Package daikon.config

Class ParameterDoclet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ParameterDoclet
    extends Object
    implements Doclet
    ParameterDoclet is a JavaDoc doclet that collects information about the run-time configuration options for the Daikon tools. Refer to the --config command-line option in the Daikon manual for an introduction to the configuration system.
    • Field Detail

      • categories

        protected ParameterDoclet.DocCategory[] categories
        A data structure for the document categories.

        public static String NO_DESCRIPTION
        A value that indicates no description was found.

        public static String UNKNOWN_DEFAULT
        A value that indicates no default value was found.
      • endOfSentence

        public static Pattern endOfSentence
        A Pattern used to check for the end of a sentence.
    • Method Detail

      • initDocCategories

        public void initDocCategories()
        Initialize the categories data structure.
      • processField

        public void processField​(Element field)
        Call Process(String, String, String) for each configuration field found. Intended to be overridden.
        field - the javadoc element for a member field.
      • process

        public void process​(String fullname,
                            String name,
                            String desc)
        Add (name, desc) pair to the map field 'fields' for the appropriate category.
        fullname - the fully-qualified name of a Daikon configuration variable (no "dkconfig_")
        name - the simple name of the variable (starts with "dkconfig_")
        desc - the javadoc comment for this variable
      • writeTexInfo

        public void writeTexInfo​(PrintWriter out)
        Output the parameter info in textinfo format.
        out - where to write the data
      • writeText

        public void writeText​(PrintWriter out)
        Output the parameter info in text format.
        out - where to write the data
      • getDocComment

        public String getDocComment​(DocCommentTree node)
        Fetch the comment string from a DocCommentTree node.
        node - the DocCommentTree to process
        the entire body of the documentation comment as a string. If no comments are found, an empty string is returned (not null).
      • isTypeElement

        public static boolean isTypeElement​(Element element)
        Returns true if the given element kind is a type, i.e., a class, enum, interface, or annotation type.
        element - the element to test
        true, iff the given kind is a type kind