001package daikon;
003import daikon.inv.DiscardInfo;
004import daikon.inv.Invariant;
005import daikon.suppress.NIS;
006import java.util.ArrayList;
007import java.util.Arrays;
008import java.util.Comparator;
009import java.util.Iterator;
010import java.util.List;
011import java.util.logging.Level;
012import java.util.logging.Logger;
013import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnknownInitialization;
014import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
015import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
016import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
017import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
018import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
019import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
020import org.plumelib.util.ArraysPlume;
023 * A Slice is a view of some of the variables for a program point. A program point (that is,
024 * PptTopLevel) does not directly contain invariants. Instead, slices contain the invariants that
025 * involve (all) the Slice's variables.
026 *
027 * <p>Suppose a program point has variables A, B, C, and D.<br>
028 * There would be 4 unary slices -- one each for variables A, B, C, and D.<br>
029 * There would be 6 binary slices -- for {A,B}, {A,C}, {A,D}, {B,C}, {B,D}, and {C,D}.<br>
030 * There would be 4 ternary slices -- for {A,B,C}, {A,B,D}, {A,C,D}, and {B,C,D}.
031 */
032public abstract class PptSlice extends Ppt {
033  static final long serialVersionUID = 20040921L;
035  // Permit subclasses to use it.
036  protected static final String lineSep = Global.lineSep;
038  /** Debug tracer. */
039  public static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptSlice");
041  /** Debug tracer for debugging both this and PptSlices. */
042  public static final Logger debugGeneral = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptSlice.general");
044  public static final Logger debugFlow = Logger.getLogger("daikon.flow.flow");
046  public static final Logger debugGuarding = Logger.getLogger("daikon.guard");
048  // A better name would perhaps be "container", as this has nothing to do
049  // with the program point hierarchy.
050  /** This is a slice of the 'parent' ppt. */
051  public PptTopLevel parent;
053  public abstract int arity(@UnknownInitialization(PptSlice.class) PptSlice this);
055  /**
056   * The invariants contained in this slice. This should not be used directly, in general. In
057   * particular, subclasses such as PptSlice0 need to synchronize it with other values. Therefore,
058   * it should be manipulated via {@link #addInvariant} and {@link #removeInvariant}.
059   */
060  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
061  public List<Invariant> invs;
063  PptSlice(PptTopLevel parent, VarInfo[] var_infos) {
064    super(var_infos);
065    this.parent = parent;
066    invs = new ArrayList<Invariant>();
067    // Ensure that the VarInfo objects are in order (and not duplicated).
068    for (int i = 0; i < var_infos.length - 1; i++) {
069      assert var_infos[i].varinfo_index <= var_infos[i + 1].varinfo_index;
070    }
071    assert this instanceof PptSliceEquality || arity() == var_infos.length;
073    if (debugGeneral.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
074      debugGeneral.fine(Arrays.toString(var_infos));
075    }
076  }
078  @SideEffectFree
079  @Override
080  @SuppressWarnings("nullness:override.receiver") // see comment on overridden definition in Ppt
081  public final String name(@GuardSatisfied @UnknownInitialization(PptSlice.class) PptSlice this) {
082    return parent.name + varNames(var_infos);
083  }
085  public boolean usesVar(VarInfo vi) {
086    return (ArraysPlume.indexOfEq(var_infos, vi) != -1);
087  }
089  // This is only called from inv.filter.VariableFilter.
090  public boolean usesVar(String name) {
091    for (int i = 0; i < var_infos.length; i++) {
092      // mistere: I'm not sure is this is the right thing for
093      // the gui, but it's probably close
094      if (var_infos[i].name().equals(name)) {
095        return true;
096      }
097    }
098    return false;
099  }
101  /**
102   * Returns true if any of our variables is named NAME, or is derived from a variable named NAME.
103   *
104   * @return true if any of our variables is named NAME, or is derived from a variable named NAME
105   */
106  // Only called right now from tools/ExtractConsequent
107  public boolean usesVarDerived(String name) {
108    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
109      if (vi.includes_simple_name(name)) {
110        return true;
111      }
112    }
113    return false;
114  }
116  /**
117   * Returns true if all of this slice's variables are orig() variables.
118   *
119   * @return true if all of this slice's variables are orig() variables
120   */
121  public boolean allPrestate() {
122    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
123      if (!vi.isPrestateDerived()) {
124        return false;
125      }
126    }
127    return true;
128  }
130  public abstract void addInvariant(Invariant inv);
132  /** This method actually removes the invariant from its PptSlice. */
133  // I don't just use ppt.invs.remove because I want to be able to defer
134  // and to take action if the vector becomes void.
