001// ***** This file is automatically generated from PptSlice.java.jpp
003package daikon;
005import static daikon.tools.nullness.NullnessUtil.castNonNullDeep;
007import daikon.inv.*;
009import daikon.inv.unary.*;
010import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.*;
011import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.*;
012import daikon.inv.unary.string.*;
013import daikon.inv.unary.stringsequence.*;
015import daikon.suppress.*;
016import java.util.*;
017import java.util.logging.Level;
018import java.util.logging.Logger;
019import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnknownInitialization;
020import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
021import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
022import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
023import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
024import org.plumelib.util.ArraysPlume;
025import org.plumelib.util.Intern;
026import typequals.prototype.qual.Prototype;
027import typequals.prototype.qual.NonPrototype;
029/** Contains all of the invariants over a particular set of 1 variables. */
030public final class PptSlice1 extends PptSlice {
031  static final long serialVersionUID = 20040921L;
033  /** Debug tracer. */
034  public static final Logger debugSpecific = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptSlice1");
036  public static final Logger debugMerge = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptSlice.merge");
038  /** Create a new PptSlice1. The var_infos must be in varinfo_index order. */
039  public PptSlice1(PptTopLevel parent, VarInfo[] var_infos) {
041    super(parent, var_infos);
042    assert var_infos.length == 1;
044    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE) || debugSpecific.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
045      debug.info("Created PptSlice1 " + this.name());
046    }
047    if (Debug.logOn()) {
048      Debug.log(getClass(), this, "Created");
049    }
050  }
052  PptSlice1(PptTopLevel parent, VarInfo var_info) {
053    this(parent, new VarInfo[] {var_info});
054  }
056  @Override
057  public final int arity(
058      @UnknownInitialization(PptSlice.class) PptSlice1 this) {
059    return 1;
060  }
061  /**
062   * Creates all of the invariants that are appropriate for this slice. No invariants are
063   * created unless the variables in the slice are compatible. If the variables are compatible,
064   * invariants that match the type of the slices variables are created.
065   */
066  @Override
067  public void instantiate_invariants() {
068    instantiate_invariants(Daikon.proto_invs);
069  }
071  /**
072   * Creates all of the invariants that are appropriate for this slice based on the list of
073   * invariants passed in. No invariants are created unless the variables in the slice are
074   * compatible. If the variables are compatible, invariants that match the type of the slices
075   * variables are created.
076   */
077  public void instantiate_invariants(List<@Prototype Invariant> proto_invs) {
079    if (Debug.logOn()) {
080      log("instantiate invariants");
081    }
083    // Do nothing if the variables aren't compatible
085    // (TODO: need to compare element and index comparabilities.)
087    // Instantiate each invariant that is valid over those types
088    for (@Prototype Invariant proto : proto_invs) {
090      // Skip invariant if the types are not appropriate
091      if (!proto.valid_types(var_infos) || !proto.instantiate_ok(var_infos)) {
092        // Debug.log (proto.getClass(), this, "not created-types not valid");
093        continue;
094      }
096      // Skip invariant if it is suppressed.  Note that this will work
097      // even though we haven't instantiated all of the invariants for this
098      // slice yet because it will check constant values.
099      NISuppressionSet ss = proto.get_ni_suppressions();
100      if (NIS.dkconfig_enabled && (ss != null) && !ss.is_instantiate_ok(this)) {
101        if (Debug.logOn()) { // avoid stringify if not logging
102          Debug.log(proto.getClass(), this, "not created - suppressed " + ss);
103        }
104        continue;
105      }
107      // Instantiate the invariant and add it to the list.  Null should
108      // never be returned because we check instantiate_ok() above and
109      // only enabled invariants are in this list.
110      @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // application invariant, see comment above
111      @NonNull Invariant inv = proto.instantiate(this);
112      addInvariant(inv);
113      if (Debug.logOn()) {
114        inv.log("Created invariant %s ss = %s", inv.format(), ss);
115      }
116    }
117  }
119  // These accessors are for abstract methods declared in Ppt
120  /** Returns the number of (non-missing) samples observed at this slice. */
121  @Override
122  public int num_samples(@UnknownInitialization @GuardSatisfied PptSlice1 this) {
123    if (parent == null || var_infos == null) { // handle not-yet-initialized slices
124      return 0;
125    }
126    // return an approximation
128      int num_slice_samples = parent.num_samples(var_infos[0]);
130    return num_slice_samples;
131  }
133  /**
134   * Returns an upper bound on the number of distinct values observed at this slice. This is not the
135   * number of samples observed.
