001package daikon;
003import daikon.inv.Invariant;
004import daikon.inv.InvariantStatus;
005import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.LinearBinary;
006import daikon.inv.binary.twoScalar.LinearBinaryFloat;
007import daikon.inv.ternary.threeScalar.LinearTernary;
008import daikon.inv.ternary.threeScalar.LinearTernaryFloat;
009import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.OneOfFloat;
010import daikon.inv.unary.scalar.OneOfScalar;
011import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.OneOfFloatSequence;
012import daikon.inv.unary.sequence.OneOfSequence;
013import daikon.inv.unary.string.OneOfString;
014import daikon.inv.unary.stringsequence.OneOfStringSequence;
015import daikon.suppress.NIS;
016import java.io.PrintWriter;
017import java.io.Serializable;
018import java.util.ArrayList;
019import java.util.Arrays;
020import java.util.Comparator;
021import java.util.Iterator;
022import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.Set;
025import java.util.logging.Level;
026import java.util.logging.Logger;
027import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.Interned;
028import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied;
029import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
030import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
031import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
032import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
033import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
034import org.checkerframework.checker.signedness.qual.UnknownSignedness;
035import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
036import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
039 * Class that implements dynamic constants optimization. This optimization doesn't instantiate
040 * invariants over constant variables (i.e., that that have only seen one value). When the variable
041 * receives a second value, invariants are instantiated and are given the sample representing the
042 * previous constant value. Each DynamicConstants object is associated with a single program point,
043 * ppt.
044 */
045public class DynamicConstants implements Serializable {
047  // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
048  // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
049  // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
050  static final long serialVersionUID = 20040401L;
052  // If true don't create any invariants (including OneOfs) over dynamic
053  // constants during post processing.  Normally, the configuration
054  // variable OneOf_only is more appropriate.
055  static final boolean no_post_process = false;
057  // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the
058  // daikon.config.Configuration interface.
060  /**
061   * Whether to use the dynamic constants optimization. This optimization doesn't instantiate
062   * invariants over constant variables (i.e., that that have only seen one value). When the
063   * variable receives a second value, invariants are instantiated and are given the sample
064   * representing the previous constant value.
065   */
066  public static boolean dkconfig_use_dynamic_constant_optimization = true;
068  /**
069   * Boolean. Controls which invariants are created for variables that are constant for the entire
070   * run. If true, create only OneOf invariants. If false, create all possible invariants.
071   *
072   * <p>Note that setting this to true only fails to create invariants between constants. Invariants
073   * between constants and non-constants are created regardless.
074   *
075   * <p>A problem occurs with merging when this is turned on. If a var_info is constant at one child
076   * slice, but not constant at the other child slice, interesting invariants may not be merged
077   * because they won't exist on the slice with the constant. This is thus currently defaulted to
078   * false.
079   */
080  public static boolean dkconfig_OneOf_only = false;
082  /** Debug tracer. */
083  public static final Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("daikon.DynamicConstants");
085  /**
086   * List of dynamic constants.
087   *
088   * <p>Each element, c, has c.constant = true, c.count &gt; 0, elt.val != null.
089   */
090  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
091  List<Constant> con_list = new ArrayList<>();
093  /**
094   * List of variables that have always been missing.
095   *
096   * <p>For each element c, c.always_missing = true or con.vi.missingOutOfBounds().
097   */
098  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
099  List<Constant> missing_list = new ArrayList<>();
101  // Same contents in both.  Why two data structures?
102  /** Array of all variables. Some may be non-constant. */
103  Constant[] all_vars;
105  // Same contents in both.  Why two data structures?
106  /** List of all variables. Some may be non-constant. */
107  @SuppressWarnings("serial")
108  List<Constant> all_list = new ArrayList<>();
110  /** Program point of these constants. */
111  PptTopLevel ppt;
113  /** Number of samples received. */
114  int sample_cnt = 0;
116  /**
117   * Class used to indicate, for each variable, whether it is constant (see boolean field
118   * "constant"). If it is, then the class also stores its constant value and its sample count.
119   *
120   * <p>Note that two objects of this class are equal if they refer to the same variable. This
121   * allows these to be stored in sets.
122   */
123  public static @Interned class Constant implements Serializable {
125    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
126    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
127    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
128    static final long serialVersionUID = 20030913L;
130    // XXX Question: what if the constant value is itself null, as for a
131    // String or pointer?  Does the code distinguish that case from val not
132    // being set?
133    /**
134     * The value of the constant, or the previous constant value if constant==false and
135     * previously_constant==true. Null iff count=0.
136     */
137    @SuppressWarnings("serial")
138    public @MonotonicNonNull @Interned Object val = null;
140    /** The sample count of the constant. */
141    public int count = 0;
143    /** The variable that has this value. */
144    public VarInfo vi;
146    /** Whether or not this has been missing for every sample to date. */
147    boolean always_missing = true;
149    /** Whether or not this is constant. */
150    boolean constant = false;
152    /**
153     * Whether or not this was constant at the beginning of this sample. At the beginning of the
154     * add() method, all newly non-constant variables are marked (constant=false). It is sometimes
155     * useful within the remainder of processing that sample to know that a variable was constant at
156     * the beginning. The field previously_constant is set to true when constant is set to false,
157     * and then is itself set to false at the end of the add() method.
