <= " + slice.var_infos[0].name() + " <= " + ubf.max());
1461      } else if ((lb != null) || (ub != null) || (lbf != null) || (ubf != null)) {
1462        throw new Error("This can't happen");
1463      }
1464    }
1465  }
1467  /**
1468   * Returns how many invariants there are of each invariant class. The map is from the invariant
1469   * class to an integer cnt of the number of that class.
1470   */
1471  public Map<Class<? extends Invariant>, Cnt> invariant_cnt_by_class() {
1473    Map<Class<? extends Invariant>, Cnt> inv_map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1475    for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1476      PptSlice slice = j.next();
1477      for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
1478        Cnt cnt = inv_map.computeIfAbsent(inv.getClass(), __ -> new Cnt());
1479        cnt.cnt++;
1480      }
1481    }
1483    return inv_map;
1484  }
1486  /** Returns the number of slices at this ppt. */
1487  public int slice_cnt() {
1488    return views.size();
1489  }
1491  /** Create all the derived variables. */
1492  public void create_derived_variables() {
1493    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1494      debug.fine("create_derived_variables for " + name());
1495    }
1497    // Make ALL of the derived variables.  The loop terminates
1498    // because derive() stops creating derived variables after some
1499    // depth.  Within the loop, [lower..upper) need deriving from.
1500    int lower = 0;
1501    int upper = var_infos.length;
1502    while (lower < upper) {
1503      Derivation[] ders = derive(lower, upper);
1504      lower = upper;
1505      upper += ders.length;
1507      List<VarInfo> vis_list = new ArrayList<>(ders.length);
1508      for (Derivation der : ders) {
1509        vis_list.add(der.getVarInfo());
1510      }
1511      VarInfo[] vis = vis_list.toArray(new VarInfo[vis_list.size()]);
1512      if (Global.debugDerive.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1513        for (int i = 0; i < ders.length; i++) {
1514          Global.debugDerive.fine("Derived " + vis[i].name());
1515        }
1516      }
1518      // Using addDerivedVariables(derivations) would add data too
1519      addVarInfos(vis);
1520    }
1521    assert lower == upper;
1522    assert upper == var_infos.length;
1524    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1525      debug.fine("Done with create_derived_variables, " + var_infos.length + " vars");
1526      // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(var_infos));
1527    }
1528  }
1530  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1531  /// Creating invariants
1532  ///
1534  // I can't decide which loop it's more efficient to make the inner loop:
1535  // the loop over samples or the loop over slices.
1537  /** Add the specified slices to this ppt. */
1538  public void addViews(List<PptSlice> slices_vector) {
1539    if (slices_vector.isEmpty()) {
1540      return;
1541    }
1543    // Don't modify the actual parameter
1544    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1545    List<PptSlice> slices_vector_copy = new ArrayList<>(slices_vector);
1547    // This might be a brand-new Slice, and instantiate_invariants for this
1548    // pass might not have come up with any invariants.
1549    for (Iterator<PptSlice> itor = slices_vector_copy.iterator(); itor.hasNext(); ) {
1550      PptSlice slice = itor.next();
1551      if (slice.invs.size() == 0) {
1552        // removes the element from slices_vector_copy
1553        itor.remove();
1554      }
1555    }
1557    addSlices(slices_vector_copy);
1558  }
1560  /** Add a collection of slices to the views of a PptTopLevel. */
1561  private void addSlices(Collection<PptSlice> slices) {
1562    for (Iterator<PptSlice> i = slices.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1563      addSlice(i.next());
1564    }
1565  }
1567  /**
1568   * Given an array of VarInfos, return a List representing that array, to be used as an index in
1569   * the views hashtable.
1570   */
1571  private List<Integer> sliceIndex(VarInfo[] vis) {
1572    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(vis.length);
1573    for (int i = 0; i < vis.length; i++) {
1574      result.add(vis[i].varinfo_index);
1575    }
1576    return result;
1577  }
1579  /** Add a single slice to the views variable. */
1580  public void addSlice(PptSlice slice) {
1582    // System.out.printf("Adding slice %s to ppt %s%n", slice, this);
1584    // Make sure the slice doesn't already exist (should never happen)
1585    PptSlice cslice = findSlice(slice.var_infos);
1586    if (cslice != null) {
1587      System.out.println("Trying to add slice " + slice);
1588      System.out.println("but, slice " + cslice + " already exists");
1589      for (Invariant inv : cslice.invs) {
1590        System.out.println(" -- inv " + inv);
1591      }
1592      throw new Error();
1593    }
1595    // Make sure that the slice is valid (they are not always valid)
1596    // slice.repCheck();
1598    views.put(sliceIndex(slice.var_infos), slice);
1599    if (Debug.logOn()) slice.log("Adding slice");
1600  }
1602  /** Remove a slice from this PptTopLevel. */
1603  public void removeSlice(PptSlice slice) {
1604    Object o = views.remove(sliceIndex(slice.var_infos));
1605    assert o != null;
1606  }
1608  /** Remove a list of invariants. */
1609  public void remove_invs(List<Invariant> rm_list) {
1610    for (Invariant inv : rm_list) {
1611      inv.ppt.removeInvariant(inv);
1612    }
1613  }
1615  /**
1616   * Returns the unary slice over v. Returns null if the slice doesn't exist (which can occur if all
1617   * of its invariants were falsified).
1618   */
1619  public @Nullable PptSlice1 findSlice(VarInfo v) {
1620    return (PptSlice1) findSlice(new VarInfo[] {v});
1621  }
1623  /**
1624   * Returns the binary slice over v1 and v2. Returns null if the slice doesn't exist (which can
1625   * occur if all of its invariants were falsified).
1626   */
1627  public @Nullable PptSlice2 findSlice(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
1628    assert v1.varinfo_index <= v2.varinfo_index;
1629    return (PptSlice2) findSlice(new VarInfo[] {v1, v2});
1630  }
1632  /**
1633   * Like findSlice, but it is not required that the variables be supplied in order of
1634   * varinfo_index.
1635   */
1636  public @Nullable PptSlice2 findSlice_unordered(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
1637    // assert v1.varinfo_index != v2.varinfo_index;
1638    if (v1.varinfo_index < v2.varinfo_index) {
1639      return findSlice(v1, v2);
1640    } else {
1641      return findSlice(v2, v1);
1642    }
1643  }
1645  /**
1646   * Returns the ternary slice over v1, v2, and v3. Returns null if the slice doesn't exist (which
1647   * can occur if all of its invariants were falsified).
1648   */
1649  public @Nullable PptSlice3 findSlice(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, VarInfo v3) {
1650    assert v1.varinfo_index <= v2.varinfo_index;
1651    assert v2.varinfo_index <= v3.varinfo_index;
1652    return (PptSlice3) findSlice(new VarInfo[] {v1, v2, v3});
1653  }
1655  /**
1656   * Like findSlice, but it is not required that the variables be supplied in order of
1657   * varinfo_index.
1658   */
1659  public @Nullable PptSlice3 findSlice_unordered(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, VarInfo v3) {
1660    // bubble sort is easier than 3 levels of if-then-else
1661    VarInfo tmp;
1662    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
1663      tmp = v2;
1664      v2 = v1;
1665      v1 = tmp;
1666    }
1667    if (v2.varinfo_index > v3.varinfo_index) {
1668      tmp = v3;
1669      v3 = v2;
1670      v2 = tmp;
1671    }
1672    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
1673      tmp = v2;
1674      v2 = v1;
1675      v1 = tmp;
1676    }
1677    return findSlice(v1, v2, v3);
1678  }
1680  /** Find a pptSlice without an assumed ordering. */
1681  public @Nullable PptSlice findSlice_unordered(VarInfo[] vis) {
1682    switch (vis.length) {
1683      case 1:
1684        return findSlice(vis[0]);
1685      case 2:
1686        return findSlice_unordered(vis[0], vis[1]);
1687      case 3:
1688        return findSlice_unordered(vis[0], vis[1], vis[2]);
1689      default:
1690        throw new RuntimeException("Bad length " + vis.length);
1691    }
1692  }
1694  /** Find a pptSlice with an assumed ordering. */
1695  public @Nullable PptSlice findSlice(VarInfo[] vis) {
1696    if (vis.length > 3) {
1697      throw new RuntimeException("Bad length " + vis.length);
1698    }
1699    return views.get(sliceIndex(vis));
1700  }
1702  /**
1703   * Returns the invariant in the slice specified by vis that matches the specified class. If the
1704   * slice or the invariant does not exist, returns null.
1705   */
1706  public @Nullable Invariant find_inv_by_class(VarInfo[] vis, Class<? extends Invariant> cls) {
1708    PptSlice slice = findSlice(vis);
1709    if (slice == null) {
1710      return null;
1711    }
1712    return slice.find_inv_by_class(cls);
1713  }
1715  /**
1716   * Searches for all of the invariants that that provide an exact value for v. Intuitively those
1717   * are invariants of the form 'v = equation'. For example: 'v = 63' or 'v = x * y' The
1718   * implementation is a little iffy -- each invariant over v is examined and it matches iff it is
1719   * exact and its daikon format starts with 'v ='.
1720   *
1721   * @return list of matching invariants or null if no matching invariants are found
1722   */
1723  public @Nullable List<Invariant> find_assignment_inv(VarInfo v) {
1725    List<Invariant> assignment_invs = null;
1727    String start = v.name() + " =";
1728    for (PptSlice slice : views.values()) {
1730      // Skip slices that don't use v
1731      if (!slice.usesVar(v)) {
1732        continue;
1733      }
1735      // Skip slices that use v in more than one slot (eg, v = v/1)
1736      int cnt = 0;
1737      for (VarInfo vi : slice.var_infos) {
1738        if (vi == v) cnt++;
1739      }
1740      if (cnt > 1) {
1741        continue;
1742      }
1744      // Look for exact assignments
1745      for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
1746        // System.out.printf("considering invariant %s, exact = %b%n",
1747        //                   inv.format(), inv.isExact());
1748        if (inv.isExact() && inv.format_using(OutputFormat.DAIKON).startsWith(start)) {
1749          if (assignment_invs == null) {
1750            assignment_invs = new ArrayList<Invariant>();
1751          }
1752          assignment_invs.add(inv);
1753        }
1754      }
1755    }
1757    return assignment_invs;
1758  }
1760  /**
1761   * Looks up the slice for v1. If the slice does not exist, one is created (but not added into the
1762   * list of slices for this ppt).
1763   */
1764  @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // caching
1765  @Pure
1766  public PptSlice get_temp_slice(VarInfo v) {
1768    PptSlice slice = findSlice(v);
1769    if (slice == null) {
1770      slice = new PptSlice1(this, v);
1771    }
1773    return slice;
1774  }
1776  /**
1777   * Looks up the slice for v1 and v2. They do not have to be in order. If the slice does not exist,
1778   * one is created (but not added into the list of slices for this ppt).
1779   */
1780  @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // caching
1781  @Pure
1782  public PptSlice get_temp_slice(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
1784    PptSlice slice = findSlice_unordered(v1, v2);
1785    if (slice == null) {
1786      if (v1.varinfo_index <= v2.varinfo_index) {
1787        slice = new PptSlice2(this, v1, v2);
1788      } else {
1789        slice = new PptSlice2(this, v2, v1);
1790      }
1791    }
1793    return slice;
1794  }
1796  /**
1797   * If the prototype invariant is true over the specified variable returns DiscardInfo indicating
1798   * that the prototype invariant implies imp_inv. Otherwise returns null.
1799   */
1800  public @Nullable DiscardInfo check_implied(
1801      Invariant imp_inv, VarInfo v, @Prototype Invariant proto) {
1803    // If there is no proto invariant, we can't look for it.  This happens
1804    // if the invariant is not enabled.
1805    if (proto == null) {
1806      return null;
1807    }
1809    // Get the slice and instantiate the possible antecedent over it
1810    PptSlice slice = get_temp_slice(v);
1811    Invariant antecedent_inv = proto.instantiate(slice);
1812    if (antecedent_inv == null) {
1813      return null;
1814    }
1816    // Check to see if the antecedent is true
1817    if (slice.is_inv_true(antecedent_inv)) {
1818      return new DiscardInfo(imp_inv, DiscardCode.obvious, "Implied by " + antecedent_inv.format());
1819    }
1821    return null;
1822  }
1824  /**
1825   * If the proto invariant is true over the leader of the specified variable returns DiscardInfo
1826   * indicating that the proto invariant implies imp_inv. Otherwise returns null.
1827   */
1828  public @Nullable DiscardInfo check_implied_canonical(
1829      Invariant imp_inv, VarInfo v, @Prototype Invariant proto) {
1831    VarInfo leader = v.canonicalRep();
1833    DiscardInfo di = check_implied(imp_inv, leader, proto);
1834    if (di == null) {
1835      return null;
1836    }
1838    // Build a new discardString that includes the variable equality
1839    String reason = di.discardString();
1840    if (leader != v) {
1841      reason += " and (" + leader + "==" + v + ")";
1842    }
1844    return new DiscardInfo(imp_inv, DiscardCode.obvious, reason);
1845  }
1847  /**
1848   * If the prototype invariant is true over the specified variables returns DiscardInfo indicating
1849   * that the prototype invariant implies imp_inv. Otherwise returns null.
1850   */
1851  public @Nullable DiscardInfo check_implied(
1852      Invariant imp_inv, VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, @Prototype Invariant proto) {
1854    // If there is no prototype invariant, we can't look for it.  This happens
1855    // if the invariant is not enabled.
1856    if (proto == null) {
1857      return null;
1858    }
1860    // Get the slice and instantiate the possible antecedent over it
1861    PptSlice slice = get_temp_slice(v1, v2);
1862    Invariant antecedent_inv = proto.instantiate(slice);
1863    if (antecedent_inv == null) {
1864      return null;
1865    }
1867    // Permute the antecedent if necessary
1868    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
1869      antecedent_inv = antecedent_inv.permute(permute_swap);
1870    }
1872    // Check to see if the antecedent is true
1873    if (slice.is_inv_true(antecedent_inv)) {
1874      return new DiscardInfo(imp_inv, DiscardCode.obvious, "Implied by " + antecedent_inv.format());
1875    }
1877    return null;
1878  }
1880  public boolean check_implied(DiscardInfo di, VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, @Prototype Invariant proto) {
1882    DiscardInfo di2 = check_implied(di.inv, v1, v2, proto);
1883    if (di2 == null) {
1884      return false;
1885    }
1887    di.add_implied(di2.discardString());
1888    return true;
1889  }
1891  /**
1892   * If the prototype invariant is true over the leader of each specified variables returns
1893   * DiscardInfo indicating that the prototype invariant implies imp_inv. Otherwise returns null.
