001package daikon;
003import static daikon.PptRelation.PptRelationType;
004import static daikon.PptTopLevel.PptFlags;
005import static daikon.PptTopLevel.PptType;
006import static daikon.VarInfo.LangFlags;
007import static daikon.VarInfo.RefType;
008import static daikon.VarInfo.VarFlags;
009import static daikon.VarInfo.VarKind;
010import static daikon.tools.nullness.NullnessUtil.castNonNullDeep;
011import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
013import daikon.Daikon.BugInDaikon;
014import daikon.config.Configuration;
015import daikon.derive.ValueAndModified;
016import daikon.diff.InvMap;
017import daikon.inv.Invariant;
018import java.io.BufferedReader;
019import java.io.BufferedWriter;
020import java.io.Closeable;
021import java.io.EOFException;
022import java.io.File;
023import java.io.IOException;
024import java.io.InputStream;
025import java.io.InputStreamReader;
026import java.io.InvalidClassException;
027import java.io.LineNumberReader;
028import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
029import java.io.PrintWriter;
030import java.io.Reader;
031import java.io.Serializable;
032import java.io.StringWriter;
033import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
034import java.net.ServerSocket;
035import java.net.Socket;
036import java.net.URI;
037import java.net.URL;
038import java.nio.file.Files;
039import java.nio.file.Path;
040import java.text.NumberFormat;
041import java.util.ArrayDeque;
042import java.util.ArrayList;
043import java.util.Arrays;
044import java.util.Collection;
045import java.util.Deque;
046import java.util.EnumSet;
047import java.util.HashMap;
048import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
049import java.util.List;
050import java.util.Map;
051import java.util.Scanner;
052import java.util.StringJoiner;
053import java.util.logging.Level;
054import java.util.logging.Logger;
055import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
056import org.checkerframework.checker.calledmethods.qual.EnsuresCalledMethods;
057import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
058import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.UsesObjectEquals;
059import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
060import org.checkerframework.checker.mustcall.qual.MustCall;
061import org.checkerframework.checker.mustcall.qual.Owning;
062import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull;
063import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
064import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.KeyFor;
065import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
066import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
067import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
068import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
069import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
070import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
071import org.plumelib.util.CollectionsPlume;
072import org.plumelib.util.FilesPlume;
073import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
075/** File I/O utilities. */
076public final class FileIO {
078  /** Nobody should ever instantiate a FileIO. */
079  private FileIO() {
080    throw new Error();
081  }
083  /// Constants
085  static final String declaration_header = "DECLARE";
087  // Program point name tags
088  /** String used to append a ppt type to a ppt name. */
089  public static final String ppt_tag_separator = ":::";
091  /** String used to identify entry ppt names. */
092  public static final String enter_suffix = "ENTER";
094  /** String used to mark entry ppt names. */
095  public static final String enter_tag = ppt_tag_separator + enter_suffix;
097  // EXIT does not necessarily appear at the end of the program point name;
098  // a number may follow it.
099  /** String used to identify exit ppt names. */
100  public static final String exit_suffix = "EXIT";
102  /** String used to mark exit ppt names. */
103  public static final String exit_tag = ppt_tag_separator + exit_suffix;
105  /** To be deleted. */
106  public static final String throws_suffix = "THROWS";
108  /** To be deleted. */
109  public static final String throws_tag = ppt_tag_separator + throws_suffix;
111  public static final String object_suffix = "OBJECT";
113  /** String used to mark object ppt names. */
114  public static final String object_tag = ppt_tag_separator + object_suffix;
116  /** String used to identify class ppt names. */
117  public static final String class_static_suffix = "CLASS";
119  /** String used to mark class ppt names. */
120  public static final String class_static_tag = ppt_tag_separator + class_static_suffix;
122  /** String used to identify global ppt names. */
123  public static final String global_suffix = "GLOBAL";
125  private static final String lineSep = Global.lineSep;
127  /// Settings
129  // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
130  // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
132  /**
133   * When true, just ignore exit ppts that don't have a matching enter ppt rather than exiting with
134   * an error. Unmatched exits can occur if only a portion of a dtrace file is processed.
135   */
136  public static boolean dkconfig_ignore_missing_enter = false;
138  /**
139   * Boolean. When false, set modbits to 1 iff the printed representation has changed. When true,
140   * set modbits to 1 if the printed representation has changed; leave other modbits as is.
141   */
142  public static boolean dkconfig_add_changed = true;
144  /** Integer. Maximum number of lines to read from the dtrace file. If 0, reads the entire file. */
145  public static int dkconfig_max_line_number = 0;
147  /**
148   * Boolean. When false, don't count the number of lines in the dtrace file before reading. This
149   * will disable the percentage progress printout.
150   */
151  public static boolean dkconfig_count_lines = true;
153  /**
154   * Boolean. When true, only read the samples, but don't process them. Used to gather timing
155   * information.
156   */
157  public static boolean dkconfig_read_samples_only = false;
159  /**
160   * Boolean. When true, don't print a warning about unmatched procedure entries, which are ignored
161   * by Daikon (unless the {@code --nohierarchy} command-line argument is provided).
162   */
163  public static boolean dkconfig_unmatched_procedure_entries_quiet = false;
165  /** Boolean. If true, prints the unmatched procedure entries verbosely. */
166  public static boolean dkconfig_verbose_unmatched_procedure_entries = false;
168  /**
169   * Boolean. When true, suppress exceptions related to file reading. This permits Daikon to
170   * continue even if there is a malformed trace file. Use this with care: in general, it is better
171   * to fix the problem that caused a bad trace file, rather than to suppress the exception.
172   */
173  public static boolean dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception = false;
175  /**
176   * Long integer. If non-zero, this value will be used as the number of lines in (each) dtrace file
177   * input for the purposes of the progress display, and the counting of the lines in the file will
178   * be suppressed.
179   */
180  public static long dkconfig_dtrace_line_count = 0;
182  /** True if declaration records are in the new format -- that is, decl-version 2.0. */
183  // Set by read_decl_version; by read_data_trace_record if the file is non-empty;
184  // by read_serialized_pptmap; and by InvMap.readObject.
185  public static @MonotonicNonNull Boolean new_decl_format = null;
187  /**
188   * Do not use this routine unless you know what you are doing. This routine breaks the
189   * representation invariant that new_decl_format, once set, is never reset to null. This routine
190   * should be used only if you can guarantee that new_decl_format will be once again set to a
191   * non-null value before any code runs that depends on the fact that new_decl_format is non-null.
192   */
193  @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // reinitialization
194  public static void resetNewDeclFormat() {
195    FileIO.new_decl_format = null;
196  }
198  /**
199   * If true, modified all ppt names to remove duplicate routine names within the ppt name. This is
200   * used when a stack trace (of active methods) is used as the ppt name. The routine names must be
201   * separated by vertical bars (|).
202   */
203  public static boolean dkconfig_rm_stack_dups = false;
205  /// Variables
207  // This hashmap maps every program point to an array, which contains the
208  // old values of all variables in scope the last time the program point
209  // was executed. This enables us to determine whether the values have been
210  // modified since this program point was last executed.
211  static HashMap<PptTopLevel, String[]> ppt_to_value_reps = new HashMap<>();
213  // For debugging purposes: printing out a modified trace file with
214  // changed modbits.
215  private static boolean to_write_nonce = false;
216  private static final String NONCE_HEADER = "this_invocation_nonce";
217  private static String nonce_value = "no nonce (yet)";
219  // (This implementation as a public static variable is a bit unclean.)
220  // Number of ignored declarations.
221  public static int omitted_declarations = 0;
223  // Logging Categories
225  /**
226   * If true, then print the variable name each time the variable's value is first
227   * missing/nonsensical.
228   */
229  public static boolean debug_missing = false;
231  /** Debug tracer for reading. */
232  public static final Logger debugRead = Logger.getLogger("daikon.FileIO.read");
234  /** Debug tracer for printing. */
235  public static final Logger debugPrint = Logger.getLogger("daikon.FileIO.printDtrace");
237  /** Debug tracer for printing variable values. */
238  public static final Logger debugVars = Logger.getLogger("daikon.FileIO.vars");
240  // public static final SimpleLog debug_decl = new SimpleLog(false);
242  /** Parents in the ppt/variable hierarchy for a particular program point. */
243  public static final class ParentRelation implements java.io.Serializable {
244    static final long serialVersionUID = 20060622L;
245    public PptRelationType rel_type;
246    public @Interned String parent_ppt_name;
247    public int id;
249    public ParentRelation(PptRelationType rel_type, @Interned String parent_ppt_name, int id) {
250      this.rel_type = rel_type;
251      this.parent_ppt_name = parent_ppt_name;
252      this.id = id;
253    }
255    @SideEffectFree
256    @Override
257    public String toString(@GuardSatisfied ParentRelation this) {
258      return parent_ppt_name + "[" + id + "] " + rel_type;
259    }
261    /**
262     * Intern the ppt name.
263     *
264     * @param in the input stream from which to read the object
265     * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the stream
266     * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a class cannot be loaded
267     */
268    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
269      in.defaultReadObject();
270      if (parent_ppt_name != null) {
271        parent_ppt_name = parent_ppt_name.intern();
272      }
273    }
274  }
276  // Utilities
277  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "#1")
278  @Pure
279  public static final boolean isComment(@Nullable String s) {
280    return s != null && (s.startsWith("//") || s.startsWith("#"));
281  }
283  /**
284   * Returns true if the next line is a comment.
285   *
286   * @param reader the reader whose next line to check
287   * @return true if the next line is a comment
288   */
289  // Nullness-checking of read_data_trace_record(ParseState) works even
290  // without these two lines, since StringJoiner accepts null values.
291  @SuppressWarnings(
292      "nullness:contracts.conditional.postcondition" // readLine() assertion is ensured by call to
293  // reset()
294  )
295  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "#1.readLine()")
296  public static final boolean nextLineIsComment(BufferedReader reader) {
297    boolean result = false;
298    try {
299      reader.mark(10000);
300      String nextline = reader.readLine();
301      result = isComment(nextline);
302    } catch (IOException e) {
303      result = false;
304    }
305    try {
306      reader.reset();
307    } catch (IOException e) {
308      throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
309    }
310    return result;
311  }
313  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
314  /// Declaration files
315  ///
317  /**
318   * Returns a new PptMap containing declarations read from the files listed in the argument;
319   * connection information (controlling variables and entry ppts) is set correctly upon return.
320   *
321   * @param files files to be read (java.io.File)
322   * @return a new PptMap containing declarations read from the files listed in the argument
323   */
324  public static PptMap read_declaration_files(Collection<File> files) throws IOException {
325    PptMap all_ppts = new PptMap();
326    // Read all decls, creating PptTopLevels and VarInfos
327    for (File file : files) {
328      Daikon.progress = "Reading " + file;
329      if (!Daikon.dkconfig_quiet) {
330        System.out.print("."); // show progress
331      }
332      read_declaration_file(file, all_ppts);
333    }
334    return all_ppts;
335  }
337  /** Read one decls file; add it to all_ppts. */
338  public static void read_declaration_file(File filename, PptMap all_ppts) throws IOException {
339    if (Daikon.using_DaikonSimple) {
340      Processor processor = new DaikonSimple.SimpleProcessor();
341      read_data_trace_file(filename.toString(), all_ppts, processor, true, false);
342    } else {
343      Processor processor = new Processor();
344      read_data_trace_file(filename.toString(), all_ppts, processor, true, true);
345    }
346  }
348  // Read a declaration in the Version 2 format.  For Version 1, see
349  // read_declaration.
350  /**
351   * Reads one ppt declaration. The next line should be the ppt record. After completion, the file
352   * pointer will be pointing at the next record (ie, the blank line at the end of the ppt
353   * declaration will have been read in). Returns null if the ppt is excluded/omitted from this
354   * execution of Daikon.
355   */
356  private static @Nullable PptTopLevel read_ppt_decl(ParseState state, String top_line)
357      throws IOException {
359    // process the ppt record
360    String line = top_line;
361    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line);
362    @Interned String record_name = need(state, scanner, "'ppt'");
363    if (record_name != "ppt") { // interned
364      decl_error(state, "found '%s' where 'ppt' expected", record_name);
365    }
366    String ppt_name = need(state, scanner, "ppt name");
367    ppt_name = user_mod_ppt_name(ppt_name);
369    /** Information that will populate the new program point. */
370    Map<String, VarDefinition> varmap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
371    /** The VarDefinition we are in the middle of reading, or null if we are not. */
372    VarDefinition vardef = null;
373    List<ParentRelation> ppt_parents = new ArrayList<>();
374    EnumSet<PptFlags> ppt_flags = EnumSet.noneOf(PptFlags.class);
375    PptType ppt_type = PptType.POINT;
377    try {
378      // Read the records that define this program point
379      while ((line = state.reader.readLine()) != null) {
380        // debug_decl.log("read line %s%n", line);
381        line = line.trim();
382        if (line.length() == 0) {
383          break;
384        }
386        scanner = new Scanner(line);
387        @Interned String record = scanner.next().intern();
388        if (vardef == null) {
389          if (record == "parent") { // interned
390            ppt_parents.add(parse_ppt_parent(state, scanner));
391          } else if (record == "flags") { // interned
392            parse_ppt_flags(state, scanner, ppt_flags);
393          } else if (record == "variable") { // interned
394            vardef = new VarDefinition(state, scanner);
395            // There is no need to check "varmap.containsKey(vardef.name)"
396            // because this is the first variable.