136   */
137  @Override
138  public int num_values() {
139    // return an approximation
141      int num_values = parent.num_values(var_infos[0]);
143    return num_values;
144  }
146  /**
147   * This procedure accepts a sample (a ValueTuple), extracts the values from it, casts them to the
148   * proper types, and passes them along to the invariants proper. (The invariants accept typed
149   * values rather than a ValueTuple that encapsulates objects of any type whatever.)
150   */
151  @Override
152  public List<Invariant> add(ValueTuple full_vt, int count) {
154    assert invs.size() > 0;
155    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
156      assert inv != null;
157    }
159      VarInfo vi1 = var_infos[0];
161    // If any var has encountered out of array bounds values,
162    // stop all invariants in this slice.  The presumption here is that
163    // an index out of bounds implies that the derived variable (eg a[i])
164    // doesn't really make any sense (essentially that i is not a valid
165    // index for a).  Invariants on the derived variable are thus not
166    // relevant
167    for (int i = 0; i < var_infos.length; i++) {
168      if (var_infos[i].missingOutOfBounds()) {
169        List<Invariant> result = new ArrayList<>();
170        for (Invariant inv : invs) {
171          if (PrintInvariants.print_discarded_invariants) {
172            DiscReasonMap.put(
173                  inv,
174                  DiscardCode.bad_sample,
175                  var_infos[i].name() + " array index was out of bounds");
176          }
177          inv.falsify();
178          result.add(inv);
179          if (Invariant.logOn()) {
180            inv.log("destroyed because %s array index out of bounds", var_infos[i].name());
181          }
182        }
183        if (VarInfo.debugMissing.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
184          VarInfo.debugMissing.fine(
185              "Removing slice "
186                  + this
187                  + " because var "
188                  + var_infos[i].name()
189                  + " array index out of bounds");
190        }
191        return result;
192      }
193    }
195    int mod1 = full_vt.getModified(vi1);
196    if (mod1 == ValueTuple.MISSING_FLOW || mod1 == ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL) {
197      return emptyInvList;
198    }
200    if (mod1 == ValueTuple.STATIC_CONSTANT) {
201      assert vi1.is_static_constant;
202      mod1 = ((num_samples() == 0) ? ValueTuple.MODIFIED : ValueTuple.UNMODIFIED);
203    }
205    Object val1 = full_vt.getValue(vi1);
206    assert Intern.isInterned(val1) : "obj " + val1 + " class " + val1.getClass();
208    // Supply the new values to all the invariant objects.
209    assert (mod1 == vi1.getModified(full_vt))
210                  || ((vi1.getModified(full_vt) == ValueTuple.STATIC_CONSTANT)
211            && ((mod1 == ValueTuple.UNMODIFIED) || (mod1 == ValueTuple.MODIFIED)));
213      List<Invariant> weakened_invs = add_val_bu(val1, mod1, count);
215    return weakened_invs;
216  }
218  public List<Invariant> add_val_bu(@Interned Object val1, int mod1, int count) {
220    assert mod1 != ValueTuple.MISSING_FLOW && mod1 != ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL;
221    List<Invariant> result = new ArrayList<>();
222    for (Invariant invariant : invs) {
223      UnaryInvariant inv = (UnaryInvariant) invariant;
224      if (inv.is_false()) {
225        continue;
226      }
227      InvariantStatus status = inv.add(val1, mod1, count);
228      if (status == InvariantStatus.FALSIFIED) {
229        inv.falsify();
230        result.add(inv);
231      } else if (status == InvariantStatus.WEAKENED) {
232        result.add(inv);
233      }
234      if (PrintInvariants.print_discarded_invariants && inv.is_false()) {
235        DiscReasonMap.put(
236            inv,
237            DiscardCode.bad_sample,
238            "Falsified from sample: "
239                + var_infos[0].name()
240                + " = "
241            + Debug.toString(val1));
242      }
243    }
244    return result;
245  }
247  @Override
248  public void addInvariant(Invariant invariant) {
249    assert invariant != null;
250    // assert invariant.ppt == this;