1894   */
1895  public @Nullable DiscardInfo check_implied_canonical(
1896      Invariant imp_inv, VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, @Prototype Invariant proto) {
1898    VarInfo leader1 = v1.canonicalRep();
1899    VarInfo leader2 = v2.canonicalRep();
1901    DiscardInfo di = check_implied(imp_inv, leader1, leader2, proto);
1902    if (di == null) {
1903      return null;
1904    }
1906    // If the variables match the leader, the current reason is good
1907    if ((leader1 == v1) && (leader2 == v2)) {
1908      return di;
1909    }
1911    // Build a new discardString that includes the variable equality
1912    String reason = di.discardString();
1913    if (leader1 != v1) reason += " and (" + leader1 + "==" + v1 + ")";
1914    if (leader2 != v2) {
1915      reason += " and (" + leader2 + "==" + v2 + ")";
1916    }
1918    return new DiscardInfo(imp_inv, DiscardCode.obvious, reason);
1919  }
1921  public boolean check_implied_canonical(
1922      DiscardInfo di, VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, @Prototype Invariant proto) {
1924    DiscardInfo di2 = check_implied_canonical(di.inv, v1, v2, proto);
1925    if (di2 == null) {
1926      return false;
1927    }
1929    di.add_implied(di2.discardString());
1930    return true;
1931  }
1933  /** Returns whether or not v1 is a subset of v2. */
1934  @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // side effects to local state
1935  @Pure
1936  public boolean is_subset(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
1938    // Find the slice for v1 and v2.  If no slice exists, create it,
1939    // but don't add it to the slices for this ppt.  It only exists
1940    // as a temporary home for the invariant we are looking for below.
1941    PptSlice slice = get_temp_slice(v1, v2);
1943    // Create the invariant we are looking for
1944    Invariant inv = null;
1945    if ((v1.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)) {
1946      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY;
1947      inv = SubSet.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
1948    } else if (v1.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
1949      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY;
1950      inv = SubSetFloat.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
1951    }
1953    if (inv == null) {
1954      return false;
1955    }
1957    // If the varinfos are out of order swap
1958    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
1959      inv = inv.permute(permute_swap);
1960    }
1962    // Look for the invariant
1963    return slice.is_inv_true(inv);
1964  }
1966  /** Returns whether or not v1 is always non-zero. */
1967  @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // caching
1968  @Pure
1969  public boolean is_nonzero(VarInfo v) {
1971    // find the slice for v.  If the slice doesn't exist, the non-zero
1972    // invariant can't exist
1973    PptSlice slice = findSlice(v.canonicalRep());
1974    if (slice == null) {
1975      // System.out.printf("No slice for variable %s [leader %s]%n", v,
1976      //                   v.canonicalRep());
1977      return false;
1978    }
1980    // Get a prototype of the invariant we are looking for
1981    @Prototype Invariant proto = NonZero.get_proto();
1982    if (proto == null) {
1983      return false;
1984    }
1986    Invariant inv = proto.instantiate(slice);
1987    if (inv == null) {
1988      return false;
1989    }
1991    // Debug print the other invariants in this slice.
1992    // if (!slice.is_inv_true(inv)) {
1993    //   System.out.printf("%d invariants for variable %s in ppt %s%n", slice.invs.size(), v,
1994    // name());
1995    //   for (Invariant other_inv : slice.invs) {
1996    //     System.out.printf("Invariant %s in ppt %s%n", other_inv.format(), name());
1997    //   }
1998    // }
2000    return slice.is_inv_true(inv);
2001  }
2003  /**
2004   * Returns whether or not the specified variables are equal (ie, an equality invariant exists
2005   * between them).
2006   */
2007  @Pure
2008  public boolean is_equal(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
2010    // System.out.printf("checking equality on %s and %s%n", v1, v2);
2012    // Check for leaders, not variables
2013    v1 = v1.canonicalRep();
2014    v2 = v2.canonicalRep();
2016    // Find the slice for v1 and v2.  If the slice doesn't exist,
2017    // the variables can't be equal
2018    PptSlice slice = findSlice_unordered(v1, v2);
2019    if (slice == null) {
2020      // System.out.printf("No slide for %s and %s%n", v1, v2);
2021      return false;
2022    }
2024    // Get a prototype of the invariant we are looking for
2025    @Prototype Invariant proto;
2026    if (v1.rep_type.isScalar()) {
2027      assert v2.rep_type.isScalar()
2028          : String.format("v1 %s rep %s, v2 %s rep %s", v1, v1.rep_type, v2, v2.rep_type);
2029      proto = IntEqual.get_proto();
2030    } else if (v1.rep_type.isFloat()) {
2031      assert v2.rep_type.isFloat();
2032      proto = FloatEqual.get_proto();
2033    } else if (v1.rep_type == ProglangType.STRING) {
2034      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.STRING;
2035      proto = StringEqual.get_proto();
2036    } else if ((v1.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)) {
2037      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY;
2038      proto = SeqSeqIntEqual.get_proto();
2039    } else if (v1.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
2040      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY;
2041      proto = SeqSeqFloatEqual.get_proto();
2042    } else if ((v1.rep_type == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY)) {
2043      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY;
2044      proto = SeqSeqStringEqual.get_proto();
2045    } else {
2046      throw new Error("unexpected type " + v1.rep_type);
2047    }
2048    assert proto != null;
2049    assert proto.valid_types(slice.var_infos);
2051    // Return whether or not the invariant is true in the slice
2052    Invariant inv = proto.instantiate(slice);
2053    // System.out.printf("invariant = %s", inv);
2054    if (inv == null) {
2055      return false;
2056    }
2057    return slice.is_inv_true(inv);
2058  }
2060  /**
2061   * Returns true if (v1+v1_shift) &le; (v2+v2_shift) is known to be true. Returns false otherwise.
2062   * Integers only.
2063   */
2064  @Pure
2065  public boolean is_less_equal(VarInfo v1, int v1_shift, VarInfo v2, int v2_shift) {
2067    assert v1.ppt == this;
2068    assert v2.ppt == this;
2069    assert v1.file_rep_type.isIntegral();
2070    assert v2.file_rep_type.isIntegral();
2072    Invariant inv = null;
2073    PptSlice slice = null;
2074    if (v1.varinfo_index <= v2.varinfo_index) {
2075      slice = findSlice(v1, v2);
2076      if (slice != null) {
2077        if (v1_shift <= v2_shift) {
2078          inv = IntLessEqual.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2079        } else if (v1_shift == (v2_shift + 1)) {
2080          inv = IntLessThan.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2081        } else { //  no invariant over v1 and v2 shows ((v1 + 2) <= v2)
2082        }
2083      }
2084    } else {
2085      slice = findSlice(v2, v1);
2086      if (slice != null) {
2087        if (v1_shift <= v2_shift) {
2088          inv = IntGreaterEqual.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2089        } else if (v1_shift == (v2_shift + 1)) {
2090          inv = IntGreaterThan.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2091        } else { //  no invariant over v1 and v2 shows ((v2 + 2) <= v1)
2092        }
2093      }
2094    }
2096    @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // dependent: if inv is non-null, then slice is non-null
2097    boolean found = (inv != null) && slice.is_inv_true(inv);
2098    if (false) {
2099      System.out.printf(
2100          "Looking for %s [%d] <= %s [%d] in ppt %s%n",
2101          v1.name(), v1_shift, v2.name(), v2_shift, this.name());
2102      System.out.printf(
2103          "Searched for invariant %s, found = %b", (inv == null) ? "null" : inv.format(), found);
2104    }
2105    return found;
2106  }
2108  /**
2109   * Returns true if v1 is known to be a subsequence of v2. This is true if the subsequence
2110   * invariant exists or if it it suppressed.
2111   */
2112  @Pure
2113  public boolean is_subsequence(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
2115    // Find the slice for v1 and v2.  If no slice exists, create it,
2116    // but don't add it to the slices for this ppt.  It only exists
2117    // as a temporary home for the invariant we are looking for below.
2118    PptSlice slice = get_temp_slice(v1, v2);
2120    // Create the invariant we are looking for.
2121    Invariant inv = null;
2122    if ((v1.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)) {
2123      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY;
2124      inv = SubSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2125    } else if (v1.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
2126      assert v2.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY;
2127      inv = SubSequenceFloat.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2128    } else {
2129      throw new Error("unexpected type " + v1.rep_type);
2130    }
2132    if (inv == null) {
2133      return false;
2134    }
2136    // If the varinfos are out of order swap
2137    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
2138      inv = inv.permute(permute_swap);
2139    }
2141    return slice.is_inv_true(inv);
2142  }
2144  /** Returns true if varr is empty. Supports ints, doubles, and strings. */
2145  @Pure
2146  public boolean is_empty(VarInfo varr) {
2148    // Find the slice for varr.  If no slice exists, create it, but
2149    // don't add it to the slices for this ppt.  It only exists as a
2150    // temporary home for the invariant we are looking for below.
2151    PptSlice slice = findSlice(varr);
2152    if (slice == null) {
2153      slice = new PptSlice1(this, varr);
2154    }
2156    // Create a one of invariant with an empty array as its only
2157    // value.
2158    Invariant inv = null;
2159    if ((varr.rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)) {
2160      OneOfSequence oos = (OneOfSequence) OneOfSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2161      if (oos != null) {
2162        long[] @Interned [] one_of = new long[] @Interned [] {new long @Interned [0]};
2163        oos.set_one_of_val(one_of);
2164        inv = oos;
2165      }
2166    } else if (varr.rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
2167      OneOfFloatSequence oos =
2168          (OneOfFloatSequence) OneOfFloatSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2169      if (oos != null) {
2170        double[] @Interned [] one_of = new double[] @Interned [] {new double @Interned [0]};
2171        oos.set_one_of_val(one_of);
2172        inv = oos;
2173      }
2174    } else if (varr.rep_type == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY) {
2175      OneOfStringSequence oos =
2176          (OneOfStringSequence) OneOfStringSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
2177      if (oos != null) {
2178        @Interned String[] @Interned [] one_of =
2179            new @Interned String[] @Interned [] {new @Interned String @Interned [0]};
2180        oos.set_one_of_val(one_of);
2181        inv = oos;
2182      }
2183    }
2185    if (inv == null) {
2186      return false;
2187    }
2189    return slice.is_inv_true(inv);
2190  }
2192  /**
2193   * This function creates all the views (and thus candidate invariants), but does not check those
2194   * invariants. We create NO views over static constant variables, but everything else is fair
2195   * game. We don't create views over variables which have a higher (controlling) view. This
2196   * function does NOT cause invariants over the new views to be checked (but it does create
2197   * invariants).
2198   */
2200  // Note that some slightly inefficient code has been added to aid
2201  // in debugging.  When creating binary and ternary views and debugging
2202  // is on, the outer loops will not terminate prematurely on inappropriate
2203  // (i.e., non-canonical) variables.  This allows explicit debug statements
2204  // for each possible combination, simplifying determining why certain
2205  // slices were not created.
2207  public void instantiate_views_and_invariants() {
2209    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2210      debug.fine("instantiate_views_and_invariants for " + name());
2211    }
2213    // used only for debugging
2214    int old_num_vars = var_infos.length;
2215    int old_num_views = views.size();
2216    boolean debug_on = debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
2218    // / 1. all unary views
2220    // Unary slices/invariants.
2221    List<PptSlice> unary_views = new ArrayList<>(var_infos.length);
2222    for (int i = 0; i < var_infos.length; i++) {
2223      VarInfo vi = var_infos[i];
2225      if (Debug.logOn()) {
2226        Debug.log(getClass(), this, Debug.vis(vi), " Instantiate Slice, ok=" + is_slice_ok(vi));
2227      }
2229      // we do not call is_var_ok_unary on vi here because
2230      // is_slice_ok does the same thing
2231      if (!is_slice_ok(vi)) {
2232        continue;
2233      }
2235      // Eventually, add back in this test as "if constant and no
2236      // comparability info exists" then continue.
2237      // if (vi.isStaticConstant()) continue;
2239      PptSlice1 slice1 = new PptSlice1(this, vi);
2240      slice1.instantiate_invariants();
2242      if (Debug.logOn() || debug_on) Debug.log(debug, getClass(), slice1, "Created unary slice");
2243      unary_views.add(slice1);
2244    }
2245    addViews(unary_views);
2246    unary_views = null;
2248    // / 2. all binary views
2250    // Binary slices/invariants.
2251    List<PptSlice> binary_views = new ArrayList<>();
2252    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < var_infos.length; i1++) {
2253      VarInfo var1 = var_infos[i1];
2255      if (!is_var_ok_binary(var1)) {
2256        continue;
2257      }
2259      // Eventually, add back in this test as "if constant and no
2260      // comparability info exists" then continue.
2261      // if (var1.isStaticConstant()) continue;
2263      for (int i2 = i1; i2 < var_infos.length; i2++) {
2264        VarInfo var2 = var_infos[i2];
2266        if (!is_var_ok_binary(var2)) {
2267          continue;
2268        }
2270        // Eventually, add back in this test as "if constant and no
2271        // comparability info exists" then continue.
2272        // if (var2.isStaticConstant()) continue;
2273        if (!is_slice_ok(var1, var2)) {
2274          if (Debug.logOn() || debug_on) {
2275            Debug.log(
2276                debug,
2277                getClass(),
2278                this,
2279                Debug.vis(var1, var2),
2280                "Binary slice not created, is_slice_ok == false");
2281          }
2282          continue;
2283        }
2284        PptSlice2 slice2 = new PptSlice2(this, var1, var2);
2285        if (Debug.logOn() || debug_on) {
2286          Debug.log(debug, getClass(), slice2, "Creating binary slice");
2287        }
2289        slice2.instantiate_invariants();
2290        binary_views.add(slice2);
2291      }
2292    }
2293    addViews(binary_views);
2294    binary_views = null;
2296    // 3. all ternary views
2297    if (Global.debugInfer.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2298      Global.debugInfer.fine("Trying ternary slices for " + this.name());
2299    }
2301    List<PptSlice> ternary_views = new ArrayList<>();
2302    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < var_infos.length; i1++) {
2303      VarInfo var1 = var_infos[i1];
2304      if (!is_var_ok_ternary(var1)) {
2305        continue;
2306      }
2308      // Eventually, add back in this test as "if constant and no
2309      // comparability info exists" then continue.
