001package daikon;
003import static daikon.FileIO.ParentRelation;
005import daikon.inv.Equality;
006import daikon.inv.Invariant;
007import daikon.split.PptSplitter;
008import java.io.Serializable;
009import java.util.ArrayList;
010import java.util.Arrays;
011import java.util.Iterator;
012import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
013import java.util.List;
014import java.util.Map;
015import java.util.Set;
016import java.util.logging.Level;
017import java.util.logging.Logger;
018import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnderInitialization;
019import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
020import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
021import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
022import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
025 * Class that builds and describes relations in the ppt hierarchy. Building the relationship is
026 * specific to each type of parent/child relationship (eg, method to object, exit to combined exit,
027 * etc). The use of the relationship is general.
028 *
029 * <p>The basic function of the class is to translate from a variable in the parent to the
030 * equivalent variable in the child and vice-versa. For example, in the ENTER &rarr; EXIT
031 * relationship, the parent is the ENTER ppt and the child is the EXIT ppt. Each variable in the
032 * ENTER ppt is connected to the corresponding orig variable in the EXIT ppt.
033 */
034public class PptRelation implements Serializable {
036  // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
037  // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
038  // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
039  static final long serialVersionUID = 20030819L;
041  /**
042   * The different ppt/variable hierarchy relationships. Parent and User relations are specified in
043   * the declaration record of the ppt. ENTER_EXIT, EXIT_EXITNN, and PPT_COND are automatically
044   * constructed. MERGE_CHILD is not used by Daikon.
045   */
046  public enum PptRelationType {
047    /** Acyclic relationship to a parent, eg, method to its object. */
048    PARENT,
049    /** Possibly cyclic relationship, eg. nested object instances */
050    USER,
051    /** Entrance of method to exit of method. */
052    ENTER_EXIT,
053    /** Combined exit to numbered exit of a method. */
055    /** Relation between the same ppt in two different PptMaps. */
057    /** Relation from a program point to its conditional ppts. */
059  };
061  private static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.PptRelation");
063  /** Description of type of parent-child relationship (debug output only). */
064  PptRelationType relationship;
066  /** Parent of relation. */
067  public PptTopLevel parent;
069  /** Child of relation. */
070  public PptTopLevel child;
072  /** Map from parent vars to matching child vars. */
073  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
074  public Map<VarInfo, VarInfo> parent_to_child_map;
076  /** Map from child vars to matching parent vars. */
077  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
078  public Map<VarInfo, VarInfo> child_to_parent_map;
080  /** Boolean. Controls whether the object-user relation is created in the variable hierarchy. */
081  public static boolean dkconfig_enable_object_user = false;
083  /**
084   * Create a relation between the specified parent and child. The actual variable relations are
085   * filled in by the caller. Note that this creates the connection between this relation and the
086   * parent/child.
087   */
088  /*
089  private PptRelation(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child, String rel_type) {
091    this.parent = parent;
092    this.child = child;
093    parent_to_child_map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
094    child_to_parent_map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
095    // rel_type is one of the above relationship types because this is a
096    // private constructor, called only within this file.
097    relationship = rel_type;
098    connect();
099  }
100  */
102  /**
103   * Create a relation between the specified parent and child. The actual variable relations are
104   * filled in by the caller. Note that this creates the connection between this relation and the
105   * parent/child. As a side effect, the constructed PptRelation is stored in both the parent and
106   * the child.
107   */
108  private PptRelation(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child, PptRelationType rel_type) {
110    this.parent = parent;
111    this.child = child;
112    parent_to_child_map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
113    child_to_parent_map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
114    // rel_type is one of the above relationship types because this is a
115    // private constructor, called only within this file.
116    relationship = rel_type;
117    connect();
118  }
120  /** Adds this relation to its child's parent list and its parent's children list. */
121  @SuppressWarnings({
122    "nullness:argument" // won't be used until initialization is finished
123  })
124  private void connect(@UnderInitialization(PptRelation.class) PptRelation this) {
125    assert !child.parents.contains(this);
126    assert !parent.children.contains(this);
127    child.parents.add(this);
128    parent.children.add(this);
129  }
131  /** Returns the number of parent to child variable relations. */
132  @Pure
133  public int size() {
134    return parent_to_child_map.size();
135  }
137  @SideEffectFree
138  @Override
139  public String toString(@GuardSatisfied PptRelation this) {
140    return (parent.ppt_name + "->" + child.ppt_name + "(" + relationship + ")");
141  }
143  /** Return a string containing all of the parent&rarr;child var relations. */
144  public String parent_to_child_var_string() {
146    StringBuilder var_str = new StringBuilder();
147    for (VarInfo pv : parent_to_child_map.keySet()) {
148      VarInfo cv = parent_to_child_map.get(pv);
149      if (var_str.length() > 0) var_str.append(", ");
150      var_str.append(pv.name() + "->" + cv.name());
151    }
153    return var_str.toString();
154  }
156  /**
157   * Relates all of the variables with the same name in parent and child. Returns true if each
158   * non-static parent variable was related to a child variable.