158     */
159    boolean previously_constant = false;
161    /**
162     * Whether or not this was always missing at the beginning of this sample. At the beginning of
163     * the add() method, all newly non missing variables are marked (always_missing=false). It is
164     * sometimes useful within the remainder of processing that sample to know that a variable was
165     * missing at the beginning. The field previous_missing set to true when missing is set to
166     * false, and then is itself set to false at the end of the add() method.
167     */
168    boolean previous_missing = false;
170    /** Check representation invariant. */
171    public void checkRep() {
172      // This assertion is not valid.  If first sample is missing, then
173      // always_missing=true and previous_missing=false.
174      // assert (always_missing ? previous_missing : true) : toString();
176      assert !(constant && previously_constant) : toString();
178      // Whereas values can be null, null is never the value for a dynamic
179      // constant.
180      assert ((constant || previously_constant)
181              ? (val != null && count > 0)
182              : (val == null && count == 0))
183          : toString();
184    }
186    /**
187     * Creates a new Constant, indicating whether the given variable is a constant.
188     *
189     * @param vi the variable that might be a constant
190     */
191    @SuppressWarnings("super.invocation")
192    public Constant(VarInfo vi) {
193      this.vi = vi;
194    }
196    /**
197     * Returns whether the specified variable is currently a constant OR was a constant at the
198     * beginning of constants processing.
199     */
200    @Pure
201    public boolean is_prev_constant() {
202      return constant || previously_constant;
203    }
205    @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "#1")
206    @Pure
207    @Override
208    public boolean equals(@GuardSatisfied Constant this, @GuardSatisfied @Nullable Object obj) {
209      if (!(obj instanceof Constant)) {
210        return false;
211      }
212      Constant c = (Constant) obj;
213      return c.vi == vi;
214    }
216    @Pure
217    @Override
218    public int hashCode(@GuardSatisfied @UnknownSignedness Constant this) {
219      return vi.hashCode();
220    }
222    @Override
223    @SuppressWarnings("all:purity") // side effects to local state (string creation)
224    @SideEffectFree
225    public String toString(@GuardSatisfied Constant this) {
227      StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
228      out.append(vi.name());
229      if (val == null) {
230        out.append(" (val missing)");
231      } else {
232        out.append(" (val=" + val + ")");
233      }
234      if (vi.isCanonical()) out.append(" (leader) ");
235      out.append(
236          " [always_missing="
237              + always_missing
238              + ", constant="
239              + constant
240              + ", previously_constant="
241              + previously_constant
242              + ", previous_missing="
243              + previous_missing
244              + "]");
245      return out.toString();
246    }
247  }
249  /** Compares two constants based on the vi_index of their variable. */
250  public static final class ConIndexComparator implements Comparator<Constant>, Serializable {
251    // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to
252    // method signatures without breaking serialization.  If you add or
253    // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date.
254    static final long serialVersionUID = 20050923L;
256    private ConIndexComparator() {}
258    @Pure
259    @Override
260    public int compare(Constant con1, Constant con2) {
261      return con1.vi.varinfo_index - con2.vi.varinfo_index;
262    }
264    public static ConIndexComparator getInstance() {
265      return theInstance;
266    }
268    static final ConIndexComparator theInstance = new ConIndexComparator();
269  }
271  /** Create an initial list of constants and missing variables for the specified ppt. */
272  public DynamicConstants(PptTopLevel ppt) {
274    this.ppt = ppt;
276    // Start everything off as missing (since we haven't seen any values yet)
277    for (VarInfo vi : ppt.var_infos) {
278      @SuppressWarnings("interning") // one Constant per VarInfo
279      @Interned Constant c = new Constant(vi);
280      all_list.add(c);
281      missing_list.add(c);
282    }
283    all_vars = all_list.toArray(new Constant[all_list.size()]);
284  }
286  /**
287   * Checks each current constant to see if it is still a constant. Constants must have the same
288   * value and cannot be missing. In the long run a better job of dealing with missing might be
289   * helpful. Also checks each variable that has always been missing to date to insure that it is
290   * still missing.
291   *
292   * <p>Creates all new views required for the newly non constants (noncons) and the newly
293   * non-missing (non_missing).
294   */
295  public void add(ValueTuple vt, int count) {
297    // System.out.println("DynamicConstants.add : " + vt.toString(ppt.var_infos));
299    List<Constant> non_missing = new ArrayList<>();
300    List<Constant> non_con = new ArrayList<>();
302    // Check each constant, destroy any that are missing or different
303    for (Iterator<Constant> i = con_list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
304      Constant con = i.next();
305      assert con.constant;
306      con.checkRep();
308      if (Debug.logDetail()) {
309        Debug.log(
310            getClass(),
311            ppt,
312            Debug.vis(con.vi),
313            "Adding "
314                + Debug.toString(con.vi.getValueOrNull(vt))
315                + " to constant "
316                + con.val
317                + " : missing = "
318                + missing(con.vi, vt)
319                + ": samples = "
320                + con.count
321                + "/"
322                + count);
323      }
324      if (missing(con.vi, vt) || (con.val != con.vi.getValue(vt))) {
325        i.remove();
326        con.constant = false;
327        con.previously_constant = true;
328        assert all_vars[con.vi.varinfo_index].constant == false;
329        non_con.add(con);
330      } else {
331        con.count += count;
332      }
333      con.checkRep();
334    }
336    // Move any non-missing variables to the constant list and init their val.