2310      // if (var1.isStaticConstant()) continue;
2312      for (int i2 = i1; i2 < var_infos.length; i2++) {
2313        VarInfo var2 = var_infos[i2];
2315        if (!is_var_ok_ternary(var2)) {
2316          continue;
2317        }
2319        // Eventually, add back in this test as "if constant and no
2320        // comparability info exists" then continue.
2321        // if (var2.isStaticConstant()) continue;
2323        for (int i3 = i2; i3 < var_infos.length; i3++) {
2325          VarInfo var3 = var_infos[i3];
2327          if (!is_var_ok_ternary(var3)) {
2328            continue;
2329          }
2331          if (!is_slice_ok(var1, var2, var3)) {
2332            continue;
2333          }
2335          PptSlice3 slice3 = new PptSlice3(this, var1, var2, var3);
2336          slice3.instantiate_invariants();
2337          if (Debug.logOn() || debug_on) {
2338            Debug.log(debug, getClass(), slice3, "Created Ternary Slice");
2339          }
2340          ternary_views.add(slice3);
2341        }
2342      }
2343    }
2344    addViews(ternary_views);
2346    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2347      debug.fine(views.size() - old_num_views + " new views for " + name());
2348    }
2350    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2351      debug.fine("Done with instantiate_views_and_invariants");
2352    }
2354    // This method didn't add any new variables.
2355    assert old_num_vars == var_infos.length;
2356    repCheck();
2357  }
2359  /**
2360   * Returns whether the variable should be involved in an unary slice. The variable must be a
2361   * leader, not a constant, and not always missing.
2362   */
2363  @Pure
2364  private boolean is_var_ok_unary(VarInfo var) {
2366    if (DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization && constants == null) {
2367      return false;
2368    }
2370    if (is_constant(var)) {
2371      return false;
2372    }
2374    if (is_missing(var)) {
2375      return false;
2376    }
2378    if (!var.isCanonical()) {
2379      return false;
2380    }
2382    if (PrintInvariants.dkconfig_static_const_infer && var.is_static_constant) {
2383      return false;
2384    }
2386    return true;
2387  }
2389  /**
2390   * Returns whether the variable should be involved in a binary slice. The variable must be a
2391   * leader and not always missing. The function allows early termination when looking at
2392   * combinations of variables for creating slices. For example, if variable x is not suitable for
2393   * binary slices, then we do not need to look at x with any other variable in a binary slice (fail
2394   * fast).
2395   */
2396  @Pure
2397  private boolean is_var_ok_binary(VarInfo var) {
2399    if (DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization && constants == null) {
2400      return false;
2401    }
2403    if (is_missing(var)) {
2404      return false;
2405    }
2407    if (!var.isCanonical()) {
2408      return false;
2409    }
2411    if (PrintInvariants.dkconfig_static_const_infer && var.is_static_constant) {
2412      return false;
2413    }
2415    return true;
2416  }
2418  /**
2419   * Returns whether the variable should be involved in a ternary slice. In addition to the
2420   * requirements of variables in the binary slices, for ternary slices, the variable must be an
2421   * integer or float and must not be an array. The function allows early termination when looking
2422   * at combinations of variables for creating slices. For example, if variable x is not suitable
2423   * for binary slices, then we do not need to look at x with any other variable in a binary slice
2424   * (fail fast).
2425   *
2426   * @see #is_var_ok_binary(VarInfo)
2427   */
2428  @Pure
2429  private boolean is_var_ok_ternary(VarInfo var) {
2430    if (DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization && constants == null) {
2431      return false;
2432    }
2434    if (!is_var_ok_binary(var)) {
2435      return false;
2436    }
2438    // arrays are not allowed in ternary invariants
2439    if (var.rep_type.isArray()) {
2440      return false;
2441    }
2443    // For now, variable must be integral or float
2444    if (!var.file_rep_type.isIntegral() && !var.file_rep_type.isFloat()) {
2445      return false;
2446    }
2448    if (PrintInvariants.dkconfig_static_const_infer && var.is_static_constant) {
2449      return false;
2450    }
2452    return true;
2453  }
2455  /** Returns whether or not the specified slice should be created. */
2456  @Pure
2457  public boolean is_slice_ok(VarInfo[] vis, int arity) {
2458    if (arity == 1) {
2459      return is_slice_ok(vis[0]);
2460    } else if (arity == 2) {
2461      return is_slice_ok(vis[0], vis[1]);
2462    } else {
2463      return is_slice_ok(vis[0], vis[1], vis[2]);
2464    }
2465  }
2467  /**
2468   * Returns whether or not the specified unary slice should be created. The slice should not be
2469   * created if the variable does not meet qualifications for the unary slice.
2470   *
2471   * @see #is_var_ok_unary(VarInfo)
2472   */
2473  @Pure
2474  public boolean is_slice_ok(VarInfo var1) {
2476    return is_var_ok_unary(var1);
2477  }
2479  /**
2480   * Returns whether or not the specified binary slice should be created. The slice should not be
2481   * created if any of the following are true:
2482   *
2483   * <p>- One of the variables does not meet qualifications for the binary slice - Variables are not
2484   * compatible - Both variables are constant.
2485   *
2486   * @see #is_var_ok_binary(VarInfo)
2487   */
2488  @Pure
2489  public boolean is_slice_ok(VarInfo var1, VarInfo var2) {
2491    if (!is_var_ok_binary(var1) || !is_var_ok_binary(var2)) {
2492      return false;
2493    }
2495    // Check to see if the new slice would be over all constants
2496    if (is_constant(var1) && is_constant(var2)) {
2497      return false;
2498    }
2500    if (!(var1.compatible(var2)
2501        || (var1.type.isArray() && var1.eltsCompatible(var2))
2502        || (var2.type.isArray() && var2.eltsCompatible(var1)))) {
2503      // System.out.printf("is_slice_ok(%s, %s): variables not compatible%n",
2504      //                    var1, var2);
2505      return false;
2506    }
2508    // Don't create a slice with the same variables if the equality
2509    // set only contains 1 variable
2510    // This is not turned on for now since suppressions need invariants
2511    // of the form a == a even when a is the only item in the set.
2512    if (false) {
2513      if ((var1 == var2) && (var1.get_equalitySet_size() == 1)) {
2514        return false;
2515      }
2516    }
2518    return true;
2519  }
2521  /**
2522   * Returns whether or not the specified ternary slice should be created by checking the variables'
2523   * qualifications. In addition, The slice should not be created if any of the following are true:
2524   *
2525   * <ul>
2526   *   <li>One of the variables does not meet qualifications for the ternary slice
2527   *   <li>All of the vars are constants
2528   *   <li>Any var is not (integral or float)
2529   *   <li>Each var is the same and its equality set has only two variables
2530   *   <li>Two of the vars are the same and its equality has only one variable. (This last one is
2531   *       currently disabled as x = func(x,y) might still be interesting even if x is the same.)
2532   * </ul>
2533   *
2534   * @see #is_var_ok_ternary(VarInfo)
2535   */
2536  @Pure
2537  public boolean is_slice_ok(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, VarInfo v3) {
2539    Debug dlog = null;
2540    if (Debug.logOn() || debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2541      dlog = new Debug(getClass(), this, Debug.vis(v1, v2, v3));
2542    }
2544    if (!is_var_ok_ternary(v1) || !is_var_ok_ternary(v2) || !is_var_ok_ternary(v3)) {
2545      return false;
2546    }
2548    // At least one variable must not be a constant
2549    if (is_constant(v1) && is_constant(v2) && is_constant(v3)) {
2550      return false;
2551    }
2553    // Vars must be compatible
2554    if (!v1.compatible(v2) || !v1.compatible(v3) || !v2.compatible(v3)) {
2555      if (dlog != null) dlog.log(debug, "Ternary slice not created, vars not compatible");
2556      return false;
2557    }
2559    // Don't create a reflexive slice (all vars the same) if there are
2560    // only two vars in the equality set
2561    if ((v1 == v2) && (v2 == v3) && (v1.get_equalitySet_size() <= 2)) {
2562      return false;
2563    }
2565    // Don't create a partially reflexive slice (two vars the same) if there
2566    // is only one variable in its equality set
2567    if (false) {
2568      if (((v1 == v2) || (v1 == v3)) && (v1.get_equalitySet_size() == 1)) {
2569        return false;
2570      }
2571      if ((v2 == v3) && (v2.get_equalitySet_size() == 1)) {
2572        return false;
2573      }
2574    }
2576    return true;
2577  }
2579  /**
2580   * Determines whether the order of the variables in vis is a valid permutation (i.e., their
2581   * varinfo_index's are ordered). Null elements are ignored (and an all-null list is OK).
2582   */
2583  public boolean vis_order_ok(VarInfo[] vis) {
2585    VarInfo prev = vis[0];
2586    for (int i = 1; i < vis.length; i++) {
2587      if ((prev != null) && (vis[i] != null)) {
2588        if (vis[i].varinfo_index < prev.varinfo_index) {
2589          return false;
2590        }
2591      }
2592      if (vis[i] != null) prev = vis[i];
2593    }
2594    return true;
2595  }
2597  /**
2598   * Return a slice that contains the given VarInfos (creating if needed). It is incumbent on the
2599   * caller that the slice be either filled with one or more invariants, or else removed from the
2600   * views collection.
2601   *
2602   * <p>When the arity of the slice is known, call one of the overloaded definitions of
2603   * get_or_instantiate_slice that takes (one or more) VarInfo arguments; they are more efficient.
2604   *
2605   * @param vis array of VarInfo objects; is not used internally (so the same value can be passed in
2606   *     repeatedly). Can be unsorted.
2607   */
2608  public PptSlice get_or_instantiate_slice(VarInfo[] vis) {
2609    switch (vis.length) {
2610      case 1:
2611        return get_or_instantiate_slice(vis[0]);
2612      case 2:
2613        return get_or_instantiate_slice(vis[0], vis[1]);
2614      case 3:
2615        return get_or_instantiate_slice(vis[0], vis[1], vis[2]);
2616      default:
2617        throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad length = " + vis.length);
2618    }
2619  }
2621  /**
2622   * Return a slice that contains the given VarInfos (creating if needed). It is incumbent on the
2623   * caller that the slice be either filled with one or more invariants, or else removed from the
2624   * views collection.
2625   */
2626  public PptSlice get_or_instantiate_slice(VarInfo vi) {
2627    PptSlice result = findSlice(vi);
2628    if (result != null) {
2629      return result;
2630    }
2632    // We may do inference over static constants
2633    // assert ! vi.isStaticConstant();
2634    result = new PptSlice1(this, vi);
2636    addSlice(result);
2637    return result;
2638  }
2640  /**
2641   * Return a slice that contains the given VarInfos (creating if needed). It is incumbent on the
2642   * caller that the slice be either filled with one or more invariants, or else removed from the
2643   * views collection.
2644   */
2645  public PptSlice get_or_instantiate_slice(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {
2646    VarInfo tmp;
2647    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
2648      tmp = v2;
2649      v2 = v1;
2650      v1 = tmp;
2651    }
2653    PptSlice result = findSlice(v1, v2);
2654    if (result != null) {
2655      return result;
2656    }
2658    // We may do inference over static constants
2659    // assert ! v1.isStaticConstant();
2660    // assert ! v2.isStaticConstant();
2661    result = new PptSlice2(this, v1, v2);
2663    addSlice(result);
2664    return result;
2665  }
2667  /**
2668   * Return a slice that contains the given VarInfos (creating if needed). It is incumbent on the
2669   * caller that the slice be either filled with one or more invariants, or else removed from the
2670   * views collection.
2671   */
2672  public PptSlice get_or_instantiate_slice(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, VarInfo v3) {
2673    VarInfo tmp;
2674    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
2675      tmp = v2;
2676      v2 = v1;
2677      v1 = tmp;
2678    }
2679    if (v2.varinfo_index > v3.varinfo_index) {
2680      tmp = v3;
2681      v3 = v2;
2682      v2 = tmp;
2683    }
2684    if (v1.varinfo_index > v2.varinfo_index) {
2685      tmp = v2;
2686      v2 = v1;
2687      v1 = tmp;
2688    }
2690    PptSlice result = findSlice(v1, v2, v3);
2691    if (result != null) {
2692      return result;
2693    }
2695    // We may do inference over static constants
2696    // assert ! v1.isStaticConstant();
2697    // assert ! v2.isStaticConstant();
2698    // assert ! v3.isStaticConstant();
2699    result = new PptSlice3(this, v1, v2, v3);
2701    addSlice(result);
2702    return result;
2703  }
2705  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2706  /// Creating conditioned views
2707  ///
2709  // This static region can't appear in PptConditional, lest it never get
2710  // called.  PptConditional isn't instantiated unless it needs to be, but
2711  // it doesn't need to be unless we run this static region!
2712  static {
2713    if (!PptSplitter.dkconfig_disable_splitting) {
2714      SplitterList.put(
2715          ".*",
2716          new Splitter[] {
2717            new ReturnTrueSplitter(),
2718          });
2719    }
2720  }
2722  public void addConditions(Splitter[] splits) {
2724    debugConditional.fine(
2725        "Applying "
2726            + StringsPlume.nplural(((splits == null) ? 0 : splits.length), "split")
2727            + " to "
2728            + name());
2730    if ((splits == null) || (splits.length == 0)) {
2731      debugConditional.fine("No splits for " + name());
2732      return;
2733    }
2735    // Create a Conditional ppt for each side of each splitter
2736    splitters = new ArrayList<PptSplitter>(splits.length);
2737    for (int ii = 0; ii < splits.length; ii++) {
2738      PptSplitter ppt_split = new PptSplitter(this, splits[ii]);
2739      if (!ppt_split.splitter_valid()) {
2740        debugConditional.fine(
2741            "Splitter ("
2742                + ((ppt_split.splitter == null) ? "[no class]" : ppt_split.splitter.getClass())
2743                + ") not valid: "
2744                + ppt_split.ppts[0].name);
2745        continue;
2746      }
2747      splitters.add(ppt_split);
2748      if (debugConditional.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2749        debugConditional.fine("Added PptSplitter: " + ppt_split);
2750      }
2751    }
2752  }
2754  @Pure
2755  public static @Nullable LemmaStack getProverStack() {
2756    return proverStack;
2757  }
2759  /**
2760   * Given conditional program points (and invariants detected over them), create implications.