397            assert varmap.isEmpty();
398            if (var_included(vardef.name)) {
399              varmap.put(vardef.name, vardef);
400            }
401          } else if (record == "ppt-type") { // interned
402            ppt_type = parse_ppt_type(state, scanner);
403          } else {
404            decl_error(state, "record '%s' found where %s expected", record, "'parent', 'flags'");
405          }
406        } else { // there must be a current variable
407          if (record == "var-kind") { // interned
408            vardef.parse_var_kind(scanner);
409          } else if (record == "enclosing-var") { // interned
410            vardef.parse_enclosing_var_name(scanner);
411          } else if (record == "reference-type") { // interned
412            vardef.parse_reference_type(scanner);
413          } else if (record == "array") { // interned
414            vardef.parse_array(scanner);
415          } else if (record == "function-args") { // interned
416            vardef.parse_function_args(scanner);
417          } else if (record == "rep-type") { // interned
418            vardef.parse_rep_type(scanner);
419          } else if (record == "dec-type") { // interned
420            vardef.parse_dec_type(scanner);
421          } else if (record == "flags") { // interned
422            vardef.parse_flags(scanner);
423          } else if (record == "lang-flags") { // interned
424            vardef.parse_lang_flags(scanner);
425          } else if (record == "parent") { // interned
426            vardef.parse_parent(scanner, ppt_parents);
427          } else if (record == "comparability") { // interned
428            vardef.parse_comparability(scanner);
429          } else if (record == "constant") { // interned
430            vardef.parse_constant(scanner);
431          } else if (record == "variable") { // interned
432            try {
433              vardef.checkRep(); // make sure the previous variable is ok
434            } catch (AssertionError e) {
435              decl_error(state, e);
436            }
437            vardef = new VarDefinition(state, scanner);
438            if (varmap.containsKey(vardef.name)) {
439              decl_error(state, "var %s declared twice", vardef.name);
440            }
441            if (var_included(vardef.name)) {
442              varmap.put(vardef.name, vardef);
443            }
444          } else if (record == "min-value") { // interned
445            vardef.parse_min_value(scanner);
446          } else if (record == "max-value") { // interned
447            vardef.parse_max_value(scanner);
448          } else if (record == "min-length") { // interned
449            vardef.parse_min_length(scanner);
450          } else if (record == "max-length") { // interned
451            vardef.parse_max_length(scanner);
452          } else if (record == "valid-values") { // interned
453            vardef.parse_valid_values(scanner);
454          } else {
455            decl_error(state, "Unexpected variable item '%s' found", record);
456          }
457        }
458      }
459    } catch (Daikon.ParseError pe) {
460      decl_error(state, "%s", pe.getMessage());
461      throw new Error(); // this can't happen
462    }
463    if (vardef != null) {
464      try {
465        vardef.checkRep();
466      } catch (AssertionError e) {
467        decl_error(state, e);
468      }
469    }
471    // If we are excluding this ppt, just read the data and throw it away
472    if (!ppt_included(ppt_name)) {
473      omitted_declarations++;
474      return null;
475    }
477    // Build the var infos from the var definitions.
478    List<VarInfo> vi_list = new ArrayList<>(varmap.size());
479    for (VarDefinition vd : varmap.values()) {
480      @SuppressWarnings("interning") // about to be used in a new program point
481      @Interned VarInfo vi = new VarInfo(vd);
482      vi_list.add(vi);
483    }
484    VarInfo[] vi_array = vi_list.toArray(new VarInfo[0]);
486    // Check to see if the program point is new
487    if (state.all_ppts.containsName(ppt_name)) {
488      @NonNull PptTopLevel existing_ppt = state.all_ppts.get(ppt_name);
489      assert existing_ppt != null : "state.all_ppts.containsName(" + ppt_name + ")";
490      if (state.ppts_may_be_new) {
491        check_decl_match(state, existing_ppt, vi_array);
492      } else { // ppts are already in the map
493        if (VarInfo.assertionsEnabled()) {
494          for (VarInfo vi : vi_array) {
495            vi.checkRep();
496          }
497        }
498        return existing_ppt;
499      }
500    }
502    // Build the program point
503    PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, ppt_type, ppt_parents, ppt_flags, vi_array);
505    return newppt;
506  }
508  /** Parses a ppt parent hierarchy record and returns it. */
509  private static ParentRelation parse_ppt_parent(ParseState state, Scanner scanner) {
511    PptRelationType rel_type =
512        parse_enum_val(state, scanner, PptRelationType.class, "relation type");
513    String parent_ppt_name = need(state, scanner, "ppt name");
514    int id = Integer.parseInt(need(state, scanner, "relation id"));
515    ParentRelation pr = new ParentRelation(rel_type, parent_ppt_name, id);
517    need_eol(state, scanner);
518    return pr;
519  }
521  /** Parses a program point flag record. Adds any specified flags to to flags. */
522  private static void parse_ppt_flags(ParseState state, Scanner scanner, EnumSet<PptFlags> flags) {
524    flags.add(parse_enum_val(state, scanner, PptFlags.class, "ppt flags"));
525    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
526      flags.add(parse_enum_val(state, scanner, PptFlags.class, "ppt flags"));
527    }
528  }
530  /** Parses a ppt-type record and returns the type. */
531  private static PptType parse_ppt_type(ParseState state, Scanner scanner) {
533    PptType ppt_type = parse_enum_val(state, scanner, PptType.class, "ppt type");
534    need_eol(state, scanner);
535    return ppt_type;
536  }
538  // Read a declaration in the Version 1 format.  For version 2, see
539  // read_ppt_decl.
540  // The "DECLARE" line has already been read.
541  private static @Nullable PptTopLevel read_declaration(ParseState state) throws IOException {
543    // We have just read the "DECLARE" line.
544    String ppt_name = state.reader.readLine();
545    if (ppt_name == null) {
546      throw new Daikon.UserError(
547          "File ends with \"DECLARE\" with no following program point name", state);
548    }
549    ppt_name = user_mod_ppt_name(ppt_name);
550    ppt_name = ppt_name.intern();
551    VarInfo[] vi_array = read_VarInfos(state, ppt_name);
553    // System.out.printf("Ppt %s with %d variables%n", ppt_name,
554    //                   vi_array.length);
556    // This program point name has already been encountered.
557    if (state.all_ppts.containsName(ppt_name)) {
558      @NonNull PptTopLevel existing_ppt = state.all_ppts.get(ppt_name);
559      assert existing_ppt != null : "state.all_ppts.containsName(" + ppt_name + ")";
560      if (state.ppts_may_be_new) {
561        check_decl_match(state, existing_ppt, vi_array);
562      } else { // ppts are already in the map
563        return existing_ppt;
564      }
565    }
567    // If we are excluding this ppt, just throw it away
568    if (!ppt_included(ppt_name)) {
569      omitted_declarations++;
570      return null;
571    }
573    // taking care of visibility information
574    // the information is needed in the variable hierarchy because private methods
575    // should not be linked under the object program point
576    // the ppt name is truncated before putting it in the pptMap because the visibility
577    // information is only present in the decls file and not the dtrace file
579    //    if (ppt_name.startsWith("public")) {
580    //      int position = ppt_name.indexOf("public");
581    //      ppt_name = ppt_name.substring(7);
582    //      PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array);
583    //      newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("public");
584    //      return newppt;
585    //    }
586    //    if (ppt_name.startsWith("private")) {
587    //      int position = ppt_name.indexOf("private");
588    //      ppt_name = ppt_name.substring(8);
589    //      PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array);
590    //      newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("private");
591    //      return newppt;
592    //    }
593    //    if (ppt_name.startsWith("protected")) {
594    //      int position = ppt_name.indexOf("protected");
595    //      ppt_name = ppt_name.substring(10);
596    //      PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array);
597    //      newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("protected");
598    //      return newppt;
599    //    }
601    // TODO: add a new config variable to turn this accessibility flag processing on?
602    PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array);
603    // newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("package-protected");
604    return newppt;
605    // return new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array);
606  }
608  private static VarInfo[] read_VarInfos(ParseState state, String ppt_name) throws IOException {
610    // The var_infos that will populate the new program point
611    List<VarInfo> var_infos = new ArrayList<>();
613    // Each iteration reads a variable name, type, and comparability.
614    // Possibly abstract this out into a separate function??
615    VarInfo vi;
616    while ((vi = read_VarInfo(state, ppt_name)) != null) {
617      for (VarInfo vi2 : var_infos) {
618        if (vi.name() == vi2.name()) {
619          throw new Daikon.UserError("Duplicate variable name " + vi.name(), state);
620        }
621      }
622      // Can't do this test in read_VarInfo, it seems, because of the test
623      // against null above.
624      if (!var_included(vi.name())) {
625        continue;
626      }
627      var_infos.add(vi);
628    }
630    VarInfo[] result = var_infos.toArray(new VarInfo[0]);
631    return result;
632  }
634  // So that warning message below is only printed once
635  private static boolean seen_string_rep_type = false;
637  /**
638   * Read a variable name, type, and comparability; construct a VarInfo. Return null after reading
639   * the last variable in this program point declaration.
640   *
641   * <p>The resulting VarInfo does not have its ppt field set; the client should arrange to do so.
642   *
643   * @param state the parse state
644   * @param ppt_name the name of the variable's program point; used only for diagnostic messages
645   * @return a new VarInfo read from {@code state.reader}
646   * @throws IOException if there is trouble reading the file
647   */
648  private static @Nullable VarInfo read_VarInfo(ParseState state, String ppt_name)
649      throws IOException {
650    LineNumberReader file = state.reader;
651    int varcomp_format = state.varcomp_format;
652    String filename = state.filename;
654    String line = file.readLine();
655    if ((line == null) || line.equals("")) {
656      return null;
657    }
658    String varname = line;
659    String proglang_type_string_and_aux = file.readLine();
660    String file_rep_type_string = file.readLine();
661    String comparability_string = file.readLine();
662    if ( // (varname == null) || // already returned null if varname==null
663    (proglang_type_string_and_aux == null)
664        || (file_rep_type_string == null)
665        || (comparability_string == null))
666      throw new Daikon.UserError(
667          "End of file "
668              + filename
669              + " while reading variable "
670              + varname
671              + " in declaration of program point "
672              + ppt_name);
673    int equals_index = file_rep_type_string.indexOf(" = ");
674    String static_constant_value_string = null;
675    @Interned Object static_constant_value = null;
676    boolean is_static_constant = false;
677    if (equals_index != -1) {
678      is_static_constant = true;
679      static_constant_value_string = file_rep_type_string.substring(equals_index + 3);
680      file_rep_type_string = file_rep_type_string.substring(0, equals_index);
681    }
682    // XXX temporary, for compatibility with older .dtrace files.  12/20/2001
683    if ("String".equals(file_rep_type_string)) {
684      file_rep_type_string = "java.lang.String";
685      if (!seen_string_rep_type) {
686        seen_string_rep_type = true;
687        System.err.println(
688            "Warning: Malformed trace file.  Representation type 'String' should be "
689                + "'java.lang.String' instead on line "
690                + (file.getLineNumber() - 1)
691                + " of "
692                + filename);
693      }
694    }
695    // This is for people who were confused by the above temporary
696    // workaround when it didn't have a warning. But this has never
697    // worked, so it's fatal.
698    else if ("String[]".equals(file_rep_type_string)) {
699      throw new Daikon.UserError(
700          "Representation type 'String[]' should be "
701              + "'java.lang.String[]' instead for variable "
702              + varname,
703          file,
704          filename);
705    }
706    /// XXX
708    int hash_position = proglang_type_string_and_aux.indexOf('#');
709    String aux_string = "";
710    if (hash_position == -1) {
711      hash_position = proglang_type_string_and_aux.length();
712    } else {
713      aux_string =
714          proglang_type_string_and_aux.substring(
715              hash_position + 1, proglang_type_string_and_aux.length());
716    }
718    String proglang_type_string = proglang_type_string_and_aux.substring(0, hash_position).trim();
720    ProglangType prog_type;
721    ProglangType file_rep_type;
722    ProglangType rep_type;
723    VarInfoAux aux;
724    try {
725      prog_type = ProglangType.parse(proglang_type_string);
726      file_rep_type = ProglangType.rep_parse(file_rep_type_string);
727      rep_type = file_rep_type.fileTypeToRepType();
728      aux = VarInfoAux.parse(aux_string);
729    } catch (IOException e) {
730      throw new Daikon.UserError(e, file, filename);
731    }
733    if (static_constant_value_string != null) {
734      static_constant_value = rep_type.parse_value(static_constant_value_string, file, filename);
735      // Why can't the value be null?
736      assert static_constant_value != null;
737    }
738    VarComparability comparability = null;
739    try {
740      comparability = VarComparability.parse(varcomp_format, comparability_string, prog_type);
741    } catch (Exception e) {
742      throw new Daikon.UserError(
743          String.format(
744              "Error parsing comparability (%s) at line %d in file %s",
745              e, file.getLineNumber(), filename));
746    }
747    if (!VarInfo.legalFileRepType(file_rep_type)) {
748      throw new Daikon.UserError(
749          "Unsupported representation type "
750              + file_rep_type.format()
751              + " (parsed as "
752              + rep_type
753              + ")"
754              + " for variable "
755              + varname,
756          file,
757          filename);
758    }
759    if (!VarInfo.legalRepType(rep_type)) {
760      throw new Daikon.UserError(
761          "Unsupported (converted) representation type "
762              + file_rep_type.format()
763              + " for variable "
764              + varname,
765          file,
766          filename);
767    }
769    if (!(comparability.alwaysComparable()
770        || ((VarComparabilityImplicit) comparability).dimensions == file_rep_type.dimensions())) {
771      System.err.println();
772      throw new Daikon.UserError(
773          "Rep type "
774              + file_rep_type.format()
775              + " has "
776              + file_rep_type.dimensions()
777              + " dimensions,"
778              + " but comparability "
779              + comparability
780              + " has "
781              + ((VarComparabilityImplicit) comparability).dimensions
782              + " dimensions,"
783              + " for variable "
784              + varname,
785          file,
786          filename);
787    }
789    @SuppressWarnings("interning")
790    @Interned VarInfo result =
791        new VarInfo(
792            varname,
793            prog_type,
794            file_rep_type,
795            comparability,
796            is_static_constant,
797            static_constant_value,
798            aux);
799    return result;
800  }
802  @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.new_decl_format")
803  private static int read_var_comparability(ParseState state, String line) throws IOException {
805    // System.out.printf("read_var_comparability, line = '%s' %b%n", line,
806    //                   new_decl_format);
807    String comp_str;
808    if (new_decl_format) {
809      Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line);
810      scanner.next();
811      comp_str = need(state, scanner, "comparability");
812      need_eol(state, scanner);
813    } else { // old format
814      comp_str = state.reader.readLine();
815      if (comp_str == null) {
816        throw new Daikon.UserError("Found end of file, expected comparability", state);
817      }
818    }
820    if (comp_str.equals("none")) {
821      return VarComparability.NONE;
822    } else if (comp_str.equals("implicit")) {
823      return VarComparability.IMPLICIT;
824    } else {
825      throw new Daikon.UserError("Unrecognized VarComparability '" + comp_str + "'", state);
826    }
827  }
829  private static @Interned String read_input_language(ParseState state, String line)
830      throws IOException {
832    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line);
833    scanner.next();
834    @Interned String input_lang = need(state, scanner, "input language");
835    need_eol(state, scanner);
836    return input_lang;
837  }
839  @EnsuresNonNull("FileIO.new_decl_format")
840  private static void read_decl_version(ParseState state, String line) throws IOException {
841    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line);
842    scanner.next();
843    @Interned String version = need(state, scanner, "declaration version number");
844    need_eol(state, scanner);
845    boolean new_df;
846    if (version == "2.0") { // interned
847      new_df = true;
848    } else if (version == "1.0") { // interned
849      new_df = false;
850    } else {
851      decl_error(state, "'%s' found where 1.0 or 2.0 expected", version);
852      throw new Error("Can't get here"); // help out definite assignment analysis
853    }
855    // Make sure that if a format was specified previously, it is the same
856    if ((new_decl_format != null) && (new_df != new_decl_format.booleanValue())) {
857      decl_error(state, "decl format '%s' does not match previous setting", version);
858    }
860    // System.out.println("setting new_decl_format = " + new_df);
861    new_decl_format = Boolean.valueOf(new_df);
862  }
864  // Each line following is the name (in JVM form) of a class that
865  // implements java.util.List.  All those lines (including interspersed
866  // comments) are returned.