337    // If a variable is missing out of bounds, leave it on this list
338    // forever (guaranteeing that invariants will never be instantiated over
339    // it).
340    for (Iterator<Constant> i = missing_list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
341      Constant con = i.next();
342      con.checkRep();
343      if (con.vi.missingOutOfBounds()) {
344        continue;
345      }
347      if (missing(con.vi, vt)) {
348        // value is still missing, nothing to do (we incremented its count above)
349        continue;
350      }
352      @Interned Object val = con.vi.getValue(vt);
353      // the variable is not missing, so it is non-null
354      assert val != null;
356      i.remove();
357      con.always_missing = false;
358      if (Debug.logDetail()) {
359        Debug.log(
360            getClass(),
361            ppt,
362            Debug.vis(con.vi),
363            "Adding "
364                + Debug.toString(val)
365                + " to missing : missing = "
366                + missing(con.vi, vt)
367                + ": samples = "
368                + con.count
369                + "/"
370                + count
371                + "/"
372                + sample_cnt);
373      }
374      // Is the Constant missing because it was initialized that way, or
375      // has the program point seen values in the past?
376      if (sample_cnt == 0) {
377        // First sample for this program point (& this variable)
378        con.val = val;
379        con.count = count;
380        con.constant = true;
381        con_list.add(con);
382      } else {
383        // This variable truly is missing; has seen a missing value in the past.
384        non_missing.add(con);
385        con.previous_missing = true;
386      }
387    }
389    sample_cnt += count;
391    // Create slices over newly non-constant and non-missing variables
392    instantiate_new_views(non_con, non_missing);
394    // Turn off previously_constant on all newly non-constants
395    for (Constant con : non_con) {
396      con.previously_constant = false;
397      @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // reinitialization
398      @NonNull Object nullValue = null;
399      con.val = nullValue;
400      con.count = 0;
401      con.checkRep();
402    }
404    // Turn off previous_missing on all newly non-missing
405    for (Constant con : non_missing) {
406      con.previous_missing = false;
407      con.checkRep();
408    }
409  }
411  /** Returns whether the specified variable is missing in this ValueTuple. */
412  private boolean missing(VarInfo vi, ValueTuple vt) {
414    int mod = vt.getModified(vi);
415    return (mod == ValueTuple.MISSING_FLOW) || (mod == ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL);
416  }
418  /** Returns the Constant for the specified variable. */
419  @Pure
420  public Constant getConstant(VarInfo vi) {
422    Constant result = all_vars[vi.varinfo_index];
423    result.checkRep();
424    return result;
425  }
427  /** Returns whether the specified variable is currently a constant. */
428  @Pure
429  public boolean is_constant(VarInfo vi) {
431    return getConstant(vi).constant;
432  }
434  /**
435   * Returns whether the specified variable is currently a constant OR was a constant at the
436   * beginning of constants processing.
437   */
438  @Pure
439  public boolean is_prev_constant(VarInfo vi) {
441    return getConstant(vi).is_prev_constant();
442  }
444  /**
445   * Returns the constant value of the specified variable, or null if the variable is not constant
446   * or prev_constant. But, it is apparently only called on constants with a value.
447   */
448  public @Interned Object constant_value(VarInfo vi) {
450    @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // non-missing value, so non-null val field
451    @NonNull Object result = getConstant(vi).val;
452    return result;
453  }
455  /** Returns whether the specified variable missing for all values so far. */
456  @Pure
457  public boolean is_missing(VarInfo vi) {
459    return getConstant(vi).always_missing;
460  }
462  /**
463   * Returns whether the specified variable is currently missing OR was missing at the beginning of
464   * constants processing.
465   */
466  @Pure
467  public boolean is_prev_missing(VarInfo vi) {
469    Constant c = all_vars[vi.varinfo_index];
470    return c.always_missing || c.previous_missing;
471  }
473  /** Returns the number of constants that are leaders. */
474  public int constant_leader_cnt() {
476    int con_cnt = 0;
477    for (Constant con : con_list) {
478      if (con.vi.isCanonical()) con_cnt++;
479    }
481    return con_cnt;
482  }
484  /**
485   * Creates all new views required for the newly non constants (noncons) and the newly non-missing
486   * (non_missing).
487   */
488  public void instantiate_new_views(List<Constant> noncons, List<Constant> non_missing) {
490    if (Debug.logOn()) {
491      for (Constant con : noncons) {
492        Debug.log(
493            getClass(),
494            ppt,
495            Debug.vis(con.vi),
496            "is non constant"
497                + " with val = "
498                + Debug.toString(con.val)
499                + " with count = "
500                + con.count);
501      }
502      for (Constant con : non_missing) {
503        Debug.log(getClass(), ppt, Debug.vis(con.vi), "is non missing");
504      }
505    }
507    for (Constant con : noncons) {
508      con.checkRep();
509    }
510    for (Constant con : non_missing) {
511      con.checkRep();
512    }
514    // Create all of the views over noncons and noncons+con_list.