2761   * Configuration variable "pairwise_implications" controls whether all or only the first two
2762   * conditional program points are considered.
2763   */
2764  @SuppressWarnings("nullness:contracts.precondition") // private field
2765  public void addImplications() {
2767    if (PptSplitter.dkconfig_disable_splitting) {
2768      return;
2769    }
2771    // Will this code be a problem at a parent point if one of its children
2772    // has no samples and thus no implications?
2773    if (num_samples() == 0) {
2774      return;
2775    }
2777    // Add implications from each splitter
2778    if (splitters != null) {
2779      for (PptSplitter ppt_split : splitters) {
2780        ppt_split.add_implications();
2781      }
2782    }
2784    // If this is a combined exit point with two individual exits, create
2785    // implications from the two exit points
2786    if (ppt_name.isCombinedExitPoint()) {
2787      // System.out.printf("Considering ppt %s [%d children]%n", name(),
2788      //                   children.size());
2789      List<PptTopLevel> exit_points = new ArrayList<>();
2790      for (PptRelation rel : children) {
2791        if (rel.getRelationType() == PptRelationType.EXIT_EXITNN) exit_points.add(rel.child);
2792      }
2793      // System.out.printf("exit point count = %d%n", exit_points.size());
2794      if (exit_points.size() == 2) {
2795        PptTopLevel ppt1 = exit_points.get(0);
2796        PptTopLevel ppt2 = exit_points.get(1);
2797        PptSplitter ppt_split = new PptSplitter(this, ppt2, ppt1);
2798        ppt_split.add_implications();
2799      }
2800    }
2801  }
2803  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2804  /// Post processing after data trace files are read (but before printing)
2805  ///
2807  /**
2808   * Two things: a) convert Equality invariants into normal IntEqual type for filtering, printing,
2809   * etc. b) Pivot uninteresting parameter VarInfos so that each equality set contains only the
2810   * interesting one.
2811   */
2812  public void postProcessEquality() {
2813    if (debugEqualTo.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2814      debugEqualTo.fine("PostProcessingEquality for: " + this.name());
2815    }
2816    if (num_samples() == 0) {
2817      return;
2818    }
2820    assert equality_view != null : "ppt = " + ppt_name + " children = " + children;
2821    assert equality_view != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): application invariant";
2822    List<Invariant> equalityInvs = equality_view.invs;
2824    // Pivot invariants to new equality leaders if needed, if old
2825    // leaders would prevent printing.
2826    for (Invariant inv : equalityInvs) {
2827      ((Equality) inv).pivot();
2828    }
2830    // Now pivot the other invariants
2831    Collection<PptSlice> slices = viewsAsCollection();
2832    List<PptSlice> pivoted = new ArrayList<>();
2834    // PptSlice newSlice = slice.cloneAndInvs(leader, newLeader);
2836    // Pivot each pptSlice so that each of its VarInfos map back to
2837    // their leaders.
2838    if (debugEqualTo.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2839      debugEqualTo.fine("  Doing cloneAllPivots: ");
2840    }
2841    for (Iterator<PptSlice> iSlices = slices.iterator(); iSlices.hasNext(); ) {
2842      PptSlice slice = iSlices.next();
2843      boolean needPivoting = false;
2844      for (int i = 0; i < slice.arity(); i++) {
2845        if (slice.var_infos[i].canonicalRep() != slice.var_infos[i]) needPivoting = true;
2846      }
2847      if (!needPivoting) {
2848        continue;
2849      }
2850      List<VarInfo> newVis_list = new ArrayList<>(slice.arity());
2851      for (VarInfo vi : slice.var_infos) {
2852        newVis_list.add(vi.canonicalRep());
2853      }
2854      VarInfo[] newVis = newVis_list.toArray(new VarInfo[newVis_list.size()]);
2855      PptSlice newSlice = slice.cloneAndPivot(newVis);
2856      if (slice != newSlice) {
2857        pivoted.add(newSlice);
2858        iSlices.remove(); // Because the key is now wrong
2859      }
2860    }
2862    // Add in the removed slices
2863    for (PptSlice oPivoted : pivoted) {
2864      addSlice(oPivoted); // Make the key right again
2865      if (debugEqualTo.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2866        debugEqualTo.fine("  Readded: " + oPivoted);
2867      }
2868    }
2870    // Add specific equality invariants for each member of the
2871    // equality set
2872    for (Invariant inv : equalityInvs) {
2873      ((Equality) inv).postProcess();
2874    }
2875  }
2877  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2878  /// Locating implied (same) invariants via the Simplify theorem-prover
2879  ///
2881  /**
2882   * Created upon first use, then saved. Do not eagerly initialize, because doing so runs Simplify
2883   * (which crashes if Simplify is not installed).
2884   */
2885  private static @Owning @MonotonicNonNull LemmaStack proverStack = null;
2887  /**
2888   * Interface used by mark_implied_via_simplify to determine what invariants should be considered
2889   * during the logical redundancy tests.
2890   */
2891  public static interface SimplifyInclusionTester {
2892    public boolean include(Invariant inv);
2893  }
2895  /**
2896   * Use the Simplify theorem prover to flag invariants that are logically implied by others.
2897   * Considers only invariants that pass isWorthPrinting.
2898   *
2899   * @param all_ppts all the program points
2900   */
2901  @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // reinitialization if error occurs
2902  public void mark_implied_via_simplify(PptMap all_ppts) {
2903    try {
2904      if (proverStack == null) {
2905        proverStack = new LemmaStack();
2906      }
2907      markImpliedViaSimplify_int(
2908          new SimplifyInclusionTester() {
2909            @Override
2910            public boolean include(Invariant inv) {
2911              return InvariantFilters.defaultFilters().shouldKeep(inv) == null;
2912            }
2913          });
2914    } catch (SimplifyError e) {
2915      if (proverStack != null) {
2916        proverStack.close();
2917      }
2918      proverStack = null;
2919    }
2920  }
2922  /**
2923   * Returns true if there was a problem with Simplify formatting (such as the invariant not having
2924   * a Simplify representation).
2925   */
2926  public static boolean format_simplify_problem(String s) {
2927    return ((s.indexOf("Simplify not implemented") >= 0)
2928        || (s.indexOf("format(OutputFormat:Simplify)") >= 0)
2929        || (s.indexOf("format_simplify") >= 0));
2930  }
2932  /**
2933   * Use the Simplify theorem prover to flag invariants that are logically implied by others. Uses
2934   * the provided test interface to determine if an invariant is within the domain of inspection.
2935   *
2936   * @param test the predicate about whether an invariant is relevant
2937   */
2938  @RequiresNonNull("proverStack")
2939  private void markImpliedViaSimplify_int(SimplifyInclusionTester test) throws SimplifyError {
2940    SessionManager.debugln("Simplify checking " + ppt_name);
2942    // Create the list of invariants from this ppt which are
2943    // expressible in Simplify
2944    Invariant[] invs;
2945    {
2946      // Replace pairwise equality with an equivalence set
2947      List<Invariant> all_noeq = invariants_vector();
2948      Collections.sort(all_noeq, icfp);
2949      List<Invariant> all = InvariantFilters.addEqualityInvariants(all_noeq);
2950      Collections.sort(all, icfp);
2951      List<Invariant> printing = new ArrayList<>();
2952      for (Invariant inv : all) {
2953        if (test.include(inv)) { // think: inv.isWorthPrinting()
2954          String fmt = inv.format_using(OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY);
2955          if (!format_simplify_problem(fmt)) {
2956            // If format_simplify is not defined for this invariant, don't
2957            // confuse Simplify with the error message
2958            printing.add(inv);
2959          }
2960        }
2961      }
2962      invs = printing.toArray(new Invariant[printing.size()]);
2963    }
2965    // For efficiency, bail if we don't have any invariants to mark as implied
2966    if (invs.length == 0) {
2967      return;
2968    }
2970    // Come up with a "desirability" ordering of the printing and
2971    // expressible invariants, so that we can remove the least
2972    // desirable first.  For now just use the ICFP.
2973    Arrays.sort(invs, icfp);
2975    // Debugging
2976    if (Global.debugSimplify.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2977      Global.debugSimplify.fine("Sorted invs:");
2978      for (int i = 0; i < invs.length; i++) {
2979        Global.debugSimplify.fine("    " + invs[i].format());
2980      }
2981      for (int i = 0; i < invs.length - 1; i++) {
2982        int cmp = icfp.compare(invs[i], invs[i + 1]);
2983        Global.debugSimplify.fine("cmp(" + i + "," + (i + 1) + ") = " + cmp);
2984        int rev_cmp = icfp.compare(invs[i + 1], invs[i]);
2985        Global.debugSimplify.fine("cmp(" + (i + 1) + "," + i + ") = " + rev_cmp);
2986        assert rev_cmp >= 0;
2987      }
2988    }
2990    // The below two paragraphs of code (whose end result is to
2991    // compute "background") should be changed to use the VarInfo
2992    // partial ordering to determine background invariants, instead of
2993    // the (now deprecated) controlling_ppts relationship.
2995    // Form the closure of the controllers; each element is a Ppt
2996    Set<PptTopLevel> closure = new LinkedHashSet<>();
2997    {
2998      Set<PptTopLevel> working = new LinkedHashSet<>();
2999      while (!working.isEmpty()) {
3000        PptTopLevel ppt = working.iterator().next();
3001        working.remove(ppt);
3002        closure.add(ppt);
3003      }
3004    }
3006    // Create the conjunction of the closures' invariants to form a
3007    // background environment for the prover.  Ignore implications,
3008    // since in the current scheme, implications came from controlled
3009    // program points, and we don't necessarily want to lose the
3010    // unconditional version of the invariant at the conditional ppt.
3011    for (PptTopLevel ppt : closure) {
3012      List<Invariant> invs_vec = ppt.invariants_vector();
3013      Collections.sort(invs_vec, icfp);
3014      for (Invariant inv : InvariantFilters.addEqualityInvariants(invs_vec)) {
3015        if (inv instanceof Implication) {
3016          continue;
3017        }
3018        if (!test.include(inv)) { // think: !inv.isWorthPrinting()
3019          continue;
3020        }
3021        String fmt = inv.format_using(OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY);
3022        if (format_simplify_problem(fmt)) {
3023          // If format_simplify is not defined for this invariant, don't
3024          // confuse Simplify with the error message
3025          continue;
3026        }
3027        // We could also consider testing if the controlling invariant
3028        // was removed by Simplify, but what would the point be?  Also,
3029        // these "intermediate goals" might help out Simplify.
3030        proverStack.pushLemma(new InvariantLemma(inv));
3032        // If this is the :::OBJECT ppt, also restate all of them in
3033        // orig terms, since the conditions also held upon entry.
3034        if (ppt.ppt_name.isObjectInstanceSynthetic()) {
3035          proverStack.pushLemma(InvariantLemma.makeLemmaAddOrig(inv));
3036        }
3037      }
3038    }
3040    if (proverStack.checkForContradiction() == 'T') {
3041      if (LemmaStack.dkconfig_remove_contradictions) {
3042        System.err.println(
3043            "Warning: " + ppt_name + " background is contradictory, removing some parts");
3044        proverStack.removeContradiction();
3045      } else {
3046        System.err.println("Warning: " + ppt_name + " background is contradictory, giving up");
3047        return;
3048      }
3049    }
3051    int backgroundMark = proverStack.markLevel();
3053    /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ InvariantLemma[] lemmas = new InvariantLemma[invs.length];
3054    for (int i = 0; i < invs.length; i++) {
3055      lemmas[i] = new InvariantLemma(invs[i]);
3056    }
3057    lemmas = castNonNullDeep(lemmas); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
3058    boolean[] present = new boolean[lemmas.length];
3059    Arrays.fill(present, 0, present.length, true);
3060    for (int checking = invs.length - 1; checking >= 0; checking--) {
3061      StringBuilder bg = new StringBuilder("(AND ");
3062      for (int i = 0; i < present.length; i++) {
3063        if (present[i] && (i != checking)) {
3064          bg.append(" ");
3065          // format_using(OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY) is guaranteed to return
3066          // a sensible result for invariants in invs[].
