Class StaticObjInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<DaikonVariableInfo>, Iterable<DaikonVariableInfo>

    public class StaticObjInfo
    extends DaikonVariableInfo
    The StaticObjInfo class is a subtype of DaikonVariableInfo used as a root for static variables within a class (which are the only variables visible to static methods). Nothing is printed for this variable in either the decl or dtrace file, it exists only so that the static variables of a class can be nested within it and not directly under the root.
    • Field Detail

      • type

        public Class<?> type
        The type of this variable.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StaticObjInfo

        public StaticObjInfo​(Class<?> type)
        Create a new StaticObjInfo.
        type - the variable's type