515    // Since everything starts out as a constant, it is only necessary
516    // to combine the newly non-constants with a combination of
517    // the remaining constants and the newly-non constants.  Any slices
518    // between the non-constants and other variables will have already
519    // been created when those other variables became non-constants.
520    if (noncons.size() > 0) {
521      List<Constant> cons = new ArrayList<>();
522      cons.addAll(con_list);
523      cons.addAll(noncons);
524      debug.fine("Instantiating non constants in ppt: " + ppt.name());
525      instantiate_views(noncons, cons);
526    }
528    // Create all views over the newly non-missing.  Since missing
529    // vars were not included in any previous views, we must match them
530    // against all variables.
531    if (non_missing.size() > 0) {
532      debug.fine("Instantiating non missing in ppt: " + ppt.name());
533      instantiate_views(non_missing, all_list);
534    }
536    // Create any ternary invariants that are suppressed when one
537    // of the variables is a constant.  Currently, only LinearTernary
538    // falls into this list (It is suppressed by (x = C) && (Ay + Bz = D))
539    if (NIS.dkconfig_enabled) instantiate_constant_suppressions(noncons, all_list);
540  }
542  /**
543   * Instantiate views and invariants across each combination of vars from list1 and list2. If each
544   * item in a new slice was a constant, the constant values are applied.
545   *
546   * <p>The following slices will be created:
547   *
548   * <pre>
549   *    unary:   list1-vars
550   *    binary:  list1-vars X list2-vars
551   *    ternary: list1-vars X list2-vars X list2-vars
552   * </pre>
553   */
554  private void instantiate_views(List<Constant> list1, List<Constant> list2) {
556    // Get list1 leaders
557    Set<Constant> leaders1 = new LinkedHashSet<>();
558    for (Constant con : list1) {
559      if (con.vi.isCanonical()) leaders1.add(con);
560    }
562    // Get list2 leaders
563    Set<Constant> leaders2 = new LinkedHashSet<>();
564    for (Constant con : list2) {
565      if (con.vi.isCanonical()) leaders2.add(con);
566    }
568    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
569      debug.fine("instantiating over " + leaders1.size() + " leaders1: " + leaders1);
570      debug.fine("instantiating over " + leaders2.size() + " leaders2: " + leaders2);
571    }
573    // any new views created
574    List<PptSlice> new_views = new ArrayList<>();
576    int mod = ValueTuple.MODIFIED;
578    // Unary slices/invariants
579    for (Constant con : leaders1) {
580      if (Debug.logOn()) Debug.log(getClass(), ppt, Debug.vis(con.vi), "Considering slice");
581      if (!ppt.is_slice_ok(con.vi)) {
582        continue;
583      }
584      PptSlice1 slice1 = new PptSlice1(ppt, con.vi);
585      slice1.instantiate_invariants();
586      if (Debug.logOn()) Debug.log(getClass(), ppt, Debug.vis(con.vi), "Instantiated invs");
587      if (con.count > 0) {
588        assert con.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
589        slice1.add_val_bu(con.val, mod, con.count);
590      }
591      new_views.add(slice1);
592    }
594    // Binary slices/invariants.
595    for (Constant con1 : leaders1) {
596      for (Constant con2 : leaders2) {
597        Constant c1 = con1;
598        Constant c2 = con2;
599        Debug.log(getClass(), ppt, Debug.vis(c1.vi, c2.vi), "Considering slice");
600        if (con2.vi.varinfo_index < con1.vi.varinfo_index) {
601          if (leaders1.contains(con2)) {
602            // The variable is in both leader lists.
603            // Don't add it on this iteration; add it when the variables
604            // are given in order (to prevent creating the slice twice).
605            continue;
606          }
607          c1 = con2;
608          c2 = con1;
609        }
610        if (!ppt.is_slice_ok(c1.vi, c2.vi)) {
611          if (Debug.logOn()) {
612            Debug.log(
613                debug,
614                getClass(),
615                ppt,
616                Debug.vis(c1.vi, c2.vi),
617                "Not instantiating slice " + c1.vi.equalitySet.size());
618          }
619          continue;
620        }
621        PptSlice2 slice2 = new PptSlice2(ppt, c1.vi, c2.vi);
622        Debug.log(
623            getClass(),
624            ppt,
625            Debug.vis(c1.vi, c2.vi),
626            String.format("instantiating slice %s [%s %s]%n", slice2, c1, c2));
627        slice2.instantiate_invariants();
628        if (c1.count > 0 && c2.count > 0) {
629          assert c1.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
630          assert c2.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
631          slice2.add_val_bu(c1.val, c2.val, mod, mod, con1.count);
632        }
633        new_views.add(slice2);
634      }
635    }
637    // Ternary slices/invariants.  Note that if a variable is in both
638    // leader lists, it is only added when it is in order (to prevent
639    // creating the slice twice).