159   */
160  public boolean relate_same_name() {
162    boolean relate_all = true;
163    for (VarInfo vp : parent.var_infos) {
164      boolean relate_var = relate(vp, vp.name());
165      if (!relate_var && !vp.isStaticConstant()) {
166        // System.out.printf("no relation for '%s' from %s-%s with vars %s%n",
167        //                   vp.name(), parent.name(), child.name(),
168        //                   child.varNames());
169        relate_all = false;
170      }
171    }
173    return relate_all;
174  }
176  /** Prints a ppt hierarchy of all of the ppts of this child and below. */
177  public void debug_print_tree(Logger l, int indent) {
179    // Print the child tree including vars and class name
180    child.debug_print_tree(l, indent, this);
181  }
183  /**
184   * Returns whether or not this relation is a primary relation. This used to simplify debug prints
185   * of the PPt tree (so that extra relations don't result in duplicative information).
186   *
187   * <p>Somewhat arbitrarily, Object&rarr;User and Enter&rarr;Exit are not considered primary while
188   * all others are. The remaining relations (class&rarr;object, object&rarr;method,and
189   * exit&rarr;exitNN) form a simple tree without duplication.
190   */
191  @Pure
192  public boolean is_primary() {
193    return (relationship != PptRelationType.USER) && (relationship != PptRelationType.ENTER_EXIT);
194  }
196  /** Returns a string describing the parent-child relationship. */
197  public PptRelationType getRelationType() {
198    return relationship;
199  }
201  /**
202   * Returns the parent variable that corresponds to childVar. Returns null if there is no
203   * corresponding variable.
204   */
205  public @Nullable VarInfo parentVar(VarInfo childVar) {
206    return child_to_parent_map.get(childVar);
207  }
209  /**
210   * Like parentVar(VarInfo), but if no parent is found, tries every variable in the equality set
211   * and returns null only if none of them has a parent.
212   */
213  public @Nullable VarInfo parentVarAnyInEquality(VarInfo childVar) {
214    VarInfo result = parentVar(childVar);
215    if (result != null) {
216      return result;
217    }
218    if (childVar.equalitySet == null) {
219      return null;
220    }
221    for (VarInfo v : childVar.equalitySet.getVars()) {
222      result = parentVar(v);
223      if (result != null) {
224        return result;
225      }
226    }
227    return null;
228  }
230  /**
231   * Returns the child variable that corresponds to parentVar. Returns null if there is no
232   * corresponding variable.
233   */
234  public @Nullable VarInfo childVar(VarInfo parentVar) {
235    return parent_to_child_map.get(parentVar);
236  }
238  /** Returns whether or not this relation's child has children of its own. */
239  public boolean hasChildren() {
240    return (child.children.size() > 0);
241  }
243  /**
244   * Returns a map of VarInfo.Pair with an entry for each pair of equal variables in all of the
245   * equality sets of the child. The variables are the corresponding parent variables and not the
246   * child variables themselves. The map is from the pair to itself, which allows the pair to be
247   * looked up (which is not possible with a set).
248   */
249  public Map<VarInfo.Pair, VarInfo.Pair> get_child_equalities_as_parent() {
251    debug.fine(
252        "get_child_equalities for "
253            + child.name()
254            + " for parent "
255            + parent.name()
256            + " "
257            + relationship);
258    Map<VarInfo.Pair, VarInfo.Pair> emap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
260    if (child.equality_view == null) {
261      throw new Error(
262          "child.equality_view == null for child ppt: "
263              + child.name()
264              + " samples = "
265              + child.num_samples());
266    }
267    if (child.equality_view.invs == null) {
268      throw new Error(
269          "child.equality_view.invs == null for child ppt: "
270              + child.name()
271              + " samples = "
272              + child.num_samples()
273              + "children = "
274              + child.children);
275    }
277    // Loop through each equality set in the child
278    for (Invariant inv : child.equality_view.invs) {
279      Equality e = (Equality) inv;
280      debug.fine("-- processing equality set " + e);
281      Set<VarInfo> eqset = e.getVars();
282      VarInfo[] varr = eqset.toArray(new VarInfo[eqset.size()]);
284      // Build each combination of variables in the equality set and produce
285      // a pair for each.  Skip any variables that do not have corresponding
286      // variables in the parent.