135  public void removeInvariant(Invariant inv) {
137    if (Debug.logDetail()) {
138      log("Removing invariant '" + inv.format() + "'");
139    }
140    if (Debug.logOn()) {
141      inv.log("Removed from slice: %s", inv.format());
142    }
143    boolean removed = invs.remove(inv);
144    assert removed : "inv " + inv + " not in ppt " + name();
145    Global.falsified_invariants++;
146    if (invs.size() == 0) {
147      if (Debug.logDetail()) {
148        log("last invariant removed");
149      }
150    }
151  }
153  // This can be called with very long lists by the conditionals code.
154  // At least until that's fixed, it's important for it not to be
155  // quadratic.
156  public void removeInvariants(List<Invariant> to_remove) {
157    if (to_remove.size() < 10) {
158      for (Invariant trinv : to_remove) {
159        removeInvariant(trinv);
160      }
161    } else {
162      int old_invs_size = invs.size();
163      invs.removeAll(to_remove);
164      assert old_invs_size - invs.size() == to_remove.size();
165      Global.falsified_invariants += to_remove.size();
166      if (invs.size() == 0) {
167        if (Debug.logDetail()) {
168          log("last invariant removed");
169        }
170      }
171    }
172  }
174  /**
175   * This procedure accepts a sample (a ValueTuple), extracts the values from it, casts them to the
176   * proper types, and passes them along to the invariants proper. (The invariants accept typed
177   * values rather than a ValueTuple that encapsulates objects of any type whatever.)
178   *
179   * @return a List of Invariants that weakened due to the processing
180   */
181  abstract List<Invariant> add(ValueTuple full_vt, int count);
183  /** Removes any falsified invariants from our list. */
184  @RequiresNonNull("daikon.suppress.NIS.suppressor_map")
185  protected void remove_falsified() {
187    // Remove the dead invariants
188    for (Iterator<Invariant> iFalsified = invs.iterator(); iFalsified.hasNext(); ) {
189      Invariant inv = iFalsified.next();
190      if (inv.is_false()) {
191        iFalsified.remove();
192        NIS.falsified(inv);
193      }
194    }
195  }
197  /** Return an approximation of the number of samples seen on this slice. */
198  public abstract int num_samples(@UnknownInitialization @GuardSatisfied PptSlice this);
200  /** Return an approximation of the number of distinct values seen on this slice. */
201  public abstract int num_values();
203  /** Instantiate invariants on the VarInfos this slice contains. */
204  abstract void instantiate_invariants();
206  /**
207   * This class is used for comparing PptSlice objects. It orders by arity, then by variable names.
208   * It's somewhat less efficient than ArityPptnameComparator.
209   */
210  public static final class ArityVarnameComparator implements Comparator<PptSlice> {
211    @Pure
212    @Override
213    public int compare(PptSlice slice1, PptSlice slice2) {
214      if (slice1 == slice2) {
215        return 0;
216      }
217      // Don't do this assert, which prevents comparison across different Ppts.
218      // (The assert check may be useful in some situations, though.)
219      // assert slice1.parent == slice2.parent;
220      if (slice1.arity() != slice2.arity()) {
221        return slice2.arity() - slice1.arity();
222      }
223      return Ppt.varNames(slice1.var_infos).compareTo(Ppt.varNames(slice2.var_infos));
224    }
225  }
227  /**
228   * This class is used for comparing PptSlice objects. It orders by arity, then by name. Because of
229   * the dependence on name, it should be used only for slices on the same Ppt.
230   */
231  public static final class ArityPptnameComparator implements Comparator<PptSlice> {
232    @Pure
233    @Override
234    public int compare(PptSlice slice1, PptSlice slice2) {
235      if (slice1 == slice2) {
236        return 0;
237      }
238      // Don't do this, to permit comparison across different Ppts.
239      // (The check may be useful in some situations, though.)
240      // assert slice1.parent == slice2.parent;
241      if (slice1.arity() != slice2.arity()) {
242        return slice2.arity() - slice1.arity();
243      }
244      return slice1.name().compareTo(slice2.name());
245    }
246  }
248  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
249  /// Invariant guarding
251  public boolean containsOnlyGuardingPredicates() {
252    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
253      if (!inv.isGuardingPredicate) {
254        return false;
255      }
256    }
257    return true;
258  }
260  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
261  /// Miscellaneous
263  /** Remove the invariants noted in omitTypes. */
264  public void processOmissions(boolean[] omitTypes) {
265    if (invs.size() == 0) {
266      return;
267    }
268    List<Invariant> toRemove = new ArrayList<>();
269    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
270      if (omitTypes['r'] && inv.isReflexive()) {
271        toRemove.add(inv);
272      }
273    }
274    removeInvariants(toRemove);
275  }
277  /**
278   * Check the internals of this slice. Each invariant in the slice is checked for consistency and
279   * each inv.ppt must equal this.
280   */
281  public void repCheck() {
283    // System.out.printf("Checking slice %s%n", this);
285    // Make sure that each variable is a leader.  There is one exception to this
286    // rule.  Post processing of equality sets creates equality invariants between the
287    // various members of the equality set.  Thus one non-leader is acceptable
288    // in binary (two variable) slices if it is in the same equality set as the
289    // other variable.