867  private static String read_list_implementors(LineNumberReader reader) throws IOException {
868    StringJoiner result = new StringJoiner(lineSep);
869    for (; ; ) {
870      String line = reader.readLine();
871      if (line == null || line.equals("")) {
872        break;
873      }
874      result.add(line);
875      if (isComment(line)) {
876        continue;
877      }
878      ProglangType.list_implementors.add(line.intern());
879    }
880    return result.toString();
881  }
883  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
884  /// invocation tracking for dtrace files entry/exit grouping
885  ///
887  static final class Invocation implements Comparable<Invocation> {
888    PptTopLevel ppt; // used in printing and in suppressing duplicates
889    // Rather than a valuetuple, place its elements here.
890    @Nullable Object[] vals;
891    int[] mods;
893    static Object canonical_hashcode = new Object();
895    Invocation(PptTopLevel ppt, @Nullable Object[] vals, int[] mods) {
896      this.ppt = ppt;
897      this.vals = vals;
898      this.mods = mods;
899    }
901    /**
902     * Return a string representation of this. The Invocation is formatted on two lines, indented by
903     * two spaces. The receiver Invocation may be canonicalized or not.
904     *
905     * @return a string representation of this
906     */
907    String format(@GuardSatisfied Invocation this) {
908      return format(true);
909    }
911    /**
912     * Return a string representation of this. The Invocation is formatted on two lines, indented by
913     * two spaces. The receiver Invocation may be canonicalized or not.
914     *
915     * @param show_values if true, show values; otherwise, return just the Ppt name
916     * @return a string representation of this
917     */
918    String format(@GuardSatisfied Invocation this, boolean show_values) {
919      if (!show_values) {
920        return "  " + ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint();
921      }
923      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
924      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
926      pw.println("  " + ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint());
927      pw.print("    ");
929      // [adonovan] is this sound? Let me know if not (sorry).
930      // assert ppt.var_infos.length == vals.length;
932      for (int j = 0; j < vals.length; j++) {
933        if (j != 0) {
934          pw.print(", ");
935        }
937        pw.print(ppt.var_infos[j].name() + "=");
939        Object val = vals[j];
940        if (canonical_hashcode.equals(
941            val)) // succeeds only for canonicalized Invocations.  Can be an == test, but there is
942          // little point.  val can be null, so it cannot be the receiver.
943          pw.print("<hashcode>");
944        else if (val instanceof int[]) {
945          pw.print(Arrays.toString((int[]) val));
946        } else if (val instanceof String) {
947          pw.print(StringsPlume.escapeNonASCII((String) val));
948        } else {
949          pw.print(val);
950        }
951      }
952      pw.println();
954      return sw.toString();
955    }
957    /** Change uses of hashcodes to canonical_hashcode. */
958    public @Interned Invocation canonicalize() {
959      @Nullable Object[] new_vals = new @Nullable Object[vals.length];
960      System.arraycopy(vals, 0, new_vals, 0, vals.length);
961      VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos;
962      // Warning: abstraction violation!
963      for (VarInfo vi : vis) {
964        if ((vi.value_index != -1) && (vi.file_rep_type == ProglangType.HASHCODE)) {
965          new_vals[vi.value_index] = canonical_hashcode;
966        }
967      }
968      @SuppressWarnings("interning:cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation")
969      @Interned Invocation result = new @Interned Invocation(ppt, new_vals, mods);
970      return result;
971    }
973    // Return true if the invocations print the same
974    @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "#1")
975    @Pure
976    @Override
977    public boolean equals(@GuardSatisfied Invocation this, @GuardSatisfied @Nullable Object other) {
978      if (other instanceof FileIO.Invocation) {
979        return this.format().equals(((FileIO.Invocation) other).format());
980      } else {
981        return false;
982      }
983    }
985    @Pure
986    @Override
987    public int compareTo(@GuardSatisfied Invocation this, Invocation other) {
988      return ppt.name().compareTo(other.ppt.name());
989    }
991    @Pure
992    @Override
993    public int hashCode(@GuardSatisfied Invocation this) {
994      return this.format().hashCode();
995    }
996  }
998  // I could save some Object overhead by using two parallel stacks
999  // instead of Invocation objects; but that's not worth it.
1001  // Map key is a (global, not per-procedure) nonce.
1002  // The nonce indicates which returns are associated with which entries.
1003  static HashMap<Integer, Invocation> call_hashmap = new HashMap<>();
1004  // call_stack is for procedures without nonces.
1005  static Deque<Invocation> call_stack = new ArrayDeque<Invocation>();
1007  /**
1008   * Reads data from {@code .dtrace} files. For each record in the files, calls the appropriate
1009   * callback in the processor.
1010   *
1011   * @see #read_data_trace_files(Collection,PptMap,Processor,boolean)
1012   * @see #read_data_trace_file(String,PptMap,Processor,boolean,boolean)
1013   */
1014  public static void read_data_trace_files(Collection<String> files, PptMap all_ppts)
1015      throws IOException {
1017    Processor processor = new Processor();
1018    read_data_trace_files(files, all_ppts, processor, true);
1019  }
1021  /**
1022   * Reads data from {@code .dtrace} files. Calls {@link
1023   * #read_data_trace_file(String,PptMap,Processor,boolean,boolean)} for each element of filenames.
1024   *
1025   * @param ppts_may_be_new true if declarations of ppts read from the data trace file are new (and
1026   *     thus are not in all_ppts). false if the ppts may already be there.
1027   * @see #read_data_trace_file(String,PptMap,Processor,boolean,boolean)
1028   */
1029  public static void read_data_trace_files(
1030      Collection<String> files, PptMap all_ppts, Processor processor, boolean ppts_may_be_new)
1031      throws IOException {
1033    for (String filename : files) {
1034      // System.out.printf("processing filename %s%n", filename);
1035      try {
1036        read_data_trace_file(filename, all_ppts, processor, false, ppts_may_be_new);
1037      } catch (Daikon.NormalTermination e) {
1038        throw e;
1039      } catch (Throwable e) {
1040        if (dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception) {
1041          System.out.println();
1042          System.out.println(
1043              "WARNING: Error while processing trace file; remaining records ignored.");
1044          System.out.print("Ignored backtrace:");
1045          e.printStackTrace(System.out);
1046          System.out.println();
1047        } else {
1048          throw e;
1049        }
1050      }
1051    }
1052    if (Daikon.server_dir != null) {
1053      // Yoav: server mode
1054      while (true) {
1055        @SuppressWarnings(
1056            "nullness") // server_dir is a directory; this was checked when the variable was set
1057        String @NonNull [] dir_files = Daikon.server_dir.list();
1058        Arrays.sort(dir_files);
1059        boolean hasEnd = false;
1060        for (String f : dir_files) {
1061          if (f.endsWith(".end")) {
1062            hasEnd = true;
1063          }
1064          if (f.endsWith(".end") || f.endsWith(".start")) {
1065            continue;
1066          }
1067          if (files.contains(f)) {
1068            continue;
1069          }
1070          files.add(f);
1071          System.out.println("Reading " + f);
1072          read_data_trace_file(
1073              new File(Daikon.server_dir, f).toString(),
1074              all_ppts,
1075              processor,
1076              false,
1077              ppts_may_be_new);
1078        }
1079        if (hasEnd) {
1080          break;
1081        }
1082        try {
1083          Thread.sleep(1000);
1084        } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
1085          // It's not a problem if the sleep is interrupted.
1086        }
1087      }
1088    }
1090    process_unmatched_procedure_entries();
1092    warn_if_hierarchy_mismatch(all_ppts);
1093  }
1095  // Determine if dataflow hierarchy should have been used, and print
1096  // warning if this does not match Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy.
1097  // Dataflow hierarchy should be used only when all program points
1098  // correspond to points normally found in traces from a
1099  // programming languages.
1100  private static void warn_if_hierarchy_mismatch(PptMap all_ppts) {
1102    boolean some_program_points = false;
1103    boolean all_program_points = true;
1105    // Go through each top level ppt, and make all_program_points
1106    // false if at least one of them is not a program point normally
1107    // found in traces from programming languages.
1108    for (PptTopLevel ppt_top_level : all_ppts.ppt_all_iterable()) {
1109      boolean is_program_point =
1110          (ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isExitPoint()
1111              || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isEnterPoint()
1112              || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isThrowsPoint()
1113              || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isObjectInstanceSynthetic()
1114              || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isClassStaticSynthetic()
1115              || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isGlobalPoint());
1117      all_program_points = all_program_points && is_program_point;
1118      some_program_points = some_program_points || is_program_point;
1119    }
1121    // If all program points correspond to a programming language,
1122    // but the dataflow hierarchy has been turned off, then
1123    // suggest not using the --nohierarchy flag.
1124    //    if (all_program_points && (!Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy)) {
1125    //      System.out.println("Warning: data trace appears to be over" +
1126    //                         " a program execution, but dataflow" +
1127    //                         " hierarchy has been turned off," +
1128    //                         " consider running Daikon without the" +
1129    //                         " --nohierarchy flag");
1130    //    }
1132    // if some of the program points do not correspond to a
1133    // points from a programming language, and the dataflow
1134    // hierarchy is being used, suggest using the --nohierarchy flag.
1135    if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy && !all_program_points && some_program_points) {
1136      System.out.println(
1137          "Warning: Daikon is using a dataflow"
1138              + " hierarchy analysis on a data trace"
1139              + " that does not appear to be over a"
1140              + " program execution.  Consider running"
1141              + " Daikon with the --nohierarchy flag.");
1142    }
1143  }
1145  /**
1146   * Connect to Chicory.
1147   *
1148   * @return the stream that is connected to Chicory
1149   */
1150  private static @Owning InputStream connectToChicory() {
1152    // bind to any free port
1153    try (ServerSocket daikonServer = new ServerSocket(0)) {
1155      // tell Chicory what port we have!
1156      System.out.println("DaikonChicoryOnlinePort=" + daikonServer.getLocalPort());
1158      daikonServer.setReceiveBufferSize(64000);
1160      Socket chicSocket;
1161      try {
1162        daikonServer.setSoTimeout(5000);
1164        // System.out.println("waiting for chicory connection on port " +
1165        // daikonServer.getLocalPort());
1166        chicSocket = daikonServer.accept();
1167      } catch (IOException e) {
1168        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to connect to Chicory", e);
1169      }
1171      try {
1172        return chicSocket.getInputStream();
1173      } catch (IOException e) {
1174        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get Chicory's input stream", e);
1175      }
1176    } catch (IOException e) {
1177      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create server", e);
1178    }
1179  }
1181  /**
1182   * A Processor is used to read a dtrace file. A Processor defines callbacks for each record type
1183   * in a dtrace file. As each record is read from a dtrace file, the corresponding callback is
1184   * called.
1185   *
1186   * <p>to use a Processor, pass it to {@link #read_data_trace_files(Collection, PptMap,
1187   * FileIO.Processor, boolean)}. {@code read_data_trace_files} will call {@link
1188   * #process_sample(PptMap,PptTopLevel,ValueTuple,Integer)} once for every sample in the dtrace
1189   * file, and will call other callbacks for other records in the dtrace file.
1190   *
1191   * <p>For an example of how to create and use a Processor, see {@link daikon.tools.ReadTrace}.
1192   *
1193   * @see #read_data_trace_files(Collection, PptMap, FileIO.Processor, boolean)
1194   * @see daikon.tools.ReadTrace
1195   */
1196  public static class Processor {
1197    /**
1198     * Process a data sample record. This default implementation calls {@link
1199     * FileIO#process_sample(PptMap, PptTopLevel, ValueTuple, Integer)}.
1200     *
1201     * @see FileIO#process_sample(PptMap, PptTopLevel, ValueTuple, Integer)
1202     */
1203    @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.data_trace_state")
1204    public void process_sample(
1205        PptMap all_ppts, PptTopLevel ppt, ValueTuple vt, @Nullable Integer nonce) {
1206      FileIO.process_sample(all_ppts, ppt, vt, nonce);
1207    }
1209    /** Process a program point declaration record. */
1210    public void process_decl(PptMap all_ppts, PptTopLevel ppt) {}
1212    /** Process a ppt decl format record. */
1213    public void process_decl_version(String format) {}
1215    /** Process a VarComparability declaration. */
1216    public void process_comparability(String comparability) {}
1218    /** Process a ListImplementors declaration. */
1219    public void process_list_implementors(String implementors) {}
1221    /** Process an input-language declaration. */
1222    public void process_input_language(String language) {}
1224    /** Process a null record (haven't read anything yet). */
1225    public void process_null() {}
1227    /** Process a comment. */
1228    public void process_comment(String comment) {}
1230    /** Process indication of end of file. */
1231    public void process_eof() {}
1233    /** Process indication of exceeding file size limit. */
1234    public void process_truncated() {}
1236    /** Process continuable error. */
1237    public void process_error() {}
1238  }
1240  /**
1241   * Total number of samples passed to process_sample(). Not part of ParseState because it's global
1242   * over all files processed by Daikon.