287      for (int j = 0; j < varr.length; j++) {
288        VarInfo v1 = parentVar(varr[j]);
289        if (v1 == null) {
290          debug.fine("-- -- " + varr[j].name() + " not in parent (skip)");
291          continue;
292        }
293        for (int k = j + 1; k < varr.length; k++) {
294          VarInfo v2 = parentVar(varr[k]);
295          if (v2 == null) {
296            debug.fine("-- -- " + varr[k].name() + " not in parent (skip)");
297            continue;
298          }
299          VarInfo.Pair parent_pair = new VarInfo.Pair(v1, v2, e.numSamples());
300          emap.put(parent_pair, parent_pair);
301          if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
302            debug.fine(
303                "-- -- "
304                    + varr[j].name()
305                    + ", "
306                    + varr[k].name()
307                    + " in child yield "
308                    + parent_pair
309                    + " in parent");
310          }
311        }
312      }
313    }
314    return emap;
315  }
317  /**
318   * Relates parent_var to a variable in child that matches name.
319   *
320   * @param parent_var the parent variable being matched
321   * @param viname the name to look for in child variables
322   * @return true if there was a matching variable, false otherwise
323   */
324  private boolean relate(VarInfo parent_var, String viname) {
326    for (VarInfo vc : child.var_infos) {
327      if (viname.equals(vc.name())) {
328        child_to_parent_map.put(vc, parent_var);
329        parent_to_child_map.put(parent_var, vc);
330        return true;
331      }
332    }
333    return false;
334  }
336  /**
337   * Returns a relation in the ppt hierarchy from an object (parent) to a method (child) on that
338   * object.
339   */
340  public static PptRelation newObjectMethodRel(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
342    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
344    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.PARENT);
346    debug.fine(parent.name() + " parent vars = " + Arrays.toString(parent.var_infos));
347    debug.fine(child.name() + " child vars = " + Arrays.toString(child.var_infos));
349    // Connect each 'this' variable between parent and child.
350    // Note that these should be the only variables whose names match and
351    // that each parent variable should match one in the child.
352    boolean relate_all = rel.relate_same_name();
353    assert relate_all;
354    return rel;
355  }
357  /**
358   * Returns a relation in the ppt hierarchy from a class (parent) to an object (child) containing
359   * static members of that class.
360   */
361  public static PptRelation newClassObjectRel(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
363    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
365    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.PARENT);
367    // Connect each static variable between parent and child
368    // Note that these should be the only variables whose names match
369    rel.relate_same_name();
370    return rel;
371  }
373  /**
374   * Creates a USER or PARENT relation from child to parent. The variable relationships are
375   * specified in the declaration record and stored in the VarInfo for each variable.
376   * RuntimeException will be thrown if any of the parent variables cannot be found.
377   */
378  public static PptRelation newParentRelation(
379      ParentRelation pr, PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
381    assert pr != null && parent != null && child != null;
382    // System.out.printf("Parent Relation %s[%d] to %s%n", pr.parent_ppt_name,
383    //                   pr.id, child.name());
385    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, pr.rel_type);
386    for (VarInfo vc : child.var_infos) {
387      for (VarParent pi : vc.parents) {
388        // System.out.printf("--child variable %s, ppt %s[%d], parent_var %s%n",
389        //                    vc.name(), pi.parent_ppt, pi.parent_relation_id,
390        //                    pi.parent_variable);
391        if (pi.parent_relation_id != pr.id) {
392          continue;
393        }
395        // Get the name of the parent variable.  Its the same as this one if
396        // not specified.  For now, remove the array placeholder (..) since
397        // VarInfoName doesn't support it.
398        String parent_name = pi.parent_variable;
399        if (parent_name == null) {
400          parent_name = vc.name();
401        }
402        // parent_name = parent_name.replace ("[..]", "[]");
404        // System.out.printf("---parent name %s%n", parent_name);
405        VarInfo vp = parent.find_var_by_name(parent_name);
406        if (vp == null) {
407          throw new RuntimeException(
408              String.format(
409                  "Can't find parent variable '%s' in ppt '%s', "
410                      + "with vars %s specified by var '%s' in ppt '%s'",
411                  parent_name, pi.parent_ppt, parent.var_names(), vc.name(), child.name()));
412        }
413        rel.child_to_parent_map.put(vc, vp);
414        rel.parent_to_child_map.put(vp, vc);
415      }
416    }
417    return rel;
418  }
420  /**
421   * Returns a relation in the ppt hierarchy from an object (parent) to a user (child) of that
422   * objects (eg, from the object B to the method A.foo (B arg)).
