Package daikon

Class UnionInvariants

  • public final class UnionInvariants
    extends Object
    UnionInvariants is a command-line tool that will read in one (or more) .inv files (possibly gzipped) and write their union into a new .inv file (possibly gzipped). Run with -h flag to view the command line syntax.

    Currently, UnionInvariants works at program point granularity, so two inv files cannot have printable invariants at the same program point.

    You can optionally use Simplify after combination in case you believe invariant context from other types will suppress some invariants. (This tool is also a nice way to run Simplify on a single inv file.)

    • Method Detail

      • union

        public static void union​(PptMap collector,
                                 PptMap source)
        Union multiple PptMaps into one.
        collector - is mutated
        source - is unmodified (but is aliased into)