252    if (Debug.dkconfig_internal_check) {
253      // Don't add a check here to ensure that the invairant is not suppressed
254      // in some cases (see NIS.apply_samples), a suppressed invariant is
255      // added and them later removed when the suppression is found
256      // if (invariant.is_ni_suppressed()) {
257        // System.out.printf("suppressed invariant %s is being added to ppt %s "
258        //                    + "with %d samples%n", invariant.format(), this,
259        //                    this.num_samples());
260        // NISuppressionSet ss = invariant.get_ni_suppressions();
261        // ss.suppressed (invariant.ppt);
262        // System.out.printf("suppression = %s%n", ss);
263        // throw new Error();
264     // }
265    }
267    invs.add(invariant);
268    Global.instantiated_invariants++;
269    if (Invariant.logOn()) {
270      invariant.log("Instantiated %s", invariant.format());
271    }
272  }
274  /**
275   * Copy invariants from this slice to a new slice over the variables argNewVarInfos. The new slice
276   * should not already exist.
277   */
278  @Override
279  protected PptSlice cloneAndPivot(VarInfo[] argNewVarInfos) {
281    // Sort the VarInfos by var_index and build a matching permutation
282    // from the current order to the new order
283    VarInfo[] vis_sorted = argNewVarInfos.clone();
284    Arrays.sort(vis_sorted, VarInfo.IndexComparator.getInstance());
285    int[] permutation = PptTopLevel.build_permute(argNewVarInfos, vis_sorted);
287    // Assert sorted
288    for (int i = 0; i < 1 - 1; i++) {
289      assert vis_sorted[i].varinfo_index <= vis_sorted[i + 1].varinfo_index;
290    }
292    assert ArraysPlume.fnIsPermutation(permutation);
293    // Assert that the permutation represents the rearrangement
294    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
295      // the variable that used to be at position "i" is now found at
296      // position permutation[i].
297      VarInfo oldvi = argNewVarInfos[i];
298      VarInfo newvi = vis_sorted[permutation[i]];
299      assert oldvi == newvi;
300    }
302    // The new slice should not already exist.
303    assert parent.findSlice(vis_sorted) == null;
305    // Why not just clone?  Because then index order wouldn't be
306    // preserved
307    PptSlice1 result = new PptSlice1(this.parent, vis_sorted);
309    // re-parent the invariants and copy them out.
310    List<Invariant> newInvs = new ArrayList<>();
311    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
312      assert inv.ppt == this;
313      Invariant newInv = inv.transfer(result, permutation);
314      newInvs.add(newInv);
315      assert newInv != inv;
316      assert newInv.ppt == result;
317      assert inv.ppt == this;
318    }
320    if (Debug.logOn()) {
321      result.log(
322          "Copied "
323              + newInvs.size()
324              + " invariants from "
325              + this.name()
326              + " with "
327              + invs.size()
328              + " invariants");
329    }
330    result.invs.addAll(newInvs);
331    if (PptSliceEquality.debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
332      PptSliceEquality.debug.fine("cloneAndPivot: newInvs " + invs);
333    }
334    return result;
335  }
337  /**
338   * Creates invariants at this ppt by merging invariants from each of its children. An invariant
339   * must exist at each of the children in order for it to be created here (at the parent).
340   * Additionally, some invariants have state information that must be merged. This is done by the
341   * invariant itself.
342   *
343   * <p>The basic steps are:
344   *
345   * <ol>
346   *   <li>Find all of the child invariants. These are the invariants in the matching slice of each
347   *       child.
348   *   <li>For each invariant class, build a list of all of the invariants of that class. Note that
349   *       some invariant classes (eg, functionBinary) contain distinct invariants, each of which
350   *       must be merged separately. See Invariant.Match for more information concerning what makes
351   *       an invariant the 'same'
352   *   <li>Each invariant that is found at each of the children is then merged to possibly create a
353   *       parent invariant.