423   *
424   * @param parent ppt of the object definition
425   * @param child ppt of a user of parent's object
426   * @param arg variable of type object found in child
427   */
428  public static PptRelation newObjectUserRel(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child, VarInfo arg) {
430    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
432    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.USER);
434    // Connect each each field in arg between parent and child.  Do this
435    // by substituting args name for this in the parent and then looking
436    // for a name match in the child
437    for (VarInfo vp : parent.var_infos) {
438      rel.relate(vp, vp.replace_this(arg));
439    }
440    return rel;
441  }
443  /**
444   * Returns a relation in the ppt hierarchy from enter points to exit points over orig variables.
445   */
446  public static PptRelation newEnterExitRel(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
448    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
450    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.ENTER_EXIT);
452    // Look for orig versions of each non-derived parent variable in the child
453    // Note that static constants don't have orig versions (since they are
454    // known to be the same), so we connect to the post version instead.
455    for (VarInfo vp : parent.var_infos) {
456      if (vp.derived != null) {
457        continue;
458      }
459      if (vp.isStaticConstant()) {
460        @SuppressWarnings("UnusedVariable") // see comment below
461        boolean found = rel.relate(vp, vp.name());
462        // Static constants are not always placed at each level in hierarchy
463        // (due to mutually recursive constants that contain one another as
464        // fields).
465        // assert found;
466      } else {
467        // VarInfoName orig_name = vp.name.applyPrestate().intern();
468        boolean found = rel.relate(vp, vp.prestate_name());
469        assert found
470            : String.format(
471                "vp %s orig_name %s parent %s child %s with vars %s",
472                vp, vp.prestate_name(), parent.name(), child.name(), child.var_names());
473      }
474    }
476    // Look for orig versions of derived variables in the child.  This is
477    // done by finding the base of each derived variable and looking for
478    // a child variable with the same bases and the same equation.  This
479    // is necessary because derivations are done AFTER orig variables so
480    // applying the prestate name (as done above) won't work (the resulting
481    // variable is really the same but the name is constructed differently).
483    // Loop through each derived parent (ENTER) variable
484    for (VarInfo vp : parent.var_infos) {
485      if (vp.derived == null) {
486        continue;
487      }
489      // Get a child version of each of the bases of the derivation
490      VarInfo[] vp_bases = vp.derived.getBases();
491      // TODO: Is this "@Nullable" annotation correct?  (That is, can the
492      // element value actually be null?)
493      @Nullable VarInfo[] child_vp_bases = new VarInfo[vp_bases.length];
494      for (int j = 0; j < vp_bases.length; j++) {
495        child_vp_bases[j] = rel.childVar(vp_bases[j]);
496      }
498      // Loop through the child (exit) looking for a matching derived variable
499      for (VarInfo vc : child.var_infos) {
500        if (vc.derived == null) {
501          continue;
502        }
503        if (vc.derived.isSameFormula(vp.derived)) {
504          assert vc.derived != null;
505          VarInfo[] vc_bases = vc.derived.getBases();
506          if (Arrays.equals(child_vp_bases, vc_bases)) {
507            rel.child_to_parent_map.put(vc, vp);
508            rel.parent_to_child_map.put(vp, vc);
509            break;
510          }
511        }
512      }
513    }
515    // Make sure every non-static ENTER variable was found in the EXIT point
516    boolean all_found = true;
517    for (VarInfo vp : parent.var_infos) {
518      if (vp.isStaticConstant()) {
519        continue;
520      }
521      if (!rel.parent_to_child_map.containsKey(vp)) {
522        if (all_found) {
523          System.out.printf(
524              "missing variables in newEnterExitRel:%n"
525                  + "  parent = %s%n"
526                  + "  child = %s%n"
527                  + "  parent.var_infos = %s%n"
528                  + "parent varinfos missing from parent_to_child_map:%n",
529              parent.name(), child.name(), parent.var_infos);
530          all_found = false;
531        }
532        System.out.printf("   %s%n", vp.name());
533      }
534    }
535    if (!all_found) {
536      System.out.printf("rel.parent_to_child_map:%n");
537      for (Map.Entry<VarInfo, VarInfo> entry : rel.parent_to_child_map.entrySet()) {
538        System.out.printf("    %s => %s%n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
539      }
540      System.out.printf("child.var_infos:%n");
541      for (VarInfo vc : child.var_infos) {
542        System.out.println("    " + vc.name());
543      }
544      System.out.printf(
545          "End of diagnostics for newEnterExitRel(%s, %s)%n", parent.name(), child.name());
546      // throw new Error("Missing orig variable in EXIT");
547    }
548    return rel;
549  }
551  /**
552   * Returns a relation in the ppt hierarchy from combined exit points (parent) to an individual
553   * exit point (child). Individual exit points are often referred to as exitNN where NN is the line
554   * number of the exit point).