290    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
291      // System.out.printf("equality set for vi %s = %s%n", vi, vi.equalitySet);
292      if (!vi.isCanonical()) {
293        assert var_infos.length == 2 : this + " - " + vi;
294        assert var_infos[0].canonicalRep() == var_infos[1].canonicalRep() : this + " - " + vi;
295      }
296    }
298    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
299      inv.repCheck();
300      if (inv.ppt != this) {
301        throw new Error(
302            String.format(
303                "inv.ppt != this.  inv.ppt=%s;  this=%s;  for inv=%s [%s]  in invs=%s",
304                inv.ppt, this, inv, inv.getClass(), invs));
305      }
306    }
307  }
309  /**
310   * Clone self and replace this.var_infos with newVis. Do the same in all invariants that this
311   * holds. Return a new PptSlice that's like this except with the above replacement, along with
312   * correct flow pointers for varInfos. Invariants are also pivoted so that any VarInfo index order
313   * swapping is handled correctly.
314   *
315   * @param newVis to replace this.var_infos
316   * @return a new PptSlice that satisfies the characteristics above
317   */
318  PptSlice cloneAndPivot(VarInfo[] newVis) {
319    throw new Error("Shouldn't get called");
320  }
322  public PptSlice copy_new_invs(PptTopLevel ppt, VarInfo[] vis) {
323    throw new Error("Shouldn't get called");
324  }
326  /** For debugging only. */
327  @Override
328  @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // string creation
329  @SideEffectFree
330  public String toString(@GuardSatisfied PptSlice this) {
331    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
332    for (VarInfo vi : var_infos) {
333      sb.append(" " + vi.name());
334    }
335    return this.getClass().getName()
336        + ": "
337        + parent.ppt_name
338        // sb starts with a space
339        + sb
340        + " samples: "
341        + num_samples();
342  }
344  /**
345   * Returns whether or not this slice already contains the specified invariant. Whether not
346   * invariants match is determine by Invariant.match() This will return true for invariants of the
347   * same kind with different formulas (eg, one_of, bound, linearbinary).
348   */
349  public boolean contains_inv(Invariant inv) {
351    for (Invariant mine : invs) {
352      if (mine.match(inv)) {
353        return true;
354      }
355    }
356    return false;
357  }
359  /**
360   * Returns whether or not this slice contains an exact match for the specified invariant. An exact
361   * match requires that the invariants be of the same class and have the same formula.
362   */
363  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "find_inv_exact(#1)")
364  public boolean contains_inv_exact(Invariant inv) {
366    return (find_inv_exact(inv) != null);
367  }
369  /**
370   * Returns the invariant that matches the specified invariant if it exists. Otherwise returns
371   * null. An exact match requires that the invariants be of the same class and have the same
372   * formula.
373   */
374  @Pure
375  public @Nullable Invariant find_inv_exact(Invariant inv) {
377    for (Invariant mine : invs) {
378      if ((mine.getClass() == inv.getClass()) && mine.isSameFormula(inv)) {
379        return mine;
380      }
381    }
382    return null;
383  }
385  /**
386   * Returns the invariant that matches the specified class if it exists. Otherwise returns null.
387   */
388  public @Nullable Invariant find_inv_by_class(Class<? extends Invariant> cls) {
390    for (Invariant inv : invs) {
391      if ((inv.getClass() == cls)) {
392        return inv;
393      }
394    }
395    return null;
396  }
398  /**
399   * Returns true if the invariant is true in this slice. This can occur if the invariant exists in
400   * this slice, is suppressed, or is obvious statically.
401   */
402  @Pure
403  public boolean is_inv_true(Invariant inv) {
405    if (contains_inv_exact(inv)) {
406      if (Debug.logOn() && (Daikon.current_inv != null)) {
407        Daikon.current_inv.log("inv %s exists", inv.format());
408      }
409      return true;
410    }
412    // Check to see if the invariant is obvious statically over the leaders.
413    // This check should be sufficient since if it isn't obvious statically
414    // over the leaders, it should have been created.
415    DiscardInfo di = inv.isObviousStatically(var_infos);
416    if (di != null) {
417      if (Debug.logOn() && (Daikon.current_inv != null)) {
418        Daikon.current_inv.log("inv %s is obv statically", inv.format());
419      }
420      return true;
421    }
423    boolean suppressed = inv.is_ni_suppressed();
424    if (suppressed && Debug.logOn() && (Daikon.current_inv != null)) {
425      Daikon.current_inv.log("inv %s is ni suppressed", inv.format());
426    }
427    return suppressed;
428  }
430  /**
431   * Output specified log information if the PtpSlice class, and this ppt and variables are enabled
432   * for logging.
433   */
434  public void log(String msg) {
435    Debug.log(getClass(), this, msg);
436  }