Class ParameterInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<DaikonVariableInfo>, Iterable<DaikonVariableInfo>

    public class ParameterInfo
    extends DaikonVariableInfo
    The ParameterInfo class is a subtype of DaikonVariableInfo used for variable types which are arguments to procedures.

    This class takes "precedence" over when a seeming conflict could arise. For instance, consider: public static sort(int array[]). Is the "array" parameter represented as an ParameterInfo object or an ArrayInfo object? Because ParameterInfo takes precedence, it is the former. This makes sense because the arrays are really treated as hash codes at the first level, so such a parameter needs no array-specific processing (at this level of the tree at least).

    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterInfo

        public ParameterInfo​(String theName,
                             int theArgNum,
                             Class<?> argType,
                             int param_offset)
        Constructs an ParameterInfo object with the specified name.
        theName - the variable name (used in the declaration)
      • ParameterInfo

        public ParameterInfo​(MethodInfo mi,
                             int theArgNum,
                             int param_offset)
        Constructs a PamterInfo object with the name/type specified for this the specified argument number in mi.