640    for (Constant con1 : leaders1) {
641      for (Constant con2 : leaders2) {
642        if ((con2.vi.varinfo_index < con1.vi.varinfo_index) && leaders1.contains(con2)) {
643          continue;
644        }
645        for (Constant con3 : leaders2) {
646          if ((con3.vi.varinfo_index < con2.vi.varinfo_index)
647              || ((con3.vi.varinfo_index < con1.vi.varinfo_index) && leaders1.contains(con3)))
648            continue;
649          Constant[] con_arr = {con1, con2, con3};
650          Arrays.sort(con_arr, ConIndexComparator.getInstance());
651          assert (con_arr[0].vi.varinfo_index <= con_arr[1].vi.varinfo_index)
652              && (con_arr[1].vi.varinfo_index <= con_arr[2].vi.varinfo_index);
653          if (!ppt.is_slice_ok(con_arr[0].vi, con_arr[1].vi, con_arr[2].vi)) {
654            continue;
655          }
657          PptSlice3 slice3 = new PptSlice3(ppt, con_arr[0].vi, con_arr[1].vi, con_arr[2].vi);
658          slice3.instantiate_invariants();
659          if ((con_arr[0].count > 0) && (con_arr[1].count > 0) && (con_arr[2].count > 0)) {
660            assert con_arr[0].val != null
661                : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
662            assert con_arr[1].val != null
663                : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
664            assert con_arr[2].val != null
665                : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
666            slice3.add_val_bu(
667                con_arr[0].val, con_arr[1].val, con_arr[2].val, mod, mod, mod, con_arr[0].count);
668          }
669          new_views.add(slice3);
670        }
671      }
672    }
674    // Debug print the created slices
675    if (Debug.logOn() || debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
676      int[] slice_cnt = {0, 0, 0, 0};
677      int[] inv_cnt = {0, 0, 0, 0};
678      int[] true_inv_cnt = {0, 0, 0, 0};
679      for (PptSlice slice : new_views) {
680        for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
681          inv.log("created, falsified = %b", inv.is_false());
682          if (!inv.is_false()) {
683            true_inv_cnt[slice.arity()]++;
684          } else {
685            String vals = "";
686            for (VarInfo vi : slice.var_infos) {
687              vals += vi.name() + "=" + Debug.toString(constant_value(vi)) + " ";
688            }
689            inv.log("Invariant %s destroyed by constant values %s", inv.format(), vals);
690          }
691        }
692        if (slice.invs.size() > 0) slice_cnt[slice.arity()]++;
693        inv_cnt[slice.arity()] += slice.invs.size();
694        if (Debug.logDetail()) {
695          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
696          for (int j = 0; j < slice.arity(); j++) {
697            VarInfo v = slice.var_infos[j];
698            sb.append(v.name() + " [" + v.file_rep_type + "] [" + v.comparability + "] ");
699          }
700          Debug.log(
701              debug,
702              getClass(),
703              ppt,
704              slice.var_infos,
705              "Adding slice over " + sb + ": with " + slice.invs.size() + " invariants");
706        }
707      }
708      for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
709        debug.fine(
710            "Added "
711                + slice_cnt[i]
712                + " slice"
713                + i
714                + "s with "
715                + true_inv_cnt[i]
716                + " invariants ("
717                + inv_cnt[i]
718                + " total)");
719      }
721      String leader1_str = "";
722      int leader1_cnt = 0;
723      for (Constant con1 : leaders1) {
724        if (con1.vi.file_rep_type == ProglangType.INT) {
725          leader1_str += con1.vi.name() + " ";
726          leader1_cnt++;
727        }
728      }
730      String leader2_str = "";
731      int leader2_cnt = 0;
732      for (Constant con1 : leaders2) {
733        if (con1.vi.file_rep_type == ProglangType.INT) {
734          leader2_str += con1.vi.name() + " ";
735          leader2_cnt++;
736        }
737      }
738      debug.fine(
739          leader1_cnt
740              + " leader1 ints ("
741              + leader1_str
742              + "): "
743              + leader2_cnt
744              + " leader2 ints ("
745              + leader2_str);
746    }
748    // Remove any falsified invariants from the new views.  Don't
749    // call remove_falsified() since that has side-effects (such as
750    // NIS processing on the falsified invariants) that we don't want.