1243   */
1244  public static int samples_processed = 0;
1246  /** The type of the record that was most recently read. */
1247  public enum RecordType {
1248    SAMPLE, // got a sample
1250    DECL, // got a ppt decl
1251    DECL_VERSION, // got an indication of the ppt decl format
1252    COMPARABILITY, // got a VarComparability declaration
1253    LIST_IMPLEMENTORS, // got a ListImplementors declaration
1254    INPUT_LANGUAGE, // got an input-language declaration
1256    NULL, // haven't read anything yet
1257    COMMENT, // got a comment
1258    EOF, // reached end of file
1259    TRUNCATED, // dkconfig_max_line_number reached (without error)
1260    ERROR, // continuable error; fatal errors thrown as exceptions
1261  };
1263  /**
1264   * ParseState indicates:
1265   *
1266   * <ol>
1267   *   <li>Some global information about the state of the parser while reading a decl or dtrace
1268   *       file.
1269   *   <li>The record that was most recently read; thus, ParseState is essentially a discriminated
1270   *       union whose tag is a RecordType. (TODO: These are poor names that should probably be
1271   *       swapped!) ParseState is what is returned (actually, side-effected) by method
1272   *       read_data_trace_record when it reads a record.
1273   * </ol>
1274   */
1275  @UsesObjectEquals
1276  @MustCall("close") public static class ParseState implements Closeable {
1278    //
1279    // This is the global information about the state of the parser.
1280    //
1282    /** Name of input file. */
1283    public String filename;
1285    /** True if the current file is a declaration file. */
1286    public boolean is_decl_file;
1288    /**
1289     * True if ppts may be new. If a duplicate is seen, it must match a previous point exactly. If
1290     * false, the previous ppt is used without checking for a match.
1291     */
1292    public boolean ppts_may_be_new;
1294    /** All of the ppts seen so far. */
1295    public PptMap all_ppts;
1297    /** Input stream. */
1298    public final @Owning LineNumberReader reader;
1300    /** Total number of lines in the input file. */
1301    public long total_lines;
1303    /** Comparability format, either VarComparability.IMPLICIT or VarComparability.NONE. */
1304    public int varcomp_format;
1306    //
1307    // This is the discriminated-union part of the ParseState.
1308    // (Presumably this design was chosen for efficiency, to avoid creating
1309    // & garbage-collecting these values many times.)
1310    //
1312    public RecordType rtype;
1314    /**
1315     * Current ppt. Used when status=DECL or SAMPLE. Can be null if this declaration was skipped
1316     * because of --ppt-select-pattern or --ppt-omit-pattern.
1317     */
1318    public @Nullable PptTopLevel ppt;
1320    /** The current nonce. Used when status=SAMPLE. */
1321    public @Nullable Integer nonce;
1323    /** The current set of values. Used when status=SAMPLE. */
1324    public @Nullable ValueTuple vt;
1326    /** Miscellaneous text in the parsed item. */
1327    public @Nullable Object payload; // used when status=COMMENT
1329    /**
1330     * Start parsing the given file.
1331     *
1332     * @param raw_filename the file name supplied by the user; may be "-" or "+"
1333     * @param decl_file_p true if the file is a declaration file
1334     * @param ppts_may_be_new true if declarations of ppts read from the data trace file are new
1335     *     (and thus are not in all_ppts). false if the ppts may already be there.
1336     * @param ppts the program points
1337     * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading or writing a file
1338     */
1339    @SuppressWarnings("StaticAssignmentInConstructor") // for progress output
1340    public ParseState(
1341        String raw_filename, boolean decl_file_p, boolean ppts_may_be_new, PptMap ppts)
1342        throws IOException {
1343      // Pretty up raw_filename for use in messages
1344      if (raw_filename.equals("-")) {
1345        filename = "standard input";
1346      } else if (raw_filename.equals("+")) {
1347        filename = "chicory socket";
1348      } else {
1349        // Remove directory parts, to make it shorter
1350        filename = raw_filename;
1351      }
1353      is_decl_file = decl_file_p;
1354      this.ppts_may_be_new = ppts_may_be_new;
1355      all_ppts = ppts;
1357      boolean is_url = raw_filename.startsWith("file:") || raw_filename.startsWith("jar:");
1359      // Do we need to count the lines in the file?
1360      total_lines = 0;
1361      boolean count_lines = dkconfig_count_lines;
1362      if (is_decl_file) {
1363        count_lines = false;
1364      } else if (dkconfig_dtrace_line_count != 0) {
1365        total_lines = dkconfig_dtrace_line_count;
1366        count_lines = false;
1367      } else if (filename.equals("-")) {
1368        count_lines = false;
1369      } else if (is_url) {
1370        count_lines = false;
1371      } else if (Daikon.dkconfig_progress_delay == -1) {
1372        count_lines = false;
1373      } else if (new File(raw_filename).length() == 0) {
1374        // Either it's actually empty, or it's something like a pipe.
1375        count_lines = false;
1376      }
1378      if (count_lines) {
1379        Daikon.progress = "Checking size of " + filename;
1380        total_lines = FilesPlume.countLines(raw_filename);
1381      } else {
1382        // System.out.printf("no count %b %d %s %d %d%n", is_decl_file,
1383        //                    dkconfig_dtrace_line_count, filename,
1384        //  Daikon.dkconfig_progress_delay, (new File(raw_filename)).length());
1385      }
1387      // Open the reader stream
1388      if (raw_filename.equals("-")) {
1389        // "-" means read from the standard input stream
1390        Reader file_reader = new InputStreamReader(System.in, "ISO-8859-1");
1391        reader = new LineNumberReader(file_reader);
1392      } else if (raw_filename.equals("+")) { // socket comm with Chicory
1393        InputStream chicoryInput = connectToChicory();
1394        InputStreamReader chicReader = new InputStreamReader(chicoryInput, UTF_8);
1395        reader = new LineNumberReader(chicReader);
1396      } else if (is_url) {
1397        URL url = URI.create(raw_filename).toURL();
1398        InputStream stream = null; // dummy initialization for compiler's definite assignment check
1399        try {
1400          stream = url.openStream();
1401          InputStream gzip_stream =
1402              raw_filename.endsWith(".gz") ? new GZIPInputStream(stream) : stream;
1403          InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(gzip_stream, UTF_8);
1404          LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(isr);
1405          reader = lnr;
1406        } catch (IOException e) {
1407          if (stream != null) {
1408            stream.close();
1409          }
1410          throw e;
1411        }
1412      } else {
1413        reader = FilesPlume.newLineNumberFileReader(raw_filename);
1414      }
1416      varcomp_format = VarComparability.IMPLICIT;
1417      rtype = RecordType.NULL;
1418      ppt = null;
1419    }
1421    /** Releases resources held by this. */
1422    @Override
1423    @EnsuresCalledMethods(value = "reader", methods = "close")
1424    public void close(@GuardSatisfied ParseState this) {
1425      try {
1426        reader.close();
1427      } catch (IOException e) {
1428        throw new BugInDaikon(e);
1429      }
1430    }
1432    /**
1433     * Returns the current line number in the input file, or -1 if not available.
1434     *
1435     * @return the current line number in the input file, or -1 if not available
1436     */
1437    public int get_linenum() {
1438      return reader.getLineNumber();
1439    }
1441    private static NumberFormat pctFmt;
1443    static {
1444      pctFmt = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
1445      pctFmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);
1446      pctFmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
1447    }
1449    public String reading_message() {
1450      String line;
1451      if (reader == null) {
1452        line = "?";
1453      } else {
1454        long lineNum = reader.getLineNumber();
1455        line = String.valueOf(lineNum);
1456        if (total_lines > 0) {
1457          double frac = lineNum / (double) total_lines;
1458          String percent = pctFmt.format(frac);
1459          line = line + ", " + percent;
1460        }
1461      }
1462      return "Reading " + filename + " (line " + line + ") ...";
1463    }
1465    public String line_file_message() {
1466      return String.format(" at line %d in file %s", reader.getLineNumber(), filename);
1467    }
1468  }
1470  /** Returns the current line number in the input file, or -1 if not available. */
1471  public static int get_linenum() {
1472    if (FileIO.data_trace_state == null) {
1473      return -1;
1474    } else {
1475      return FileIO.data_trace_state.get_linenum();
1476    }
1477  }
1479  /**
1480   * Logically, this is a local variable in static method read_data_trace_file. It is used for
1481   * status output, and to give the line number at which a problem was detected.
1482   */
1483  // The @MonotonicNonNull property is not true globally, but within every
1484  // method it's true, so it is a useful annotation.
1485  public static @MonotonicNonNull ParseState data_trace_state = null;
1487  // The variable is only ever cleared at the end of a routine that set it.
1488  @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // reinitialization
1489  private static void clear_data_trace_state() {
1490    FileIO.data_trace_state = null;
1491  }
1493  /**
1494   * Read only samples from {@code .dtrace} file. Uses the standard data processor which calls
1495   * {@link FileIO#process_sample(PptMap, PptTopLevel, ValueTuple, Integer)} on each record, and
1496   * ignores records other than samples.
1497   */
1498  public static void read_data_trace_file(String filename, PptMap all_ppts) throws IOException {
1499    Processor processor = new Processor();
1500    read_data_trace_file(filename, all_ppts, processor, false, true);
1501  }
1503  /**
1504   * Read declarations AND samples (not just sample data as the name might imply) from {@code
1505   * .dtrace} file. For each record read from the file, passes the record to a method of the
1506   * processor.
1507   */
1508  public static void read_data_trace_file(
1509      String filename,
1510      PptMap all_ppts,
1511      Processor processor,
1512      boolean is_decl_file,
1513      boolean ppts_may_be_new)
1514      throws IOException {
1516    if (debugRead.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1517      debugRead.fine(
1518          "read_data_trace_file "
1519              + filename
1520              + ((Daikon.ppt_regexp != null) ? " " + Daikon.ppt_regexp.pattern() : "")
1521              + ((Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp != null) ? " " + Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp.pattern() : ""));
1522    }
1524    try (ParseState data_trace_state =
1525        new ParseState(filename, is_decl_file, ppts_may_be_new, all_ppts)) {
1526      FileIO.data_trace_state = data_trace_state;
1528      // Used for debugging: write new data trace file.
1529      if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
1530        Path p = new File(filename + ".debug").toPath();
1531        BufferedWriter bw = null; // dummy initialization for compiler's definite assignment check
1532        try {
1533          bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(p, UTF_8);
1534          Global.dtraceWriter = new PrintWriter(bw);
1535        } catch (IOException e) {
1536          if (bw != null) {
1537            bw.close();
1538          }
1539          throw e;
1540        }
1541      }
1543      while (true) {
1544        read_data_trace_record(data_trace_state);
1546        if (data_trace_state.rtype == RecordType.SAMPLE) {
1547          assert data_trace_state.ppt != null
1548              : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: RecordType.SAMPLE";
1549          assert data_trace_state.vt != null
1550              : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: RecordType.SAMPLE";
1551          // Nonce may be null
1552          samples_processed++;
1553          // Add orig and derived variables; pass to inference (add_and_flow)
1554          try {
1555            processor.process_sample(
1556                data_trace_state.all_ppts,
1557                data_trace_state.ppt,
1558                data_trace_state.vt,
1559                data_trace_state.nonce);
1560          } catch (Error e) {
1561            // e.printStackTrace();
1562            if (!dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception) {
1563              throw new Daikon.UserError(e, data_trace_state);
1564            } else {
1565              System.out.println();
1566              System.out.println(
1567                  "WARNING: Error while processing trace file; subsequent records ignored.");
1568              System.out.print("Ignored backtrace:");
1569              e.printStackTrace(System.out);
1570              System.out.println();
1571            }
1572          }
1573        } else if ((data_trace_state.rtype == RecordType.EOF)
1574            || (data_trace_state.rtype == RecordType.TRUNCATED)) {
1575          break;
1576        } else {
1577          // don't need to do anything explicit for other records found
1578        }
1579      }
1581      if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
1582        assert Global.dtraceWriter != null
1583            : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: set if debugPrintDtrace is true";
1584        Global.dtraceWriter.close();
1585      }
1587      Daikon.progress = "Finished reading " + data_trace_state.filename;
1589      clear_data_trace_state();
1590    }
1591  }
1593  /**
1594   * Like read_data_trace_record, but sets global FileIO.data_trace_state for the duration of the
1595   * call then clears it before returning. Intended for most external callers.
1596   */
1597  public static void read_data_trace_record_setstate(ParseState state) throws IOException {
1599    FileIO.data_trace_state = state;
1600    read_data_trace_record(state);
1601    clear_data_trace_state();
1602  }
1604  /**
1605   * Read a single record of ANY type (sample, declaration, comparability, etc.) from a dtrace file.
1606   * If the record is anything but a sample, also processes it. The record is stored by side effect
1607   * into the state argument.
1608   */
1609  // TODO:  For clarity, this should perhaps return its side-effected argument.
1610  @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.data_trace_state")
1611  // not guaranteed: File might be empty  EnsuresNonNull("FileIO.new_decl_format")
1612  public static void read_data_trace_record(ParseState state) throws IOException {
1614    // Abstract out the test result into a variable because Java doesn't
1615    // permit suppressing warnings on a statement.  Yuck.
1616    boolean stateOK = (state == FileIO.data_trace_state);
1617    assert stateOK;
1619    LineNumberReader reader = state.reader;
1621    for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
1622      if (line.equals("")) {
1623        continue;
1624      }
1626      // This cleverness would not be necessary if every comment was followed by
1627      // a blank line.  We can't depend on that, though.