3067          bg.append(invs[i].format_using(OutputFormat.SIMPLIFY));
3068        }
3069      }
3070      bg.append(")");
3072      // Debugging
3073      if (Global.debugSimplify.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3074        SessionManager.debugln("Background:");
3075        for (int i = 0; i < present.length; i++) {
3076          if (present[i] && (i != checking)) {
3077            SessionManager.debugln("    " + invs[i].format());
3078          }
3079        }
3080      }
3081    }
3083    for (int i = 0; i < invs.length; i++) {
3084      proverStack.pushLemma(lemmas[i]);
3085    }
3087    // If the background is necessarily false, we are in big trouble
3088    if (proverStack.checkForContradiction() == 'T') {
3089      // Uncomment to punt on contradictions
3090      if (!LemmaStack.dkconfig_remove_contradictions) {
3091        System.err.println("Warning: " + ppt_name + " invariants are contradictory, giving up");
3092        if (LemmaStack.dkconfig_print_contradictions) {
3093          LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.err, proverStack.minimizeContradiction());
3094        }
3095      }
3096      System.err.println("Warning: " + ppt_name + " invariants are contradictory, axing some");
3097      Map<Lemma, Integer> demerits = new TreeMap<>();
3098      int worstWheel = 0;
3099      do {
3100        // But try to recover anyway
3101        List<Lemma> problems = proverStack.minimizeContradiction();
3102        if (LemmaStack.dkconfig_print_contradictions) {
3103          System.err.println("Minimal set:");
3104          LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.err, proverStack.minimizeContradiction());
3105          System.err.println();
3106        }
3107        if (problems.size() == 0) {
3108          System.err.println("Warning: removal failed, punting");
3109          return;
3110        }
3111        for (Lemma problem : problems) {
3112          if (demerits.containsKey(problem)) {
3113            demerits.put(problem, demerits.get(problem).intValue() + 1);
3114          } else {
3115            demerits.put(problem, 1);
3116          }
3117        }
3118        int max_demerits = -1;
3119        List<Lemma> worst = new ArrayList<>();
3120        for (Map.Entry<@KeyFor("demerits") Lemma, Integer> ent : demerits.entrySet()) {
3121          int value = ent.getValue().intValue();
3122          if (value == max_demerits) {
3123            worst.add(ent.getKey());
3124          } else if (value > max_demerits) {
3125            max_demerits = value;
3126            worst = new ArrayList<Lemma>();
3127            worst.add(ent.getKey());
3128          }
3129        }
3130        int offsetFromEnd = worstWheel % worst.size();
3131        worstWheel = (3 * worstWheel + 1) % 10000019;
3132        int index = worst.size() - 1 - offsetFromEnd;
3133        Lemma bad = worst.get(index);
3134        demerits.remove(bad);
3135        proverStack.popToMark(backgroundMark);
3136        boolean isInvariant = false;
3137        for (int i = 0; i < lemmas.length; i++) {
3138          @SuppressWarnings("interning") // list membership
3139          boolean isBad = (lemmas[i] == bad);
3140          if (isBad) {
3141            present[i] = false;
3142            isInvariant = true;
3143          } else if (present[i]) {
3144            proverStack.pushLemma(lemmas[i]);
3145          }
3146        }
3147        if (!isInvariant) proverStack.removeLemma(bad);
3148        if (LemmaStack.dkconfig_print_contradictions) {
3149          System.err.println("Removing " + bad.summarize());
3150        } else if (Daikon.no_text_output && Daikon.show_progress) {
3151          System.err.print("x");
3152        }
3153      } while (proverStack.checkForContradiction() == 'T');
3154    }
3156    proverStack.popToMark(backgroundMark);
3158    flagRedundantRecursive(lemmas, present, 0, lemmas.length - 1);
3160    proverStack.clear();
3161  }
3163  /**
3164   * Go though an array of invariants, marking those that can be proved as consequences of others as
3165   * redundant.
3166   *
3167   * @param start first index to check, inclusive
3168   * @param end last index to check, inclusive
3169   */
3170  @RequiresNonNull("proverStack")
3171  private void flagRedundantRecursive(
3172      InvariantLemma[] lemmas, boolean[] present, int start, int end) throws SimplifyError {
3173    assert start <= end;
3175    if (start == end) {
3176      // Base case: check a single invariant
3177      int checking = start;
3178      if (proverStack.checkLemma(lemmas[checking]) == 'T') {
3179        //         System.err.println("-------------------------");
3180        //         System.err.println(lemmas[checking].summarize() +
3181        //                            " is redundant because of");
3182        //         LemmaStack.printLemmas(System.err,
3183        //                                proverStack.minimizeProof(lemmas[checking]));
3184        flagRedundant(lemmas[checking].invariant);
3185        present[checking] = false;
3186      }
3187      SessionManager.debugln(
3188          (present[checking] ? "UNIQUE" : "REDUNDANT") + " " + lemmas[checking].summarize());
3189    } else {
3190      // Recursive case: divide and conquer
3191      int first_half_end = (start + end) / 2;
3192      int second_half_start = first_half_end + 1;
3193      int mark = proverStack.markLevel();
3194      // First, assume the first half and check the second half
3195      for (int i = start; i <= first_half_end; i++) {
3196        if (present[i]) proverStack.pushLemma(lemmas[i]);
3197      }
3198      flagRedundantRecursive(lemmas, present, second_half_start, end);
3199      proverStack.popToMark(mark);
3200      // Now, assume what's left of the second half, and check the
3201      // first half.
3202      for (int i = second_half_start; i <= end; i++) {
3203        if (present[i]) proverStack.pushLemma(lemmas[i]);
3204      }
3205      flagRedundantRecursive(lemmas, present, start, first_half_end);
3206      proverStack.popToMark(mark);
3207    }
3208  }
3210  /** Mark an invariant as redundant. */
3211  private void flagRedundant(Invariant inv) {
3212    if (inv instanceof Equality) {
3213      // Equality is not represented with a permanent invariant
3214      // object, so store the canonical variable instead.
3215      redundant_invs_equality.add(((Equality) inv).leader());
3216    } else {
3217      redundant_invs.add(inv);
3218    }
3219  }
3221  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3222  /// Parameter VarInfo processing
3223  ///
3225  /** Cached VarInfos that are parameter variables. */
3226  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
3227  private @MonotonicNonNull Set<VarInfo> paramVars = null;
3229  /** Returns variables in this Ppt that are parameters. */
3230  @Pure
3231  public Set<VarInfo> getParamVars() {
3232    if (paramVars != null) {
3233      return paramVars;
3234    }
3236    paramVars = new LinkedHashSet<VarInfo>();
3237    for (VarInfo var : var_infos) {
3238      if (var.isParam() && !var.isPrestate()) {
3239        paramVars.add(var);
3240      }
3241    }
3242    return paramVars;
3243  }
3245  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3246  /// Printing invariants
3247  ///
3249  /**
3250   * Return a List of all the invariants for the program point. Also consider using views_iterator()
3251   * instead. You can't modify the result of this.
3252   */
3253  public List<Invariant> getInvariants() {
3254    List<Invariant> result = new ArrayList<>();
3255    for (Iterator<Iterator<Invariant>> itor = new ViewsIteratorIterator(this); itor.hasNext(); ) {
3256      for (Iterator<Invariant> itor2 = itor.next(); itor2.hasNext(); ) {
3257        result.add(itor2.next());
3258      }
3259    }
3260    return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
3261  }
3263  /** ArrayList version of {@link #getInvariants()}. */
3264  public List<Invariant> invariants_vector() {
3265    return new ArrayList<Invariant>(getInvariants());
3266  }
3268  /**
3269   * For some clients, this method may be more efficient than getInvariants.
3270   *
3271   * @see #views_iterable()
3272   */
3273  public Iterator<PptSlice> views_iterator() {
3274    // assertion only true when guarding invariants
3275    // assert views.contains(joiner_view);
3276    return viewsAsCollection().iterator();
3277  }
3279  /**
3280   * For some clients, this method may be more efficient than getInvariants.
3281   *
3282   * @see #views_iterator()
3283   */
3284  public Iterable<PptSlice> views_iterable() {
3285    // assertion only true when guarding invariants
3286    // assert views.contains(joiner_view);
3287    return viewsAsCollection();
3288  }
3290  /** Iterate over all of the invariants at this ppt (but not any implications). */
3291  public Iterator<Invariant> invariants_iterator() {
3292    return new CollectionsPlume.MergedIterator<Invariant>(views_iterator_iterator());
3293  }
3295  /** An iterator whose elements are themselves iterators that return invariants. */
3296  private Iterator<Iterator<Invariant>> views_iterator_iterator() {
3297    return new ViewsIteratorIterator(this);
3298  }
3300  /** An iterator whose elements are themselves iterators that return invariants. */
3301  public static final class ViewsIteratorIterator implements Iterator<Iterator<Invariant>> {
3302    Iterator<PptSlice> vitor;
3303    @Nullable Iterator<Invariant> implication_iterator;
3305    public ViewsIteratorIterator(PptTopLevel ppt) {
3306      vitor = ppt.views_iterator();
3307      implication_iterator = ppt.joiner_view.invs.iterator();
3308    }
3310    @Override
3311    public boolean hasNext(@GuardSatisfied ViewsIteratorIterator this) {
3312      return vitor.hasNext() || (implication_iterator != null);
3313    }
3315    @Override
3316    public Iterator<Invariant> next(@GuardSatisfied ViewsIteratorIterator this) {
3317      if (vitor.hasNext()) {
3318        return vitor.next().invs.iterator();
3319      } else {
3320        if (implication_iterator == null) {
3321          throw new NoSuchElementException();
3322        }
3323        Iterator<Invariant> tmp = implication_iterator;
3324        implication_iterator = null;
3325        return tmp;
3326      }
3327    }
3329    @Override
3330    public void remove(@GuardSatisfied ViewsIteratorIterator this) {
3331      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3332    }
3333  }
3335  /**
3336   * Simplify the names of variables before printing them. For example, "orig(a[post(i)])" might
3337   * change into "orig(a[i+1])". We might want to switch off this behavior, depending on various
3338   * heuristics. We'll have to try it and see which output we like best. In any case, we have to do
3339   * this for ESC output, since ESC doesn't have anything like post().
3340   */
3341  public void simplify_variable_names() {
3342    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
3343      // String original = vi.name();
3344      vi.simplify_expression();
3345      // if (!original.equals (vi.name()))
3346      //   System.out.printf("modified var from %s to %s%n", original,
3347      //                      vi.name());
3348    }
3349  }
3351  public static final Comparator<Invariant> icfp = new Invariant.InvariantComparatorForPrinting();
3353  static Comparator<PptSlice> arityVarnameComparator = new PptSlice.ArityVarnameComparator();
3355  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3356  ///// Invariant guarding
3358  //   /** This function guards all of the invariants in a PptTopLevel */
3359  //   public void guardInvariants() {
3360  //     // To avoid concurrent modification exceptions using arrays
3361  //     Object[] viewArray = viewsAsCollection().toArray();
3362  //     for (int i = 0; i < viewArray.length; i++) {
3363  //       PptSlice currentView = (PptSlice) viewArray[i];
3364  //       currentView.guardInvariants(true);
3365  //     }
3366  //
3367  //     // Commented this code out because conditional views are not slices.
3368  //     // It is not clear what this is trying to accomplish
3369  //     //     Object viewCondArray[] = views_cond.toArray();
3370  //     //     for (int i = 0; i < viewCondArray.length; i++) {
3371  //     //       PptSlice currentCondView = (PptSlice)viewCondArray[i];
3372  //     //       currentCondView.guardInvariants();
3373  //     //     }
3374  //     // This is a version changed to use the new conditional ppt iterator.
3375  //     // But the elements are still not slices!
3376  //     //     for (Iterator<PptSlice> i = cond_iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3377  //     //       PptSlice currentCondView = i.next();
3378  //     //       currentCondView.guardInvariants();
3379  //     //     }
3380  //
3381  //     // System.out.println("Ppt name: " + name());
3382  //     // System.out.println("Number of invs in joiner_view: " + joiner_view.invs.size());
3383  //   }
3385  /** Remove invariants that are marked for omission in omitTypes. */
3386  public void processOmissions(boolean[] omitTypes) {
3387    // Avoid concurrent modification exceptions using arrays
3388    Collection<PptSlice> viewsAsCollection = viewsAsCollection();
3389    PptSlice[] viewArray = viewsAsCollection.toArray(new PptSlice[viewsAsCollection.size()]);
3390    for (PptSlice currentView : viewArray) {
3391      currentView.processOmissions(omitTypes);
3392    }
3393    for (PptConditional currentCondView : cond_iterable()) {
3394      currentCondView.processOmissions(omitTypes);
3395    }
3396  }
3398  /** Check the rep invariants of this. Throw an Error if not okay. */
3399  public void repCheck() {
3400    // System.out.printf("repCheck of %s%n", name());
3401    // Check that the hashing of 'views' is working correctly. This
3402    // should really be beneath the abstraction layer of the hash
3403    // table, but it isn't because Java can't enforce the immutability
3404    // of the keys. In particular, we got into trouble in the past
3405    // when the keys had pointers to VarInfos which themselves
3406    // indirectly pointed back to us. If the serializer found the
3407    // VarInfo before it found us, the VarInfo would be in-progress at
3408    // the time the HashMap was serialized. At the point when When the
3409    // PptTopLevel was unserialized, the VarInfo pointers in the keys
3410    // would be null, causing them to have a different hashCode than
3411    // they should. When the VarInfo was fully unserialized, the key's
3412    // hashCode then changed to the correct one, messing up the
3413    // indexing in a hard-to-debug way. -SMcC
3414    for (List<Integer> this_key : views.keySet()) {
3415      assert views.containsKey(this_key);
3416    }
3418    // System.out.printf("equality for %s = %s%n", this, equality_view);
3420    // We could check a lot more than just that slices are okay.  For
3421    // example, we could ensure that flow graph is correct.
3422    for (PptSlice slice : viewsAsCollection()) {
3423      slice.repCheck();
3424    }
3425    if (equality_view != null) {
3426      equality_view.repCheck();
3427    }
3429    // This should only be true while processing the hierarchy.  Normally
3430    // repcheck isn't called there.
3431    assert in_merge == false : this;
3433    // check variables for some possible errors
3434    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
3435      vi.var_check();
3436    }
3437  }
3439  /** Debug method to display all slices. */
3440  public String debugSlices() {
3441    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
3442    result.append("Slices for: " + this.ppt_name);
3443    for (PptSlice slice : viewsAsCollection()) {
3444      result.append(Global.lineSep + slice.toString());
3445    }
3446    return result.toString();
3447  }
3449  /** Debug method to print children (in the partial order) recursively. */
3450  public void debug_print_tree(Logger l, int indent, @Nullable PptRelation parent_rel) {
3452    // Calculate the indentation
3453    String indent_str = "";
3454    for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
3455      indent_str += "--  ";
3456    }
3458    // Get the type of the parent relation
3459    String rel_type = "";
3460    if (parent_rel != null) {
3461      rel_type = parent_rel.getRelationType().toString();
3462    }
3464    // Calculate the variable relationships
3465    String var_rel = "[]";
3466    if (parent_rel != null) {
3467      var_rel = "[" + parent_rel.parent_to_child_var_string() + "]";
3468    }
3470    // Put out this item
3471    l.fine(
3472        String.format(
3473            // Version that outputs the hash code too:
3474            // "%s %s [%s]: %s: %d: %s",
3475            // indent_str, ppt_name, System.identityHashCode(this), rel_type, num_samples(),
3476            // var_rel));
3477            "%s %s: %s: %d: %s", indent_str, ppt_name, rel_type, num_samples(), var_rel));
3479    // Put out each slice.