555   */
556  public static PptRelation newCombinedExitExitNNRel(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
558    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
560    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.EXIT_EXITNN);
562    // Create the parent-child variable map.  This one is easy as the
563    // variables should match exactly
564    assert parent.var_infos.length == child.var_infos.length;
565    for (int i = 0; i < parent.var_infos.length; i++) {
566      VarInfo vc = child.var_infos[i];
567      VarInfo vp = parent.var_infos[i];
568      assert vc.name().equals(vp.name());
569      rel.child_to_parent_map.put(vc, vp);
570      rel.parent_to_child_map.put(vp, vc);
571    }
572    return rel;
573  }
575  /** Returns a relation in the ppt hierarchy from a ppt to a PptConditional for that point. */
576  public static PptRelation newPptPptConditional(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
578    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
580    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.PPT_PPTCOND);
582    // Create the parent-child variable map.  This one is easy as the
583    // variables should match exactly
584    assert parent.var_infos.length == child.var_infos.length;
585    for (int i = 0; i < parent.var_infos.length; i++) {
586      VarInfo vc = child.var_infos[i];
587      VarInfo vp = parent.var_infos[i];
588      assert vc.name().equals(vp.name());
589      rel.child_to_parent_map.put(vc, vp);
590      rel.parent_to_child_map.put(vp, vc);
591    }
592    return rel;
593  }
595  /**
596   * Returns a an artificial relation in the Program point hierarchy between the same ppt in two
597   * different PptMaps. Used to merge invariants between different data sets. The parent and the
598   * child should have exactly the same variables.
599   */
600  public static PptRelation newMergeChildRel(PptTopLevel parent, PptTopLevel child) {
602    assert (parent != null) && (child != null);
604    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(parent, child, PptRelationType.MERGE_CHILD);
606    // assert that parent vars match child vars
607    if (parent.var_infos.length != child.var_infos.length) {
608      System.out.println("newMergeChildRel: in ppt " + parent.name() + " vars don't match");
609      System.out.println("parent vars= " + Arrays.toString(parent.var_infos));
610      System.out.println("child vars=  " + Arrays.toString(child.var_infos));
611      assert parent.var_infos.length == child.var_infos.length;
612    }
614    // Create the parent-child variable map.  This one is easy as the
615    // variables should match exactly
616    for (int i = 0; i < parent.var_infos.length; i++) {
617      VarInfo vc = child.var_infos[i];
618      VarInfo vp = parent.var_infos[i];
619      if (!vc.name().equals(vp.name())) {
620        System.out.println(
621            "newMergeChildRel: in ppt " + parent.name() + " var " + vc.name() + " doesn't match");
622        System.out.println("par vars  = " + Arrays.toString(parent.var_infos));
623        System.out.println("child vars= " + Arrays.toString(child.var_infos));
624        assert vc.name().equals(vp.name());
625      }
626      rel.child_to_parent_map.put(vc, vp);
627      rel.parent_to_child_map.put(vp, vc);
628    }
629    return rel;
630  }
632  /**
633   * Copies the relation from its current ppts to the specified ppts. The new ppts must have the
634   * same variables in the same order as do the original ones.
635   */
636  public PptRelation copy(PptTopLevel new_parent, PptTopLevel new_child) {
638    PptRelation rel = new PptRelation(new_parent, new_child, relationship);
639    for (VarInfo vc : child_to_parent_map.keySet()) {
640      VarInfo vp = child_to_parent_map.get(vc);
641      VarInfo new_vc = new_child.var_infos[vc.varinfo_index];
642      VarInfo new_vp = new_parent.var_infos[vp.varinfo_index];
643      assert new_vc.name().equals(vc.name());
644      assert new_vp.name().equals(vp.name());
645      rel.child_to_parent_map.put(new_vc, new_vp);
646      rel.parent_to_child_map.put(new_vp, new_vc);
647    }
648    return rel;
649  }
651  // used by init_hierarchy below
652  private static class SplitChild {
653    public PptRelation rel;
654    public PptSplitter ppt_split;
656    public SplitChild(PptRelation rel, PptSplitter ppt_split) {
657      this.rel = rel;
658      this.ppt_split = ppt_split;
659    }
660  }
662  /**
663   * Initialize the hierarchical relationship between ppts. Specifically process each ppt, find its
664   * parent(s) in the partial order, and fill this point into the children field in the parent. Note
665   * that children contains only the immediate descendants of the ppt.
666   *
667   * <p>This version should be used with the old version of declaration records. Use
668   * init_hierarchy_new() with new declaration records.
669   */
670  public static void init_hierarchy(PptMap all_ppts) {
672    for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
673      PptName pname = ppt.ppt_name;
674      PptRelation rel = null;
675      Daikon.debugProgress.fine("Processing ppt " + pname);
676      debug.fine("Processing ppt " + pname);
678      // If this is an object ppt, parent is the class point
679      if (pname.isObjectInstanceSynthetic()) {
680        PptTopLevel parent = all_ppts.get(pname.makeClassStatic());
681        if (parent != null) {
682          rel = newClassObjectRel(parent, ppt);
683        }
685        // Else if it's a method and not a constructor, parent is
686        // object or class static methods will relate to the class,
687        // while non-static methods will relate to the object.