354   * </ol>
355   */
356  public void merge_invariants() {
358    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
359      debugMerge.fine("entering merge_invariants for " + name());
360    }
362    // List of all invariants found over all of the children
363    List<Invariant> all_invs = new ArrayList<>();
365    // Keep count of the number of valid children processed.  An invariant
366    // must be found at each valid child in order to exist at the parent.
367    // A valid child is one that has received samples and has a corresponding
368    // variable for each parent variable
369    int valid_child_count = 0;
371    // Loop through all of the children of our top level parent
372    child_loop:
373    for (PptRelation rel : parent.children) {
374      PptTopLevel ppt = rel.child;
376      // Skip any children that have not seen any samples
377      if (ppt.num_samples() == 0) {
378        if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
379          debugMerge.fine("-- slice ignored (no samples) " + ppt.name());
380        }
381        continue;
382      }
384      // Child variable info
385      /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ VarInfo[] cvis = new VarInfo[var_infos.length];
386      /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ VarInfo[] cvis_sorted = new VarInfo[var_infos.length];
388      // Build the corresponding array of VarInfos for the child.  If any
389      // of the vars don't exist in this child, skip the child (since we
390      // won't have data for each variable).
391      for (int j = 0; j < var_infos.length; j++) {
392        VarInfo pv = var_infos[j];
393        VarInfo cv = rel.childVar(pv);
394        if (cv == null) {
395          continue child_loop;
396        }
397        cvis[j] = cv.canonicalRep();
398        cvis_sorted[j] = cv.canonicalRep();
399      }
401      cvis = castNonNullDeep(cvis); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
402      cvis_sorted = castNonNullDeep(cvis_sorted); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
404      // If any of the child variables have always been missing, this
405      // particular slice in the child received no samples.  If dynamic
406      // constants are enabled, the slice will have never been created.
407      // These slices can be skipped unless they contain a missing out of
408      // bound var.  Out of bounds variables destroy all invariants in
409      // the slice (since the variable is deemed to be nonsensical)
410      if (slice_missing(ppt, cvis)) {
411        if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
412          debugMerge.fine(
413              "-- slice ignored (missing) " + ppt.name() + " vars " + Arrays.toString(cvis_sorted));
414        }
415        continue;
416      }
418      // The child variables must be sorted by their index (in the child)
419      Arrays.sort(cvis_sorted, VarInfo.IndexComparator.getInstance());
421      // Keep track of the number of valid children
422      valid_child_count++;
424      // Find the corresponding slice.  If the slice does not exist or
425      // has no invariants, there can be no invariants to merge (since
426      // invariants must exist at each child to exist at the parent)
427      PptSlice1 cslice = (PptSlice1) ppt.findSlice(cvis_sorted);
428      if ((cslice == null) || (cslice.invs.size() == 0)) {
429        if (Debug.logOn()) {
430          this.log(
431              "slice not found "
432                  + ppt.name()
433                  + " "
434                  + Arrays.toString(cvis_sorted)
435                  + " num_samples= "
436                  + ppt.num_samples()
437                  + " ppt.constants = "
438                  + ppt.constants);
439        }
440        if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
441          debugMerge.fine(
442              "-- slice not found " + ppt.name() + " vars " + Arrays.toString(cvis_sorted));
443        }
444        return;
445      }
447      // // Update sample count info
448      // mod_samples += cslice.mod_samples;
449      // unmod_samples += cslice.unmod_samples;
451      // Build the permutation array from child to parent slice
452      int[] permute = PptTopLevel.build_permute(cvis_sorted, cvis);
454      // Debug print child vars and permute to parent
455      if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
456        debugMerge.fine("-- Processing child " + ppt.name() + " (" + rel.getRelationType() + ")");
457        debugMerge.fine("-- -- child vars = " + Arrays.toString(cvis_sorted));
458        debugMerge.fine("-- -- parent vars = " + Arrays.toString(var_infos));
459        debugMerge.fine("-- -- permute = " + Arrays.toString(permute));
460      }
462      // Add each invariant (permuted to match the parent varinfos)
463      // to our list of invariants.