1628      if (isComment(line)) {
1629        StringJoiner commentLines = new StringJoiner(lineSep);
1630        commentLines.add(line);
1631        while (nextLineIsComment(reader)) {
1632          commentLines.add(reader.readLine());
1633        }
1634        state.payload = commentLines.toString();
1635        state.rtype = RecordType.COMMENT;
1636        return;
1637      }
1639      // stop at a specified point in the file
1640      if ((dkconfig_max_line_number > 0) && (reader.getLineNumber() > dkconfig_max_line_number)) {
1641        state.rtype = RecordType.TRUNCATED;
1642        return;
1643      }
1645      // interning bugfix:  no need to intern "line" (after code change to is_declaration_header)
1647      // Check for the file format
1648      if (line.startsWith("decl-version")) {
1649        read_decl_version(state, line);
1650        state.payload = (new_decl_format ? "2.0" : "1.0");
1651        state.payload = (FileIO.new_decl_format ? "2.0" : "1.0");
1652        state.rtype = RecordType.DECL_VERSION;
1653        return;
1654      }
1656      // Check for the input language
1657      if (line.startsWith("input-language")) {
1658        String input_language = read_input_language(state, line);
1659        state.payload = input_language;
1660        state.rtype = RecordType.INPUT_LANGUAGE;
1661        return;
1662      }
1664      // If we have gotten to here and new_decl_format is not set, presume
1665      // it is the old format
1666      if (new_decl_format == null) {
1667        // System.out.printf("setting new_decl_format to false%n");
1668        new_decl_format = Boolean.FALSE;
1669      }
1671      // First look for declarations in the dtrace stream
1672      if (is_declaration_header(line)) {
1673        if (new_decl_format) {
1674          state.ppt = read_ppt_decl(state, line);
1675        } else {
1676          state.ppt = read_declaration(state);
1677        }
1678        // ppt can be null if this declaration was skipped because of
1679        // --ppt-select-pattern or --ppt-omit-pattern.
1680        if (state.ppt != null) {
1681          if (!state.all_ppts.containsName(state.ppt.name())) {
1682            state.all_ppts.add(state.ppt);
1683            assert state.ppt != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
1684            try {
1685              Daikon.init_ppt(state.ppt, state.all_ppts);
1686            } catch (Exception e) {
1687              decl_error(state, e);
1688            }
1689          }
1690        }
1691        state.rtype = RecordType.DECL;
1692        return;
1693      }
1694      if (line.equals("VarComparability") || line.startsWith("var-comparability")) {
1695        state.varcomp_format = read_var_comparability(state, line);
1696        state.rtype = RecordType.COMPARABILITY;
1697        return;
1698      }
1699      if (line.equals("ListImplementors")) {
1700        state.payload = read_list_implementors(reader);
1701        state.rtype = RecordType.LIST_IMPLEMENTORS;
1702        return;
1703      }
1704      String ppt_name = line;
1705      if (new_decl_format) {
1706        // interning bugfix: no need to intern
1707        ppt_name = unescape_decl(line);
1708      }
1709      ppt_name = user_mod_ppt_name(ppt_name);
1710      if (!ppt_included(ppt_name)) {
1711        // System.out.printf("skipping ppt %s%n", line);
1712        while ((line != null) && !line.equals("")) line = reader.readLine();
1713        continue;
1714      }
1715      // System.out.printf("Not skipping ppt  %s%n", line);
1717      if (state.is_decl_file) {
1718        if (!new_decl_format && line.startsWith("ppt ")) {
1719          throw new Daikon.UserError(
1720              String.format(
1721                  "Declaration file %s is not version 2.0, but line %d looks like a version 2.0"
1722                      + " declaration: %s%nPerhaps the file is missing a \"decl-version 2.0\""
1723                      + " record at the beginning",
1724                  state.filename, state.reader.getLineNumber(), line));
1725        }
1726        throw new Daikon.UserError(
1727            String.format(
1728                "Declaration files should not contain samples, but file %s does at line %d: %s",
1729                state.filename, state.reader.getLineNumber(), line));
1730      }
1732      // Parse the ppt name
1733      try {
1734        new PptName(ppt_name);
1735      } catch (Throwable t) {
1736        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // thrown exception always has a detail message
1737        @NonNull String message = t.getMessage();
1738        // Augment the message with line number information.
1739        if (!(t instanceof Daikon.UserError)) {
1740          message = String.format("Illegal program point name '%s' (%s)", ppt_name, message);
1741        }
1742        throw new Daikon.UserError(message, reader, state.filename);
1743      }
1745      if (state.all_ppts.size() == 0) {
1746        throw new Daikon.UserError(
1747            "No declarations were provided before the first sample.  Perhaps you did not supply"
1748                + " the proper .decls file to Daikon.  (Or, there could be a bug in the front end"
1749                + " that created the .dtrace file "
1750                + state.filename
1751                + ".)");
1752      }
1754      PptTopLevel ppt = state.all_ppts.get(ppt_name);
1755      if (ppt == null) {
1756        throw new Daikon.UserError(
1757            "No declaration was provided for program point " + ppt_name, state);
1758      }
1760      // not vis.length, as that includes constants, derived variables, etc.
1761      // Actually, we do want to leave space for _orig vars.
1762      // And for the time being (and possibly forever), for derived variables.
1763      int vals_array_size = ppt.var_infos.length - ppt.num_static_constant_vars;
1765      // Read an invocation nonce if one exists
1766      Integer nonce;
1768      boolean nonce_exists;
1769      {
1770        String nonce_header_peekahead;
1771        // arbitrary number, hopefully big enough; catch exceptions
1772        reader.mark(1000);
1773        try {
1774          nonce_header_peekahead = reader.readLine();
1775        } catch (Exception e) {
1776          nonce_header_peekahead = null;
1777        }
1778        reader.reset();
1779        nonce_exists = NONCE_HEADER.equals(nonce_header_peekahead);
1780      }
1781      if (!nonce_exists) {
1782        nonce = null;
1783      } else {
1784        @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // nonce_exists is true, so readLine() returns non-null
1785        @NonNull String nonce_header = reader.readLine(); // read & discard header
1786        assert NONCE_HEADER.equals(nonce_header);
1787        String nonce_number = reader.readLine();
1788        if (nonce_number == null) {
1789          throw new Daikon.UserError("File ended while trying to read nonce", state);
1790        }
1791        nonce = Integer.valueOf(nonce_number);
1793        if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
1794          to_write_nonce = true;
1795          nonce_value = nonce.toString();
1796        }
1797      }
1799      @Nullable Object[] vals = new @Nullable Object[vals_array_size];
1800      int[] mods = new int[vals_array_size];
1802      // Read a single record from the trace file;
1803      // fills up vals and mods arrays by side effect.
1804      try {
1805        read_vals_and_mods_from_trace_file(reader, state.filename, ppt, vals, mods);
1806      } catch (IOException e) {
1807        String nextLine = reader.readLine();
1808        if ((e instanceof EOFException) || (nextLine == null)) {
1809          System.out.println();
1810          System.out.println(
1811              "WARNING: Unexpected EOF while processing "
1812                  + "trace file - last record of trace file ignored");
1813          state.rtype = RecordType.EOF;
1814          return;
1815        } else if (dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception) {
1816          System.out.println();
1817          System.out.println("WARNING: IOException while processing trace file - record ignored");
1818          System.out.print("Ignored backtrace:");
1819          e.printStackTrace(System.out);
1820          System.out.println();
1821          while (nextLine != null && !nextLine.equals("")) {
1822            // System.out.println("Discarded line " + reader.getLineNumber()
1823            //                     + ": " + nextLine);
1824            nextLine = reader.readLine();
1825          }
1826          continue;
1827        } else {
1828          throw e;
1829        }
1830      }
1832      state.ppt = ppt;
1833      state.nonce = nonce;
1834      state.vt = ValueTuple.makeUninterned(vals, mods);
1835      state.rtype = RecordType.SAMPLE;
1836      return;
1837    }
1839    state.rtype = RecordType.EOF;
1840    return;
1841  }
1843  /**
1844   * Add orig() and derived variables to vt (by side effect), then supply it to the program point
1845   * for flowing.
1846   *
1847   * @param vt trace data only; modified by side effect to add derived vars
1848   */
1849  @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.data_trace_state")
1850  public static void process_sample(
1851      PptMap all_ppts, PptTopLevel ppt, ValueTuple vt, @Nullable Integer nonce) {
1853    // Add orig variables.  This must be above the check below because
1854    // it saves away the orig values from enter points for later use
1855    // by exit points.
1856    boolean ignore = compute_orig_variables(ppt, vt.vals, vt.mods, nonce);
1857    if (ignore) {
1858      return;
1859    }
1861    // Only process the leaves of the ppt tree.
1862    // This test assumes that all leaves are numbered exit program points
1863    // -- that is, points of the form foo:::EXIT22 for which isExitPoint()
1864    // is true and isCombinedExitPoint() is false.  "Combined" exit points
1865    // of the form foo:::EXIT are not processed -- they are assumed to be
1866    // non-leaves.
1867    if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) {
1869      // Rather than defining leaves as :::EXIT54 (numbered exit)
1870      // program points define them as everything except
1871      // ::EXIT (combined), :::ENTER, :::THROWS, :::OBJECT, ::GLOBAL
1872      //  and :::CLASS program points.  This scheme ensures that arbitrarly
1873      //  named program points such as :::POINT (used by convertcsv.pl)
1874      //  will be treated as leaves.
1876      if (ppt.ppt_name.isEnterPoint()
1877          || ppt.ppt_name.isThrowsPoint()
1878          || ppt.ppt_name.isObjectInstanceSynthetic()
1879          || ppt.ppt_name.isClassStaticSynthetic()
1880          || ppt.ppt_name.isGlobalPoint()) {
1881        return;
1882      }
1884      if (ppt.ppt_name.isExitPoint() && ppt.ppt_name.isCombinedExitPoint()) {
1885        // not Daikon.UserError; caller has more info (e.g., filename)
1886        throw new RuntimeException(
1887            "Bad program point name " + ppt.name + " is a combined exit point name");
1888      }
1889    }
1891    // Add derived variables
1892    compute_derived_variables(ppt, vt.vals, vt.mods);
1894    // Causes interning
1895    vt = new ValueTuple(vt.vals, vt.mods);
1897    if (debugRead.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1898      debugRead.fine("Adding ValueTuple to " + ppt.name());
1899      debugRead.fine("  length is " + vt.vals.length);
1900    }
1902    // If we are only reading the sample, don't process them
1903    if (dkconfig_read_samples_only) {
1904      return;
1905    }
1907    @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedVariable", "nullness:contracts.precondition"})
1908    Object dummy = ppt.add_bottom_up(vt, 1);
1910    if (debugVars.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1911      debugVars.fine(ppt.name() + " vars: " + Debug.int_vars(ppt, vt));
1912    }
1914    if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
1915      assert Global.dtraceWriter != null
1916          : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: set if debugPrintDtrace is true";
1917      Global.dtraceWriter.close();
1918    }
1919  }
1921  /** Returns true if this procedure has an unmatched entry. */
1922  static boolean has_unmatched_procedure_entry(PptTopLevel ppt) {
1923    for (Invocation invok : call_hashmap.values()) {
1924      if (invok.ppt == ppt) {
1925        return true;
1926      }
1927    }
1928    for (Invocation invok : call_stack) {
1929      if (invok.ppt == ppt) {
1930        return true;
1931      }
1932    }
1933    return false;
1934  }
1936  /** Print each call that does not have a matching exit. */
1937  public static void process_unmatched_procedure_entries() {
1939    if (dkconfig_unmatched_procedure_entries_quiet) {
1940      return;
1941    }
1943    int unmatched_count = call_stack.size() + call_hashmap.size();
1945    if (!call_stack.isEmpty() || !call_hashmap.isEmpty()) {
1946      System.out.println();
1947      System.out.print(
1948          "No return from procedure observed "
1949              + StringsPlume.nplural(unmatched_count, "time")
1950              + ".");
1951      if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) {
1952        System.out.print("  Unmatched entries are ignored!");
1953      }
1954      System.out.println();
1955      if (!call_hashmap.isEmpty()) {
1956        // Put the invocations in sorted order for printing.
1957        ArrayList<Invocation> invocations = new ArrayList<>();
1958        for (@KeyFor("call_hashmap") Integer i : CollectionsPlume.sortedKeySet(call_hashmap)) {
1959          Invocation invok = call_hashmap.get(i);
1960          assert invok != null;
1961          invocations.add(invok);
1962        }
1963        System.out.println("Unterminated calls:");
1964        if (dkconfig_verbose_unmatched_procedure_entries) {
1965          print_invocations_verbose(invocations);
1966        } else {
1967          print_invocations_grouped(invocations);
1968        }
1969      }
1971      if (!call_stack.isEmpty()) {
1972        if (dkconfig_verbose_unmatched_procedure_entries) {
1973          System.out.println(
1974              "Remaining "
1975                  + StringsPlume.nplural(unmatched_count, "stack")
1976                  + " call summarized below.");
1977          print_invocations_verbose(call_stack);
1978        } else {
1979          print_invocations_grouped(call_stack);
1980        }
1981      }
1982      System.out.print("End of report for procedures not returned from.");
1983      if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) {
1984        System.out.print("  Unmatched entries are ignored!");
1985      }
1986      System.out.println();
1987    }
1988  }
1990  /** Print all the invocations in the collection, in order. */
1991  static void print_invocations_verbose(Collection<Invocation> invocations) {
1992    for (Invocation invok : invocations) {
1993      System.out.println(invok.format());
1994    }
1995  }
1997  /** Print the invocations in the collection, in order, and coalescing duplicates. */
1998  static void print_invocations_grouped(Collection<Invocation> invocations) {
1999    Map<@Interned String, Integer> counter = new LinkedHashMap<>();
2001    for (Invocation invok_noncanonical : invocations) {
2002      @Interned Invocation invok = invok_noncanonical.canonicalize();
2003      String invokString = invok.format(false).intern();
2004      if (counter.containsKey(invokString)) {
2005        Integer oldCount = counter.get(invokString);
2006        Integer newCount = oldCount.intValue() + 1;
2007        counter.put(invokString, newCount);
2008      } else {
2009        counter.put(invokString, 1);
2010      }
2011    }
2013    // Print the invocations in sorted order.
