Package daikon

Class DynComp

  • public class DynComp
    extends Object
    This is the main class for DynComp. It uses the -javaagent switch to Java (which allows classes to be instrumented as they are loaded). This class parses the command line arguments and starts Java with the -javaagent switch on the target program. Code based largely on daikon.Chicory.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static boolean abridged_vars
      Causes DynComp to abridge the variable names printed.
      static @MonotonicNonNull File comparability_file
      Output filename for a more easily human-readable file summarizing comparability sets.
      static boolean debug
      Output debugging information.
      static boolean debug_decl_print
      Print detailed information on variables being observed.
      static File debug_dir
      The directory in which to dump instrumented class files.
      static boolean debug_transform
      Print detailed information on which classes are transformed.
      static @Nullable String decl_file
      Output filename for .decls file suitable for input to Daikon.
      static boolean dump
      Dump the instrumented classes to disk.
      static boolean help
      Display usage information.
      static int nesting_depth
      Depth to which to examine structure components.
      static boolean no_jdk
      Do not use the instrumented JDK.
      static File output_dir
      The directory in which to create output files.
      static List<Pattern> ppt_omit_pattern
      Suppress program points that match regex.
      static List<Pattern> ppt_select_pattern
      Only emit program points that match regex.
      static @MonotonicNonNull File premain
      Path to Java agent .jar file that performs the transformation.
      static @Nullable File rt_file
      Specifies the location of the instrumented JDK.
      static long start
      starting time (msecs)
      static boolean std_visibility
      Causes DynComp to traverse exactly those fields visible from a given program point.
      static String synopsis
      Synopsis for the DynComp command line.
      static @MonotonicNonNull File trace_file
      If specified, write a human-readable file showing some of the interactions that occurred.
      static int trace_line_depth
      Controls size of the stack displayed in tracing the interactions that occurred.
      static boolean verbose
      Print information about the classes being transformed.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Field Detail

      • help

        public static boolean help
        Display usage information.
      • verbose

        public static boolean verbose
        Print information about the classes being transformed.
      • dump

        public static boolean dump
        Dump the instrumented classes to disk.
      • debug

        public static boolean debug
        Output debugging information.
      • debug_dir

        public static File debug_dir
        The directory in which to dump instrumented class files.
      • output_dir

        public static File output_dir
        The directory in which to create output files.
      • decl_file

        public static @Nullable String decl_file
        Output filename for .decls file suitable for input to Daikon.
      • comparability_file

        public static @MonotonicNonNull File comparability_file
        Output filename for a more easily human-readable file summarizing comparability sets.
      • trace_file

        public static @MonotonicNonNull File trace_file
        If specified, write a human-readable file showing some of the interactions that occurred.
      • trace_line_depth

        public static int trace_line_depth
        Controls size of the stack displayed in tracing the interactions that occurred.
      • abridged_vars

        public static boolean abridged_vars
        Causes DynComp to abridge the variable names printed.
      • rt_file

        public static @Nullable File rt_file
        Specifies the location of the instrumented JDK.
      • std_visibility

        public static boolean std_visibility
        Causes DynComp to traverse exactly those fields visible from a given program point.
      • nesting_depth

        public static int nesting_depth
        Depth to which to examine structure components.
      • debug_transform

        public static boolean debug_transform
        Print detailed information on which classes are transformed.
      • debug_decl_print

        public static boolean debug_decl_print
        Print detailed information on variables being observed.
      • no_jdk

        public static boolean no_jdk
        Do not use the instrumented JDK.
      • start

        public static long start
        starting time (msecs)
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Entry point of DynComp.
        args - see usage for argument descriptions
      • check_args

        public static void check_args​(Options options,
                                      String[] target_args)
        Check the command-line arguments for legality. Prints a message and exits if there was an error.
        options - set of legal options to DynComp
        target_args - arguments being passed to the target program
      • redirect_wait

        public int redirect_wait​(Process p)
        Wait for stream redirect threads to complete.
      • elapsed

        public static String elapsed()
        Returns elapsed time since the start of the program.
        elapsed time since the start of the program
      • elapsed_msecs

        public static long elapsed_msecs()
        Returns number of milliseconds since the start of the program.
        number of milliseconds since the start of the program
      • args_to_string

        public String args_to_string​(List<String> args)
        Convert a list of arguments into a command-line string. Only used for debugging output.
        args - the list of arguments
        argument string