464      for (Invariant orig_inv : cslice.invs) {
465        Invariant inv = orig_inv.clone_and_permute(permute);
466        all_invs.add(inv);
467        if (Invariant.logOn()) {
468          /*NNC:@MonotonicNonNull*/ VarInfo[] child_vars = new VarInfo[var_infos.length];
469          for (int k = 0; k < var_infos.length; k++) {
470            VarInfo pv = var_infos[k];
471            @SuppressWarnings("nullness")
472            @NonNull VarInfo cv = rel.childVar(pv);
473            assert cv != null;
474            child_vars[k] = cv.canonicalRep();
475          }
476          child_vars = castNonNullDeep(child_vars); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
477          orig_inv.log("org inv");
478          inv.log(
479              "Created %s from %s using permute %s cvis_sorted = %s cvis = %s for ppt %s",
480              inv,
481              orig_inv,
482              Arrays.toString(permute),
483              Arrays.toString(cvis_sorted),
484              Arrays.toString(child_vars),
485              parent.name());
486        }
487      }
488    }
490    log("Found " + all_invs.size() + " invariants to merge");
491    if (debugMerge.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && (valid_child_count == 0)) {
492      debugMerge.fine("-- No valid children found");
493    }
495    // For each invariant found, find the list of invariants of the
496    // same type (type corresponds basically but not exactly to the
497    // invariants class) and add the invariant to that list.
498    // Invariant.Match.equals() defines if two invariants are of the
499    // same 'type' for the purpose of merging invariants.
500    Map<Invariant.Match, List<Invariant>> inv_map =
501        new LinkedHashMap<>();
502    for (Invariant inv : all_invs) {
503      Invariant.Match imatch = new Invariant.Match(inv);
504      List<Invariant> invs = inv_map.get(imatch);
505      if (Invariant.logOn()) {
506        inv.log("Adding %s to %s invs list %s", inv.format(), name(), invs);
507      }
508      if (invs == null) {
509        invs = new ArrayList<Invariant>();
510        inv_map.put(imatch, invs);
511      }
512      invs.add(inv);
513    }
515    // Attempt to create a parent invariant for each invariant that
516    // appeared at each valid child.  Note that some invariants will
517    // not exist at the parent even if they exist at each child (eg,
518    // LinearBinary)
519    for (List<Invariant> child_invs : inv_map.values()) {
520      if (child_invs.size() > valid_child_count) {
521        // this shouldn't happen
522        System.out.println(
523           "Found "
524               + child_invs.size()
525               + " invariants at "
526               + name()
527               + " ("
528               + valid_child_count
529               + " children)");
530        for (Invariant child_inv : child_invs) {
531          System.out.printf(
532              "-- Invariant = '%s' [%s] @%s%n",
533              child_inv.repr(), child_inv.getClass(), child_inv.ppt);
534        }
535        assert child_invs.size() <= valid_child_count;
536      }
537      if (child_invs.size() == valid_child_count) {
538        Invariant first = child_invs.get(0);
539        if (Debug.logOn()) {
540          first.log("Attempting merge of %s invariants into ppt %s", child_invs.size(), name());
541        }
542        Invariant parent_inv = first.merge(child_invs, this);
543        if (parent_inv != null) {
544          invs.add(parent_inv);
545          if (Debug.logOn()) {
546            parent_inv.log("Merge successful of %s into %s", parent_inv.format(), name());
547          }
548        }
549      } else {
550        if (Debug.logOn()) {
551          Invariant inv = child_invs.get(0);
552          inv.log(
553              "Not merging invariant into %s, Found %s child invariants in %s children",
554              name(), child_invs.size(), valid_child_count);
555        }
556      }
557    }
558  }
560  /**
561   * Returns whether or not the slice is missing due to having one or more of its variables always
562   * missing. This returns true only for missing flow and/or missing nonsensical. Out of Bounds is
563   * treated differently since it destroys all of its invariants.
564   */
565  private boolean slice_missing(PptTopLevel ppt, VarInfo[] vis) {
567    if (ppt.constants != null) {
569        if (ppt.constants.is_missing(vis[0]) && !vis[0].missingOutOfBounds()) {
570          return true;
571        }
573    }
574    return false;
575  }