3480    if (false) {
3481      for (Iterator<PptSlice> i = views_iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3482        PptSlice cslice = i.next();
3483        l.fine(indent_str + "++ " + cslice);
3484        for (VarInfo vi : cslice.var_infos) {
3485          assert vi.isCanonical() : vi;
3486        }
3487      }
3488    }
3490    // Put out children if this is the primary relationship.  Limiting
3491    // this to primary relations simplifies the tree for viewing while
3492    // not leaving anything out.
3493    if ((parent_rel == null) || parent_rel.is_primary() || (Daikon.ppt_regexp != null)) {
3494      for (Iterator<PptRelation> i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3495        i.next().debug_print_tree(l, indent + 1);
3496      }
3497    }
3498  }
3500  /**
3501   * Returns a string version of all of the equality sets for this ppt. The string is of the form
3502   * [a,b], [c,d] where a,b and c,d are each in an equality set. Should be used only for debugging.
3503   */
3504  public String equality_sets_txt() {
3506    if (equality_view == null) {
3507      return "null";
3508    }
3510    StringJoiner out = new StringJoiner(", ");
3511    for (Invariant inv : equality_view.invs) {
3512      Equality e = (Equality) inv;
3513      Set<VarInfo> vars = e.getVars();
3514      StringJoiner set_str = new StringJoiner(",");
3515      for (VarInfo v : vars) {
3516        String name = v.name();
3517        if (v.missingOutOfBounds()) name += "{MOB}";
3518        set_str.add(name);
3519      }
3520      out.add("[" + set_str + "]");
3521    }
3523    return out.toString();
3524  }
3526  /** Returns whether or not the specified variable in this ppt has any parents. */
3527  public boolean has_parent(VarInfo v) {
3529    for (PptRelation rel : parents) {
3530      if (rel.parentVar(v) != null) {
3531        return true;
3532      }
3533    }
3535    return false;
3536  }
3538  /**
3539   * Recursively merge invariants from children to create an invariant list at this ppt.
3540   *
3541   * <p>First, equality sets are created for this ppt. These are the intersection of the equality
3542   * sets from each child. Then create unary, binary, and ternary slices for each combination of
3543   * equality sets and build the invariants for each slice.
3544   */
3545  public void mergeInvs() {
3547    if (Daikon.debugProgress.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
3548      // String hashCode = String.format(" [%s]", System.identityHashCode(this));
3549      String hashCode = "";
3550      Daikon.debugProgress.finer(
3551          String.format(
3552              "Merging ppt %s%s with %d children, %d parents, %d variables",
3553              name, hashCode, children.size(), parents.size(), var_infos.length));
3554    }
3556    // If we don't have any children, there is nothing to do.
3557    if (children.size() == 0) {
3558      assert equality_view != null : "children.size() == 0 and equality_view == null for " + this;
3559      return;
3560    }
3562    // If this has already been done (because this ppt has multiple parents)
3563    // there is nothing to do.
3564    if (invariants_merged) {
3565      assert equality_view != null : this;
3566      return;
3567    }
3569    in_merge = true;
3571    // First do this for any children.
3572    for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3573      // System.out.printf("merging child %s[%s], its in_merge = %b%n",
3574      //                   rel.child, System.identityHashCode(rel.child),
3575      //                   rel.child.in_merge);
3576      if (!rel.child.in_merge) {
3577        rel.child.mergeInvs();
3578      }
3579    }
3581    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3582      debugMerge.fine("Processing ppt " + name());
3583    }
3585    long startTime = System.nanoTime();
3586    if (debugTimeMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3587      if (children.size() == 1) {
3588        debugTimeMerge.fine(
3589            "Timing merge of 1 child (" + children.get(0).child.name + " under ppt " + name);
3590      } else {
3591        debugTimeMerge.fine("Timing merge of " + children.size() + " children under ppt " + name);
3592      }
3593    }
3595    // Number of samples here is the sum of all of the child samples, presuming
3596    // there are some variable relationships with the child (note that
3597    // some ppt relationships such as constructor ENTER ppts to their
3598    // object ppts do not have any variable relationships).
3599    for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3600      if (rel.size() > 0) {
3601        values_num_samples += rel.child.values_num_samples;
3602      }
3603    }
3605    // Merge any always missing variables from the children
3606    if (DynamicConstants.dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization) {
3607      assert constants == null : this;
3608      constants = new DynamicConstants(this);
3609      constants.merge();
3610    }
3612    // Merge the ModBitTracker.
3613    // We'll reuse one dummy ValueTuple throughout, side-effecting its mods
3614    // array.
3615    if (false) {
3616      System.out.printf("in ppt %s%n", name());
3617      System.out.printf("  num_tracevars = %d%n", num_tracevars);
3618      System.out.printf("  mbtracker.num_vars() = %d%n", mbtracker.num_vars());
3619      for (int ii = 0; ii < var_infos.length; ii++) {
3620        System.out.printf(
3621            "    Variable %s, index = %d%n", var_infos[ii], var_infos[ii].value_index);
3622      }
3623    }
3624    int num_tracevars = mbtracker.num_vars();
3625    // warning: shadows field of same name
3626    @Nullable Object[] vals = new Object[num_tracevars];
3627    int[] mods = new int[num_tracevars];
3628    ValueTuple vt = ValueTuple.makeUninterned(vals, mods);
3629    for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3630      ModBitTracker child_mbtracker = rel.child.mbtracker;
3631      int child_mbsize = child_mbtracker.num_samples();
3632      // System.out.println("mergeInvs child #" + children.indexOf(rel) + "=" + rel.child.name() + "
3633      // has size " + child_mbsize + " for " + name());
3634      for (int sampno = 0; sampno < child_mbsize; sampno++) {
3635        Arrays.fill(mods, ValueTuple.MISSING_FLOW);
3636        for (int j = 0; j < var_infos.length; j++) {
3637          VarInfo parent_vi = var_infos[j];
3638          VarInfo child_vi = rel.childVar(parent_vi);
3639          if ((child_vi != null) && (child_vi.value_index != -1)) {
3640            if (child_mbtracker.get(child_vi.value_index, sampno)) {
3641              mods[parent_vi.value_index] = ValueTuple.MODIFIED;
3642            }
3643          }
3644        }
3645        mbtracker.add(vt, 1);
3646      }
3647    }
3649    // Merge the ValueSets.
3650    for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3652      for (int j = 0; j < var_infos.length; j++) {
3653        VarInfo parent_vi = var_infos[j];
3654        VarInfo child_vi = rel.childVar(parent_vi);
3655        if (child_vi != null) {
3656          assert parent_vi.ppt == this;
3657          if (parent_vi.value_index == -1) {
3658            continue;
3659          }
3660          ValueSet parent_vs = value_sets[parent_vi.value_index];
3661          ValueSet child_vs = rel.child.value_sets[child_vi.value_index];
3662          parent_vs.add(child_vs);
3663        }
3664      }
3665    }
3667    // Merge information stored in the VarInfo objects themselves.
3668    // Currently just the "canBeMissing" field, which is needed by
3669    // guarding, and the flag that marks missing-out-of-bounds
3670    // derived variables
3671    for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3672      // This approach doesn't work correctly for the OBJECT_USER
3673      // relation case, because obj.field could be missing in a user PPT
3674      // when obj is null, but shouldn't be missing in the OBJECT PPT,
3675      // since "this" is always present for object invariants.
3676      // For the moment, just punt on this case, to match the previous
3677      // behavior.
3678      if (rel.getRelationType() == PptRelationType.USER) {
3679        continue;
3680      }
3681      for (int j = 0; j < var_infos.length; j++) {
3682        VarInfo parent_vi = var_infos[j];
3683        VarInfo child_vi = rel.childVar(parent_vi);
3684        if (child_vi != null) {
3685          parent_vi.canBeMissing |= child_vi.canBeMissing;
3686          if (parent_vi.derived != null && child_vi.derived != null) {
3687            parent_vi.derived.missing_array_bounds |= child_vi.derived.missing_array_bounds;
3688          }
3689        }
3690      }
3691    }
3693    // Create the (empty) equality view for this ppt
3694    assert (equality_view == null) : name() + ": " + equality_view;
3695    equality_view = new PptSliceEquality(this);
3697    // Get all of the binary relationships from the first child's
3698    // equality sets.
3699    Map<VarInfo.Pair, VarInfo.Pair> equalityPairs = null; // a set of pairs, represented as a map
3700    int first_child = 0; // the index of the first child with num_samples() > 0
3701    for (first_child = 0; first_child < children.size(); first_child++) {
3702      PptRelation c1 = children.get(first_child);
3703      debugMerge.fine("looking at " + c1.child.name() + " " + c1.child.num_samples());
3704      if (c1.child.num_samples() > 0) {
3705        // System.out.printf("First child equality set: %s%n",
3706        //                     c1.child.equality_view);
3707        equalityPairs = c1.get_child_equalities_as_parent();
3708        if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3709          debugMerge.fine("Found equality pairs via " + c1);
3710          for (VarInfo.Pair vp : equalityPairs.keySet()) {
3711            debugMerge.fine("-- " + vp);
3712          }
3713        }
3714        break;
3715      }
3716    }
3717    if (equalityPairs == null) {
3718      equality_view.instantiate_invariants();
3719      invariants_merged = true;
3720      in_merge = false;
3721      return;
3722    }
3724    // Loop through the remaining children, intersecting the equal
3725    // variables and incrementing the sample count as we go.
3726    for (int i = first_child + 1; i < children.size(); i++) {
3727      PptRelation rel = children.get(i);
3728      if (rel.child.num_samples() == 0) {
3729        continue;
3730      }
3731      Map<VarInfo.Pair, VarInfo.Pair> eq_new = rel.get_child_equalities_as_parent();
3732      // Cannot use foreach loop, due to desire to remove from equalityPairs.
3733      for (Iterator<VarInfo.@KeyFor("equalityPairs") Pair> j = equalityPairs.keySet().iterator();
3734          j.hasNext(); ) {
3735        VarInfo.Pair curpair = j.next();
3736        VarInfo.Pair newpair = eq_new.get(curpair);
3737        if (newpair == null) {
3738          // Equivalent to equalityPairs.remove(...), but that could throw a
3739          // ConcurrentModificationException, so must remove via the iterator.
3740          j.remove();
3741        } else {
3742          curpair.samples += newpair.samples;
3743        }
3744      }
3745    }
3747    // Build actual equality sets that match the pairs we found
3748    Set<VarInfo.Pair> equalityPairs_keySet = equalityPairs.keySet();
3749    equality_view.instantiate_from_pairs(equalityPairs_keySet);
3750    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3751      debugMerge.fine("Built equality sets ");
3752      for (Invariant inv : equality_view.invs) {
3753        Equality e = (Equality) inv;
3754        debugMerge.fine("-- " + e.shortString());
3755      }
3756    }
3758    // System.out.printf("New equality set = %s%n", equality_view);
3760    if (debugTimeMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3761      long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
3762      debugTimeMerge.fine(
3763          "    equality sets etc time = " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(duration) + "s");
3764      startTime = System.nanoTime();
3765    }
3767    // Merge the invariants
3768    if (children.size() == 1) {
3769      merge_invs_one_child();
3770    } else {
3771      merge_invs_multiple_children();
3772    }
3774    if (debugTimeMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3775      long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
3776      debugTimeMerge.fine(
3777          "    merge invariants time = " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(duration) + "s");
3778      startTime = System.nanoTime();
3779    }
3781    // Merge the conditionals
3782    merge_conditionals();
3783    if (debugTimeMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3784      long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
3785      debugTimeMerge.fine(
3786          "    conditionals time = " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(duration) + "s");
3787    }
3789    // Mark this ppt as merged, so we don't process it multiple times
3790    invariants_merged = true;
3791    in_merge = false;
3793    // Remove any child invariants that now exist here
3794    if (dkconfig_remove_merged_invs) {
3795      for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3796        rel.child.remove_child_invs(rel);
3797      }
3798    }
3799    if (debugTimeMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3800      long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
3801      debugTimeMerge.fine(
3802          "    removing child invs time = " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(duration) + "s");
3803    }
3805    // Remove the relations since we don't need it anymore
3806    if (dkconfig_remove_merged_invs) {
3807      for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3808        rel.child.parents.remove(rel);
3809      }
3810      children = new ArrayList<PptRelation>(0);
3811    }
3812  }
3814  /**
3815   * Merges the invariants from multiple children. NI suppression is handled by first creating all
3816   * of the suppressed invariants in each of the children, performing the merge, and then removing
3817   * them.
3818   */
3819  @SuppressWarnings("nullness:contracts.precondition") // private field
3820  @RequiresNonNull("equality_view")
3821  public void merge_invs_multiple_children() {
3823    // Debug print ppt and children
3824    if (false) {
3825      System.out.printf("Merging invariants for ppt %s%n", this);
3826      for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3827        System.out.printf("child: %s%n", rel);
3828      }
3829    }
3831    // There shouldn't be any slices when we start
3832    assert views.size() == 0;
3834    // Create an array of leaders to build slices over
3835    List<VarInfo> non_missing_leaders = new ArrayList<>(equality_view.invs.size());
3836    for (Invariant inv : equality_view.invs) {
3837      VarInfo l = ((Equality) inv).leader();
3838      if (l.missingOutOfBounds()) {
3839        continue;
3840      }
3841      if (constants != null && constants.is_missing(l)) {
3842        // System.out.printf("skipping leader %s in ppt %s, always missing%n",
3843        //                   l, name());
3844        continue;
3845      }
3846      non_missing_leaders.add(l);
3847    }
3848    VarInfo[] leaders = non_missing_leaders.toArray(new VarInfo[non_missing_leaders.size()]);
3850    // Create any invariants in the children which are NI-suppressed and
3851    // remember the list for each child.  The same ppt can be a child
3852    // more than once (with different variable relations), but we only
3853    // need to created the suppressed invariants once.