2014    for (Map.Entry<@Interned String, Integer> invokEntry : counter.entrySet()) {
2015      System.out.println(
2016          invokEntry.getKey() + " : " + StringsPlume.nplural(invokEntry.getValue(), "invocation"));
2017    }
2018  }
2020  // This procedure reads a single record from a trace file and
2021  // fills up vals and mods by side effect.  The ppt name and
2022  // invocation nonce (if any) have already been read.
2023  @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.data_trace_state")
2024  private static void read_vals_and_mods_from_trace_file(
2025      LineNumberReader reader,
2026      String filename,
2027      PptTopLevel ppt,
2028      @Nullable Object[] vals,
2029      int[] mods)
2030      throws IOException {
2031    VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos;
2032    int num_tracevars = ppt.num_tracevars;
2034    /*NNC:@Nullable*/ String[] oldvalue_reps = ppt_to_value_reps.get(ppt);
2035    if (oldvalue_reps == null) {
2036      // We've not encountered this program point before.  The nulls in
2037      // this array will compare non-equal to whatever is in the trace
2038      // file, which is the desired behavior.
2039      oldvalue_reps = new /*NNC:@Nullable*/ String[num_tracevars];
2040    }
2042    if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
2043      assert Global.dtraceWriter != null
2044          : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: set if debugPrintDtrace is true";
2045      Global.dtraceWriter.println(ppt.name());
2047      if (to_write_nonce) {
2048        Global.dtraceWriter.println(NONCE_HEADER);
2049        Global.dtraceWriter.println(nonce_value);
2050        to_write_nonce = false;
2051      }
2052    }
2054    for (int vi_index = 0, val_index = 0; val_index < num_tracevars; vi_index++) {
2055      assert vi_index < vis.length
2056          : "Got to vi_index "
2057              + vi_index
2058              + " after "
2059              + val_index
2060              + " of "
2061              + num_tracevars
2062              + " values";
2063      VarInfo vi = vis[vi_index];
2064      assert !vi.is_static_constant || (vi.value_index == -1)
2065      // : "Bad value_index " + vi.value_index + " when static_constant_value = " +
2066      // vi.static_constant_value + " for " + vi.repr() + " at " + ppt_name
2067      ;
2068      if (vi.is_static_constant) {
2069        continue;
2070      }
2071      assert val_index == vi.value_index
2072      // : "Differing val_index = " + val_index
2073      // + " and vi.value_index = " + vi.value_index
2074      // + " for " + vi.name + lineSep + vi.repr()
2075      ;
2077      // In errors, say "for program point", not "at program point" as the
2078      // latter confuses Emacs goto-error.
2080      String line = reader.readLine();
2081      if (line == null) {
2082        throw new Daikon.UserError(
2083            "Unexpected end of file at "
2084                + data_trace_state.filename
2085                + " line "
2086                + reader.getLineNumber()
2087                + lineSep
2088                + "  Expected variable "
2089                + vi.name()
2090                + ", got "
2091                + "null" // line
2092                + " for program point "
2093                + ppt.name());
2094      }
2096      // Read lines until an included variable is found
2097      while ((line != null) && !line.equals("") && !var_included(line)) {
2098        line = reader.readLine(); // value (discard it)
2099        line = reader.readLine(); // modbit
2100        if (line == null || !(line.equals("0") || line.equals("1") || line.equals("2"))) {
2101          throw new Daikon.UserError("Bad modbit '" + line + "'", data_trace_state);
2102        }
2103        line = reader.readLine(); // next variable name
2104      }
2105      if (line == null) {
2106        throw new Daikon.UserError(
2107            "Unexpected end of file at "
2108                + data_trace_state.filename
2109                + " line "
2110                + reader.getLineNumber()
2111                + lineSep
2112                + "  Expected to find variable name"
2113                + " for program point "
2114                + ppt.name());
2115      }
2117      if (!unescape_decl(line.trim()).equals(vi.str_name())) {
2118        throw new Daikon.UserError(
2119            "Mismatch between declaration and trace.  Expected variable "
2120                + vi.name()
2121                + ", got "
2122                + line
2123                + " for program point "
2124                + ppt.name(),
2125            data_trace_state);
2126      }
2127      line = reader.readLine();
2128      if (line == null) {
2129        throw new Daikon.UserError(
2130            "Unexpected end of file at "
2131                + data_trace_state.filename
2132                + " line "
2133                + reader.getLineNumber()
2134                + lineSep
2135                + "  Expected value for variable "
2136                + vi.name()
2137                + ", got "
2138                + "null" // line
2139                + " for program point "
2140                + ppt.name());
2141      }
2142      String value_rep = line;
2143      line = reader.readLine();
2144      if (line == null) {
2145        throw new Daikon.UserError(
2146            "Unexpected end of file at "
2147                + data_trace_state.filename
2148                + " line "
2149                + reader.getLineNumber()
2150                + lineSep
2151                + "  Expected modbit for variable "
2152                + vi.name()
2153                + ", got "
2154                + "null" // line
2155                + " for program point "
2156                + ppt.name());
2157      }
2158      if (!(line.equals("0") || line.equals("1") || line.equals("2"))) {
2159        throw new Daikon.UserError("Bad modbit `" + line + "'", data_trace_state);
2160      }
2161      int mod = ValueTuple.parseModified(line);
2163      // System.out.println("Mod is " + mod + " at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " +
2164      // reader.getLineNumber());
2165      // System.out.pringln("  for variable " + vi.name()
2166      //                   + " for program point " + ppt.name());
2168      // MISSING_FLOW is only found during flow algorithm
2169      assert mod != ValueTuple.MISSING_FLOW : "Data trace value can't be missing due to flow";
2171      if (mod != ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL) {
2172        // Set the modbit now, depending on whether the value of the variable
2173        // has been changed or not.
2174        if (value_rep.equals(oldvalue_reps[val_index])) {
2175          if (!dkconfig_add_changed) {
2176            mod = ValueTuple.UNMODIFIED;
2177          }
2178        } else {
2179          mod = ValueTuple.MODIFIED;
2180        }
2181      }
2183      mods[val_index] = mod;
2184      oldvalue_reps[val_index] = value_rep;
2186      if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
2187        assert Global.dtraceWriter != null
2188            : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: set if debugPrintDtrace is true";
2189        Global.dtraceWriter.println(vi.name());
2190        Global.dtraceWriter.println(value_rep);
2191        Global.dtraceWriter.println(mod);
2192      }
2193      Debug dbg = Debug.newDebug(FileIO.class, ppt, Debug.vis(vi));
2194      if (dbg != null) {
2195        dbg.log("Var " + vi.name() + " has value " + value_rep + " mod " + mod);
2196      }
2198      // Both uninit and nonsensical mean missing modbit 2, because
2199      // it doesn't make sense to look at x.y when x is uninitialized.
2200      if (ValueTuple.modIsMissingNonsensical(mod)) {
2201        if (!(value_rep.equals("nonsensical")
2202            // Kvasir still uses "uninit" (it distinguishes between
2203            // uninit and nonsensical), though the Daikon manual does not
2204            // officially permit "uninit" as a value and has not since at
2205            // least 2002.  This is fixed in the Kvasir repository as of
2206            // 5/2009, so the following two lines should be removed at
2207            // some point not too long after that.  Then Daikon should
2208            // print a warning (or even terminate execution) about uses
2209            // of "uninit".
2210            || value_rep.equals("uninit")
2211            || value_rep.equals("missing"))) {
2212          throw new Daikon.UserError(
2213              "Modbit indicates nonsensical value for variable "
2214                  + vi.name()
2215                  + " with value \""
2216                  + value_rep
2217                  + "\";"
2218                  + lineSep
2219                  + "  text of value should be \"nonsensical\"",
2220              data_trace_state);
2221        } else {
2222          if (debug_missing && !vi.canBeMissing) {
2223            System.out.printf(
2224                "Var %s ppt %s at line %d missing%n", vi, ppt.name(), FileIO.get_linenum());
2225            System.out.printf("val_index = %d, mods[val_index] = %d%n", val_index, mods[val_index]);
2226          }
2227          vi.canBeMissing = true;
2228        }
2229        vals[val_index] = null;
2230      } else {
2231        // mod is not MISSING_NONSENSICAL
2233        // System.out.println("Mod is " + mod + " (missing=" +
2234        // ValueTuple.MISSING + "), rep=" + value_rep +
2235        // "(modIsMissing=" + ValueTuple.modIsMissing(mod) + ")");
2237        try {
2238          vals[val_index] = vi.rep_type.parse_value(value_rep, reader, filename);
2239          if (vals[val_index] == null) {
2240            if (debug_missing && !vi.canBeMissing) {
2241              System.out.printf(
2242                  "Var %s ppt %s at line %d is null, and modbit is not missing%n",
2243                  vi, ppt.name(), FileIO.get_linenum());
2244            }
2245            // The value in the trace was null even though the modbit was not
2246            // MISSING_NONSENSICAL.  Set the modbit to MISSING_NONSENSICAL.
2247            // This can happen for a value like [1 nonsensical 2], because
2248            // if any array value is nonsensical, the whole array is
2249            // treated as nonsensical.
2250            mods[val_index] = ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL;
2251            vi.canBeMissing = true;
2252          }
2253        } catch (Daikon.UserError e) {
2254          throw e;
2255        } catch (Throwable e) {
2256          // e.printStackTrace(System.err); // for debugging
2257          throw new Daikon.UserError(
2258              e,
2259              "Error while parsing value "
2260                  + value_rep
2261                  + " for variable "
2262                  + vi.name()
2263                  + " of type "
2264                  + vi.rep_type
2265                  + ": "
2266                  + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
2267              reader,
2268              filename);
2269        }
2270      }
2271      val_index++;
2272    }
2274    // Does oldvalue_reps now have no null elements???
2275    oldvalue_reps = castNonNullDeep(oldvalue_reps); // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/986
2276    ppt_to_value_reps.put(ppt, oldvalue_reps);
2278    if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) {
2279      assert Global.dtraceWriter != null
2280          : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: set if debugPrintDtrace is true";
2281      Global.dtraceWriter.println();
2282    }
2284    // Expecting the end of a block of values.
2285    String line = reader.readLine();
2286    // First, we might get some variables that ought to be omitted.
2287    while ((line != null) && !line.equals("") && !var_included(line)) {
2288      line = reader.readLine(); // value
2289      line = reader.readLine(); // modbit
2290      line = reader.readLine(); // next variable name
2291    }
2292    assert (line == null) || line.equals("")
2293        : "Expected blank line in "
2294            + data_trace_state.filename
2295            + " at line "
2296            + reader.getLineNumber()
2297            + ": "
2298            + line;
2299  }
2301  /**
2302   * If this is a function entry ppt, stores the values of all of the variables away for use at the
2303   * exit. If this is an exit, finds the values at enter and adds them as the values of the orig
2304   * variables. Normally returns false. Returns true if this is an exit without a matching enter.
2305   * See dkconfig_ignore_missing_enter for more info. If true is returned, this ppt should be
2306   * ignored by the caller.
2307   */
2308  @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.data_trace_state")
2309  public static boolean compute_orig_variables(
2310      PptTopLevel ppt,
2311      // HashMap cumulative_modbits,
2312      @Nullable Object[] vals,
2313      int[] mods,
2314      @Nullable Integer nonce) {
2315    assert data_trace_state != null;
2317    VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos;
2318    @Interned String fn_name = ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint();
2319    String ppt_name = ppt.name();
2320    if (ppt_name.endsWith(enter_tag)) {
2321      Invocation invok = new Invocation(ppt, vals, mods);
2322      if (nonce == null) {
2323        call_stack.push(invok);
2324      } else {
2325        call_hashmap.put(nonce, invok);
2326      }
2327      return false;
2328    }
2330    if (ppt.ppt_name.isExitPoint() || ppt.ppt_name.isThrowsPoint()) {
2331      Invocation invoc;
2332      // Set invoc
2333      {
2334        if (nonce == null) {
2335          if (call_stack.isEmpty()) {
2336            // Not Daikon.UserError:  caller knows context such as
2337            // file name and line number.
2338            throw new Error("Function exit without corresponding entry: " + ppt.name());
2339          }
2340          invoc = call_stack.pop();
2341          while (invoc.ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint() != fn_name) {
2342            // Should also mark as a function that made an exceptional exit
2343            // at run time.
2344            System.err.println(
2345                "Exceptional exit from function "
2346                    + fn_name
2347                    + ", expected to first exit from "
2348                    + invoc.ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint()
2349                    + ((data_trace_state.filename == null)
2350                        ? ""
2351                        : "; at "
2352                            + data_trace_state.filename
2353                            + " line "
2354                            + data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber()));
2355            invoc = call_stack.pop();
2356          }
2357        } else {
2358          // nonce != null
2359          if (!call_hashmap.containsKey(nonce)) {
2360            if (dkconfig_ignore_missing_enter) {
2361              // System.out.printf("Didn't find call with nonce %d to match %s" +
2362              //                   " ending at %s line %d%n", nonce, ppt.name(),
2363              //                   data_trace_state.filename,
2364              //                   data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber());
2365              return true;
2366            } else {
2367              // Not Daikon.UserError:  caller knows context such as
2368              // file name and line number.
2369              throw new Error(
2370                  String.format(
2371                      "Didn't find call with nonce %s to match %s ending at %s line %d",
2372                      nonce,
2373                      ppt.name(),
2374                      data_trace_state.filename,
2375                      data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber()));
2376            }
2377          }
2378          invoc = call_hashmap.get(nonce);
2379          call_hashmap.remove(nonce);
2380        }
2381      }
2383      // Loop through each orig variable and get its value/mod bits from
2384      // the ENTER point.  vi_index is the index into var_infos at the
2385      // ENTER point.  val_index is the index into vals[] and mods[] at
2386      // ENTER point.  Note that vis[] includes static constants but
2387      // vals[] and mods[] do not.  Also that we don't create orig versions
2388      // of static constants
2389      int vi_index = 0;
2390      for (int val_index = 0; val_index < ppt.num_orig_vars; val_index++) {
2391        VarInfo vi = vis[ppt.num_tracevars + ppt.num_static_constant_vars + val_index];
2392        assert !vi.is_static_constant : "orig constant " + vi;
2394        // Skip over constants in the entry point
2395        while (invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index].is_static_constant) {
2396          vi_index++;
2397        }
2399        // Copy the vals and mod bits from entry to exit
2400        vals[ppt.num_tracevars + val_index] = invoc.vals[val_index];
2401        int mod = invoc.mods[val_index];
2402        mods[ppt.num_tracevars + val_index] = mod;
2404        // If the value was missing, mark this variable as can be missing.
