Sample output from Daikon dynamic invariant detector
This is a simple example of Daikon's ouput. The colored annotations
starting with @
(in JML format) were automatically detected
by Daikon and automatically inserted in the source code.
package DataStructures;
// StackAr class
// CONSTRUCTION: with or without a capacity; default is 10
// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************
// void push( x ) --> Insert x
// void pop( ) --> Remove most recently inserted item
// Object top( ) --> Return most recently inserted item
// Object topAndPop( ) --> Return and remove most recently inserted item
// boolean isEmpty( ) --> Return true if empty; else false
// boolean isFull( ) --> Return true if full; else false
// void makeEmpty( ) --> Remove all items
// ******************ERRORS********************************
// Overflow and Underflow thrown as needed
* Array-based implementation of the stack.
* @author Mark Allen Weiss
public class StackAr
//@ invariant this.theArray != null;
//@ invariant \typeof(this.theArray) == \type(java.lang.Object[]);
//@ invariant this.topOfStack >= -1;
//@ invariant this.topOfStack <= this.theArray.length-1;
//@ invariant (\forall int i; (this.topOfStack+1 <= i && i <= this.theArray.length-1) ==> (this.theArray[i] == null));
//@ invariant (\forall int i; (0 <= i && i <= this.topOfStack) ==> (this.theArray[i] != null));
//@ invariant theArray.owner == this;
//@ requires capacity >= 0;
//@ ensures \old(capacity) == this.theArray.length;
//@ ensures this.topOfStack == -1;
* Construct the stack.
* @param capacity the capacity.
public StackAr( int capacity )
theArray = new Object[ capacity ];
//@ set theArray.owner = this;
topOfStack = -1;
//@ ensures (\result == false) == (this.topOfStack >= 0);
//@ ensures (\result == true) == (this.topOfStack == -1);
* Test if the stack is logically empty.
* @return true if empty, false otherwise.
* @observer
public boolean isEmpty( )
return topOfStack == -1;
//@ ensures (this.topOfStack < this.theArray.length-1) == (\result == false);
* Test if the stack is logically full.
* @return true if full, false otherwise.
* @observer
public boolean isFull( )
return topOfStack == theArray.length - 1;
//@ modifies this.theArray[*], this.topOfStack;
//@ ensures (\forall int i, j; (\old(this.topOfStack)+1 <= i && i <= this.theArray.length-1 && \old(this.topOfStack+1) <= j && j <= \old(this.theArray.length-1) && (i-(\old(this.topOfStack)+1)) == (j-(\old(this.topOfStack+1)))) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ));
//@ ensures this.topOfStack == -1;
* Make the stack logically empty.
public void makeEmpty( )
java.util.Arrays.fill(theArray, 0, topOfStack + 1, null);
topOfStack = -1;
//@ ensures (\result != null) == (this.topOfStack >= 0);
//@ ensures (this.topOfStack >= 0) ==> (\result == this.theArray[this.topOfStack]);
* Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
* Does not alter the stack.
* @return the most recently inserted item in the stack, or null, if empty.
* @observer
public Object top( )
if( isEmpty( ) )
return null;
return theArray[ topOfStack ];
//@ requires this.topOfStack >= 0;
//@ modifies this.theArray[*], this.topOfStack;
//@ ensures (\forall int i, j; (0 <= i && i <= this.topOfStack && 0 <= j && j <= \old(this.topOfStack)-1 && i == j) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == this.theArray[j] ))(\forall int i, j; (0 <= i && i <= this.topOfStack && 0 <= j && j <= \old(this.topOfStack-1) && i == j) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ))(\forall int i, j; (0 <= i && i <= this.topOfStack && 0 <= j && j <= \old(this.topOfStack-1) && i == j) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ));
//@ ensures \old(this.topOfStack) == this.topOfStack + 1;
* Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
* @exception Underflow if stack is already empty.
public void pop( ) throws Underflow
if( isEmpty( ) )
throw new Underflow( );
theArray[ topOfStack-- ] = null;
//@ requires x != null;
//@ modifies this.theArray[*], this.topOfStack;
//@ ensures \old(x) == this.theArray[this.topOfStack];
//@ ensures (\forall int i, j; (this.topOfStack+1 <= i && i <= this.theArray.length-1 && \old(this.topOfStack+2) <= j && j <= \old(this.theArray.length-1) && (i-(this.topOfStack+1)) == (j-(\old(this.topOfStack+2)))) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ));
//@ ensures (\forall int i, j; (0 <= i && i <= \old(this.topOfStack) && 0 <= j && j <= \old(this.topOfStack) && i == j) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ));
//@ ensures \old(this.topOfStack) == this.topOfStack - 1;
* Insert a new item into the stack, if not already full.
* @param x the item to insert.
* @exception Overflow if stack is already full.
public void push( Object x ) throws Overflow
if( isFull( ) )
throw new Overflow( );
theArray[ ++topOfStack ] = x;
//@ modifies this.theArray[*], this.topOfStack;
//@ ensures (\forall int i, j; (0 <= i && i <= this.topOfStack && 0 <= j && j <= this.topOfStack && i == j) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ));
//@ ensures (\forall int i, j; (\old(this.topOfStack)+1 <= i && i <= this.theArray.length-1 && \old(this.topOfStack+1) <= j && j <= \old(this.theArray.length-1) && (i-(\old(this.topOfStack)+1)) == (j-(\old(this.topOfStack+1)))) ==> ( this.theArray[i] == \old(this.theArray[j]) ));
//@ ensures (\old(this.topOfStack) >= 0) == (\result != null);
//@ ensures (\old(this.topOfStack) >= 0) ==> (\old(this.topOfStack) == this.topOfStack + 1);
//@ ensures (\old(this.topOfStack) >= 0) ==> (\result == \old(this.theArray[this.topOfStack]));
//@ ensures this.topOfStack <= \old(this.topOfStack);
* Return and remove most recently inserted item from the stack.
* @return most recently inserted item, or null, if stack is empty.
public Object topAndPop( )
if( isEmpty( ) )
return null;
Object topItem = top( );
theArray[ topOfStack-- ] = null;
return topItem;
/*@ spec_public */ private Object [ ] theArray;
/*@ spec_public */ private int topOfStack;
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