3854    Map<PptTopLevel, List<Invariant>> suppressed_invs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
3855    for (PptRelation rel : children) {
3856      PptTopLevel child = rel.child;
3857      if (child.num_samples() == 0) {
3858        continue;
3859      }
3860      if (suppressed_invs.get(child) != null) {
3861        continue;
3862      }
3863      suppressed_invs.put(child, NIS.create_suppressed_invs(child));
3864    }
3866    // Create unary views and related invariants
3867    List<PptSlice> unary_slices = new ArrayList<>();
3868    for (int i = 0; i < leaders.length; i++) {
3869      PptSlice1 slice1 = new PptSlice1(this, leaders[i]);
3870      slice1.merge_invariants();
3871      unary_slices.add(slice1);
3872    }
3873    addSlices(unary_slices);
3874    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3875      debug_print_slice_info(debugMerge, "unary", unary_slices);
3876    }
3878    // Create binary views and related invariants
3879    List<PptSlice> binary_slices = new ArrayList<>();
3880    for (int i = 0; i < leaders.length; i++) {
3881      for (int j = i; j < leaders.length; j++) {
3882        if (!is_slice_ok(leaders[i], leaders[j])) {
3883          continue;
3884        }
3885        PptSlice2 slice2 = new PptSlice2(this, leaders[i], leaders[j]);
3887        slice2.merge_invariants();
3888        if (slice2.invs.size() > 0) binary_slices.add(slice2);
3889      }
3890    }
3891    addSlices(binary_slices);
3892    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3893      debug_print_slice_info(debugMerge, "binary", binary_slices);
3894    }
3896    // Create ternary views and related invariants.  Since there
3897    // are no ternary array invariants, those slices don't need to
3898    // be created.
3899    List<PptSlice> ternary_slices = new ArrayList<>();
3900    for (int i = 0; i < leaders.length; i++) {
3901      if (leaders[i].rep_type.isArray()) {
3902        continue;
3903      }
3904      for (int j = i; j < leaders.length; j++) {
3905        if (leaders[j].rep_type.isArray()) {
3906          continue;
3907        }
3908        if (!leaders[i].compatible(leaders[j])) {
3909          continue;
3910        }
3911        for (int k = j; k < leaders.length; k++) {
3912          if (!is_slice_ok(leaders[i], leaders[j], leaders[k])) {
3913            continue;
3914          }
3915          PptSlice3 slice3 = new PptSlice3(this, leaders[i], leaders[j], leaders[k]);
3917          slice3.merge_invariants();
3919          if (slice3.invs.size() > 0) ternary_slices.add(slice3);
3920        }
3921      }
3922    }
3923    addSlices(ternary_slices);
3924    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3925      debug_print_slice_info(debugMerge, "ternary", ternary_slices);
3926    }
3928    // Remove any merged invariants that are suppressed
3929    NIS.remove_suppressed_invs(this);
3931    // Remove the NI suppressed invariants in the children that we
3932    // previously created
3933    for (Map.Entry<@KeyFor("suppressed_invs") PptTopLevel, List<Invariant>> entry :
3934        suppressed_invs.entrySet()) {
3935      PptTopLevel child = entry.getKey();
3936      List<Invariant> suppressed_list = entry.getValue();
3937      child.remove_invs(suppressed_list);
3938    }
3939  }
3941  /**
3942   * Merges one child. Since there is only one child, the merge is trivial (each invariant can be
3943   * just copied to the parent).
3944   */
3945  public void merge_invs_one_child() {
3947    assert views.size() == 0;
3948    assert children.size() == 1;
3950    PptRelation rel = children.get(0);
3952    // Loop through each slice
3953    for (Iterator<PptSlice> i = rel.child.views_iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3954      PptSlice cslice = i.next();
3956      // System.out.printf("Processing slice %s%n", cslice);
3958      // Matching parent variable info.  Skip this slice if there isn't a
3959      // match for each variable (such as with an enter-exit relation).
3960      VarInfo[] pvis = parent_vis(rel, cslice);
3961      if (pvis == null) {
3962        continue;
3963      }
3964      VarInfo[] pvis_sorted = pvis.clone();
3965      Arrays.sort(pvis_sorted, VarInfo.IndexComparator.getInstance());
3967      // Create the parent slice
3968      PptSlice pslice;
3969      if (pvis.length == 1) {
3970        pslice = new PptSlice1(this, pvis_sorted[0]);
3971      } else if (pvis.length == 2) {
3972        pslice = new PptSlice2(this, pvis_sorted[0], pvis_sorted[1]);
3973      } else {
3974        pslice = new PptSlice3(this, pvis_sorted[0], pvis_sorted[1], pvis_sorted[2]);
3975      }
3976      addSlice(pslice);
3978      // Build the permute from the child to the parent slice
3979      int[] permute = build_permute(pvis, pvis_sorted);
3981      // Copy each child invariant to the parent
3982      for (Invariant child_inv : cslice.invs) {
3983        Invariant parent_inv = child_inv.clone_and_permute(permute);
3984        parent_inv.ppt = pslice;
3985        pslice.invs.add(parent_inv);
3986        if (Debug.logOn()) {
3987          parent_inv.log("Added %s to %s", parent_inv.format(), pslice);
3988        }
3989      }
3990    }
3991  }
3993  /**
3994   * Creates a list of parent variables (i.e., variables at the parent program point) that matches
3995   * slice. Returns null if any of the variables don't have a corresponding parent variables.
3996   *
3997   * <p>The corresponding parent variable can match ANY of the members of an equality set. For
3998   * example, suppose that the child is EXIT with variable A, with equality set members {A,
3999   * orig(A)}; and suppose that this child is matched against ENTER. A does not have a relation
4000   * (since it is a post value), but orig(A) does have a relation.
4001   *
4002   * <p>Note that there are cases where this is not exactly correct. If you wanted to get all of the
4003   * invariants over A where A is an equality set with B, and A and B were in different equality
4004   * sets at the parent, the invariants true at A in the child are the union of those true at A and
4005   * B at the parent.
4006   */
4007  public VarInfo @Nullable [] parent_vis(PptRelation rel, PptSlice slice) {
4009    /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ VarInfo[] pvis = new VarInfo[slice.var_infos.length];
4010    for (int j = 0; j < slice.var_infos.length; j++) {
4011      VarInfo sliceVar = slice.var_infos[j];
4012      VarInfo cv = null; // child variable: a variable equal to sliceVar that has a parent
4013      VarInfo pv = null; // parent variable: cv's parent
4014      for (Iterator<VarInfo> k = sliceVar.equalitySet.getVars().iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
4015        cv = k.next();
4016        pv = rel.parentVar(cv);
4017        if (pv != null) {
4018          break;
4019        }
4020      }
4021      if (pv == null) {
4022        return null;
4023      }
4024      assert cv != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): if pv is non-null, cv must be non-null";
4026      // Make sure that the parent equality set is a subset of the child equality set.
4027      boolean assert_enabled = false;
4028      assert (assert_enabled = true);
4029      if (assert_enabled) {
4030        for (VarInfo test_pv : pv.equalitySet.getVars()) {
4031          @SuppressWarnings("nullness")
4032          @NonNull VarInfo test_cv = rel.childVar(test_pv);
4033          if (test_cv.canonicalRep() != cv.canonicalRep()) {
4034            System.out.println("pv.equalitySet = " + pv.equalitySet);
4035            System.out.println("cv.equalitySet = " + cv.equalitySet);
4036            throw new Error(
4037                "parent variable "
4038                    + test_pv
4039                    + " child "
4040                    + test_cv
4041                    + " is not in the same child equality set as "
4042                    + cv);
4043          }
4044        }
4045      }
4046      if (!pv.isCanonical()) {
4047        pv = pv.canonicalRep();
4048      }
4049      pvis[j] = pv;
4051      // assert !pv.missingOutOfBounds();
4052    }
4053    pvis = castNonNullDeep(pvis); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
4054    return pvis;
4055  }
4057  /**
4058   * Merges the conditionals from the children of this ppt to this ppt. Only conditionals that exist
4059   * at each child and whose splitting condition is valid here can be merged.
4060   */
4061  public void merge_conditionals() {
4063    debugConditional.fine("attempting merge conditional for " + name());
4065    // If there are no children, there is nothing to do
4066    if (children.size() == 0) {
4067      return;
4068    }
4070    // If there are no splitters there is nothing to do
4071    if (!has_splitters()) {
4072      return;
4073    }
4075    if (debugConditional.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
4076      debugConditional.fine("Merge conditional for " + name());
4077      for (PptRelation rel : children) {
4078        debugConditional.fine("child: " + rel);
4079      }
4080    }
4082    // Merge the conditional points
4083    for (PptConditional ppt_cond : cond_iterable()) {
4084      if (debugConditional.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
4085        debugConditional.fine("Merge invariants for conditional " + ppt_cond.name());
4086        for (PptRelation rel : ppt_cond.children) {
4087          debugConditional.fine("child relation: " + rel);
4088          debugConditional.fine("child equality set = " + rel.child.equality_sets_txt());
4089        }
4090      }
4091      ppt_cond.mergeInvs();
4092      debugConditional.fine("After merge, equality set = " + ppt_cond.equality_sets_txt());
4093    }
4094  }
4096  /**
4097   * Cleans up the ppt so that its invariants can be merged from other ppts. Not normally necessary
4098   * unless the merge is taking place over multiple ppts maps based on different data. This allows a
4099   * ppt to have its invariants recalculated.
4100   */
4101  @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // reinitialization
4102  public void clean_for_merge() {
4103    equality_view = null;
4104    for (int i = 0; i < var_infos.length; i++) {
4105      var_infos[i].equalitySet = null;
4106    }
4107    views = new HashMap<>();
4108    // parents = new ArrayList();
4109    // children = new ArrayList();
4110    invariants_merged = false;
4111    in_merge = false;
4112    constants = null;
4113    mbtracker = new ModBitTracker(mbtracker.num_vars());
4114    remove_implications();
4115    values_num_samples = 0;
4116  }
4118  /**
4119   * Remove the equality invariants added during equality post processing. These are not over
4120   * leaders and can cause problems in some uses of the ppt. In particular, they cause problems
4121   * during merging.
4122   */
4123  public void remove_equality_invariants() {
4125    List<PptSlice> slices_to_remove = new ArrayList<>();
4126    for (PptSlice slice : viewsAsCollection()) {
4127      if (slice.var_infos.length != 2) {
4128        continue;
4129      }
4130      if (slice.var_infos[0].isCanonical() && slice.var_infos[1].isCanonical()) {
4131        continue;
4132      }
4133      assert slice.var_infos[0].canonicalRep() == slice.var_infos[1].canonicalRep() : slice;
4134      slices_to_remove.add(slice);
4135    }
4136    for (PptSlice slice : slices_to_remove) {
4137      removeSlice(slice);
4138    }
4139  }
4141  /**
4142   * Remove all of the implications from this program point. Can be used when recalculating
4143   * implications. Actually removes the entire joiner_view.
4144   */
4145  public void remove_implications() {
4146    joiner_view = new PptSlice0(this);
4147  }
4149  /**
4150   * Removes any invariant in this ppt which has a matching invariant in the parent (as specified in
4151   * the relation). Done to save space. Only safe when all processing of this child is complete
4152   * (i.e., all of the parents of this child must have been merged).
4153   *
4154   * <p>Another interesting problem arises with this code. As currently set up, it won't process
4155   * combined exit points (which often have two parents), but it will process enter points. Once the
4156   * enter point is removed, it can no longer parent filter the combined exit point.
4157   *
4158   * <p>Also, the dynamic obvious code doesn't work anymore (because it is missing the appropriate
4159   * invariants). This could be fixed by changing dynamic obvious to search up the tree (blecho!).
4160   * Fix this by only doing this for ppts whose parent only has one child.
4161   */
4162  public void remove_child_invs(PptRelation rel) {
4164    // For now, only do this for ppts with only one parent
4165    // if (parents.size() != 1)
4166    //  return;
4168    // Only do this for ppts whose children have also been removed
4169    for (PptRelation crel : children) {
4170      if (!crel.child.invariants_removed) {
4171        // System.out.println ("Rel " + rel + "has not had its child invs rm");
4172        return;
4173      }
4174    }
4176    // Only do this for ppts whose parent only has one child
4177    // if (rel.parent.children.size() != 1)
4178    //  return;
4180    System.out.println("Removing child invariants at " + name());
4182    List<PptSlice> slices_to_remove = new ArrayList<>();
4184    // Loop through each slice
4185    for (Iterator<PptSlice> i = views_iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4186      PptSlice slice = i.next();
4188      // Build the varlist for the parent.  If any variables are not present in
4189      // the parent, skip this slice
4190      VarInfo[] pvis = parent_vis(rel, slice);
4191      if (pvis == null) {
4192        continue;
4193      }
4194      VarInfo[] pvis_sorted = pvis.clone();
4195      Arrays.sort(pvis_sorted, VarInfo.IndexComparator.getInstance());
4197      // Find the parent slice.  If it doesn't exist, there is nothing to do
4198      PptSlice pslice = rel.parent.findSlice(pvis_sorted);
4199      if (pslice == null) {
4200        continue;
4201      }
4203      // Build the permute from child to parent
4204      int[] permute = build_permute(pvis_sorted, pvis);
4206      // Remove any invariant that is also present in the parent
4207      for (Iterator<Invariant> j = slice.invs.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4208        Invariant orig_inv = j.next();
4209        Invariant inv = orig_inv.clone_and_permute(permute);
4210        Invariant pinv = pslice.find_inv_exact(inv);
4211        if (pinv != null) {
4212          j.remove();
4213          // System.out.println ("Removed " + orig_inv + " @" + name()
4214          //                    + " parent inv " + pinv + " @" + rel.parent);
4215        }
4216      }
4218      // If all of the invariants in a slice were removed, note it for removal
4219      if (slice.invs.size() == 0) slices_to_remove.add(slice);
4220    }
4222    // Remove all of the slices with 0 invariants
4223    System.out.println("  Removed " + slices_to_remove.size() + " slices of " + numViews());
4224    for (PptSlice slice : slices_to_remove) {
4225      // System.out.println ("Removing Slice " + slice);
4226      removeSlice(slice);
4227    }
4229    invariants_removed = true;
4230  }
4232  /** Builds a permutation from vis1 to vis2. The result is vis1[i] = vis2[permute[i]]. */
4233  public static int[] build_permute(VarInfo[] vis1, VarInfo[] vis2) {
4235    int[] permute = new int[vis1.length];
4236    boolean[] matched = new boolean[vis1.length];
4237    Arrays.fill(matched, false);
4239    for (int j = 0; j < vis1.length; j++) {
4240      for (int k = 0; k < vis2.length; k++) {
4241        if ((vis1[j] == vis2[k]) && !matched[k]) {
4242          permute[j] = k;
4243          matched[k] = true; // don't match the same one twice
4244          break;
4245        }
4246      }
4247    }
4249    // Check results
4250    for (int j = 0; j < vis1.length; j++) {
4251      assert vis1[j] == vis2[permute[j]];
4252    }
4254    return permute;
4255  }
4257  /** Debug print slice/inv count information to the specified logger. */
4258  public void debug_print_slice_info(Logger log, String descr, List<PptSlice> slices) {
4260    int inv_cnt = 0;
4261    for (PptSlice slice : slices) {
4262      inv_cnt += slice.invs.size();
4263    }
4264    log.fine(slices.size() + descr + " slices with " + inv_cnt + " invariants");
4265  }
4267  /**
4268   * Create an equality invariant over the specified variables. Samples should be the number of
4269   * samples for the slice over v1 and v2. The slice should not already exist.