688        // Whether or not a method is static is not in the decls file.
689        // We infer this by looking to see if the variables match with
690        // the object ppt or the class ppt.
691      } else if ((pname.isEnterPoint() && !pname.isConstructor()) || pname.isCombinedExitPoint()) {
693        PptTopLevel parent = all_ppts.get(pname.makeObject());
695        if (parent != null) {
696          if (ppt.find_var_by_name(parent.var_infos[0].name()) != null) {
697            rel = newObjectMethodRel(parent, ppt);
698          } else {
699            parent = all_ppts.get(parent.ppt_name.makeClassStatic());
700            if (parent != null) rel = newObjectMethodRel(parent, ppt);
701          }
702        }
704        // Else if an exitNN point, parent is combined exit point
705      } else if (pname.isExitPoint()) {
706        PptTopLevel parent = all_ppts.get(pname.makeExit());
707        // System.out.printf("Parent of %s is %s%n", pname.name(),
708        //                   parent.name());
709        if (parent != null) rel = newCombinedExitExitNNRel(parent, ppt);
710      }
712      // If a relation was created, connect it into its ppts
713      if (rel != null) {
714        debug.fine(
715            "-- ppt parent is "
716                + rel.parent.name()
717                + " with connections ["
718                + rel.parent_to_child_var_string()
719                + "]");
720      } else {
721        debug.fine(" -- no ppt parent");
722      }
724      // Connect combined exit points to enter points over orig variables
725      if (pname.isCombinedExitPoint()) {
726        PptTopLevel enter = all_ppts.get(pname.makeEnter());
727        if (enter != null) {
728          rel = PptRelation.newEnterExitRel(enter, ppt);
729          debug.fine(
730              " -- exit to enter "
731                  + enter.name
732                  + " with connections ["
733                  + rel.parent_to_child_var_string()
734                  + "]");
735        } else {
736          debug.fine("-- No matching enter for exit");
737        }
738      }
740      // For all points, look for vars of a declared type for which we have
741      // a corresponding OBJECT ppt.  Essentially these are all of the
742      // users of the object.  Don't match if the variable already has
743      // a parent (since the parent will provide the link back to the
744      // object) For each variable of this type that we find, setup a
745      // parent-child relationship with its corresponding OBJECT
746      // variables.
747      //
748      // For example, consider class A with fields x and y and method
749      // B.foo (A arg1, A arg2).  We will setup two relations to this
750      // ppt -- one from A to b.foo.arg1 and one from A to b.foo.arg2.
751      // in each we will equate A.x with arg.x and A.y with arg.y.
752      //
753      // We skip variables named exactly 'this' so that we don't setup a
754      // recursive relationship from the object to itself.
756      // DaikonSimple can not see these relations, so don't create them
757      // if we'll be comparing to DaikonSimple.
758      if (dkconfig_enable_object_user) {
760        debug.fine("-- Looking for variables with an OBJECT ppt");
761        for (VarInfo vc : ppt.var_infos) {
762          String dstr = "-- -- var '" + vc.name() + "' - ";
763          if (ppt.has_parent(vc)) {
764            debug.fine(dstr + " Skipping, already has a parent");
765            continue;
766          }
767          if (vc.isThis()) {
768            debug.fine(dstr + " skipping, name is 'this'");
769            continue;
770          }
771          PptTopLevel object_ppt = vc.find_object_ppt(all_ppts);
772          if (object_ppt != null) {
773            if (object_ppt == ppt) {
774              debug.fine(dstr + " skipping, OBJECT (" + object_ppt + ") is the same as this");
775              continue;
776            }
777            rel = PptRelation.newObjectUserRel(object_ppt, ppt, vc);
778            debug.fine(
779                dstr
780                    + " Connected to Object ppt "
781                    + object_ppt.name()
782                    + " with connections ["
783                    + rel.parent_to_child_var_string()
784                    + "]");
785          } else {
786            debug.fine(dstr + " No object ppt");
787          }
788        }
789      }
790      // Connect any conditional ppt variables.  Only connect to the
791      // first splitter, since each splitter should yield the same
792      // results at the parent (since each splitter sees the same
793      // points)  This should only happen at the leaves (numbered
794      // exit points) since all other points should be built from
795      // their other children.  But since we need the relation
796      // from the child's point of view when printing, we create
797      // under all cases and then remove it from non-leaves children
798      // list.  This doesn't seem like the best solution.