751    for (PptSlice slice : new_views) {
752      List<Invariant> to_remove = new ArrayList<>();
753      for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
754        if (inv.is_false()) {
755          to_remove.add(inv);
756        }
757      }
758      slice.removeInvariants(to_remove);
759    }
761    // Add the new slices to the top level ppt.  This will discard any
762    // slices that ended up with zero invariants
763    ppt.addViews(new_views);
764  }
766  public void instantiate_constant_suppressions(List<Constant> new_noncons, List<Constant> all) {
768    // Find all of the variable (non-constant) non-missing
769    // integral/float leaders
770    List<Constant> vars = new ArrayList<>();
771    for (Constant con : all) {
772      if (con.always_missing || con.previous_missing) {
773        continue;
774      }
775      if (con.constant || con.previously_constant) {
776        continue;
777      }
778      if (!con.vi.isCanonical()) {
779        continue;
780      }
781      if (!con.vi.file_rep_type.isIntegral() && !con.vi.file_rep_type.isFloat()) {
782        continue;
783      }
784      if (con.vi.rep_type.isArray()) {
785        continue;
786      }
787      vars.add(con);
788    }
790    // Find all of the new non-constant integer/float leaders
791    List<Constant> new_leaders = new ArrayList<>();
792    for (Constant con : new_noncons) {
793      if (!con.vi.isCanonical()) {
794        continue;
795      }
796      if (!con.vi.file_rep_type.isIntegral() && !con.vi.file_rep_type.isFloat()) {
797        continue;
798      }
799      if (con.vi.rep_type.isArray()) {
800        continue;
801      }
802      new_leaders.add(con);
803    }
805    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
806      debug.fine("new non-con leaders = " + new_leaders);
807      debug.fine("variable leaders = " + vars);
808    }
810    // Consider all of the ternary slices with one new non-constant
811    for (int i = 0; i < new_leaders.size(); i++) {
812      Constant con1 = new_leaders.get(i);
813      assert con1.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
814      for (int j = 0; j < vars.size(); j++) {
815        Constant con2 = vars.get(j);
816        assert con1 != con2;
817        for (int k = j; k < vars.size(); k++) {
818          Constant con3 = vars.get(k);
819          assert con1 != con3;
820          if (!ppt.is_slice_ok(con1.vi, con2.vi, con3.vi)) {
821            continue;
822          }
824          if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
825            debug.fine(String.format("considering slice %s %s %s", con1, con2, con3));
826          }
828          // Look for a LinearBinary over two variables.  If it doesn't
829          // exist we don't create a LinearTernary
830          Invariant lb = find_linear_binary(ppt.findSlice(con2.vi, con3.vi));
831          if (lb == null) {
832            continue;
833          }
835          // Find the ternary slice and create it if it is not there
836          PptSlice slice = ppt.get_or_instantiate_slice(con1.vi, con2.vi, con3.vi);
838          // Create the LinearTernary invariant from the LinearBinary
839          // invariant and the constant value
840          Invariant lt = null;
841          if (con1.vi.file_rep_type.isIntegral()) {
842            lt = LinearTernary.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
843            if (lt != null) {
844              ((LinearTernary) lt).setup((LinearBinary) lb, con1.vi, ((Long) con1.val).longValue());
845            }
846          } else /* must be float */ {
847            lt = LinearTernaryFloat.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
848            if (lt != null) {
849              ((LinearTernaryFloat) lt)
850                  .setup((LinearBinaryFloat) lb, con1.vi, ((Double) con1.val).doubleValue());
851            }
852          }
853          if (lt != null) {
854            if (Debug.dkconfig_internal_check) {
855              assert slice.find_inv_by_class(lt.getClass()) == null
856                  : "inv = " + lt.format() + " slice = " + slice;
857            }
858            slice.addInvariant(lt);
859            if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
860              debug.fine("Adding invariant " + lt.format() + " to slice " + slice);
861            }
862          }
863        }
864      }
865    }
867    // Consider all of the ternary slices with two new non-constants
868    for (int i = 0; i < new_leaders.size(); i++) {
869      Constant con1 = new_leaders.get(i);
870      assert con1.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
871      for (int j = i; j < new_leaders.size(); j++) {
872        Constant con2 = new_leaders.get(j);
873        for (int k = 0; k < vars.size(); k++) {
874          Constant con3 = vars.get(k);
875          assert con2 != con3;
876          assert con1 != con3;
877          if (!ppt.is_slice_ok(con1.vi, con2.vi, con3.vi)) {
878            continue;
879          }
881          if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
882            debug.fine(String.format("considering slice %s %s %s", con1, con2, con3));
883          }
885          // Create the ternary slice
887          // Create the LinearTernary invariant from the OneOf invariant
888          // (if any) and the constant values.  If no OneOf exists,
889          // there can be no interesting plane of the points
890          Invariant lt = null;
891          PptSlice slice = null;
892          InvariantStatus sts = InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE;
893          if (con1.vi.file_rep_type.isIntegral()) {
894            OneOfScalar oo =
895                (OneOfScalar) ppt.find_inv_by_class(new VarInfo[] {con3.vi}, OneOfScalar.class);
896            if (oo == null) {
897              continue;
898            }
899            slice = ppt.get_or_instantiate_slice(con1.vi, con2.vi, con3.vi);
901            lt = LinearTernary.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
902            if (lt != null) {
903              assert con2.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
904              sts =
905                  ((LinearTernary) lt)
906                      .setup(
907                          oo,
908                          con1.vi,
909                          ((Long) con1.val).longValue(),
910                          con2.vi,
911                          ((Long) con2.val).longValue());
912            }
913          } else /* must be float */ {
914            OneOfFloat oo =
915                (OneOfFloat) ppt.find_inv_by_class(new VarInfo[] {con3.vi}, OneOfFloat.class);
916            if (oo == null) {
917              continue;
918            }
919            slice = ppt.get_or_instantiate_slice(con1.vi, con2.vi, con3.vi);
920            lt = LinearTernaryFloat.get_proto().instantiate(slice);
921            if (lt != null) {
922              assert con2.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
923              sts =
924                  ((LinearTernaryFloat) lt)
925                      .setup(
926                          oo,
927                          con1.vi,
928                          ((Double) con1.val).doubleValue(),
929                          con2.vi,
930                          ((Double) con2.val).doubleValue());
931            }
932          }
933          if ((lt != null) && (sts == InvariantStatus.NO_CHANGE)) {
934            if (Debug.dkconfig_internal_check) {
935              assert slice.find_inv_by_class(lt.getClass()) == null
936                  : "inv = " + lt.format() + " slice = " + slice;
937            }
938            slice.addInvariant(lt);
939            debug.fine("Adding invariant " + lt.format() + " to slice " + slice);
940          }
941        }
942      }
943    }
944  }
946  /**
947   * Looks for a LinearBinary invariant in the specified slice. Will match either float or integer
948   * versions.