4270   */
4271  public PptSlice create_equality_inv(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, int samples) {
4273    ProglangType rep = v1.rep_type;
4274    boolean rep_is_scalar = rep.isScalar();
4275    boolean rep_is_float = rep.isFloat();
4277    assert findSlice_unordered(v1, v2) == null;
4278    PptSlice newSlice = get_or_instantiate_slice(v1, v2);
4280    Invariant invEquals = null;
4282    // This is almost directly copied from PptSlice2's instantiation
4283    // of factories
4284    if (rep_is_scalar) {
4285      invEquals = IntEqual.get_proto().instantiate(newSlice);
4286    } else if ((rep == ProglangType.STRING)) {
4287      invEquals = StringEqual.get_proto().instantiate(newSlice);
4288    } else if ((rep == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY)) {
4289      invEquals = SeqSeqIntEqual.get_proto().instantiate(newSlice);
4290    } else if ((rep == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY)) {
4291      // JHP commented out to see what diffs are coming from here (5/3/3)
4292      //         invEquals = SeqComparisonString.instantiate (newSlice, true);
4293      //         if (invEquals != null) {
4294      //           ((SeqComparisonString) invEquals).can_be_eq = true;
4295      //         }
4296      //         debugPostProcess.fine ("  seqStringEqual");
4297    } else if (rep_is_float) {
4298      invEquals = FloatEqual.get_proto().instantiate(newSlice);
4299    } else if (rep == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
4300      invEquals = SeqSeqFloatEqual.get_proto().instantiate(newSlice);
4301    }
4303    if (invEquals != null) {
4304      newSlice.addInvariant(invEquals);
4305    } else {
4306      if (newSlice.invs.size() == 0) newSlice.parent.removeSlice(newSlice);
4307    }
4308    return newSlice;
4309  }
4311  /** Stores various statistics about a ppt. */
4312  public static class Stats {
4314    /** sample count */
4315    public int sample_cnt = 0;
4317    /** number of equality sets */
4318    public int set_cnt = 0;
4320    /** total number of variables in all equality sets */
4321    public int var_cnt = 0;
4323    /** time (milliseconds) to process this sample */
4324    public int time = 0;
4326    /** additional memory (bytes) allocated to processing this sample */
4327    public long memory = 0;
4329    /** number of invariants */
4330    public int inv_cnt = 0;
4332    /** number of slices */
4333    public int slice_cnt = 0;
4335    /** number of instantiated invariants before the sample is applied */
4336    public int instantiated_inv_cnt = 0;
4338    /** number of instantiated slices */
4339    public int instantiated_slice_cnt = 0;
4341    /** program point of the stat */
4342    // Initialized by the set() method.
4343    public @MonotonicNonNull PptTopLevel ppt;
4345    int const_slice_cnt = 0;
4346    int const_inv_cnt = 0;
4347    int constant_leader_cnt = 0;
4348    public static boolean cnt_inv_classes = false;
4349    // non-null if cnt_inv_classes is true
4350    @Nullable Map<Class<? extends Invariant>, Cnt> inv_map = null;
4351    public static boolean show_invs = false;
4352    public static boolean show_tern_slices = false;
4354    /**
4355     * Sets each of the stats from the current info in ppt and the specified time (msecs) and memory
4356     * (bytes).
4357     */
4358    @EnsuresNonNull("this.ppt")
4359    void set(PptTopLevel ppt, int time, int memory) {
4360      set_cnt = 0;
4361      var_cnt = 0;
4362      if (ppt.equality_view != null) {
4363        for (Invariant inv : ppt.equality_view.invs) {
4364          set_cnt++;
4365          Equality e = (Equality) inv;
4366          Collection<VarInfo> vars = e.getVars();
4367          var_cnt += vars.size();
4368        }
4369      }
4370      this.ppt = ppt;
4371      sample_cnt = ppt.num_samples();
4372      slice_cnt = ppt.slice_cnt();
4373      const_slice_cnt = ppt.const_slice_cnt();
4374      const_inv_cnt = ppt.const_inv_cnt();
4375      inv_cnt = ppt.invariant_cnt();
4376      instantiated_slice_cnt = ppt.instantiated_slice_cnt;
4377      instantiated_inv_cnt = ppt.instantiated_inv_cnt;
4378      if (ppt.constants != null) constant_leader_cnt = ppt.constants.constant_leader_cnt();
4379      this.time = time;
4380      this.memory = memory;
4382      if (cnt_inv_classes) inv_map = ppt.invariant_cnt_by_class();
4383    }
4385    static void dump_header(Logger log) {
4387      log.fine(
4388          "Program Point : Sample Cnt: Equality Cnt : Var Cnt : "
4389              + " Vars/Equality : Const Slice Cnt :  "
4390              + " Slice /  Inv Cnt : Instan Slice / Inv Cnt "
4391              + " Memory (bytes) : Time (msecs) ");
4392    }
4394    @RequiresNonNull("ppt")
4395    void dump(Logger log) {
4397      DecimalFormat dfmt = new DecimalFormat();
4398      dfmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
4399      dfmt.setGroupingSize(3);
4400      dfmt.setGroupingUsed(true);
4402      double vars_per_eq = 0;
4403      if (set_cnt > 0) {
4404        vars_per_eq = (double) var_cnt / set_cnt;
4405      }
4407      log.fine(
4408          ppt.name()
4409              + " : "
4410              + sample_cnt
4411              + " : "
4412              + set_cnt
4413              + " ("
4414              + constant_leader_cnt
4415              + " con) : "
4416              + var_cnt
4417              + " : "
4418              + dfmt.format(vars_per_eq)
4419              + " : "
4420              + const_slice_cnt
4421              + "/"
4422              + const_inv_cnt
4423              + " : "
4424              + slice_cnt
4425              + "/"
4426              + inv_cnt
4427              + " : "
4428              + instantiated_slice_cnt
4429              + "/"
4430              + instantiated_inv_cnt
4431              + " : "
4432              + memory
4433              + ": "
4434              + time);
4435      if (cnt_inv_classes) {
4436        assert inv_map != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness) : dependent: cnt_inv_classes is true";
4437        for (Class<? extends Invariant> inv_class : inv_map.keySet()) {
4438          @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // limited side effects don't affect inv_map field
4439          Cnt cnt = inv_map.get(inv_class);
4440          log.fine(" : " + inv_class + ": " + cnt.cnt);
4441        }
4442      }
4444      if (show_invs) {
4445        for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = ppt.views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4446          PptSlice slice = j.next();
4447          for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
4448            String falsify = "";
4449            if (inv.is_false()) falsify = "(falsified) ";
4450            log.fine(" : " + falsify + inv.format());
4451          }
4452        }
4453      }
4455      if (show_tern_slices) {
4456        for (Iterator<PptSlice> j = ppt.views_iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4457          PptSlice slice = j.next();
4458          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
4459          for (int k = 0; k < slice.arity(); k++) {
4460            VarInfo v = slice.var_infos[k];
4461            sb.append(
4462                v.name() + "/" + v.equalitySet.getVars().size() + "/" + v.file_rep_type + " ");
4463          }
4464          log.fine(": " + sb.toString() + ": " + slice.invs.size());
4465        }
4466      }
4467    }
4468  }
4470  /**
4471   * Print statistics concerning equality sets over the entire set of ppts to the specified logger.
4472   */
4473  public static void print_equality_stats(Logger log, PptMap all_ppts) {
4475    if (!log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
4476      return;
4477    }
4479    boolean show_details = true;
4481    NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getInstance();
4482    dfmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
4483    // double equality_set_cnt = 0;
4484    // double vars_cnt = 0;
4485    // double total_sample_cnt = 0;
4486    Map<PptTopLevel, List<Stats>> stats_map = Global.stats_map;
4488    Stats.dump_header(debug);
4489    for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
4490      List<Stats> slist = stats_map.get(ppt);
4491      if (slist == null) {
4492        continue;
4493      }
4494      int sample_cnt;
4495      int time = 0;
4496      double avg_equality_cnt = 0;
4497      double avg_var_cnt = 0;
4498      double avg_vars_per_equality = 0;
4499      double avg_inv_cnt = 0;
4500      int instantiated_inv_cnt = 0;
4501      int slice_cnt = 0;
4502      int instantiated_slice_cnt = 0;
4503      long memory = 0;
4504      sample_cnt = slist.size();
4505      // total_sample_cnt += sample_cnt;
4506      for (Stats stats : slist) {
4507        avg_equality_cnt += stats.set_cnt;
4508        avg_var_cnt += stats.var_cnt;
4509        // equality_set_cnt += stats.set_cnt;
4510        // vars_cnt += stats.var_cnt;
4511        time += stats.time;
4512        avg_inv_cnt += stats.inv_cnt;
4513        slice_cnt += stats.slice_cnt;
4514        instantiated_inv_cnt += stats.instantiated_inv_cnt;
4515        instantiated_slice_cnt += stats.instantiated_slice_cnt;
4516        memory += stats.memory;
4517      }
4518      avg_equality_cnt = avg_equality_cnt / sample_cnt;
4519      avg_var_cnt = avg_var_cnt / sample_cnt;
4521      if (avg_equality_cnt > 0) avg_vars_per_equality = avg_var_cnt / avg_equality_cnt;
4522      log.fine(
4523          ppt.name()
4524              + " : "
4525              + sample_cnt
4526              + " : "
4527              + dfmt.format(avg_equality_cnt)
4528              + " : "
4529              + dfmt.format(avg_var_cnt)
4530              + " : "
4531              + dfmt.format(avg_vars_per_equality)
4532              + " : "
4533              + dfmt.format((double) slice_cnt / sample_cnt)
4534              + "/"
4535              + dfmt.format(avg_inv_cnt / sample_cnt)
4536              + " : "
4537              + dfmt.format((double) instantiated_slice_cnt / sample_cnt)
4538              + "/"
4539              + dfmt.format((double) instantiated_inv_cnt / sample_cnt)
4540              + ": "
4541              + dfmt.format((double) memory / sample_cnt)
4542              + ": "
4543              + dfmt.format((double) time / sample_cnt));
4544      if (show_details) {
4545        double avg_time = (double) time / sample_cnt;
4546        for (int j = 0; j < slist.size(); j++) {
4547          Stats stats = slist.get(j);
4548          double vars_per_eq = 0;
4549          if (stats.set_cnt > 0) vars_per_eq = (double) stats.var_cnt / stats.set_cnt;
4550          if ((j == (slist.size() - 1)) || (stats.time > (2 * avg_time))) {
4551            log.fine(
4552                " : "
4553                    + j
4554                    + " : "
4555                    + stats.set_cnt
4556                    + " : "
4557                    + stats.var_cnt
4558                    + " : "
4559                    + dfmt.format(vars_per_eq)
4560                    + " : "
4561                    + stats.slice_cnt
4562                    + "/"
4563                    + stats.inv_cnt
4564                    + " : "
4565                    + stats.instantiated_slice_cnt
4566                    + "/"
4567                    + stats.instantiated_inv_cnt
4568                    + " : "
4569                    + stats.memory
4570                    + ": "
4571                    + stats.time);
4572          }
4573        }
4574      }
4575    }
4576  }
4578  /** sets the sample count */
4579  void set_sample_number(int val) {
4580    values_num_samples = val;
4581  }
4583  /** Increments the number of samples processed by the program point by 1. */
4584  public void incSampleNumber() {
4585    values_num_samples++;
4586  }
4588  /** Is this is an exit ppt (combined or specific)? */
4589  @Pure
4590  public boolean is_exit() {
4591    if (type != null) {
4592      return (type == PptType.EXIT) || (type == PptType.SUBEXIT);
4593    } else {
4594      return ppt_name.isExitPoint();
4595    }
4596  }
4598  /** is this an enter ppt */
4599  @Pure
4600  public boolean is_enter() {
4601    if (type != null) {
4602      return (type == PptType.ENTER);
4603    } else {
4604      return ppt_name.isEnterPoint();
4605    }
4606  }
4608  /** Is this a combined exit point? */
4609  @Pure
4610  public boolean is_combined_exit() {
4611    if (type != null) {
4612      return (type == PptType.EXIT);
4613    } else {
4614      return ppt_name.isCombinedExitPoint();
4615    }
4616  }
4618  /** Is this a numbered (specific) exit point? */
4619  @Pure
4620  public boolean is_subexit() {
4621    if (type != null) {
4622      return (type == PptType.SUBEXIT);
4623    } else {
4624      return ppt_name.isExitPoint() && !ppt_name.isCombinedExitPoint();
4625    }
4626  }
4628  /** Is this a ppt that represents an object? */
4629  @Pure
4630  public boolean is_object() {
4631    if (type != null) {
4632      return (type == PptType.OBJECT);
4633    } else {
4634      return ppt_name.isObjectInstanceSynthetic();
4635    }
4636  }
4638  /** Is this a ppt that represents a class? */
4639  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "type")
4640  @Pure
4641  public boolean is_class() {
4642    return (type != null && type == PptType.CLASS);
4643  }
4645  public String var_names() {
4646    return Arrays.toString(var_infos);
4647  }