799      if (ppt.has_splitters()) {
800        assert ppt.splitters != null; // guaranteed by call to has_splitters
801        PptSplitter ppt_split = ppt.splitters.get(0);
802        for (int ii = 0; ii < ppt_split.ppts.length; ii++) {
803          rel = newPptPptConditional(ppt, ppt_split.ppts[ii]);
804          debug.fine(
805              " -- Connected down to ppt conditional "
806                  + ppt_split.ppts[ii].name()
807                  + " with connections ["
808                  + rel.parent_to_child_var_string()
809                  + "]");
810          if (!ppt.ppt_name.isNumberedExitPoint()) {
811            ppt.children.remove(rel);
812          }
813        }
814      }
815    }
817    // Create relations between conditional ppts and their children.
818    // The relationship between conditional ppts matches exactly
819    // the relationship between each their parents.  For example,
820    // presume ppt A has a child ppt B.  A has two conditional
821    // ppts (AC1, AC2) and B has two conditional ppts (BC1, BC2)
822    // Then AC1 is the parent of BC1 and AC2 is the parent of BC2
824    // Loop over each ppt and process each non-leaf with splitters
825    for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
826      if (ppt.ppt_name.isNumberedExitPoint()) {
827        continue;
828      }
829      if (!ppt.has_splitters()) {
830        continue;
831      }
833      // System.out.printf("processing splitter '%s' [%s] %b%n", ppt.name(),
834      //                    ppt.ppt_name.getPoint(),
835      //                    ppt.ppt_name.isNumberedExitPoint());
837      // Loop over each splitter
838      splitter_loop:
839      for (Iterator<PptSplitter> ii = ppt.splitters.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) {
840        PptSplitter ppt_split = ii.next();
842        // list of children that match this splitter
843        List<SplitChild> split_children = new ArrayList<>();
845        // Create a list of children for this splitter
846        child_loop:
847        for (PptRelation rel : ppt.children) {
848          if (!rel.child.has_splitters()) {
849            break;
850          }
851          for (PptSplitter csplit : rel.child.splitters) {
852            if (ppt_split.splitter == csplit.splitter) {
853              split_children.add(new SplitChild(rel, csplit));
854              continue child_loop;
855            }
856          }
857          break;
858        }
860        // If we didn't find a matching splitter at each child, can't merge
861        // this point.  Just remove it from the list of splitters
862        if (split_children.size() != ppt.children.size()) {
863          ii.remove();
864          continue;
865        }
867        // Build the PptRelations for each child.  The PptRelation from
868        // the conditional point is of the same type as the original
869        // relation from parent to child
870        for (SplitChild sc : split_children) {
871          ppt_split.add_relation(sc.rel, sc.ppt_split);
872        }
873      }
874    }
876    // Debug print the hierarchy in a more readable manner
877    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
878      debug.fine("PPT Hierarchy");
879      for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
880        if (ppt.parents.size() == 0) ppt.debug_print_tree(debug, 0, null);
881      }
882    }
884    // Debug print the equality sets for each ppt
885    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
886      for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
887        debug.fine(ppt.name() + " equality sets: " + ppt.equality_sets_txt());
888      }
889    }
890  }
892  /**
893   * Initialize the hierarchical relationship between ppts. Specifically process each ppt, find its
894   * parent(s) in the partial order, and fill this point into the children field in the parent. Note
895   * that children contains only the immediate descendants of the ppt.
896   */
897  public static void init_hierarchy_new(PptMap all_ppts) {
899    for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
900      PptName pname = ppt.ppt_name;
901      // rels is solely for debugging; each relation is stored in the
902      // parent and child ppts
903      List<PptRelation> rels = new ArrayList<>();
904      Daikon.debugProgress.finer("Processing ppt " + pname);
905      debug.fine("Processing ppt " + pname);
907      assert ppt.parent_relations != null : "missing parent_relations in ppt " + ppt.name();
909      // Process the front-end specified relations
910      for (ParentRelation pr : ppt.parent_relations) {
911        // Skip all relations in subexits.  These relations will be handled
912        // in the combined exit point.