949   */
950  private @Nullable Invariant find_linear_binary(@Nullable PptSlice slice) {
952    // if (debug.isLoggable (Level.FINE))
953    //  debug.fine ("considering slice " + slice);
955    if (slice == null) {
956      return null;
957    }
959    for (Invariant inv : slice.invs) {
960      // debug.fine ("inv = " + inv.getClass());
961      if ((inv.getClass() == LinearBinary.class) || (inv.getClass() == LinearBinaryFloat.class)) {
962        return inv;
963      }
964    }
966    return null;
967  }
969  /**
970   * Create invariants for any remaining constants. Right now, this looks for invariants between all
971   * of the constants. It's not clear that invariants between constants are interesting, but to
972   * match previous behavior, this is what we will do for now.
973   */
974  public void post_process() {
976    // if requested, don't create any post-processed invariants
977    if (no_post_process) {
978      int con_count = 0;
979      for (Constant con : con_list) {
980        if (!con.vi.isCanonical()) {
981          continue;
982        }
983        System.out.println(
984            "  Not creating invariants over leader " + con.vi.name() + " = " + con.val);
985        con_count++;
986      }
987      System.out.println(con_count + " constants at ppt " + ppt);
988      return;
989    }
991    // If specified, create only OneOf invariants.  Also create a reflexive
992    // equality invariant, since that is assumed to exist in many places.
993    if (dkconfig_OneOf_only) {
994      for (Constant con : con_list) {
995        if (!con.vi.isCanonical()) {
996          continue;
997        }
998        instantiate_oneof(con);
999        ppt.create_equality_inv(con.vi, con.vi, con.count);
1000      }
1001      return;
1002    }
1004    // Get a list of all remaining constants and clear the existing list
1005    // (if the existing list is not cleared, constant slices will not
1006    // be created).
1007    List<Constant> noncons = con_list;
1008    for (Constant con : con_list) {
1009      con.constant = false;
1010      con.previously_constant = true;
1011    }
1012    con_list = new ArrayList<Constant>();
1014    // Don't do anything with variables that have always been missing.  They
1015    // should have no invariants over them.
1016    List<Constant> non_missing = new ArrayList<>();
1018    instantiate_new_views(noncons, non_missing);
1020    /* Code to just create just unary slices for constants
1021      for (Constant con : con_list) {
1022        if (!con.vi.isCanonical()) {
1023          continue;
1024          }
1025        PptSlice1 slice1 = new PptSlice1 (ppt, con.vi);
1026        slice1.instantiate_invariants();
1027        if (con.val != null) {
1028          slice1.add_val (con.val, ValueTuple.MODIFIED, con.count);
1029          }
1030        new_views.add (slice1);
1031      }
1032      ppt.addViews (new_views);
1033    */
1034  }
1036  /**
1037   * Create unary and binary constant invariants. The slices and invariants are created and
1038   * returned, but not added to the ppt. Note that when NIS.dkconfig_suppressor_list is turned on
1039   * (default is on), only unary and binary invariants that can be suppressors in NIS suppressions
1040   * are created.