2405        // Carefully check that we have orig version of the variable from
2406        // the ENTER point.
2407        if (ValueTuple.modIsMissingNonsensical(mod)) {
2408          if (debug_missing && !vi.canBeMissing) {
2409            System.out.printf("add_orig: var %s missing[%d/%d]%n", vi, val_index, vi_index);
2410          }
2411          vi.canBeMissing = true;
2412          assert invoc.vals[val_index] == null;
2413          assert vi.name() == invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index].prestate_name()
2414              : vi.name() + " != " + invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index];
2415          assert invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index].canBeMissing : invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index];
2416        }
2417        vi_index++;
2418      }
2419    }
2420    return false;
2421  }
2423  /** Computes values of derived variables. */
2424  public static void compute_derived_variables(
2425      PptTopLevel ppt, @Nullable Object[] vals, int[] mods) {
2426    // This ValueTuple is temporary:  we're temporarily suppressing interning,
2427    // which we will do after we have all the values available.
2428    ValueTuple partial_vt = ValueTuple.makeUninterned(vals, mods);
2429    int filled_slots = ppt.num_orig_vars + ppt.num_tracevars + ppt.num_static_constant_vars;
2430    for (int i = 0; i < filled_slots; i++) {
2431      assert !ppt.var_infos[i].isDerived();
2432    }
2433    int num_const = ppt.num_static_constant_vars;
2434    for (int i = filled_slots; i < ppt.var_infos.length; i++) {
2435      assert ppt.var_infos[i].derived != null : "variable not derived: " + ppt.var_infos[i].repr();
2436      assert ppt.var_infos[i].derived != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): application invariant";
2437      // Add this derived variable's value
2438      ValueAndModified vm = ppt.var_infos[i].derived.computeValueAndModified(partial_vt);
2439      vals[i - num_const] = vm.value;
2440      mods[i - num_const] = vm.modified;
2441    }
2442  }
2444  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2445  /// Serialized PptMap files
2446  ///
2448  /**
2449   * Use a special record type. Saving as one object allows for reference-sharing, easier saves and
2450   * loads, and potential for later overriding of SerialFormat.readObject if the save format changes
2451   * (ick).
2452   */
2453  static final class SerialFormat implements Serializable {
2454    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
2455    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
2456    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
2457    static final long serialVersionUID = 20060905L;
2459    @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.new_decl_format")
2460    public SerialFormat(PptMap map, Configuration config) {
2461      this.map = map;
2462      this.config = config;
2463      this.new_decl_format = FileIO.new_decl_format;
2464    }
2466    public PptMap map;
2467    public Configuration config;
2468    public boolean new_decl_format = false;
2469  }
2471  /**
2472   * Write a serialized PptMap to a file.
2473   *
2474   * @param map a PptMap
2475   * @param file the file to which to write
2476   * @throws IOException if there is trouble writing the file
2477   */
2478  public static void write_serialized_pptmap(PptMap map, File file) throws IOException {
2479    SerialFormat record = new SerialFormat(map, Configuration.getInstance());
2480    FilesPlume.writeObject(record, file);
2481  }
2483  /**
2484   * Read either a serialized PptMap or a InvMap and return a PptMap. If an InvMap is specified, it
2485   * is converted to a PptMap.
2486   */
2487  @EnsuresNonNull("FileIO.new_decl_format")
2488  public static PptMap read_serialized_pptmap(File file, boolean use_saved_config)
2489      throws IOException {
2491    try {
2492      Object obj = FilesPlume.readObject(file);
2493      if (obj instanceof FileIO.SerialFormat) {
2494        SerialFormat record = (SerialFormat) obj;
2495        if (use_saved_config) {
2496          Configuration.getInstance().overlap(record.config);
2497        }
2498        FileIO.new_decl_format = record.new_decl_format;
2499        // System.err.printf("Setting FileIO.new_decl_format to %b%n",
2500        //                   FileIO.new_decl_format);
2501        return record.map;
2502      } else if (obj instanceof InvMap) {
2503        // System.err.printf("Restoring an InvMap%n");
2504        InvMap invs = (InvMap) obj;
2505        PptMap ppts = new PptMap();
2506        for (PptTopLevel ppt : invs.pptIterable()) {
2507          PptTopLevel nppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt.name, ppt.var_infos);
2508          nppt.set_sample_number(ppt.num_samples());
2509          ppts.add(nppt);
2510          List<Invariant> inv_list = invs.get(ppt);
2511          for (Invariant inv : inv_list) {
2512            PptSlice slice = nppt.get_or_instantiate_slice(inv.ppt.var_infos);
2513            inv.ppt = slice;
2514            slice.addInvariant(inv);
2515          }
2516        }
2517        assert FileIO.new_decl_format != null
2518            : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): InvMap.readObject() sets FileIO.new_decl_format";
2519        return ppts;
2520      } else {
2521        throw new IOException("Unexpected serialized file type: " + obj.getClass());
2522      }
2523    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
2524      throw (IOException) new IOException("Error while loading inv file").initCause(e);
2525    } catch (InvalidClassException e) {
2526      throw new IOException(
2527          "It is likely that the .inv file format has changed, because a Daikon data structure has"
2528              + " been modified, so your old .inv file is no longer readable by Daikon.  Please"
2529              + " regenerate your .inv file."
2530          // + lineSep + e.toString()
2531          );
2532    }
2533    // } catch (StreamCorruptedException e) { // already extends IOException
2534    // } catch (OptionalDataException e) {    // already extends IOException
2535  }
2537  /**
2538   * Returns whether or not the specified ppt name should be included in processing. Ppts can be
2539   * excluded because they match the omit_regexp, don't match ppt_regexp, or are greater than
2540   * ppt_max_name.
2541   */
2542  public static boolean ppt_included(String ppt_name) {
2544    // System.out.println ("ppt_name = '" + ppt_name + "' max name = '"
2545    //                     + Daikon.ppt_max_name + "'");
2546    if (((Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp != null) && Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp.matcher(ppt_name).find())
2547        || ((Daikon.ppt_regexp != null) && !Daikon.ppt_regexp.matcher(ppt_name).find())
2548        || ((Daikon.ppt_max_name != null)
2549            && ((Daikon.ppt_max_name.compareTo(ppt_name) < 0)
2550                && (ppt_name.indexOf(global_suffix) == -1)))) {
2551      return false;
2552    } else {
2553      return true;
2554    }
2555  }
2557  /**
2558   * Returns true if the given variable is included, according to Daikon's {@code
2559   * --var-select-pattern} and {@code --var-omit-pattern} flags.
2560   */
2561  public static boolean var_included(String var_name) {
2562    assert !var_name.equals("");
2563    if (((Daikon.var_omit_regexp != null) && Daikon.var_omit_regexp.matcher(var_name).find())
2564        || ((Daikon.var_regexp != null) && !Daikon.var_regexp.matcher(var_name).find())) {
2565      return false;
2566    } else {
2567      return true;
2568    }
2569  }
2571  /**
2572   * Checks the specified array of variables to see if it matches exactly the variables in the
2573   * existing ppt. Throws an error if there are any differences. Used to ensure that a new ppt with
2574   * the same name as an existing ppt is exactly the same.
2575   */
2576  static void check_decl_match(ParseState state, PptTopLevel existing_ppt, VarInfo[] vi_array) {
2578    VarInfo[] existing_vars = existing_ppt.var_infos;
2579    if (existing_ppt.num_declvars != vi_array.length) {
2580      throw new Daikon.UserError(
2581          "Duplicate declaration of program point \""
2582              + existing_ppt.name()
2583              + "\" with a different number of VarInfo objects: "
2584              + "old VarInfo number="
2585              + existing_ppt.num_declvars
2586              + ", new VarInfo number="
2587              + vi_array.length,
2588          state);
2589    }
2591    for (int i = 0; i < vi_array.length; i++) {
2592      String oldName = existing_vars[i].str_name();
2593      String newName = vi_array[i].str_name();
2594      if (!oldName.equals(newName)) {
2595        throw new Daikon.UserError(
2596            "Duplicate declaration of program point \""
2597                + existing_ppt.name()
2598                + "\" with two different VarInfo: old VarInfo="
2599                + oldName
2600                + ", new VarInfo="
2601                + newName,
2602            state);
2603      }
2604    }
2605  }
2607  /**
2608   * Converts the declaration record version of a name into its correct version. In the declaration
2609   * record, blanks are encoded as \_ and backslashes as \\.
2610   */
2611  private static String unescape_decl(String orig) {
2612    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(orig.length());
2613    // The previous escape character was seen just before this position.
2614    int post_esc = 0;
2615    int this_esc = orig.indexOf('\\');
2616    while (this_esc != -1) {
2617      if (this_esc == orig.length() - 1) {
2618        sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc + 1));
2619        post_esc = this_esc + 1;
2620        break;
2621      }
2622      switch (orig.charAt(this_esc + 1)) {
2623        case 'n':
2624          sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc));
2625          sb.append('\n'); // not lineSep
2626          post_esc = this_esc + 2;
2627          break;
2628        case 'r':
2629          sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc));
2630          sb.append('\r');
2631          post_esc = this_esc + 2;
2632          break;
2633        case '_':
2634          sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc));
2635          sb.append(' ');
2636          post_esc = this_esc + 2;
2637          break;
2638        case '\\':
2639          // This is not in the default case because the search would find
2640          // the quoted backslash.  Here we incluce the first backslash in
2641          // the output, but not the first.
2642          sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc + 1));
2643          post_esc = this_esc + 2;
2644          break;
2646        default:
2647          // In the default case, retain the character following the
2648          // backslash, but discard the backslash itself.  "\*" is just
2649          // a one-character string.
2650          sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc));
2651          post_esc = this_esc + 1;
2652          break;
2653      }
2654      this_esc = orig.indexOf('\\', post_esc);
2655    }
2656    if (post_esc == 0) {
2657      return orig;
2658    }
2659    sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc));
2660    return sb.toString();
2661  }
2663  // The reverse of unescape_decl.  Test them together.
2664  /**
2665   * Converts a name into its declaration record version. In the declaration record, blanks are
2666   * encoded as \_ and backslashes as \\.
2667   *
2668   * @param orig the name of a declaration
2669   * @return the representation of the name in a declaration file
2670   */
2671  @SuppressWarnings("UnusedMethod")
2672  private static String escape_decl(String orig) {
2673    return orig.replace("\\", "\\\\")
2674        .replace(" ", "\\_")
2675        .replace("\n", "\\n") // not lineSep
2676        .replace("\r", "\\r");
2677  }
2679  /**
2680   * Class that holds information from the declaration record (in the file). Once collected, this
2681   * information is used to create a VarInfo. This class is necessary because a VarInfo cannot be
2682   * created until much of this information is present: the constructor requires all the information
2683   * at the time of construction, and some of the fields are final.
2684   *
2685   * <p>In general, each field has a one-to-one relation with the corresponding entry in the
2686   * variable definition block in the trace file. More detailed information about each of the fields
2687   * can be found in the 'Variable declarations' section of the 'File Formats' appendix of the
2688   * Daikon developers manual. Specifics can also be found in the 'parse_[field]' methods of the
2689   * class (eg, parse_var_kind, parse_enclosing_var_name, etc).
2690   */
2691  @SuppressWarnings(
2692      "nullness") // undocumented class needs documentation before annotating with nullness
2693  public static class VarDefinition implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable {
2694    static final long serialVersionUID = 20060524L;
2696    /** Current information about input file and previously parsed values. */
2697    transient ParseState state;
2699    /** Name of the variable (required). */
2700    public String name;
2702    /** Type of the variable (required). */
2703    public VarKind kind = null;
2705    /** Name of variable that contains this variable (optional) */
2706    // seems non-null for arrays/sequences
2707    public @Nullable String enclosing_var_name;
2709    /** the simple (not fully specified) name of this variable (optional) */
2710    public @Nullable String relative_name = null;
2712    /** Type of reference for structure/class variables. */
2713    public RefType ref_type = RefType.POINTER;
2715    /** Number of array dimensions (0 or 1). */
2716    public int arr_dims = 0;
2718    /**
2719     * Non-null iff (vardef.kind == VarKind.FUNCTION). The arguments that were used to create this
2720     * function application.
2721     */
2722    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
2723    public @Nullable List<String> function_args = null;
2725    /** The type of the variable as stored in the dtrace file (required) */
2726    public ProglangType rep_type = null;
2728    /** Declared type of the variable as an arbitrary string (required) */
2729    public ProglangType declared_type = null;
2731    /** Variable flags (optional) */
2732    public EnumSet<VarFlags> flags = EnumSet.noneOf(VarFlags.class);
2734    /** Language specific variable flags (optional) */
2735    public EnumSet<LangFlags> lang_flags = EnumSet.noneOf(LangFlags.class);
2737    /** Comparability of this variable (required. */
2738    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
2739    public VarComparability comparability = null;
2741    /** Parent program points in ppt hierarchy (optional) */
2742    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
2743    public List<VarParent> parents;
2745    /** Non-null if this 'variable' always has the same value (optional) */
2746    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
2747    public @Nullable @Interned Object static_constant_value = null;
2749    /**
2750     * Non-null if it is statically known that the value of the variable will be always greater than
2751     * or equal to this value.
2752     */
2753    public @Nullable String min_value = null;
2755    /**
2756     * Non-null if it is statically known that the value of the variable will be always less than or
2757     * equal to this value.