913        if (ppt.is_subexit()) {
914          continue;
915        }
917        PptTopLevel parent = all_ppts.get(pr.parent_ppt_name);
918        if (parent == null) {
919          throw new RuntimeException(
920              "parent ppt " + pr.parent_ppt_name + " not found for ppt " + ppt.name());
921        }
922        if ((pr.rel_type == PptRelationType.USER) && !dkconfig_enable_object_user) {
923          continue;
924        }
925        // System.out.printf("processing hierarchy rel from '%s' to '%s'%n",
926        //                    ppt.name(), pr.parent_ppt_name);
927        rels.add(newParentRelation(pr, parent, ppt));
928      }
930      // if an exitNN point, parent is combined exit point
931      if (ppt.is_subexit()) {
932        PptTopLevel parent = all_ppts.get(pname.makeExit());
933        if (parent != null) {
934          rels.add(newCombinedExitExitNNRel(parent, ppt));
935        }
937        // Connect combined exit points to enter points over orig variables
938      } else if (ppt.is_combined_exit()) {
939        PptTopLevel enter = all_ppts.get(pname.makeEnter());
940        if (enter != null) {
941          rels.add(PptRelation.newEnterExitRel(enter, ppt));
942        }
943      }
945      // Connect any conditional ppt variables.  Only connect to the
946      // first splitter, since each splitter should yield the same
947      // results at the parent (since each splitter sees the same
948      // points)  This should only happen at the leaves (numbered
949      // exit points) since all other points should be built from
950      // their other children.  But since we need the relation
951      // from the child's point of view when printing, we create
952      // under all cases and then remove it from non-leaves children
953      // list.  This doesn't seem like the best solution.
954      if (ppt.has_splitters()) {
955        assert ppt.splitters != null; // guaranteed by call to has_splitters
956        PptSplitter ppt_split = ppt.splitters.get(0);
957        for (int ii = 0; ii < ppt_split.ppts.length; ii++) {
958          PptRelation rel = newPptPptConditional(ppt, ppt_split.ppts[ii]);
959          rels.add(rel);
960          if (!ppt.is_subexit()) {
961            ppt.children.remove(rel);
962          }
963        }
964      }
965      // Debug print the created relations
966      for (PptRelation rel : rels) {
967        debug.fine(
968            "-- ppt parent is "
969                + rel.parent.name()
970                + " with connections ["
971                + rel.parent_to_child_var_string()
972                + "]");
973      }
974    }
976    // Create relations between conditional ppts and their children.
977    // The relationship between conditional ppts matches exactly
978    // the relationship between each their parents.  For example,
979    // presume ppt A has a child ppt B.  A has two conditional
980    // ppts (AC1, AC2) and B has two conditional ppts (BC1, BC2)
981    // Then AC1 is the parent of BC1 and AC2 is the parent of BC2
983    // Loop over each ppt and process each non-leaf with splitters
984    for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
985      if (ppt.is_subexit()) {
986        continue;
987      }
988      if (!ppt.has_splitters()) {
989        continue;
990      }
992      // System.out.printf("processing splitter %s%n", ppt.name());
994      // Loop over each splitter
995      splitter_loop:
996      for (Iterator<PptSplitter> ii = ppt.splitters.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) {
997        PptSplitter ppt_split = ii.next();
999        // list of children that match this splitter
1000        List<SplitChild> split_children = new ArrayList<>();
1002        // Create a list of children for this splitter
1003        child_loop:
1004        for (PptRelation rel : ppt.children) {
1005          if (!rel.child.has_splitters()) {
1006            break;
1007          }
1008          for (PptSplitter csplit : rel.child.splitters) {
1009            if (ppt_split.splitter == csplit.splitter) {
1010              split_children.add(new SplitChild(rel, csplit));
1011              continue child_loop;
1012            }
1013          }
1014          break;
1015        }
1017        // If we didn't find a matching splitter at each child, can't merge
1018        // this point.  Just remove it from the list of splitters
1019        if (split_children.size() != ppt.children.size()) {
1020          ii.remove();
1021          continue;
1022        }
1024        // Build the PptRelations for each child.  The PptRelation from
1025        // the conditional point is of the same type as the original
1026        // relation from parent to child
1027        for (SplitChild sc : split_children) {
1028          ppt_split.add_relation(sc.rel, sc.ppt_split);
1029        }
1030      }
1031    }
1033    // Loop over each ppt and create an equality view and invariants for
1034    // any ppt without children that doesn't already have them.  This can
1035    // happen when there are ppts such as OBJECT or CLASS that don't end up
1036    // with any children (due to the program source or because of ppt filtering).
1037    for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
1038      if ((ppt.children.size() == 0) && (ppt.equality_view == null)) {
1039        assert ppt.is_object() || ppt.is_class() || ppt.is_enter() : ppt;
1040        ppt.equality_view = new PptSliceEquality(ppt);
1041        ppt.equality_view.instantiate_invariants();
1042      }
1043    }
1045    // Debug print the hierarchy in a more readable manner
1046    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1047      debug.fine("PPT Hierarchy");
1048      for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
1049        if (ppt.parents.size() == 0) ppt.debug_print_tree(debug, 0, null);
1050      }
1051    }
1053    // Debug print the equality sets for each ppt
1054    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1055      for (PptTopLevel ppt : all_ppts.pptIterable()) {
1056        debug.fine(ppt.name() + " equality sets: " + ppt.equality_sets_txt());
1057      }
1058    }
1059  }