1041   */
1042  @RequiresNonNull("daikon.suppress.NIS.suppressor_proto_invs")
1043  public List<PptSlice> create_constant_invs() {
1045    // Turn off track logging so that we don't get voluminous messages
1046    // each time this is called
1047    boolean debug_on = Logger.getLogger("daikon.Debug").isLoggable(Level.FINE);
1048    if (debug_on) {
1049      LogHelper.setLevel("daikon.Debug", Level.OFF);
1050    }
1052    // Get constant leaders
1053    List<Constant> leaders = new ArrayList<>(100);
1054    for (Constant con : con_list) {
1055      if (!con.vi.isCanonical()) {
1056        continue;
1057      }
1059      // hashcode types are not involved in suppressions
1060      if (NIS.dkconfig_skip_hashcode_type) {
1061        if (con.vi.file_rep_type.isHashcode()) {
1062          continue;
1063        }
1064      }
1066      leaders.add(con);
1067    }
1069    List<PptSlice> new_views = new ArrayList<>(100);
1070    int mod = ValueTuple.MODIFIED;
1072    // Unary slices/invariants
1073    for (Constant con : leaders) {
1075      PptSlice1 slice1 = new PptSlice1(ppt, con.vi);
1077      if (NIS.dkconfig_suppressor_list) {
1078        slice1.instantiate_invariants(NIS.suppressor_proto_invs);
1079      } else {
1080        slice1.instantiate_invariants();
1081      }
1083      if (con.count > 0) {
1084        assert con.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val when count>0";
1085        slice1.add_val_bu(con.val, mod, con.count);
1086      }
1087      if (slice1.invs.size() > 0) new_views.add(slice1);
1088    }
1090    // Binary slices/invariants
1091    for (int i = 0; i < leaders.size(); i++) {
1092      Constant con1 = leaders.get(i);
1093      for (int j = i; j < leaders.size(); j++) {
1094        Constant con2 = leaders.get(j);
1095        if (!con1.vi.compatible(con2.vi)) {
1096          continue;
1097        }
1099        PptSlice2 slice2 = new PptSlice2(ppt, con1.vi, con2.vi);
1100        if (NIS.dkconfig_suppressor_list) {
1101          slice2.instantiate_invariants(NIS.suppressor_proto_invs);
1102        } else {
1103          slice2.instantiate_invariants();
1104        }
1106        if (con1.count > 0 && con2.count > 0) {
1107          assert con1.val != null
1108              : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
1109          assert con2.val != null
1110              : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): dependent: val != null when count>0";
1111          slice2.add_val_bu(con1.val, con2.val, mod, mod, con1.count);
1112        }
1113        if (slice2.invs.size() > 0) new_views.add(slice2);
1114      }
1115    }
1117    // Remove any falsified invariants from the new views.
1118    for (PptSlice slice : new_views) {
1119      for (Iterator<Invariant> j = slice.invs.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1120        Invariant inv = j.next();
1121        if (inv.is_false()) {
1122          j.remove();
1123        }
1124      }
1125    }
1127    if (debug_on) {
1128      LogHelper.setLevel("daikon.Debug", Level.FINE);
1129    }
1131    return new_views;
1132  }
1134  public void print_missing(PrintWriter out) {
1136    for (Constant con : missing_list) {
1137      out.println(con.vi.name() + " is always missing");
1138    }
1139  }
1141  /**
1142   * Merge dynamic constants from the children of this ppt. Only missing is merged since constants
1143   * are not used after we are done processing samples.
1144   */
1145  public void merge() {
1147    // clear the constant and missing lists
1148    missing_list.clear();
1149    con_list.clear();
1151    // Process each variable at this ppt.  If the variable is missing at
1152    // each of the children, it is also missing here.  Ignore children that
1153    // have no mapping for this variable
1154    for (VarInfo pvar : ppt.var_infos) {
1155      boolean missing = true;
1156      for (PptRelation rel : ppt.children) {
1157        VarInfo cvar = rel.childVar(pvar);
1158        if ((cvar != null)
1159            && (rel.child.constants != null)
1160            && !rel.child.constants.is_missing(cvar)) {
1161          missing = false;
1162          break;
1163        }
1164      }
1165      Constant c = all_vars[pvar.varinfo_index];
1166      c.checkRep();
1167      c.always_missing = missing;
1168      c.checkRep();
1169      if (missing) missing_list.add(c);
1170    }
1171  }
1173  /** Creates OneOf invariants for each constant. */
1174  public void instantiate_oneof(Constant con) {
1175    assert con.val != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness)";
1177    // @NonNull, but not marked that way to ease warning suppression.
1178    Invariant inv;
1179    PptSlice1 slice1 = (PptSlice1) ppt.get_or_instantiate_slice(con.vi);
1181    // Create the correct OneOf invariant
1182    ProglangType rep_type = con.vi.rep_type;
1183    boolean is_scalar = rep_type.isScalar();
1184    if (is_scalar) {
1185      if (!OneOfScalar.dkconfig_enabled) {
1186        return;
1187      }
1188      inv = OneOfScalar.get_proto().instantiate(slice1);
1189    } else if (rep_type == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY) {
1190      if (!OneOfSequence.dkconfig_enabled) {
1191        return;
1192      }
1193      inv = OneOfSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice1);
1194    } else if (rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE) {
1195      if (!OneOfFloat.dkconfig_enabled) {
1196        return;
1197      }
1198      inv = OneOfFloat.get_proto().instantiate(slice1);
1199    } else if (rep_type == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
1200      if (!OneOfFloatSequence.dkconfig_enabled) {
1201        return;
1202      }
1203      inv = OneOfFloatSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice1);
1204    } else if (rep_type == ProglangType.STRING) {
1205      if (!OneOfString.dkconfig_enabled) {
1206        return;
1207      }
1208      inv = OneOfString.get_proto().instantiate(slice1);
1209    } else if (rep_type == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY) {
1210      if (!OneOfStringSequence.dkconfig_enabled) {
1211        return;
1212      }
1213      inv = OneOfStringSequence.get_proto().instantiate(slice1);
1214    } else {
1215      throw new Error("Unrecognized rep_type in instantiate_oneof");
1216    }
1217    assert inv != null
1218        : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): instantiation of the given invariants always succeeds";
1219    slice1.addInvariant(inv);
1221    // Add the value to it
1222    slice1.add_val_bu(con.val, ValueTuple.MODIFIED, con.count);
1223  }