2758     */
2759    public @Nullable String max_value = null;
2761    /** Non-null if it is statically known that the array will have at least this many elements. */
2762    public @Nullable Integer min_length = null;
2764    /** Non-null if it is statically known that the array will have up to this many elements. */
2765    public @Nullable Integer max_length = null;
2767    /** Non-null if the set of valid values for the variable is statically known. */
2768    public @Nullable String valid_values = null;
2770    /** Check representation invariants. */
2771    public void checkRep() {
2773      // Basic checking for sensible input
2774      assert name != null;
2775      if (kind == null) {
2776        throw new AssertionError("missing var-kind information for variable " + name);
2777      }
2778      assert (arr_dims == 0) || (arr_dims == 1)
2779          : String.format(
2780              "array dimensions==%s, should be 0 or 1, for variable %s", arr_dims, name);
2781      assert !rep_type.isArray() || arr_dims == 1
2782          : String.format("array dimensions is 0, should be 1, for variable %s", name);
2783      if (rep_type == null) {
2784        throw new AssertionError("missing rep-type information for variable " + name);
2785      }
2786      if (declared_type == null) {
2787        throw new AssertionError("missing dec-type information for variable " + name);
2788      }
2789      if (comparability == null) {
2790        throw new AssertionError("missing comparability information for variable " + name);
2791      }
2792      assert (kind == VarKind.FUNCTION) || (function_args == null)
2793          : String.format(
2794              "incompatible kind=%s and function_args=%s for VarDefinition %s",
2795              kind, function_args, name);
2796      if ((kind == VarKind.FIELD || kind == VarKind.ARRAY) && enclosing_var_name == null) {
2797        throw new AssertionError("enclosing-var not specified for variable " + name);
2798      }
2799    }
2801    /** Initialize from the 'variable <em>name</em>' record. Scanner should be pointing at name. */
2802    public VarDefinition(ParseState state, Scanner scanner) {
2803      this.state = state;
2804      this.parents = new ArrayList<VarParent>();
2805      name = need(scanner, "name");
2806      need_eol(scanner);
2807      if (state.varcomp_format == VarComparability.IMPLICIT) {
2808        comparability = VarComparabilityImplicit.unknown;
2809      } else {
2810        comparability = VarComparabilityNone.it;
2811      }
2812    }
2814    public VarDefinition(String name, VarKind kind, ProglangType type) {
2815      this.state = null;
2816      this.parents = new ArrayList<VarParent>();
2817      this.name = name;
2818      this.kind = kind;
2819      this.rep_type = type;
2820      this.declared_type = type;
2821      comparability = VarComparabilityNone.it;
2822    }
2824    @SideEffectFree
2825    @Override
2826    public VarDefinition clone(@GuardSatisfied VarDefinition this) {
2827      try {
2828        return (VarDefinition) super.clone();
2829      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
2830        throw new Error("This can't happen: ", e);
2831      }
2832    }
2834    public VarDefinition copy() {
2835      try {
2836        VarDefinition copy = this.clone();
2837        copy.flags = flags.clone();
2838        copy.lang_flags = lang_flags.clone();
2839        return copy;
2840      } catch (Throwable t) {
2841        throw new RuntimeException(t);
2842      }
2843    }
2845    /** Restore interned strings. */
2846    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
2847      in.defaultReadObject();
2848      name = name.intern();
2849      if (enclosing_var_name != null) {
2850        enclosing_var_name = enclosing_var_name.intern();
2851      }
2852      if (relative_name != null) {
2853        relative_name = relative_name.intern();
2854      }
2855      for (VarParent parent : parents) {
2856        parent.parent_ppt = parent.parent_ppt.intern();
2857        if (parent.parent_variable != null) {
2858          parent.parent_variable = parent.parent_variable.intern();
2859        }
2860      }
2861    }
2863    /** Clears the parent relations, if any existed. */
2864    public void clear_parent_relation() {
2865      parents.clear();
2866    }
2868    /** Parse a var-kind record. Scanner should be pointing at the variable kind. */
2869    public void parse_var_kind(Scanner scanner) {
2870      VarKind kind_local = parse_enum_val(scanner, VarKind.class, "variable kind");
2871      kind = kind_local;
2873      if ((kind == VarKind.FIELD) || (kind == VarKind.FUNCTION)) {
2874        relative_name = need(scanner, "relative name");
2875      }
2876      need_eol(scanner);
2877    }
2879    /** Parses the enclosing-var record. */
2880    public void parse_enclosing_var_name(Scanner scanner) {
2881      enclosing_var_name = need(scanner, "enclosing variable name");
2882      need_eol(scanner);
2883    }
2885    /** Parses the reference-type record. */
2886    public void parse_reference_type(Scanner scanner) {
2887      RefType ref_type_local = parse_enum_val(scanner, RefType.class, "reference type");
2888      ref_type = ref_type_local;
2889      need_eol(scanner);
2890    }
2892    /** Parses the array record. */
2893    public void parse_array(Scanner scanner) {
2894      @Interned String arr_str = need(scanner, "array dimensions");
2895      if (arr_str == "0") { // interned
2896        arr_dims = 0;
2897      } else if (arr_str == "1") { // interned
2898        arr_dims = 1;
2899      } else {
2900        decl_error(state, "%s found where 0 or 1 expected", arr_str);
2901      }
2902    }
2904    /** Parses the function-args record. */
2905    public void parse_function_args(Scanner scanner) {
2907      function_args = new ArrayList<String>();
2908      while (scanner.hasNext()) {
2909        function_args.add(unescape_decl(scanner.next()).intern());
2910      }
2911    }
2913    public void parse_rep_type(Scanner scanner) {
2914      @Interned String rep_type_str = need(scanner, "rep type");
2915      need_eol(scanner);
2916      rep_type = ProglangType.rep_parse(rep_type_str);
2917    }
2919    public void parse_dec_type(Scanner scanner) {
2920      @Interned String declared_type_str = need(scanner, "declaration type");
2921      need_eol(scanner);
2922      declared_type = ProglangType.parse(declared_type_str);
2923    }
2925    /** Parse the flags record. Multiple flags can be specified. */
2926    public void parse_flags(Scanner scanner) {
2928      flags.add(parse_enum_val(scanner, VarFlags.class, "Flag"));
2929      while (scanner.hasNext()) flags.add(parse_enum_val(scanner, VarFlags.class, "Flag"));
2930      // System.out.printf("flags for %s are %s%n", name, flags);
2931    }
2933    /** Parse the langauge specific flags record. Multiple flags can be specified. */
2934    public void parse_lang_flags(Scanner scanner) {
2936      lang_flags.add(parse_enum_val(scanner, LangFlags.class, "Language Specific Flag"));
2937      while (scanner.hasNext()) {
2938        lang_flags.add(parse_enum_val(scanner, LangFlags.class, "Language Specific Flag"));
2939      }
2940    }
2942    /** Parses a comparability record. */
2943    public void parse_comparability(Scanner scanner) {
2944      @Interned String comparability_str = need(scanner, "comparability");
2945      need_eol(scanner);
2946      comparability =
2947          VarComparability.parse(state.varcomp_format, comparability_str, declared_type);
2948    }
2950    /** Parse a parent ppt record. */
2951    public void parse_parent(Scanner scanner, List<ParentRelation> ppt_parents)
2952        throws Daikon.ParseError {
2954      String parent_ppt = need(scanner, "parent ppt");
2955      String parent_relation_id_string = need(scanner, "parent id");
2956      int parent_relation_id;
2957      try {
2958        parent_relation_id = Integer.parseInt(parent_relation_id_string);
2959      } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
2960        throw new Daikon.ParseError("Expected a number, found: " + parent_relation_id_string);
2961      }
2962      String parent_variable = null;
2964      boolean found = false;
2965      for (ParentRelation pr : ppt_parents) {
2966        if ((pr.parent_ppt_name == parent_ppt) && (pr.id == parent_relation_id)) {
2967          found = true;
2968          break;
2969        }
2970      }
2971      if (!found) {
2972        decl_error(
2973            state,
2974            "specified parent ppt '%s[%d]' for variable '%s' is not a parent to this ppt",
2975            parent_ppt,
2976            parent_relation_id,
2977            name);
2978      }
2979      if (scanner.hasNext()) {
2980        parent_variable = need(scanner, "parent variable");
2981      }
2983      parents.add(new VarParent(parent_ppt, parent_relation_id, parent_variable));
2985      need_eol(scanner);
2986    }
2988    /** Parse a constant record. */
2989    public void parse_constant(Scanner scanner) {
2990      @Interned String constant_str = need(scanner, "constant value");
2991      need_eol(scanner);
2992      try {
2993        static_constant_value = rep_type.parse_value(constant_str, null, "parse_constant");
2994      } catch (Error e) {
2995        decl_error(state, e);
2996      }
2997    }
2999    /** Parse a minimum value record. */
3000    public void parse_min_value(Scanner scanner) {
3001      this.min_value = need(scanner, "minimum value");
3002      need_eol(scanner);
3003    }
3005    /** Parse a maximum value record. */
3006    public void parse_max_value(Scanner scanner) {
3007      this.max_value = need(scanner, "maximum value");
3008      need_eol(scanner);
3009    }
3011    /** Parse a minimum length record. */
3012    public void parse_min_length(Scanner scanner) {
3013      this.min_length = Integer.parseInt(need(scanner, "minimum length"));
3014      need_eol(scanner);
3015    }
3017    /** Parse a maximum length record. */
3018    public void parse_max_length(Scanner scanner) {
3019      this.max_length = Integer.parseInt(need(scanner, "maximum length"));
3020      need_eol(scanner);
3021    }
3023    /** Parse a valid values record. */
3024    public void parse_valid_values(Scanner scanner) {
3025      this.valid_values = scanner.nextLine();
3026    }
3028    /**
3029     * Helper function, returns the next string token unescaped and interned. Throw Daikon.UserError
3030     * if there is no next token.
3031     */
3032    public @Interned String need(Scanner scanner, String description) {
3033      return FileIO.need(state, scanner, description);
3034    }
3036    /** Throws Daikon.UserError if the scanner is not at end of line */
3037    public void need_eol(Scanner scanner) {
3038      FileIO.need_eol(state, scanner);
3039    }
3041    /**
3042     * Looks up the next token as a member of enum_class. Throws Daikon.UserError if there is no
3043     * token or if it is not valid member of the class. Enums are presumed to be in in upper case.
3044     */
3045    public <E extends Enum<E>> E parse_enum_val(
3046        Scanner scanner, Class<E> enum_class, String descr) {
3047      return FileIO.parse_enum_val(state, scanner, enum_class, descr);
3048    }
3049  }
3051  /**
3052   * Helper function, returns the next string token unescaped and interned. Throws Daikon.UserError
3053   * if there is no next token.
3054   */
3055  public static @Interned String need(ParseState state, Scanner scanner, String description) {
3056    if (!scanner.hasNext()) {
3057      decl_error(state, "end-of-line found where %s expected", description);
3058    }
3059    return unescape_decl(scanner.next()).intern();
3060  }
3062  /** Throws a Daikon.UserError if the scanner is not at end of line */
3063  public static void need_eol(ParseState state, Scanner scanner) {
3064    if (scanner.hasNext()) {
3065      decl_error(state, "'%s' found where end-of-line expected", scanner.next());
3066    }
3067  }
3069  /**
3070   * Looks up the next token as a member of enum_class. Throws Daikon.UserError if there is no token
3071   * or if it is not valid member of the class. Enums are presumed to be in in upper case.
3072   */
3073  public static <E extends Enum<E>> E parse_enum_val(
3074      ParseState state, Scanner scanner, Class<E> enum_class, String descr) {
3076    @Interned String str = need(state, scanner, descr);
3077    try {
3078      E e = Enum.valueOf(enum_class, str.toUpperCase());
3079      return e;
3080    } catch (Exception exception) {
3081      @SuppressWarnings(
3082          "nullness") // getEnumConstants returns non-null because enum_class is an enum class
3083      E @NonNull [] all = enum_class.getEnumConstants();
3084      StringJoiner msg = new StringJoiner(", ");
3085      for (E e : all) {
3086        msg.add(String.format("'%s'", e.name().toLowerCase()));
3087      }
3088      decl_error(state, "'%s' found where %s expected", str, msg);
3089      throw new Error("execution cannot get to here, previous line threw an error");
3090    }
3091  }
3093  /**
3094   * Call this to indicate a malformed declaration.
3095   *
3096   * @param state the current parse state
3097   * @param format a format string, for the error message
3098   * @param args arguments for the format string
3099   */
3100  private static void decl_error(ParseState state, String format, @Nullable Object... args) {
3101    @SuppressWarnings({
3102      "formatter:unneeded.suppression", // temporary?
3103      "formatter:format.string" // https://tinyurl.com/cfissue/2584
3104    })
3105    String msg = String.format(format, args) + state.line_file_message();
3106    throw new Daikon.UserError(msg);
3107  }
3109  /** Call this to indicate a malformed declaration. */
3110  private static void decl_error(ParseState state, Throwable cause) {
3111    String msg = cause.getMessage() + state.line_file_message();
3112    if (msg.startsWith("null at")) {
3113      msg = msg.substring(5);
3114    }
3115    throw new Daikon.UserError(cause, msg);
3116  }
3118  /** Returns whether the line is the start of a ppt declaration. */
3119  @RequiresNonNull("FileIO.new_decl_format")
3120  @Pure
3121  private static boolean is_declaration_header(String line) {
3122    if (new_decl_format) {
3123      return line.startsWith("ppt ");
3124    } else {
3125      return line.equals(declaration_header);
3126    }
3127  }
3129  /**
3130   * Handle any possible modifications to the ppt name. For now, just support the Applications
3131   * Communities specific modification to remove duplicate stack entries. But a more generic
3132   * technique could be implemented in the future.
3133   */
3134  public static String user_mod_ppt_name(String ppt_name) {
3136    if (!dkconfig_rm_stack_dups) {
3137      return ppt_name;
3138    }
3140    // System.out.printf("removing stack dups (%b)in fileio%n",
3141    //                    dkconfig_rm_stack_dups);
3143    String[] stack = ppt_name.split("[|]");
3144    List<String> nd_stack = new ArrayList<>();
3145    for (String si : stack) {
3146      if (nd_stack.contains(si)) {
3147        continue;
3148      }
3149      nd_stack.add(si);
3150    }
3151    return String.join("|", nd_stack).intern();
3152  }